
The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful Chapter 688: Elf Queen Laphia (2)

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Chapter 688: Elf Queen Laphia (2)


Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

They didn’t have to climb the stairs again, which was a relief. He had been considering earlier that if they had to ascend the stairs one step at a time, it would be exhausting for the maids and guards who had to go up and down every day.

* Click.*

The alchemical elevator, pulled by the metal cable, ascended towards the heights. Their view gradually rose, and half of the Silver Moon Holy City came into sight. After ascending a few hundred meters, it gradually came to a stop, docking on an extended platform.

On both sides of the platform stood rows of fully armed elven soldiers. When they saw Ji Chen and his group, their eyes showed a gaze that was like interrogating criminals, filled with pride and disdain. Especially towards Lainekel, who emitted an evil aura, their hostility was undisguised.

Ji Chen frowned slightly and released a hint of epic-tier aura. These elven soldiers instantly felt as if a heavy stone was pressing on their shoulders, their faces turning red, and their bodies trembling.

Seeing this, the head maid shouted sternly, “These are Her Majesty’s honored guests! Put away your disrespectful looks!”

The elven soldiers immediately lowered their heads and apologized, no longer showing the same eyes as before.

The head maid bowed to Ji Chen again and said apologetically, “Lord Ji Chen, it was my negligence. Please don’t take it to heart.”

Ji Chen dispelled the oppressive aura and said expressionlessly, “Lainekel is my friend, and I don’t want others to treat him like this.”

“I understand, and I will certainly discipline them more,” the head maid said apologetically again.

When Lainekel saw Ji Chen speaking up for him, a trace of grat.i.tude flashed in his eyes.

He hated Balzana even more for transforming him into this monstrous appearance, swearing to make it pay a b.l.o.o.d.y price.

Seeing that Ji Chen didn’t pursue the matter further, the head maid breathed a sigh of relief. She had expected this kind of temperament from a powerful individual. What had happened was considered a minor incident for someone of his stature.

She quickly said, “Please follow me; His Majesty is just ahead.”

Pa.s.sing through an outer stone corridor hanging on the side, they arrived at an open-air garden. Ji Chen quickly noticed a veiled female elf sitting in a pavilion.

Just a glimpse of her side face already surpa.s.sed the beauty of any female from any race Ji Chen had ever seen. The magnificent palace attire gently wrapped around her perfectly proportioned body, revealing a hint of flawless, snow-white skin with no imperfections in sight.

Lainekel stared at the sight and gradually went blank, his eyes fixed.

As if sensing their gazes, the veiled female elf turned her head lightly, and a pair of eyes even brighter than gold gazed back.

Miligas and the head maid quickly bowed and said, “Your Majesty Laphia!”

This was the elven queen?

Although the elven race had a long lifespan, their appearance wasn’t static. Although Ji Chen didn’t know her exact age, according to the information he had gathered, the current elven queen had been in power for three hundred years. Yet, she looked exceptionally young now, her appearance and demeanor resembling a lady in her mid-twenties.

The elven queen stood up, slightly lifting her chin. She didn’t speak, but her eyes, as if they could speak, had already provided an answer.

She shifted her gaze towards Ji Chen.

Miligas quickly introduced, “This is Lord Ji Chen, the one you wished to meet earlier, Your Majesty.”

The elven queen nodded slightly, her eyes moved up and down, taking a closer look. Handsome appearance, exceptional demeanor, well-proportioned physique – there was an air of mystery and strength about him.

Quite a charming human.

She smiled faintly, her cherry lips parting, “Welcome to the Silver Moon Holy City, Glory Lord of the Ocean Crown, and this… half-human guest.”

Her voice was melodious, like a songbird in a secluded valley.

Lainekel was suddenly jolted back to reality and looked embarra.s.sed.

Ji Chen nodded slightly in acknowledgment, “Your Majesty, good day.”

Queen Lavifa looked at Ji Chen and continued, “Lord Ji Chen, the Merfabric produced in your territory has become immensely popular in the Silver Moon Holy City within a short period. Countless elves have been vying for it, even the High Priest appreciates it greatly.”

“It’s because Your Majesty graciously allowed Ocean’s Crown products in the city’s market that they’ve become so popular,” Ji Chen responded with a smile. “If you and the High Priest are interested, I still have some of the finest Merfabric available as a gift for your visit.”

As the influence of Ocean’s Crown grew stronger, they gradually found materials to produce top-quality Merfabric. However, they only sold the lower grades, keeping the finest ones for special occasions like this.

Such as the current situation.

Seeing Ji Chen’s generosity, Queen Laphia chuckled lightly. “Lord Ji Chen is truly generous. I won’t take advantage of you too much. Let’s set the purchase price at a thousand units of spirit crystals per piece.”

Ji Chen was slightly taken aback but then smiled. “Since Your Majesty is so agreeable, it would be affectedly coy of me to hesitate.”

A thousand units of spirit crystals per piece? That was an astronomical profit!

The Merfolk were split into two groups for production. One focused on making the lower-quality Merfabric, while the other specialized in crafting the finest silk. This resulted in a weekly output of approximately fifty pieces, which was equivalent to fifty thousand spirit crystals.

Fifty thousand a week, two hundred thousand a month!

With such rapid acc.u.mulation, they could easily max out the military talent tree!

Meeting this wealthy elven queen was truly a rewarding experience!

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The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful Chapter 688: Elf Queen Laphia (2) summary

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