
Antomea's Chronicle - Nina 6 Sweet Whims

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Nina already regrets the decision she just made. Her parents were wrong, kindness is rarely rewarded.

In order to heal for the two Beastmen girls who were severely beaten, she had them transported to the first bas.e.m.e.nt of the castle.

This place is very different from the prison. It is very easy to get lost in this vast network of corridors covered with red and decorated with a thousand paintings each one more beautiful than the next.

The thick ochre and black carpet of the corridor is so thick that every time Nina puts her feet on it, she fears being swallowed by this a.s.sembly of wool and linen.

"Nina, my child, cease your whims or, like last time, I will be forced to freeze you to make you look less beastly."

That old fool of Gandor, Nina's known him ever since she came to the Capital. General Maverick's great friend is also one of the kingdom's powerful mages, and to the young woman's despair, this stubborn man once proclaimed her as his niece.

Although the old man who apart from the General is the only one who knows her true nature, he is also the one who allowed her to awaken her latent abilities. No matter how grateful she is to him for this reason, sometimes the young woman would like him to pay a little less attention to her.

"Leave me alone, or I'll bite you."

"I see. Well, then you leave me no other choice. (freeze) All right, now that you've calmed down, let's get that blood off your face. (Purifying Water) I could also dry you off, however, I won't bother wasting my energy on a stubborn donkey. (Release) The difficult part is done, so I'll go and cure those poor girls you brought me."

Nina as often when she winds here, is a little angry. She saying nothing of her resentment, but waits patiently for Gandor's old legs to lead him to the room where the two wounded men are lying.

Only when he has disappeared from her sight, thet flames come to cover her wet body.

"Nina, stop it immediately. Do you know how many gold coins it cost me to restore my laboratory?"

The young woman sighed and reluctantly, she makes it disappear the flames that didn't have time to accomplish their work.

In order not to get too bored, she looks at the different jars containing strange substances of different colours and consistencies.

She approaches the skeleton of a large creature with a prominent jaw placed in a corner of the room. Curious, she stands on tiptoes and directs her hand towards the enormous teeth of this unknown monster, but a new warning from next room forces her to step back.

Between the stuffed animals, those bathing in the formol, the hundreds of incomplete spells scattered on the floor, the various artifacts and other curiosities, to Nina, this laboratory is no different from a treasure cave.

"You've been coming here at least once a month for almost twelve years now and in all that time your curious little girl's eyes have remained unchanged. Which Royal Protector? To me, you are still the child you were.

Well, Nina, it's not all that, but unlike you who spends your days wandering the halls, me, I have to work.

I nursed your two little protected and fed them a strengthening potion. Their bodies may be heal, however, they have been undernourished for far too long. Within a week, their general condition should greatly improve if you feed them this. Let them rest, nurse them well and within two weeks they'll be running through the fields like rabbits."

Nina would like to say thank you to this old man, that even though she refuses to admit it to herself, she loves very much, but without even looking at him, she rips the two little blue gla.s.s bottles out of his hands.

"I don't care what happens to them. You can take care of them yourself, because in any case, even if I wanted to, I couldn't keep those girls. Early tomorrow morning, I'm taking a small part of my Dark Brigade to escort the delegation to the Royal Palace in Esope."

In the face of so much dishonesty, the old man, holding back his laughter, just shakes his head.

"I understand, your life is so hectic... However, if you don't care what happens to those girls, why did you tear the potions out of my hands without even thinking about it. Ladies, join our brave Royal Protector.

Now run along, you little hypocrite. Oh, so that they don't get too tired on the way, borrow a carriage from the Palace to go home. Give the maids of your house my recommendations and say h.e.l.lo to my old friend for me."

"You don't have to order me to do anything. As a reminder, my position inside the Kingdom is superior to yours, so show me some respect. You two who are standing foolishly still, follow me. I really wonder why I had the stupid idea of pulling you out of your hole?

Besides to impose on myself the constraint making you free from your position as a slave , it will take us a long time to get to the stables to hire a carriage."

Nina quickly escapes from Gandor's laboratory, which for her, is one of the only two places where she feels safe.

However pleasant is her visit among the multicoloured jars, in this laboratory, Nina unconsciously lowers her defences. This state, which she sees as a momentary weakness, allows the old man to never fail to unmask her.

After climbing the stone staircase, the two slightly more valiant girls after swallowing the bitter potion, hesitate to cross the area that will lead them to the s.p.a.ce where the great men of the human world gravitate.

If they were to be seen dressed in their rags moving freely in s.p.a.ces that are normally forbidden to them, there is no doubt that a sword would pierce them in the instant.

"So, are you waiting for a written invitation or would you like me to take you back to your dog crate?"

The two teenage girls, whose tiny feline ears set them apart from the beings present beyond the wide door, look at each other.

One of them takes a step backwards and with her eyes downcast, she addresses the tall, bossy girl who, in her red armour looks more than terrifying.

"Yes Ma'am, thank you for walking us back to where we it is our belong."

Is it even possible to be so frightened and submissive? What did these teenage girls go through to become such rugs on which the Humans can at their leisure, wipe their feet?

For a moment, speechless in face of the answer she didn't expect, Nina watches these girls who have never yet looked up from the ground.

"Do you think I have time to respond to the slightest of your whims. Do I look like some kind of maid whose job it is to satisfy your selfish little wishes? Do you think I'm going to put on a cute little black and white dress and serve you a gla.s.s of wine and a toast? Not another word and follow me or I'll have guards throw you where I desire it."


"Like you, on a whim."


"I don't do it out of generosity of heart, know that. Pure selfishness dictates my conduct. Well now that your marks of a slave is gone, let's take the direction of the stable.

The old man recommended that you rest, so... Not a word! Without your unpleasant apparition which will certainly disturb my quiet life, I'll already be comfortably settled on my couch."

If Nina didn't try to conceal her usually very pale face, now covered with a very p.r.o.nounced red tint, the two girls might believe in her dry words.

However, when they see the tall girl so embarra.s.sed that she doesn't even dare to look at them anymore, the two Beastmen girls whose eyes have left the floor to rest on the back of Nina's head, start to laugh discreetly.

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Antomea's Chronicle - Nina 6 Sweet Whims summary

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