
The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful Chapter 728 I, Ji Chen, Am the Key Player (2)

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728 I, Ji Chen, Am the Key Player (2)


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

I_Love_Black_Stockings said, “This time we brought the first batch of resources, and subsequent batches will be sent later. The first aid includes eight million units of rare resources, thirty million units of common resources, and some special materials for constructing defensive works.

In addition, there is also an army of around fifty thousand troops, with an average tier of 4th Tier, 9th Star. Among them, three divisions are marine units, and two divisions are land combat units.”

Ji Chen was somewhat surprised. This was just the first batch, yet there were tens of millions of resources and a army of fifty thousand troops. When the subsequent batches arrived, wouldn’t this be a substantial aid?

Just the eight million units of rare resources were something that ordinary guilds couldn’t produce.

Apart from the sheer strength, which couldn’t match Ji Chen and the Crown of the Ocean, the guild’s power was incomparable to that of individual players.

Of course, these aid resources didn’t directly belong to Ji Chen. They would be jointly discussed and supervised by both parties on how to use them to defend against the demon incursion. However, that was a matter for later discussion.

That evening, Ji Chen hosted a grand banquet to welcome the King Kong Island Guild’s support to the Crown of the Ocean. This wasn’t just a gesture of grat.i.tude towards LLove_Black_Stockings and their guild but also a stance towards other powers.

I, Ji Chen, am the key player!

If the Crown of the Ocean couldn’t hold off the demon army, then all of you can expect the demons to come straight to your doorstep, trashing your yard and even smashing your windows!

The banquet was held on the beach not far from the Lord’s Manor. It was a grand bonfire party, with a towering bonfire burning brightly.

Sea beasts were skewered on iron forks, rotating over the grill, emitting a tantalizing aroma under the rising charcoal smoke, enticing the diners around.

Barrels of wine, considered n.o.ble fare elsewhere, were stacked like pyramids, and various marine delicacies were laid out as if they were free.

What was considered precious seafood on land was nothing here on the high seas. It was a bounty with each haul.

For the members of the King Kong Island Guild, it was the first time they had witnessed Ji Chen’s magnanimity.

The next day, both sides smoothly discussed the purpose of this support. Eight million units of rare resources might not seem like a lot, but it was still substantial.

Considering the recruitment consumption of the Crown of the Ocean, it equated to only a few weeks’ worth of crystals.

It felt exaggerated to think that a million units of resources, considered aid by a relatively large guild, were just a month’s recruitment consumption for the Crown of the Ocean. The disparity in recruiting troops was significant.

Regarding this aid, what Ji Chen was more concerned about were the five divisions of fifty thousand troops each. Although 4th Tier, 9-Stars wasn’t high, it was sufficient for defense. With the long coastal walls that the Crown of the Ocean was constructing, it meant taking on greater defensive pressure. Having this army stationed there was undoubtedly a blessing in disguise.

Ji Chen was of an epic tier, but he wasn’t reckless when facing demons.

He speculated that while the orderly divine lineage was entangled by the dark divine lineage, it could also serve to restrain the dark divine lineage, preventing them from projecting more power into the main world.

As a result, the most formidable enemies he would face were the five demon lords.

What made him cautious was that these five demon lords, who had always remained hidden and never revealed themselves, were all at least epic-tier beings. And many thousands of years ago, they were already epic-tier. No one knew if they had ascended to an even higher tier in all those millennia… surpa.s.sing the epic tier.

Ji Chen had to be fully prepared to ensure that the Crown of the Ocean could withstand the demon army without his a.s.sistance. Whether it was the Great Luminescent Sea, the Starshine Islands, or the King Kong Island Guild, whether it was the sixth-tier army or the heroes of the Crown of the Ocean, they were all part of his preparations for this.

The banquet ended.

Late at night, as people retired to bed and the lights dimmed, the entire New Moon Islands, except for the troops patrolling, had already entered the realm of dreams. The streets were only left with the occasional clinking of armor that should have been spa.r.s.e.

At this time, instead of sleeping, he came alone to the northeastern sub-island, instructing the stationed soldiers to open the Mystic Realm Gate leading to the Skull Mystic Realm.

It had been several months since he last left the Skull Mystic Realm, yet it remained unchanged. The red desert stretched from the far left to the far right, extending to the dark red horizon.

Since he had slain the Skull King who once ruled this realm, only a group of mindless, wandering skeletons remained. Due to the harsh environment and the abundance of skeletons, the Crown of the Ocean had not developed this area. Desolation was the eternal theme here.

Ji Chen didn’t linger for too long. He quickly found Krieg’s laboratory, which was close by, and used the Sword of Warlords to lift it from beneath the desert. He strode in and arrived at the s.p.a.ce where Elin and Thotmudo were originally imprisoned.

There were no changes here compared to when he left. Numerous “specimens” captured by the grand necromancer Krieg were imprisoned in birdcage-shaped cells, enveloped in silence.

Inside the cells were all sorts of bizarre races: six-armed nagas, one-eyed giants, thousand-legged void worms…

These formidable races, once famous for countless ages, could only resist the erosion of time through dormancy within this confined s.p.a.ce, hoping to endure until the day Krieg was willing to let them leave.

However, the soul of the grand necromancer Krieg had already been mercilessly crushed when he attempted to possess Ji Chen, and the entire laboratory’s authority fell into Ji Chen’s hands.

As Ji Chen silently observed these races, alive but not much different from the dead, something peculiar happened in one of the cages.

The stiff body inside slowly became supple, and a hint of life began to emanate from it.

A pair of eyes, as if seeing through eternity, slowly opened.

Ji Chen noticed the movement and walked over to the cage with interest.

This cage was probably as large as a double-story building, much larger than the one where Elin and Krieg were imprisoned, but still too cramped for the creature inside. It couldn’t even stand straight; it could only stand in a cramped position.

As Ji Chen looked up and took in its appearance, he saw a lion-like head with deer antlers on top, fierce and sinister eyes, a deer’s body covered in dragon-like scales, and a loose tail above its rear.

Its body emitted substantial black mist, giving off an evil aura surpa.s.sing even that of demons.

The ferocious beast stared at Ji Chen with eyes full of undisguised malice and spoke in human language.

“Little chick, tell me, how could that necromancer let a human walk in his laboratory?”

Ji Chen shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe he’s dead?”

The beast fell silent, seemingly considering this possibility, but soon shook its head. “That necromancer was a pinnacle power, unbeatable by anyone except the G.o.ds. Even if he’s dead, it’s only his body that died. As long as his soul capsule remains, he can continuously resurrect using prepared bodies.

I was deceived by him, thinking I had killed him, and let my guard down. In the end, he ambushed me after his resurrection and caught me here.”

Ji Chen nodded. Although the beast looked terrifying and evil, it spoke in a relatively friendly manner.

Ji Chen became interested.

“Can you tell me your name?”

The beast showed a disdainful expression. “Weaklings have no right to know my name…”

In the next moment, Ji Chen’s body emitted an epic-tier aura, causing the beast to swallow its next words and look somewhat astonished.

This tiny human was actually epic-tier?

After a long silence, the beast roared discontentedly.

“I am called Isaiah, the Beast of the Final Chaos, the guardian of the Abyss Path, the howling beast of the Chaotic Forest, imprisoned here twelve thousand years ago..”

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The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful Chapter 728 I, Ji Chen, Am the Key Player (2) summary

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