
A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 13

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1. Explain phrase: "In all the earth."

2. From what word might it be inferred that the author was a king?

3. What three phrases indicate the shepherd life of the author?

4. What historical event may be referred to in verse 2?

5. How many heavens are mentioned?

6. What two expressions indicate the exalted position of man?

IX. _An a.n.a.lytic Study of Psalm 139:_

1. Name carefully the marvels in the following pa.s.sages:

(a) Verses 1 to 6.

(b) Verses 7 to 10.

(c) Verses 14 to 16.

(d) Verses 17 and 18.

2. The p.r.o.nouns of the First Person.

(a) Underline and count.

(b) In what verses not found?

3. The p.r.o.nouns of the Second Person. (Or word referring to G.o.d.)

(a) Underline and count.

(b) In what verses not found?

4. Select an example of as many of the seven specific characteristics as are found in this psalm.

5. Meaning of the following words or phrases: Verse 8, "Sheol." Verse 9, "wings of the morning." Verse 16, "thy book."


I. _Author._

II. _Names:_

(1) Song of Solomon.

(2) Song of Songs.

(3) Canticles.

Give the meaning of each.

III. _General Description:_

It is probably an allegorical drama. It pictures the love of Solomon to a princess, typifying, as many believe, the love of Christ to the Church. Read Ephesians 5 and be prepared to answer questions thereon.

Richard Moulton describes it as containing seven idyllic poems.

IV. _Words of Explanation:_

1. Its Oriental tinge must be remembered. In the Occident uncovered b.r.e.a.s.t.s would be an impropriety, but not in the Orient.

2. The revised version removes some questionable utterances. Compare in the two versions 1:13 and 5:14.

3. Were we less sensual we could better appreciate its beauty. The beautiful in art is greatly lost by the impurity of our fleshly nature.

So the beautiful in this poem.

4. It is a poem, hence the author uses the poetic license.

5. The poem needs a division into its parts, and a naming of parts, places and speakers, for a clearer understanding. Students of the poem have made this division. The following is a sample:

1. Antechamber of Palace.--Bride and Ladies.--Welcome to Home.--1:2 to 1:8.

2. Audience Room of Palace.--Bride: Groom: Attendants.--First Interview.--1:9 to 2:6.

3. Palace Window.--Bride: Groom.--Serenade and Invitation.--2:7 to 2:17.

4. Private Chamber.--Bride.--Search: A dream.--3:1-4.

V. _Phrases Worthy of Remembrance:_

1. Three descriptions applied to Christ. 2:1. Find two others in Chapter 5.

2. Our Lord's banner. 2:4.

3. The double possession. 2:10.

NOTE.--Write these phrases in full, with locations.


I. _Author_.

II. _Derivation and Meaning of Word._

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