
Reliving The Past ~ Mage Of The Abyss 68 Chapter 61 ~ Taken

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Sitting under the sunlight, fully clouded in the sky. The breeze of fresh air of an unpolluted area, the scenery of the far beyond in the ocean, soothes Siola's petrified hearts as she took another bite of the fried chicken her mother made.

"Siola, I'm asking since when did you have a relationship with that woman?"

Her eyes still blank as always as she looked to the sky—


Rolling her eyes out, "Yeeees, MotHEEEeeeaaARSFuuu…" slamming her head on the table lightly in the softness of the pillow, m.u.f.fled by the said squishy thing, she mumbled, "It doesn't matter when, does it? She's my girlfriend now, and I love her. Why are we eating here, anyway? Aren't you supposed to go back and suck father's d.i.c.k?"

Gritting her teeth, "You're,,," closing her eyes, Yuri tried to swallow the annoyance of her child's vulgar words. "Listen—"

"No, you listen! Why are you cheating on father, right behind his back! With a girl!!!!! MY FRIEND!"

"That's… your father is always busy with works and it's been a while he tends to me, besides he has no problem with it. As long as it's a girl, he even supported my decision. What we're talking about now is WHY did you choose a girl as your partner? You do realize that—"

"Yes, YES! I know, okay? Clam and clam can't go together and make babies, I know!! But I love her, and you… don't have a say on anything in this about who I love and who I f.u.c.k with. Just stay away from this, old hag." Siola kicked the chair away and left, but then come back again to take another piece of chicken and said, "It's not because I like it or anything, I'm just hungry."

And then leave for real this time.

"…" sighing, Yuri laid her back down the seat of the chair and pondered in her thoughts. 'Haa… just what is father going to say about this. The teachers he sent only wants to make out with his own granddaughter that they were supposed to teach, and now… they are playing games together mindlessly. The excuse of teaching her through a game is so stupid, why did he even agree to that? I never understand.'

"Haa… at least, the heat between Siola and I has lessened because of them. But if I continue to keep asking their help just to meet her. Haa… I can't even use the credit card to meet her again, she's immune to it now, and I don't know how and why did that happen."

"What credit card are you talking about, ma'am?"

"Hiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!" startled by the sudden callout, she turned around and saw the head maid standing behind her. Glaring down at her, "G-Goodness, Sadrin. Don't startle me like that, what are you doing here anyway?"

"I apologize, but I have called you out through calls several times just now. I figured something was wrong and so, I have come here."

"Ahh…" Yuri noticed there are indeed several missing calls on the bottom right of her sight, "Sorry, it was mute."


"…" Yuri is getting nervous when Sadrin is eyeing her up like that, "What?"

"Nothing… Ma'am. Lord Hajaran wished to see you."


"Nothing… in particular… Ma'am."

"Why are you talking like that?"


Chills suddenly come down to her spine, she quickly stood up, and said, "Right, father, was it? Then, I'll leave this to you, and thank you. Also, goodbye." Being faced by nervousness, and it's showing all over her face, Yuri tiptoeing away as Sadrin menacingly eyeing her as she left.

Sighing, "If only her genes did not go through, Siola would have a lot more stable life right now."

Arriving back to the empty white void, Siola took out the book of Appraisal and left it on the desk before she's going into Ekolia. Now that she's in there, hiding inside a small cave just outside Stoneanvil, she went to organize her inventory and then walked into the village. "All right, let's sell these things first. Nothing worth putting up in Auction it seems, so, let's just go to an NPC store."

When she enters the village, she saw several players walking around, 'Oh? Are they here on a quest or something? No, wait, ahh, yeah, that quest.' The quest in question is Rank D [Trouble in the Dark]: A group of bandits has raided Stoneanvil in the middle of the night, be wary of stranger sightings.

'Well, not hurt to ask, I guess?'

Siola went to approached a group of two who is browsing for vegetables in the market, an archer, and a guardian, both of them are women. "Excuse me" she greeted them.

"Yes?" answered the knight.

"Are you going up to the Emerging Night?"

"Ahh, no. We're just here for shopping. There's a big raid event coming up in the south, and we were on our way to get out of there and then we found this place, so… we thought that we… err, gave it a visit."


Siola's Note: South from here is an empty gra.s.s plain where people farm several different resources that are mainly focused on enchanting, basically, farming for a magical beast. Different from normal beast, which drops mostly petty and lesser cores. Magical Beast can drop a higher one at that, such as greater or even grand-tier cores.

'Whenever a raid pops up, that means a strong and powerful boss monster appeared. I might want to check it out later.'

The archer is eyeing her up and down, and then asked, "Are you new?"

"Eh? Well, I am new here, but…" nervous start forming in her heart, thinking, 'W-Wait, why are they looking at me like that? Noooo, don't lick your lips like that, what the h.e.l.l?!' swallowing her saliva, her eyes went down to their bosom.

The guardian noticed it. With a grin on her face, she took Siola by the shoulder and then walks towards the inn. Whispering as they walk, "Want some pocket money?"

"…" Siola's flushed to her check, 'Hnngh, why am I blushing for? Wait, no-no, if I accept her, I would be…' feeling the sensation from her crotch start violating, 'No, Dola, no! Remember your fame and glory! I don't want to be known as a prost.i.tute!'

Even though she would welcome it, she doesn't want it to happen all of a sudden, unprepared by all things. With her silence, the guardian took it as a yes. They walked into the inn and rented a player room, different from the normal room, these player rooms can be accessed by entering a cloud smoke in one of the doors that are available. And it's capable of hosting many numbers of players, depending on the inn's size.

Siola seems not resisting, this led the two believes that she's in for it. And so, they went in… and took her.

Facing down on a pillow, feeling powerless. Light Lush, the archer, licked Siola's b.u.t.thole. Playing her tongue around it, licks every part of its inside, and then finished it with a light kiss. Bending away, she saw her friend is already geared up. "She really doesn't have much stamina, huh" said Bladed Snow.

"Uhuh, yeah. But it makes it a lot better though, she even fainted a lot when your d.i.c.k pulsing inside her."

"Gahahaha, well, you can see what I told you before. Having a c.o.c.k is the best thing you could do in this game, you should remake yours too and put on one."

"Meh." Showing face of disinterest, Light Lush slapped Siola's b.u.t.t, making her turn their way. Her eyes are telling one thing 'It felt good.' Seeing her make that face, both Light Lush and Bladed Snow are satisfied with her "Service". They walked out of the door after tossing a purse full of coins to the bed. "Contact us if you want more, honey" said Light Lush.


"Hnngh, dammit" sluggishly, Siola lifted her body up with a hair like a birds nest. Wiping her drool away and took the money. Looking at it intensely, "Haa… and so, my virginity got taken once more. How the h.e.l.l am I going to explain this to Rakuri, guh, I wish she's into futa! Maybe makes her character got a d.i.c.k, she would've— gah! I don't care anymore!"

*Sighing, "Diva's virginity got taken by randoms… hm?" she noticed a glimmering light on the ground, "Did they… drop this for me?" taking the glimmering light and crushed it.

[Bladed Snow]: Hey, hon. We're sorry for taking your first time. We didn't know you were serious when you cry like that and thought that you were enjoying it for having us as your first. So, I know it's not much, but please take these as a token of our apology. Also, we would like to help you leveling up if you want. I hope you can forgive us and we can be friends.

'Hmm, so they drop this when I pa.s.sed out? Well, well, well… would you look at that message. How wholesome.' She then went and open up the package in her [Inbox]

- Enchanted Magister Staff

- Shrouded Armor of Hedge

- Shrouded Gauntlets of Hedge

- Shrouded Leggings of Hedge

- Shrouded Boots of Hedge

- Shrouded Hood of Hedge

- Lesser Core Gem x10

Hedge Set: In combat, periodically turn the user invisible

Armor: Increase Dexterity and Resistance by 15 / Gauntlets: Increase Dexterity by 10 / Leggings: Increase Dexterity and Resistance by 15 / Boots: Increase Dexterity by 10 / Hood: Increase Perception by 0.5

Siola's Note: Increasing Perception stats can make my visions better and much clearer. Also, it would also increase the amount of information my [Appraisal] skill will be detailing.

Wearing them right away, except the gauntlets. If one item is missing from the equipped gear, the set effect will not be activated. This, she knows full well of it. "The Nightwolf gauntlets may have lesser physical damage, but its effect works better."

"Alright, let's go kill some—"

Siola's face went blank, "They are so quick to update the game but so slow to apply it. Dammit!! Aris, please, give a Necromancer a buff!" holding her hands together, she prays, "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeee!"

She held herself a strong will and telepathically asked the G.o.d of the game to bring the buff she needs. Afterward, after accepting both friend requests, she navigated through the menu and log out of the game.

Friends List:

Stepping out of the warm capsule, Siola stretches her hands out and moaned. "Hauuuaaaahhhhhnnn!"


It took her a while… to notice that Sadrin is waiting for her on the bed. Flushing in red, Siola trembles as she saw her approaching. *pomf*, she tapped her head and stroke it gently. "Are you thirsty?"

"…" after a paused, she warmly nodded to her. Sadrin smiles, taking her by the shoulder, they left to see the beautiful views of the sea through the garden… enjoying them with ice cream.

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Reliving The Past ~ Mage Of The Abyss 68 Chapter 61 ~ Taken summary

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