
A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 12

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IV. _Specific Characteristics:_

NOTE.--Select a sentence from any psalm, ill.u.s.trating each characteristic, and record the same in its appropriate place, giving the chapter and verse.

1. Teaching.

2. Testimony.

3. Prayer.

4. Confession.

5. Praise.

6. Exhortation.

7. History.

V. _Leading Authors:_

Heman, author of the 88th; Ethan, 89; Moses, 90; Solomon, 72 and 127.

The sons of Korah (who were they?) wrote eleven. Examples 42 to 49.

Asaph (who was he?) wrote twelve. Examples 73 to 83. David wrote seventy-three.

VI. _Names of Leading Psalms_

NOTE.--Select a phrase from the psalm, or state the reason, upon which the name is based.

1. The Two Ways.

3. A Morning Hymn.

4. An Evening Hymn.

8. The Glory of the Creator in the Creature.

15. A Citizen of Zion.

16. The Blessings of the Believer.

22. A Psalm of the Cross.


27. The Tonic Psalm.


42. From Depths to Heights.

45. A Marriage Song.

46. A Battle Hymn.

51. A Sinner's Open Confession.

65. The Farmer's Psalm.


90. The Funeral Hymn.

91. The Safety Psalm.

100. The Doxology.

103. G.o.d in Grace.

104. G.o.d in Nature.

105. G.o.d in History.

119. The Glory of the Word.

Name three peculiarities of this psalm.

121. The Traveler's Psalm.

137. The Patriot's Hymn.

139. The Psalm of Marvels.

146 to 150. The Hallelujah Psalms.

The word Hallelujah is the Hebrew for "Praise ye the Lord."

VII. _The Messianic Psalms:_

Study meaning and description in Bible Dictionary. Why would David be fitted to write such psalms? Note three features of these psalms: 1.

Kingship. 2. Unlimited rule. 3. Unending dominion. Note also the basis for the following names:

2. The Victorious King.

45. The Glorious King.

72. The Helping King.

110. The Conquering King.

VIII. _A Question Study on Psalm 8:_

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A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible Part 12 summary

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