
Warrior Priest Of Dmon-Li Part 51

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Coming instantly alert, Uther asks, "Trouble?"

"I don't know," he replies. "The page said it was urgent. Lord Pytherian wants to see me."

"Do you think we should come with you?" he asks.

Shaking his head, he says, "No, I don't think that will be necessary. Besides, you weren't requested, just stay here and wait for Jiron. When Miko wakes up, let him know where I've gone."

Uther glances at the page standing behind him and then says, "Okay, good luck."

"Thanks." Turning back to the page, he says, "Alright, let's go."

With the boy in the lead, they leave the inn and work their way through the streets to the castle area. "What's the enemy doing?"

"Rumor is they are waiting for reinforcements," the page explains. "They've also begun constructing defensive fortifications and from what I've been told, it looks like they intend to stay out there for a while."

"Since they can't take the city, they'll just maintain a presence there?" he asks.

"That's what they're saying," he replies.

They pa.s.s through the gate leading into the castle area and when they get to the courtyard, he notices how they've turned it into an area for the wounded. Tents have sprung up and everywhere are men with bandages or lying on cots.

When they pa.s.s one tent, he's startled when a man suddenly screams inside. The pile of amputated arms and legs lying just outside the entrance gives testament as to what is transpiring inside. James just shudders as he thinks of what these people are going through.

He feels a great sense of relief when they come to the castle's entrance and they're able to leave the scene of misery behind them. The page takes him down a long corridor and then up a flight of stairs to the next level. Then down another hallway where he stops before a single door.

"He said to wait in here," the page says as he opens the door.

Where have I heard that before! Stepping through the door, he enters a room. A large table with several chairs sit in the middle of the room. The door the page is holding open is the only way in or out. Before closing the door, the page says, "He shouldn't be too long, make yourself comfortable." Stepping through the door, he enters a room. A large table with several chairs sit in the middle of the room. The door the page is holding open is the only way in or out. Before closing the door, the page says, "He shouldn't be too long, make yourself comfortable."

"Thanks," James says as the page closes the door. He walks around the room but other than the table and chairs, nothing else is in here. Taking a seat, he takes out a slug and places it in his hand, just in case. He isn't going to be too trusting again.

Ten minutes later, the door opens and he looks over to see Lord Pytherian framed in the doorway. "See that we're not disturbed," he says to the guards who've accompanied him.

"Yes, milord," one of them replies as he moves to enter the room. The guard shuts the door once he's inside.

James knows he should stand, but he's just too tired.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," he says as he takes a seat across the table from him.

"The boy said it was urgent," he replies as he replaces the slug in his belt.

Lord Pytherian notices him returning it and raises an eyebrow.

"After the last time, I don't plan on taking any chances," he explains.

"Understandable," he says.

James asks, "So what's the urgency?"

"One of our agents who has been watching Councilman Rillian suspects there may be an attempt made to either kill or capture you," he replies. "We're not sure when, but we do know it's being worked out as we speak."

"Why don't you just arrest the councilman and be done with it?" he asks.

"Only by order of the Council can that happen, and he has powerful friends," he explains. "There are some on the Council who believe, but they're unwilling to act without proof."

"So now what?" James asks. "You're going to leave a known traitor on the ruling body of Madoc?"

"As I said, it's not in my power," he replies. "But since we know, and he knows we know, his actions will be much curtailed. He won't do anything, or be a party to anything that might change the will of the Council."

"But he's coming after me!" James exclaims. "What do they plan to do about that?"

"Nothing," he says.

"Nothing!" he cries out. "How can they do nothing?"

"In their eyes, it's a private matter, not one that affects Madoc as a whole," he tells him. "Actually, if something should happen between you and Councilman Rillian, then it would fall to me to deal with it. So that's what I'm doing."

"What are you doing?" asks James.

"Letting you know about it so you can take measures against it," he says. "We owe you that much. Though I'd suggest you leave Lythylla as soon as possible to avoid any such attempts."

"But Jiron is still out there with the enemy," he reminds him.

"I know," Lord Pytherian says. "That's not working in your favor either. True, Jiron stopped the Parvatis when we needed him to. But he also went with them to their camp, some see that as a questionable act."

Seeing the look on James' face, he says, "I know, but there are those who will always believe what they want to believe."

Sighing, James nods his head. "What about Korgan? Has there been any word since the attack?"

"No one has seen him," he tells him. "We think he's left the city since they know we know about him. Councilman Rillian definitely doesn't wish to be connected to him."

"I suppose not," agrees James.

"Where do you plan to go from here?" he asks.

"We're heading to Cardri," he replies. "Jiron's sister and others are waiting for us there."

"How do you plan to get there?" he asks.

"Honestly, I haven't thought that far ahead," admits James.

"Maybe I can help you out there," Lord Pytherian says.

"How?" asks James.

"It would greatly speed your trip if you sailed across the Sea of the G.o.ds rather than made your way around it," he explains. "I'll send a letter to the inn where you're staying that you can take with you. It'll request that whoever reads it to help you in any way possible. With it, you should be able to get someone to ferry you across to the other side."

Nodding, James says, "That would be quite helpful, thank you."

"Like I said," he says, "it's the least we can do. I'll have it over there by nightfall."

"I don't plan to leave until Jiron returns, anyway" he says. "But once he does, we'll be gone."

"Good," he states. "I would hate to have anything happen to you before then."

"So would I," replies James.

Getting up, Lord Pytherian extends his hand to James who stands as well, taking it. "I must be off, there're still things I must take care of," he says, indicating the meeting is over.

"Thank you again, milord," James says.

"You're welcome, and good luck." He goes over to the door and opens it. Stepping out into the hallway, he turns to the right and the guards fall into step behind him.

The same page that had brought him here steps in through the open door and says, "If you'll follow me sir, I'll take you back."

"Very well," James says as he comes around the table and follows the page out the door. He's led back through the castle along the same route that he'd been taken on his way in. It doesn't take them long to return to the inn and at his door, the page says goodbye before promptly returning to the castle.

He opens the door a crack so he can peek in to make sure Miko is still there. When he sees him sleeping on the bed, he sighs in relief and closes the door. Moving down the hallway to the next door, he knocks and it's opened again by Uther.

Opening the door wide, he steps aside to allow James to come in the room. Everyone's there except Jiron and the ones on the wall watching for his return.

"What happened?" Illan asks.

James relates what Lord Pytherian had told him. He can see their faces get red when they find out nothing is going to be done about anything. "We should take care of this ourselves!" Uther shouts.

"They kill Miller and we're just supposed to walk away?" Yern asks incredulously. "I don't think so."

He can see everyone there is thinking the same thing: Revenge! Revenge!

"Can't you look in that mirror thing of yours and find out where this Councilman Rillian is?" asks Jorry. "Or maybe Korgan, the one eyed man?"

"Before I do," James says, "I don't want us to do anything until Jiron comes back. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Illan says, the others nodding their heads.

"Okay," he says as he pulls the mirror out of the pouch at his hip. He takes a seat in one of the chairs and places the mirror on the table as everyone gathers around to look.

"Find that councilman first!" insists Uther.

James concentrates until the mirror begins to coalesce into an image of Councilman Rillian sitting at a table with six other important looking men. "Must be the Council," he guesses.

The image begins to change as he starts concentrating on Korgan. When the image clarifies, they see him riding a horse through the gra.s.slands. "He could be anywhere by this time!" he hears one of them exclaim. He lets the image go and the mirror reverts back to normal.

"It doesn't look as if there's anything that can be done now," James states. He leans back in the chair and contemplates the remnants of Miller's band. "What do you all plan to do now?"

They look at each other and Uther says, "We haven't really thought about it."

"Yes, that's true," Illan adds. "Miller was our leader, our heart and soul."

"What are you going to do?" Jorry asks him.

"When Jiron returns, we'll probably start heading back to Cardri as fast as possible," he tells them.

"Why?" asks Uther. "I mean, Madoc could use you and what you can do."

"I know," he says, "but they'll have to get along without me. There are other things that I must do."

"Like what?" asks Yern.

He looks from one face to another and says, "I'm not entirely sure. I'm still trying to figure that out, but I'm sure it's not to embroil myself in this war. I feel that to be true."

"Will it be to the detriment of the Empire?" asks Uther.

"I don't know," replies James. "But since I've started on this path, I've done nothing but hurt them, though."

"Yeah, that's the truth," Jorry says and then breaks out into a laugh that's shared by all.

"We've been talking while you were at the castle," Illan says. "If you wouldn't mind, we'd kind of like to stay with you for a while. Miller's gone so all we'd be doing is joining the regular army and none of us are cut out for that. Of course I can't speak for the ones on the wall waiting for Jiron, but I'm sure they'd go along with it."

James considers it a fraction of a second before saying, "I'd be more than happy to have you come along."

"Great!" says Illan and the others offer other exclamations of jubilation as well.

"But, if you're to follow me, that means what I say goes," he tells them. "Will there be a problem with that?"

They all shake their head no. "In that case, I want you to forget about Councilman Rillian." He sees their faces scowl and their expressions turn dark. "There may be a time of retribution, but that time is not now," he tells them firmly. Looking from one to the other, he asks, "Okay?"

He gets their grudging agreement and then says, "We'll need horses. Can someone go back and retrieve yours from that burned down inn?"

Uther gives him a grin and says, "Already done. They're out in the stable behind the inn. We have Miller's and Shyn's as well, so we just need two more so everyone will have one."

"The horses I came here on are who knows where," James says. "Somehow, we'll need to procure two more."

"Not a problem," Jorry says. "When the time comes to leave, I'm sure we can get them."

Yawning, James gets up and says, "I need to get some sleep before we go. If they return with Jiron, get me up. And put someone in the hall to watch out for whatever Councilman Rillian may have planned."

"Right," says Jorry. "We'll take care of that."

"Good," he says as he heads for the door. Once through the door and he's on his way back to his room, he can hear them as they discuss what he just said. He's glad they are coming with him, especially since Jiron's shoulder is hurt so badly. It's going to take him a while to fully heal and recover.

Before he opens the door, he can hear Miko's snores coming from the other side. Smiling, he opens the door and enters. Closing the door behind him, he goes over to his bed, kicks off his boots and lies down. When his head hits the pillow, he realizes just how tired he is. It isn't long before he's asleep.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

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Warrior Priest Of Dmon-Li Part 51 summary

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