
Reliving The Past ~ Mage Of The Abyss 65 Chapter 58 ~ Ekolia Broken World Recap

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Mage of the Abyss – Recap, featuring Siola herself!!!


Warning: Include ma.s.sive spoilers to the entire novel (Exaggeration, but still…), only read if you don't want to be bothered reading the previous chapters and only want to start the story of "Mage of the Abyss" right away. (I recommend to at least watch Vol. 1 "New Game (+?)" / Chapter 1-13)


"Wooh! All right, let's do this." Adjusting my tight black, sitting down on the desk right in front of the camera with a coffee on the table, "Mm! So thoughtful, Imp. Thank you. Man, I'm getting real nervous here."

"Nope, I think... I'm good, yeah. Let's go."

'Hey there, my Name is Siola Mithra. Now, you might be wondering. Where the h.e.l.l have I been these past several chapters. Well, answering that is pretty simple. Basically, I was going on the business of Monitoring my avatar and had to be away for several days. So sorry about that.'

'Hmm… what's that you want a recap? Like, so that people can skip to this part? Hmm… that's a lot actually. You might want to at least go back and see the new game chapter or at least go to where Vol. 3 Ekolia started.'

'What's that? You don't want to? Aww, so you care just only about me, huh. That's so sweet of you, but please show my girlfriend some love. She's a lot more epic than I when it comes to fighting. Thank G.o.d Kurira showed up in the last chapter, I don't want to see her f.u.c.king my own mom right in front of me. I mean, my mom looks almost exactly like me, except she's the adult version of me, you know. Tall. s.e.xy, juicy t.i.ts without freckles on her face. You can say that she's the real Diva that I was supposed to be, but unfortunately, I never aged since I was 14.'

'Ahh, wait wait, confused already? Whom I was talking about is Rakuri, my girlfriend, not Kurira, which is her sister. Well, in the end, my mother, Yuri, got f.u.c.ked, but fortunately… it's Kurira that did it.'

'Still… I kinda don't like it. She's still showing a lot of love towards me though, so it's okay, I guess? Yes, I do care about someone other than my girlfriend showing me some love. It was Kurira that confessed to me first, so it's something precious for me, okay?'

'Anyway, the recap, yes.'



Let's start… from the beginning when I got reincarnated 4 years back to the past, and then I borrowed some money from Aunt Linda to buy a console for a game called Ekolia. Which is where my career started back then after I got over my depression. I was a reigning champion and became one of the top players (In top 1000) in the game, with my friends Kurira and Rakuri, which the latter then becomes my girlfriend after a long-b.u.t.t-clenching-story full of drama and love triangles.

After I got reincarnated and bought the console again, I was trying something new, which is the "Realism Mode" that it has.

I got through a lot just when I started the game, and it went mostly… not good. The NPCs start talking like real people, and I thought, 'd.a.m.n, that was awesome.' Then me and them gone to a different path than originally intended, and it went wrong so quickly. We met the guardians of another gate there, Ludtleth, Avarice, and Malice. Goodness, I still remember that time when Avarice f.u.c.ked my brains out. Like… she literally takes my brains out and eats it.

But G.o.dd.a.m.n, the s.e.x part was so good. Too bad the real Author had to sc.r.a.p many things in there.

Anyway, the group of old men that I was with? They managed to get out of the surface after I appeal to Ludtleth to let them go. Then, I was shocked that I got to meet the guy, well I mean, the skeleton that I epicly destroyed back then. I accidentally blurted it out that I know him, and everything went… good?

I mean, he accepted me and I became... I don't know, his family? You know like 'Become one of them.'

So, I got out of there after being teleported and then sent to an unknown location. This was when I got sick of everything, and a lot of things, I mean A LOT of THINGS keeps going here and there inside my mind, and I was about to explode.

I logged off the game and then tried to calm myself down.

That's when the Cyber World arc comes. Not many things happened actually, most of it just a way for the author of this novel to explore more of me. It failed though, yeah… let me tell you a bit of secret. Unless this novel is finished, you will never know 100% of me.

Even the Author got depression when trying to do it until his partner kicked his b.a.l.l.s and he was sent to the hospital. I'm talking about J by the way, not ImpAntique. You though... are wonderful, please let me do this again from time to time okay?

Okay, so… I saw this wonderful… shining… clinky fork in one of the stalls in the market, and I really... really want it, like seriously. I even exchanged my food for it, literally, but then the fork got stolen from me. I tried so hard finding it, but couldn't and had to resort to meeting up to one of the groups there so I can get information on where to find the thief. I got the money for it from the two pedophiles that I shot dead with their own gun back in the alley, and I absolutely loved it when they l.u.s.t for me because of my looks.

I mean, I know that the t.i.tle says that I'm 14, and yes, that is still how I look right now at least in this alternate universe, but no. I'm… already 21 years old, about to be 22 this spring. In this life? Yes.

Ahh, it gets me going, you know? Just imagine it, like… what happened to their faces when the pet.i.te woman they f.u.c.k with is actually a grandma— Nghf, s.h.i.t wait, not me, okay? I'm not that old yet, even in the past life.

It's called an "ageplay"

I don't know if it actually exists, but I saw it in one of the manga that I read that was saying it jokingly. Then I tried it myself with Kurira, and it was absolutely… fantastic. Though it comes with a price… being self-conscious with my age ;_;

Oh s.h.i.t, wait… we're halfway through already? G.o.d, I wasted too much time. Err, wait, I supposed I need to explain that. I'm not really… a religious type, you guys. But I respected all of you that are, and it goes the same with any religion… just not those shady ones.

And then I went to the said group that can help me, right? But it turns out it was a trap, the two pedos that I killed were actually the group's underling. Things went south, but not really. With the use of my G.o.dsend ability when it comes to bed, my fingers saved me from death. Basically, I f.u.c.ked the boss of the group and made her fall for me. Too bad I wasn't interested. I mean, she was going for that related Milf x Loli thing and it wasn't really my thing… partially at least.

And then she told me where the thief that stole my fork was at, and I beat him, err, her? I don't remember since that s.h.i.t face was so ugly back then. Hehe, I kinda beat her a bit too much? I mean, I ripped both of her legs then, it was so squishy, so I had to.

Hmm… why did I do such a horrible thing?

I… kinda don't like being crossed by someone. You see, let me tell you a bit of story here. No wait, I'm just gonna tell it to you straight. Back then when I was a kid, I used to be normal, you know. I love everyone equally, and I want to be friends with them, all of them. Everyone in the whole G.o.dd.a.m.n cla.s.s.

Though, I don't know why, but most of the boys make fun of me because of it. Little by little, even the girls started hating me. I'm not sure if they really hate me per se, it was so long ago and I don't remember.

Their hara.s.sment is one thing, I guess. They are not really harmful and there are many teachers around, so I don't get in trouble often, but then… some of the boys started tapping my head like a tambourine. Not a good kind, I don't know who did it since they hide and pretend not to do it once they did it.

I let it slide back then because why wouldn't I? It's not like they smack me too hard and make me having bruises all over my head, no. I genuinely thought that they were just playing and that was the way they play with me, but it kept getting worse and worse, and soon I realized what it was… Bullying… heh, quite funny. This led me to have no friend at all since people think that I'm getting bullied and n.o.body wants to be friends with those that stood at the bottom, and it was true.

It does feel better joining the top to bully the bottom... yeah.

That cliché bullying thing ended until I started middle school where I met Kasiri. My first ever friend. I used to go to her place a lot, meeting her parents, Martin and Hilan. They were so nice to me, but I was so petty back then. I thought that Kasiri friended me because I'm rich and smart, but it turns out… she's not and never was.

We became best friends back then, but… then she's started getting weird and clingy. She even created this game she got from a lewd novel that she read where the first one comes first loses and had to do whatever the winner's commanded. Well, I always win that and make her do some normal things like washing the plates, cleaning baths, etc, etc.

It was then when I got into college that I realized she got feelings for me. It was from a letter she wrote in secret and I never found out about it until that day. She gave it to me back in middle school, but… I never responded to her. I never responded at all. And she already left to another country with a broken heart to pursue her dream back in middle school… until I met her again… six years later.

Sighing, I can't believe I was so stupid back then. I must've hurt her a lot. Still, I wasn't interested in girls back then, but if we had more time… maybe. Just maybe… *Sighing*

Wait, do I have to recap everything? Can we skip Aunt Linda's part? I don't feel comfortable with it.

Great, so… I met her again, Kasiri, and it looks like her love… hasn't faded? I can't tell seriously, and I haven't told her that I got a girlfriend yet. Well, at the time I didn't have, but err… G.o.dd.a.m.n it, this is getting complicated.

But anyway, we were about to initiate things again. And I want to start over with her, but Martin ruined the mood.

This is where the Cyber World almost ended. I got dragged back to my house and met my family again, and they – my grandfather – forced me to live there again with all my belongings being removed from the house. I was… devastated. My body with how my mind works are not perfectly in sync with each other.

Going through another depression for I don't know how long, and then… a shed of light appears. Those two came back to my life, Kurira, and Rakuri. My friends came back to me.

They didn't explain much how they come back, but I don't care about any of that. They're here… and that's all that matters. Soon my health comes back to normal, but then another tremor comes to my life with the form of my mother.

Sadrin, my maid told me to reconcile again with her under the command of my grandfather. And so, I… did. It was shameful, but I had to do it. I got something out of it at least. A credit card.

Yes, I got unlimited cash in the form of my mother's credit card.

Though, she kept calling me out to dinner and such for the condition to use that card. So, I went all out and bought a machine to play that game again, but then… something unimaginable happens.

I lost my avatar and was transported to this white empty s.p.a.ce where I have to serve the top dog of the game world, the Divine Konig. Lady K herself. It turns out I was chosen to be this 'ruler' thing where I have to fill the empty s.p.a.ce with the things that I found in the game. It's akin to a player's house or something.

The game world partially became another "real" world, a parallel world. Well, at least, that's what I think it is since Konig did say that it's a "game" still. So, yeah. I think the game is still a game, at the same time, feels real.

Ah, s.h.i.t, I have to wrap this up? D-d.a.m.n it, I was having too much fun. Please wait, give me an extension, please, it's my first time here!

Phew, so…

I found out that my avatar is moving on its own, basically becoming an NPC, and had her face slightly adjusted to be a little different from me. I mean, I think I'm still prettier, so, yeah.

I spent some time monitoring her and helping her throughout the area, to the point of saving her life and her companion. It made Lady K almost kicked me out of that world, but fortunately, she let me off with just a warning.

And then, Kurira and Rakuri came back, and not just that. They come back with consoles of their own and then we play the game together again, many things have changed though. Also, the new update… 6.0 was online, and that changed the whole game as we know. It was different from the 6.0 in my past life because there is no such thing. They skipped the update number and changed it to something else like a named update instead of a number, and this is something new for me.

We then followed this NPC along with other players to get out of the place, and yes. We did not go to the three guardians.

A lot of battles happens and then the other two groups ditched the NPC, I mean, they stopped following him. So, just us and him. We went through this shuffling door, and got out of it safely with the NPC gets his book.

He didn't share it, but he used it on us too and open up the portal to the surface. We arrived at one of the major kingdoms, and then we quickly decided on a goal to search for power. Rakuri… it turns out that the door she went through… was leading to the guardian and then Ludwig gave her the [Purgatory Seal] which then I gave to my avatar. I also noticed that Rakuri is wearing the same ring that Ludwig gave me. It made me sad a little, but… it's okay. I'm… totally fine with it.

After the battle with the ant creatures ended, we settle down in an NPC's hut. The NPC in question is called Bakuyo.

Several months later, probably a year pa.s.ses inside the game without me in it. I was monitoring Magi, again, my avatar. And tended my family business. And only just now, that I'm back.

*Sighing*, I still can't believe Kurira f.u.c.ked my mother, and she even said that she's better than me. Maybe this is her revenge when I laughed at her for having that cuck fetish? I almost got cucked because of my mom— no wait, maybe Rakuri is still having thoughts about her. Dammit, I need to be careful with this, gonna need to watch her… closely.

I still believe that Rakuri would never love anyone else but me… but when she looks at my mom like that, and I look at her… my p.u.s.s.y getting wet. I feel like I do have that fetish, I hope not. Besides, why is she even—

Ahhh, wait, wait! I don't want people to think that I'm a cuck and going to get cuckolded!

No, wait, don't drag me out. You, no, stop. You're hurting me, my wrist hurt! Stop iiiiiiiiiiitt!*Holding off to the holy doc.u.ment of her profile, she writes: I'm not a cuck, okay?

"I'm not, no wait, I'm really noooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!"

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Reliving The Past ~ Mage Of The Abyss 65 Chapter 58 ~ Ekolia Broken World Recap summary

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