
You Are The Password To My Life Part 2

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Virat felt like hitting Kavya with a hammer that very moment.

'Chill, we are going for a movie. I hope you don't mind,' Mehak said in her sweet voice looking at Virat.

'Are you mad? Why would I mind? I am on cloud nine,' Virat added, elated.

'What?' Mehak said giving him a puzzled look.

Kavya nudged him with her elbow and signalled him to come with them. Virat followed both the girls out without uttering a word. There were no lectures all through the day so Kavya had planned for a movie to give them an opportunity to spend some time together. Though they had to submit their a.s.signments the next day, it hardly bothered them. It really doesn't bother students unless they want to impress the professors.

All three of them reached E-Square cinema and booked tickets for the next show of 500 Days of Summer. Virat was overjoyed since it was his first outing with Mehak. He prayed it would turn into a date in the future. She swept him off his feet whenever their eyes met. For the first time he felt special, like he had been searching for someone special all these years and had finally found her. But he felt a void inside since he didn't know how to act around her.

'Let's go eat something. We still have an hour left,' Virat said looking at his watch.

Mehak agreed and all of them went to the food court.

'Mehak, you've never had a boyfriend?' Kavya asked her on purpose.

'No, I am kinda afraid of relationships,' she said resting her hands on the table.

'Me too. I think we're a perfect match for each other,' joked Virat.

'Relax. Mahek, he thinks he's a stud. In reality, his brain is the size of a peanut. Ignore him,' Kavya replied.

They had a good laugh and spent some time getting to know each other. Virat found that he was extremely similar to Mahek, personality-wise. They had the same taste in movies, food, sport etc. and even had the same att.i.tude and perspective towards things. Though he was never too loud or outspoken, whenever he talked to Mehak, he would metamorphosize into a completely different person. The glow of her electric personality energized his brain as well as his heart.

It was time for the movie to begin, so they went inside the cinema hall and took their seats. The theatre was normally vacant on weekdays, and almost all the seats were unoccupied.

The movie turned out to be really boring and they soon started to feel sleepy. Kavya saw a couple who were seated one row ahead of them and they were busy making their own movie. They were so engrossed in kissing each other that they hardly looked elsewhere. Both of them had closed their eyes and were feeling every inch of each other.

'Look at those dumbos,' Kavya whispered and continued, 'Virat, you should lend your flat on rent to such couples who are unable to find places to have s.e.x.'

'Yeah, why not. I will even install a condom machine next to my door. Happy?' Virat said sarcastically to which Mehak smiled. This brought a smile to his face too. He felt like he was on top of the world.

'I think we should videotape them on our phone. What say, guys?' Kavya added.

'Have you lost it?' Virat said, annoyed.

'Awesome idea. It will be fun. Let's tease them later during the interval by showing them the video,'

Mehak said excitedly.

Virat was shocked and felt trapped between the two girls. Earlier there was just Kavya, and now even Mehak had joined her troupe of crazy girls, it seemed. Mehak took her cell phone out and started recording them in the act. She angled the camera in such a way that both were clearly visible in the frame. The couple didn't have the slightest clue about what was happening. They got wilder with each pa.s.sing minute and were almost on top of each other. Looking at them, all three started to laugh loudly.

'Hey, what are you doing? I will complain about you,' screamed someone from the back seat.

Mahek dropped the cell phone in fear and it rolled down a row.

'What are we doing? Look at them. We are just protesting,' Virat shouted to show that he was not afraid of the person who was threatening them.

But their luck was terrible because the guy actually went to the authorities and complained about the three of them and the racket they were creating. The authorities asked them to delete the video of the couple and threw everyone out of the hall.

'Don't you have a place to have s.e.x, you a.s.sholes?' Kavya screamed on their way out.

'Should I book a room at a nearby hotel for the two of you?' Mehak added. She seemed to be having fun teasing them as well.

The trio ran to the parking lot towards Virat's car as the authorities were hot on their heels. They laughed thinking about how they got thrown out of the hall for shooting an MMS. Virat hadn't expected his first meeting with Mehak to turn out to be so adventurous.

As Virat drove the car, he kept checking out Mehak several times through the rear-view mirror. The smile on her face transported him to a dream world and her naughty eyes made him crazy for her. With each pa.s.sing minute, he was falling for her more and more, while Mehak was drawing close to Virat and Kavya; she was starting to enjoy their company. When Virat had met her for the first time, he wasn't planning on falling in love. He wasn't even looking for another best friend. But she changed all that. Everything started with a little crush and slowly turned into something stronger. The attraction was electric and unexpected. She entered his world and turned it upside down. His mind tried to take control, but his heart would always win over the mind.

The next morning when Mehak reached college, she was slightly tensed as her a.s.signments were incomplete. Kavya had finished writing Virat's a.s.signment so he was in a relaxed frame of mind. When Mahek expressed her concern to the both of them, they laughed it off and told her about the plan some students had come up with.

'Are you serious?' Mehak asked.

'Yes, all the students who haven't finished the a.s.signment have come up with a brilliant plan. So just relax and don't worry about the unfinished a.s.signment,' Virat consoled her.

After the first lecture got over, some of the students left the cla.s.s and went to the washroom. A few minutes later they returned with a sly smile on their faces.

'All set!' they screamed in unison.

Everyone was anxiously waiting to see what they had planned. Virat, Mahek, and Kavya stared at each other, waiting for the big reveal. A few seconds later, there came a loud sound from the washroom.

No one could mistake that sound-it was the sound of firecrackers burning! They had successfully trapped the professor in the washroom before he could come in for the next cla.s.s. They knew he'd pay tribute to the 'Washroom Baba' before beginning the lecture. That's why they had named it 'baba' as it always came to their rescue in times of need. The caretaker ultimately helped the professor out who immediately rushed to the princ.i.p.al's room to complain about them. But by the time the princ.i.p.al could do something about it, the entire gang had run away. There was no other way to get hold of them. The submission of the a.s.signment was forgotten in the entire process and Mehak sighed in relief.

Kavya had to leave early that day so Virat got an opportunity to spend some time alone with Mahek.

They went to Mocha's for coffee where Virat shared his past with her-his family, past relationships- while Mahek told him about her ambitions in life. While Virat was perfectly comfortable talking to her about everything under the sun, he wasn't sure if Mehak was making small talk or if she too liked his company.

'So dancing is your pa.s.sion?' Virat asked looking straight into her eyes. She silently nodded and turned her gaze away from him, breaking the temporary spell.

After a few seconds of silence, Virat added, 'Do you know I have no knowledge of salsa? I joined because...'

Virat was about to complete his sentence when Mehak took his hand in hers and a.s.sured him that she would teach him everything she knew about salsa. He too tightened the grip on her hands and they looked straight into each other's eyes. Mahek immediately moved her hand away.

There's a famous saying that goes 'Don't try to understand a girl completely. If you do, then either you'll go mad or you'll start loving her.' Virat had started loving Mahek. She had stolen his heart before he could do something about it.

Shortly afterwards, Virat dropped her home and left for his apartment.

Once he reached the apartment, he sent her a message: I had a great time with you. You're the reason I smile these days and I think I have found that someone who can make me have faith in love all again. Someone who can make me believe that even if things are hard in life, I don't have to worry as I have found that someone who can help me make it through. Someone who fills an empty s.p.a.ce in my mind and heart. Someone who makes me feel complete. Someone who's enough for me. Someone who can accept me the way I am. Someone who is not insecure. I have been hurt so many times in the past that it takes a lot for me to trust someone now. The first time I saw you, I had this gut feeling that you and I were going to be together for a very long time. I hope I'm not irritating you with my silly talk, but I need to tell you that you are special. Thank you so much for coming into my life.

Once he sent the message, he kept the phone next to his laptop, waiting for her reply. But no message came. He scrolled through the pictures he had of her on his phone since he was missing every moment he had spent with her. He transferred them to his laptop and logged in to Gtalk. His chat-friend Rohan was online. It had been a few months since they first connected and both of them had become really good friends. Though Virat and Rohan had met only once, they talked with each other like they were childhood friends.

Virat: 'Hey. What's up? I need to tell you something.'

Rohan: 'Hi. Nothing much. Just sitting idle.'

Virat: 'Why, what happened? You know you can share anything with me.'

Rohan: 'Chuck it. You were going to tell me something...'

Virat: 'Dude, I think I am in love. I mean, I've never felt like this before. I just feel like gazing at her for hours. I sent a flirty message to her a few minutes back and am still waiting for her reply.'

Rohan: 'That's awesome, dude. So you've finally found the girl of your dreams after trying your luck with a dozen others.'

Virat: 'Ha ha! Fingers crossed. I hope it works out. How is life at your end? Anything troubling you?

You don't seem your jolly self.'

Rohan: 'Nothing, yaar. My girlfriend is worried about our marriage and so we've been fighting every night.'

Virat: 'The couple that fights the most is the one most deeply in love. It shows that you care enough to notice that the other one screwed up, and care enough to mention it too.'

Rohan: 'It's not easy, beta. Now that you have fallen in love, you will realize it.'

Virat: 'Lol. I will resolve the fight in no time by being the first one to say sorry. Simple.'

Virat never shared things that were too personal with Rohan and it was the first time he had mustered the courage to tell him about what was happening in his love life. But before Rohan could respond to his message, his cousin entered the room and disconnected the internet. Virat too switched off his laptop and checked his mobile one last time before calling it a day. His eyes lit up seeing one message from Mahek.

'I love your company too. Kavya and you are full of life. See you tomorrow. Miss you.'

Virat started jumping on the bed with glee when he read the last two words-'Miss you'. Though the message was not overtly romantic or anything, he was happy because at least she had replied. He had never thought that he would meet someone as special as her. True love is a constant battle between the heart and the mind. Only when both are in sync with each other that true love comes into being. And Virat's mind and heart were both shouting only one name in chorus. He lay on the couch trying to imagine her next to him. He was so excited that he was unable to figure out what to do next. If Kavya wouldn't have warned him, he would have asked her out right away. He wanted to tell Kavya about the message but it was quite late and she would be asleep by then. He switched his laptop back on to check whether Rohan was online or not. He wasn't either. He went to sleep that night with a smile on his face.


Rohan was chatting with Virat casually in his room while also thinking about his own complicated love life. He was about to take a sip of his coffee when I opened the door to his bedroom.

'Hey buddy,' I shouted.

'Aditya, when did you come?' Rohan asked.

'This evening with Mom. She had some work here, so we finished that and came straight to your place. Mom is outside discussing something with Aunty. Hurry up. Let's go out.'

'Just give me a minute. I'm chatting with my friend Virat,' Rohan stated.

Before he could chat again, I removed the internet plug and switched off his computer.

'What is this? I have come to f.u.c.king meet you and you are on the internet. Let's go to our favourite spot,' I said pulling him from his chair.

'You wanna go to Anna? Have you taken permission?' asked.

I nodded and shut down his laptop before he could start again. Though it was drizzling a bit, Rohan raced his bike towards Anna. Anna was our favourite tea stall where we'd catch up over steaming hot cups of tea and pakoras.

Rohan was a shy and reserved boy who kept mostly to himself. His family was the orthodox kinds and not very outgoing. The one thing Rohan did love was going to the gym. He was a typical gym freak who worked hard day and night to get great biceps. He was well mannered and was always very well turned out. This made him a favourite among girls who liked silent, brooding type of men. He was very bad at telling a lie because the innocence in his eyes would give the lie away. He was extremely caring and believed that not displaying affection openly showed that you are ashamed of who you're with.

Inspired by Bollywood movies, he was overtly romantic and loved to go out for candlelight dinners with his girlfriend. He was slightly superst.i.tious and used to wear precious stone rings on his fingers to ward off evil and control his temper. More importantly, he was focused on achieving his goals and was confident about achieving his dreams, one of them being helping orphan kids.

'Here comes your cup of tea. Do you want a smoke too?' I asked Rohan taking out a ciggie from my pocket and lighting it.

'No, it's ok,' he replied.

'Don't you get bored typing so much on Gtalk?' I asked him out of curiosity. I personally hated it.

'I don't talk much. It's just that my friend Virat was online and he was telling me about his love-life, so I couldn't log off,' Rohan added.

'Oh, cool. Who is he?'

Rohan told me how he and Virat were online friends who met each other through a blogger's site some time back and then added each other on Gtalk. They had met once when Virat wanted some information regarding a particular orphanage. Rohan had all the details about the orphanage as it was his dream to work for them and thus he had met Virat to help him. Though Rohan was an introvert and shied away from making friends online, he was never wrong at judging people's intentions. He found Virat to be very genuine and decided to help him out. They've been friends ever since.

'At this age, guys go online to make girlfriends and here you have found a guy online. You are on the right track brother,' I laughed.

'Shut up, Adi.'

'I mean it, seriously. One of my friends is dating a girl he has never met. At least you've met your guy once,' I added teasingly.

'Trust me. He is a nice guy. We are not that close, but we're good friends.'

'Ok, boss. I trust you. So, how's life in Pune?' I asked.

'Just routine. You know what, I'm lucky to have a brother like you. In today's time we can manage to make good friends with whom we can go out and have fun, but it is difficult to have a brother who can understand you and really sit down and listen to you. I love you, Adi,' Rohan said sounding senti all of a sudden.

'Are you sure you're drinking tea or it is it bhaang?'

'f.u.c.k off, yaar. I'm serious,' he said getting annoyed.

Rohan was my cousin who stayed in Pune at NIBM and we were friends more than brothers. There was nothing hidden between us and he was the only one in the family who knew everything about me.

Similarly, even he never kept any secrets from me. I had many relatives in Pune and Rohan was one of them. Whenever I got a chance to visit Pune, I'd make sure I meet him. I always felt comfortable with him and Rohan too liked discussing his life with me alone, though he had other cousins too. He never liked talking about personal stuff with other members of his family.

'How is Zoya? Is everything all right now between you two?' I asked. The last I spoke with him, he had told me about the issues he was facing with his current girlfriend.

'Things are getting worse. I have planned something for her to surprise her but don't know if it'll work. I should have realized that inter-caste relationships are not easy.'

'Don't worry. Chill. And how is your s.e.xy French teacher? Are you still taking cla.s.ses from her?'

'Yes, we are more like friends and she knows about my love life as well. She is the one I share everything with in your absence,' he answered.

'Does she still show interest in you?' I asked with curiosity. Rohan had mentioned once that she liked him.

Rohan had completed his BA from Wadia College and had joined a reputed company recently. He had a pa.s.sion to learn French and wanted to Major in the language. Thus he had decided to take special cla.s.ses in his free time to learn French which is where he met the teacher who took a sudden liking to him.

'I think so. She is a couple of years older than me. How does it matter anyway? I love Zoya,' Rohan replied.

'You are seriously lucky. An older woman l.u.s.ting after you. Gosh, I have always fantasized about my teachers having a crush on me, but they always threw me out of their cla.s.ses instead,' I winked.

After talking for some time, we left and went back home. Everyone always asks me how Rohan and I gel so well with each other, and I say to them 'We just understand each other.' There were times when we both wouldn't say anything to each other but knew what we needed. We would talk every night on the phone and my mom would end up asking how we always had so much to say to each other. I'd always tell her 'We are best friends, not brothers.' Family has nothing to do with blood. Family is the people you love and the people who count on you and love you right back. I loved Rohan and he counted on me.

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