
You've Already Got It Part 5

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Scripture gives no indication that demons reproduce and have baby demons. Therefore, it's safe to say that the number of evil spirits working on the earth hasn't grown over the centuries and millennia. Either there was a huge number of demons per person back in Adam and Eve's day, or there's a lack of demons today. There are at least six billion people on the planet now. If everyone has a personal demon, then back in the early days there must have been six billion of them attacking Adam, Eve, and their children. However, if there aren't that many to begin with, then today there's a shortage of demons to go around. Personally, I don't believe the devil can do everything he tries to do. He's not limitless in his ability to fight us. I think Satan just lets some people go because he's shorthanded.

So Daniel, for whatever reason, got his prayer through to G.o.d without resistance in chapter 9, but Satan hindered his prayer in chapter 10. When most believers pray today and don't see their answer immediately manifest, they get mad at G.o.d and wonder what's going on. Instead of saying, "O G.o.d, I've prayed and nothing's happened. When will You answer me?" pray, "Father, I know You are faithful. Thank You for answering me. I know it's almost manifest!" Don't lose your faith just because you've been waiting three weeks for the manifestation!

The Bridge What would have happened if Daniel had moved out of faith and quit praying on the twentieth day in chapter 10? He easily could have reasoned, Well, G.o.d answered my prayer last time in three minutes. By this time tomorrow, it'll have been three whole weeks. I quit! Well, G.o.d answered my prayer last time in three minutes. By this time tomorrow, it'll have been three whole weeks. I quit! If Daniel had done that, his answer wouldn't have manifested. Even though G.o.d had already given the commandment, and the messenger was on his way, the demonic opposition would have prevailed had Daniel withdrawn his faith. If Daniel had done that, his answer wouldn't have manifested. Even though G.o.d had already given the commandment, and the messenger was on his way, the demonic opposition would have prevailed had Daniel withdrawn his faith.

G.o.d does things according to the power that's at work in us. (Eph. 3:20.) That's why we must believe! Faith is the bridge that G.o.d's provision uses to cross out of the spirit realm into the physical. We must provide that bridge. G.o.d is a Spirit, and He moves in the spirit world. (John 4:24.) Whether what's spiritually true ever manifests itself in the natural realm or not isn't dependent upon G.o.d answering prayer, but whether we can-by faith- reach over into the spiritual realm and bring what He's already done into physical manifestation. Our faith provides the bridge for Our faith provides the bridge for G.o.d to cross over into the physical world. G.o.d to cross over into the physical world.

G.o.d doesn't do things without us, and we certainly can't do anything without Him. G.o.d is the One who must provide something in the first place in the spirit. But then He flows through us to get it into the natural realm. That's an awesome revelation!

Authority + Power = Power = Responsibility Responsibility Daniel persevered in prayer. He may or may not have understood all of these things, but he knew G.o.d had his answer and simply refused to quit until it manifested. Prior to the angel's arrival and explanation, the Word doesn't indicate that Daniel knew what was happening in the spiritual world as he prayed. From his perspective, it may have seemed like G.o.d was totally silent and ignoring him. Yet Daniel persevered and continued praying in faith. However, even if G.o.d had shown him that a demonic power was hindering the messenger from bringing his answer, Daniel couldn't have done anything about it. Why? Old Testament saints didn't have any power or authority over the devil.

As a New Testament believer, G.o.d has given you authority and power. With that comes responsibility.

"Submit yourselves therefore to G.o.d. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7).

If you don't resist the devil, he won't flee. It's G.o.d's power standing behind you making it work, but nonetheless, the devil flees from you. You can't ask G.o.d to rebuke the devil for you. He's given that authority to you!

Many Christians today pray and then pa.s.sively stand, and stand, and stand in "faith" patiently waiting until finally- maybe-they receive their answer. If they do receive, it's because they're like a dog with a bone. Refusing to let go, they stand there through all of the pain, circ.u.mstances, and persecution the devil throws at them. They receive their answer by default because they're still standing after Satan's hurled his worst. These believers simply fail (1) to recognize that the devil is hindering their answer from manifesting and (2) to exercise the power and authority they've been given to do something about it.

As a born-again believer, you don't have to pray the way Old Testament people did. For the sake of ill.u.s.tration, let's say Daniel was born again and had the privileges of a New Testament believer there in chapter 10. After praying and not seeing his answer manifest within three minutes, he could have said, "G.o.d, You're the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8.) If You gave the commandment at the beginning of my supplication last time, I know You did the same thing this time. You've already answered. Father, I thank You that it's on its way. Since You've already given the command, would You please tell me what's the holdup?"

And G.o.d would've shown Daniel, "There's demonic opposition against your prayer." Then he could've stood up and rebuked that demonic power. As a born-again believer, Daniel could've taken authority over the devil and commanded him to get out of the way. This would have dramatically shortened the period of time between "amen" and "there it is" (manifestation). Daniel could've done that as a New Testament believer. As an Old Testament saint, he couldn't. All he could do was stand.

But if you understand these principles, you'll have great comfort knowing that G.o.d has already done it. He has already commanded your answer, but it must come from the spiritual world into the physical world. There are a number of things that can happen to hinder that. I don't have enough s.p.a.ce in this book to list everything He's shown me, but I'll give you several examples to help ill.u.s.trate.


The Answer Is in the Spirit.

Many people pray for provision and then expect G.o.d to instantly manifest their answer. If it doesn't happen, then they start doubting and say, "G.o.d, why haven't You done anything?" No, the Lord has already done His part. He's already commanded financial blessing upon all believers. (Deut. 8:18.) G.o.d has already given every Christian power, anointing, and ability to prosper. Psalm 35:27 reveals His delight "in the prosperity of his servant." In the spirit, there's abundant supply for every born-again believer. (2 Cor. 8:9.) G.o.d Himself doesn't give you the money. He gives you power to get wealth, but He doesn't drop the cash in your wallet directly. The Lord gives you an anointing-an ability-and then you must go out and set your hand to something. One of the reasons why many Christians who are praying for financial blessing haven't seen it manifest yet is because they think G.o.d gives it to them directly. G.o.d will bless the work of your hands, but first you have to do something!

His Provision Comes Through People Provision Comes Through People You can hinder what G.o.d has already commanded and done in the spirit from manifesting in the physical realm. Many people stay on welfare because they can't make as much money at McDonald's. So they do nothing and continue to pray for G.o.d to dump provision into their lap. G.o.d can't bless and multiply welfare, because you aren't doing anything to get it. But if you'd go out and work at McDonald's-even if you had to take a cut in pay from welfare-G.o.d could begin to multiply that. As you work, He can prosper and bring finances to you.

G.o.d uses people to bless you.

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give men give into your bosom" (Luke 6:38, emphasis mine). into your bosom" (Luke 6:38, emphasis mine).

He sends His financial provision to you through people.

Money is an earthly inst.i.tution. G.o.d Himself doesn't use it. Neither will we in heaven. Sure, there are gold, silver, and precious stones in heaven, but they're not used for exchange. Money is a human invention, which we use here on earth.

G.o.d isn't going to counterfeit your country's currency and give it to you. Money's not going to just rain out of the sky. I heard a man say one time that if you'd send him ten dollars, he'd mail you a green string. He said that if you put that green string in your wallet, G.o.d would use it to create money, and you'd never be broke again. That's a trick! It can't happen. G.o.d doesn't do those kinds of things; He uses people.

So when you pray about a financial need, G.o.d will use people to help meet that need. It won't just fall out of the sky. If you're looking for your ship to come in, but you've never sent one out, you're going to be disappointed. You'll think, G.o.d, why didn't You answer my prayer? G.o.d, why didn't You answer my prayer? He did! He's blessed you with all spiritual blessings. He's commanded His favor upon you. He's given you power to get wealth. All of these things are real in the spiritual realm. But you need to cooperate in faith! He did! He's blessed you with all spiritual blessings. He's commanded His favor upon you. He's given you power to get wealth. All of these things are real in the spiritual realm. But you need to cooperate in faith!

A friend of mine had his house up for sale "By Owner." He'd put a sign up in his yard but had been unable to sell his house for two years. Only a few people had even bothered to look at it. On top of this, the market wasn't that good at the time. Since houses weren't selling, this really became a matter of concern to him.

He heard me teach this message, and the Lord spoke to him saying, "I moved on someone to buy your house the very first day you put it up for sale, but Satan has been hindering them." It wasn't this man's fault, but demonic opposition had been hindering the manifestation of his answer.

Since my friend didn't know what the situation was, he prayed over it in tongues, believing that G.o.d was interceding through him. Two days later, his house sold. While they were going through the closing, the man buying the house told my friend, "The very first day you put that sign in your yard, I told my wife, 'That's our house!' I've been trying for two years now to get my finances together, but I haven't been able to. Then the strangest thing happened. Two days ago, the man who'd been trying to buy my house came over with cash and we closed. It's taken me a day or so to get things together so I could come over here and do this. But here I am!"

G.o.d had answered my friend's prayer two years before he saw anything happen. The holdup wasn't the Lord who hadn't moved, but Satan who had hindered through other people. If you don't understand this, you'll pray and ask G.o.d to sell your house. Then, if it doesn't sell, you'll say, "Lord, why didn't You answer my prayer?" He did. He answers every prayer. It's already done. G.o.d has already talked to the people. He's commanded this blessing upon you, but it's in the spiritual realm. By faith, you must bring it out of the spirit and into the physical realm.

Believe It's Done If you can understand this, it'll make a difference in the way you receive from G.o.d. If the manifestation doesn't come right away when I pray for healing now, 1 don't say, "G.o.d, I don't know why You haven't healed me, or this other person, yet. But we're asking You to move!" I don't start fasting and recruiting other people to bombard heaven with me to plead with G.o.d and make Him do it. That whole mindset is unbelief. You didn't believe that you received when you prayed.

"What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24).

You must believe you receive the very instant you pray, not when you see it. How can you believe G.o.d answered your prayer if you don't feel healed right away? The moment you prayed- BOOM BOOM-it's already done in the spirit. Your answer is a reality in the spiritual world.

If it doesn't manifest, don't doubt that G.o.d has done what His Word said He did! Believe that you received when you prayed. Then continue to pray, not asking for it again, but taking your authority and using it against any demonic powers hindering your answer from coming to pa.s.s. Ask G.o.d for revelation if there's something you're supposed to do. If you're praying for finances, you might need to get a job or sow some money. But don't doubt that G.o.d moved and already did it!

G.o.d has already provided everything you need. It's already in the spiritual world. You just need to believe it's done.

Blind in One Eye Understanding this principle has revolutionized the way I pray! (For more on how this applies to prayer specifically, I recommend my teaching ent.i.tled A Better Way to Pray.) Better Way to Pray.) Not long after the Lord showed me these truths from Daniel 9 and 10, I held a meeting in Childress, Texas. It was 1977, and I preached a message ent.i.tled "What to Do When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered." I talked about how G.o.d had already done it, that it's not a matter of our waiting for Him to produce healing, but it's already there in the spiritual world. I discussed how faith reaches over into the spirit realm and brings those things into physical manifestation. Therefore, we can control how quickly healing manifests. Since G.o.d has already done it, we can make His healing power manifest. Not long after the Lord showed me these truths from Daniel 9 and 10, I held a meeting in Childress, Texas. It was 1977, and I preached a message ent.i.tled "What to Do When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered." I talked about how G.o.d had already done it, that it's not a matter of our waiting for Him to produce healing, but it's already there in the spiritual world. I discussed how faith reaches over into the spirit realm and brings those things into physical manifestation. Therefore, we can control how quickly healing manifests. Since G.o.d has already done it, we can make His healing power manifest.

After preaching this message to about a hundred people, I declared, "Let's demonstrate! Is there anyone here who's sick?" A seventeen-year-old boy came forward who was blind in one eye. I laid hands on him, prayed, rebuked everything I knew to do, and commanded him to see. Then I said, "Cover up your good eye and look through the other. How many fingers do I have up?" I held my hand up in front of his face, but he couldn't see anything-not my hand, not light, nothing! There was zero manifestation. I even had to grab his face and turn it toward my hand because he wasn't even looking in the right direction.

When many of the people saw this, they immediately thought, Well, this doesn't work. Well, this doesn't work. I could feel and hear the moans and groans of unbelief. So I turned around and addressed the crowd saying, "Look, I believe what I'm teaching is true. We haven't seen it manifest, but it's not because G.o.d hasn't healed him. It's not because we're waiting on G.o.d to do something. It's because we're having trouble getting it from the spiritual realm into the physical. It's our fault, not G.o.d's! You're welcome to leave if you want to. But if you believe what I taught and would like to stay and pray with me, you're welcome to." About twenty-five stayed. I could feel and hear the moans and groans of unbelief. So I turned around and addressed the crowd saying, "Look, I believe what I'm teaching is true. We haven't seen it manifest, but it's not because G.o.d hasn't healed him. It's not because we're waiting on G.o.d to do something. It's because we're having trouble getting it from the spiritual realm into the physical. It's our fault, not G.o.d's! You're welcome to leave if you want to. But if you believe what I taught and would like to stay and pray with me, you're welcome to." About twenty-five stayed.

So we gathered around this boy and started praying for him. We weren't asking, "O G.o.d, You didn't do it the first time. Please heal him now!" Instead, we were saying, "Father, we believe it's true. You've already healed him. Your power has already been released. We bind whatever it is that's keeping this from coming into physical manifestation. Give us wisdom and show us what's going on." We also prayed in tongues in order to build ourselves up in faith, according to Jude 20.

This continued for about half an hour. Every five minutes or so, I'd stop, have this boy cover up his good eye and look through the other one. He was never able to see my hand. I was really seeking G.o.d for wisdom!

Healing or Miracle?

All of a sudden, the Lord said, "He doesn't need a healing; he needs a miracle!" As that impression came to me, my next thought was, What's the difference? What's the difference? I'd never considered the difference between the two before. Since then I've understood some, but it's still an area I'm learning about. However, that was the first time I'd ever thought about it. Outwardly, I was praying away in tongues. Inwardly, I was wondering, I'd never considered the difference between the two before. Since then I've understood some, but it's still an area I'm learning about. However, that was the first time I'd ever thought about it. Outwardly, I was praying away in tongues. Inwardly, I was wondering, Is this really G.o.d? What's the difference between a healing and a miracle? Would that somehow affect the way we're praying? Is this really G.o.d? What's the difference between a healing and a miracle? Would that somehow affect the way we're praying?

Then Don Krow-my a.s.sociate pastor, who's still with me today-spoke up and said, "Andrew, G.o.d told me that he doesn't need a healing; he needs a miracle!" It was word for word what the Lord had just spoken to my heart. So we stopped, and I asked this boy, "What's wrong with your eye anyway?"

"When I was a baby, I had an eye infection. They operated on me and surgically removed my lens and retina. I don't even have the necessary parts to be able to see!"

As soon as he said that, I replied, "You don't need a healing; you need a miracle! You need G.o.d to give you a creative miracle and put those things in there." So I cupped my hands over his face and declared, "Lens and retina, I command you to come into this eye in Jesus' name!"

Then I had him cover up his good eye and look through the other one. I asked, "How many fingers do 1 have up?" He answered, "1, 2 ..." and he could see! The Lord had opened his eye!

G.o.d had released that power before this boy had ever been born. Through Jesus, it had already been provided and was available in the spirit realm. At the very moment we prayed, G.o.d's power was in motion to bring this miracle into physical manifestation. But there were some hindrances.

Stick With It!

I still don't understand everything. I'm not sure why I had to receive a revelation that it wasn't a healing but a miracle. I believe that was for me. When Don confirmed it, my faith quickened and surged. That's when I took authority and spoke to the mountain. (Mark 11:23.) Most people don't speak directly to their problem. Instead, they talk to G.o.d about it. The Word says to speak to the mountain!

The problem was this boy didn't have a lens or retina to be able to see. So I had to speak to them.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Prov. 18:21).

When all of this happened, my faith quickened, and I commanded the lens and retina to come into his eye. Then he could see!

If we hadn't persisted in prayer, this boy's eye might have never seen. It wouldn't have been because G.o.d didn't do it. He had already made the provision, and it was available in the spirit. But most people, if they don't see the manifestation in a certain amount of time, give in to discouragement, doubt, and unbelief.

We do others a disservice when we pray for their healing but let them go before it's manifest. I have some very good friends with healing ministries who pray down the line for people and never look back. They refuse to even think about it because they don't want to slip into unbelief. This works to a degree. Some good things do happen, but that method is fraught with all kinds of problems because most people's faith-without manifestation over time-becomes weaker, not stronger.


G.o.d Has Already Provided.

G.o.d has already done it. He's already provided. Everything we ever need is already a done deal. As soon as we believe and begin learning how His power works-we can make things manifest!

Many of the greatest healing evangelists understood this concept. They might not have taught it from the same scriptures or expressed it in the same terminology but they believed it.

John G. Lake had over 100,000 confirmed, doc.u.mented cases of healing. They actually closed down a hospital in Spokane, Washington, for a period of time because so few people needed their services. He and his "healing technicians" were that effective!

Since Lake had such a fruitful ministry, we ought to consider his opinion. He felt that the main reason why people didn't see healing manifest in their lives was pa.s.sivity in receiving. They would pray, ask, and then pa.s.sively wait on G.o.d to heal them, not understanding that He'd already done it. Instead of taking their authority and commanding healing into manifestation now, they let it drag out over days, weeks, months, and years. They didn't understand how to believe G.o.d and make what He had already done in the spirit come into the physical world. In John G. Lake's estimation, that was the number one problem.

G.o.d has already done it. Believe it's already been provided, and then receive it by faith. If you don't immediately see the physical manifestation of what you prayed for, then you need to get in and start battling your own unbelief. Receive wisdom if there's something you need to do. If there's demonic power involved, break it. But the Scripture clearly establishes the principle that G.o.d has already done it.

Atmosphere of Unbelief

Jesus operated in this same understanding.And he [Jesus] cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him. And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. And he looked up, and said, 1 see men as trees, walking. After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly. And he sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town.Mark 8:22-26, brackets mine This is an unusual example of healing. It's the only time in Scripture where where Jesus Jesus asked a person something like "How is it?" asked a person something like "How is it?" after He prayed for them. It's also the only time He ever prayed for a physical need a second time. So this was a very unique situation. after He prayed for them. It's also the only time He ever prayed for a physical need a second time. So this was a very unique situation.

Notice, first of all, that Jesus was in Bethsaida. He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. Some people think Jesus did weird things just to keep us off balance. They say, "You can never figure G.o.d out. He's got no rhyme or reason. He just delights in doing things in unusual ways!" Not true! This was the Creator of the universe in all its meticulous detail. Everything is perfect and works together in harmony. You can predict where the stars will be a million years from now-should the Lord tarry-or ten thousand years ago because it's so ordered. It's absurd to think that the G.o.d of order Himself would do things in a completely random manner. It's simply not true!

Jesus led this man out of the town because Bethsaida was one of the worst places He'd ever been!

"Woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes" (Luke 10:13).

Jesus p.r.o.nounced judgment upon Bethsaida because of all its unbelief. The Lord encountered this in His own hometown of Nazareth too.

"And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled because of their unbelief (Mark 6:5, 6).

Jesus wanted to do more in those places, but couldn't. These people weren weren't in in faith, so He couldn't pray for them other than for a few minor things. faith, so He couldn't pray for them other than for a few minor things.

Jesus operated in faith 100 percent. So we know that there was no problem with Him. But there must be some degree of faith on the part of those receiving. Now, I believe that's been blown way out of proportion. We sometimes use this as an excuse to put all the blame on the person receiving if the healing doesn't manifest. That's too simplistic! More often than not, it's the fault of the person praying as much as it is the person receiving. However, with all that being said, it's still true that there must be some degree of faith operating in the person receiving the healing.

"How Is It?"

Knowing that, Jesus took this blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. The Lord was busy-infinitely more than I am. If you need healing today, I can't come pray for you. I don't have time to take you by the hand and walk you an hour out into the countryside to pray. Jesus wasn't just taking a stroll. His purpose was to get this man away from the unbelief in Bethsaida, knowing that it could hinder G.o.d's power from manifesting his healing.

However, even though Jesus got this man out of town, He perceived that He hadn't gotten all of this town out of the man. He discerned that this man was still being affected by that atmosphere of unbelief. So after He prayed for him, He asked, "What do you see?"

Now Jesus wasn't asking, "Did G.o.d answer My prayer? Did anything happen?" No, that would've been unbelief. The Word says you must believe you receive when you pray For Jesus to have asked "Did it work?" would have violated His own teaching. The Lord knew that G.o.d had moved. He knew G.o.d's power was present, but it was in the spirit realm and needed to come into the physical. Jesus was aware that the unbelief of that town and the effect it had on that man was hindering an instantaneous, full manifestation of what G.o.d had already done.

So Jesus asked, "How is it?" The man answered, "I see men as trees, walking" (Mark 8:24). In other words, G.o.d's power had manifested to a degree. The man had been totally blind before, but now he could see a little bit. So Jesus did something unusual again. He laid hands on him and prayed a second time.

"But it's unbelief to pray for something twice!" It is if you ask twice. Then at least one of the two times, you prayed in unbelief. You must believe you receive when you pray. However, it's not unbelief to continue to pray, taking your authority and making what He's already provided manifest.

Confront Hindrances Head On!

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You've Already Got It Part 5 summary

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