
Warrior Priest Of Dmon-Li Part 47

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"Alright," agrees James as he gets in position to pull it out. Just before he takes hold of the bolt, the stairwell begins to lighten up again and the sound of approaching footsteps can be heard. He takes his hand away as they all turn to see who is coming.

Lord Pytherian, along with another man bearing a bag and a torch, move into the room. They come and stand before their cell.

James glares at him from where he's sitting next to Jiron.

"I believe you," Lord Pytherian tells him. "Go ahead," he says to the man with him who produces a key and opens the cell door.

"He's a healer," he tells them. "He's here to remove the bolt from your shoulder, Jiron."

James gets up to make room for the healer. He then goes over to Lord Pytherian and asks, "If you believe us, why are we here?"

"You must understand," he explains, "I have no authority in civil matters. Councilman Rillian is a very powerful member of the council with many friends. I could not side against him, it would've created severe problems we can ill afford with that army sitting on our doorstep."

A m.u.f.fled cry escapes Jiron as the healer pulls out the bolt. They glance over to him as he begins sewing the wound closed. Fifer is there giving the healer a hand.

"But we have proof," insists James. "One of his agents is being held by Miller at an inn."

"One man's word still wouldn't be enough," he says. "If the enemy should launch an a.s.sault now, it's all we could do to simply withstand it. I cannot afford to have a rift in the council, as that would surely happen if this is brought to light."

"But he could be your biggest danger!" James exclaims.

"I know," he says. "But as long as the illusion is held, his men will fight in the city's defense should it become necessary. I don't think he'd turn on us outright unless he thought it would be to his benefit or if he had no choice. As surely would happen if we pressed this matter." Pausing for a moment, he then adds, "If he turns too soon, then everyone on the council will turn against him. He can't afford that right now so I believe he will attempt to sustain the illusion of his patriotism as long as possible."

"I see," replies James. "What do you plan to do?"

"Keep an eye on him," he explains. "Because of your outburst back there, he now knows I know. That will make it harder to discover his plans, but not impossible."

"Don't you have the alliance for support?" asks Jiron, joining the conversation. He's a little pale but the wound is st.i.tched closed.

"Some remain," he replies. "I've sent riders after the others that have left, but how soon they'll return is anyone's guess."

"There's an agent from the Empire here in the city," James tells him. "A one eyed man named Korgan. He was instrumental in opening the gates of the City of Light the night it fell."

Nodding, he says, "My agents have reported seeing the man in the company of Councilman Rillian on several occasions. But they didn't know who he was. If we can find him, then we could possible lay charges before the council."

"How are you going to do that?" Jiron asks.

"Not me, you," he replies.

"Us?" asks James incredulously. "How are we to do that from in here?"

"You're not," he states. "You're leaving here right now."

"But you told Councilman Rillian that you were going to lock us up," Jiron says. "You're not going to go back on your word are you?"

"I said I'd lock you up," he replies with a smile. "And I've done that. I never agreed to how long I would keep you here."

The healer comes to Lord Pytherian and says, "The wound is clean but will take a while to heal."

"Thank you," he says, taking the torch away from him. "On your way out, can you ask Henri to come in?"

"Yes, milord," the healer replies. Giving Lord Pytherian a slight bow, he begins walking toward the stairs. Shortly after the healer leaves the room, a guard enters and comes over to them.

"Yes, milord?" Henri asks.

"I want you to a.s.sist them to get out of the castle and into the city without them being seen," he tells him. "And make sure we return their weapons, they may need them."

Giving him a bow, Henri turns to the prisoners and says, "Follow me."

"How are we to get in touch with you?" James asks.

"Henri here will be at the north gate," he says. "He'll get you in to see me."

"Okay," says James as they move to follow Henri from the room. He glances back to Lord Pytherian when they get to the stairs and sees him standing there by the cell, the light from the torch creating a circle of light about him. Then he turns to follow Henri from the room.

The other guards who had escorted them here are waiting at the top of the stairs. They return their weapons to them, Jiron is mighty happy to have his knives back. "Is there anything else you need before we leave?" Henri asks.

"Actually," begins James, "a mirror would be most helpful."

"A mirror?" Henri asks. "What do you need with that?"

"Just do," replies James. "Can you get me one?"

"Shouldn't be a problem," he says. He nods to another of the guards who begins running down the hallway. "He'll get one."

"Thanks," says James.

The guard returns a few minutes later with a small, hand held mirror. Henri takes it from him and as he hands it over to James. "Will this do?"

It's three inches by four and fits snugly in his hand. "Yes," he says, nodding, "this will do perfectly."

"Then follow me," Henri says as he begins moving down the hallway.

"How are we to get out of the castle without anyone seeing?" James asks. "Everyone out there saw us being marched in."

"Leave that to me," he says. He leads them through the castle's back ways, keeping away from commonly used areas. Whenever they see someone approaching, he has them quickly move in a different direction to avoid being seen.

Finally, Henri comes to a door and opens it. He waves them in and follows once they're within the room. The last guard in closes the door behind them. One of the guards had brought in a lit candle from the hallway and the light shows the room to be a storage room. Boxes and crates line the walls.

Henri goes over to a tall stack and says, "Here, give me a hand."

James and two of the guards move to help him as he pushes the stack to the side. Behind the stack is a narrow doorway. Henri reaches into his tunic and pulls out a key. Placing it into the keyhole, he turns it and they hear a click as the door swings open an inch. Replacing the key inside his tunic, he says, "Follow this and it will lead to the outer edge of the castle. The corridor will end abruptly and there you'll need to find a loose stone, three feet above the floor on the right side. Press it, and another doorway will open allowing you to leave the castle. You'll have but a few moments to pa.s.s through before the door slides shut once again. There is no way to open it from the outside."

"Thank you," James says as they move to enter the secret pa.s.sage.

"Just get Korgan before he can implement his plan," Henri replies, "whatever that plan may be. I'll be waiting at the north gate."

"We'll see you there," James says and then enters the pa.s.sage. Once they're all in, the door is again shut and locked. They can hear the stack of boxes being slid back in front of the doorway.

The orb springs to life and James leads them down the narrow pa.s.sage. When they reach the end, he finds the loose stone and presses upon it. Before them, the end of the pa.s.sage slides to the side and they see faint light coming in through the opening.

"We better hurry before it closes," James says.

Moving to the exit, he has to push his way through the bushes before the exit, the others following closely. Behind them they begin to hear the doorway close once more until it finally shuts tight.

Peering out from the bushes, they discover they've come out on the northeast side of the castle. James takes a quick look around and when he's sure no one is near, steps out with the others following.

"Which way?" asks Jiron.

"One gate is as good as the other," replies James. "I would guess the north gate seeing as how that's where Henri is planning to meet us. Most likely, the other guards stationed there are loyal."

"Possible," Jiron says.

Moving with a purpose, they make for the north gate. They do their best to avoid others who are out and about on the streets. When at last the gate is in sight, Jiron sees the same two men on guard there as had been there when he'd snuck through earlier.

"No guts, no glory," James says as he walks purposefully toward the gate.

"But they'll see us!" Fifer whispers.

"True," replies James. "But I'm counting on them not worrying about those leaving nearly as much as those entering."

"I hope you're right," Fifer says as they come closer.

When they're close, the guards take notice of them but otherwise say nothing as they pa.s.s through the gate. James nods in greeting to them as they pa.s.s by, the guards return his greeting.

"We made it!" Fifer exclaims quietly.

"Figured we would," Jiron says. "People always see what they expect to see. The guards back there expected us to be okay, and since we acted the part, that's what they thought."

As they move away from the gate, two shadows detach themselves from the darkness. James sees them coming toward them and stops abruptly.

"It's okay," Jiron a.s.sures him as he recognizes Jorry and Uther.

"You did it!" they say, amazed.

"Yeah, but we don't have time to talk about it," he replies.

"What do you mean?" Uther asks.

Fifer quickly fills them in on what's been going on.

Jiron says, "You guys go and get the others stationed out at the other gates and meet us back at the inn.'

"You got it," Jorry says.

As they head out into the night to round up the others, James says to Jiron, "Now, take us to Miller."

Giving him a nod, Jiron moves out toward the inn.

James follows closely behind and after a minute, asks, "How's Miko?"

"Doing okay, last I saw," he replies.

"I'm getting worried about him," James says.

"So am I," agrees Jiron.

They don't progress very far before they begin to smell smoke. Not wood smoke from someone's chimney, but more like from a building that's burning or has just burned down.

As they near the inn, a large crowd can be seen gathered around a burned out structure. "I believe that used to be the inn," Jiron tells him.

Hurrying forward, they see the crews working to extinguish the last of the fires. "What happened?" he asks one onlooker.

"They think it started in the back," the man tells him.

Another man steps forward and says, "Yeah, this bunch came in through the front, a rough bunch by the looks of them. They went through to the rooms in the back and then we heard sword fighting. Then all of a sudden, we smelled smoke coming from the back. By the time we all got out, the fire was spreading pretty fast. In no time, the whole place was on fire.

"Did anyone from the back make it out?" James asks anxiously.

Shaking his head, the first man says, "Not through the front, anyway. No one has said if anyone made it out the back. Seems dark deeds were done there this night."

"Perhaps," says James. "Thank you."

The men nod and turn back to watch the crews as they finish putting out the fire.

They move away from the crowd and James asks, "You heard?"

Jiron nods, "Think he got out?"

"Under normal circ.u.mstances I'd say yes. But now, the way he's been acting, I don't know."

"They said they heard sword fighting," Jiron says. "That means Miko would have 'woken up', so to speak."

"I know," replies James, "that's what has me worried."

"Woken up?" Fifer asks.

"Never mind that now," James says quickly. "Let's move over to the rear of the inn and see if we can find out anything."

"Okay," Fifer says as he leads the way, scanning the faces of the crowd for any sign of Miller or Miko.

At the rear of the inn, the fire had gutted it pretty good. Only a few timbers and crossbeams remain. James begins to move in among the charred rubble before a guard blocks his way, saying, "It isn't safe, you'll have to stay back."

James looks at the guard and says, "I know, but we knew someone who was back here. I just wanted to find out if they made it out or not."

"It's not a pretty sight," the guard says.

"I realize that," James says as he looks to the guard imploringly.

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Warrior Priest Of Dmon-Li Part 47 summary

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