
Warrior Priest Of Dmon-Li Part 16

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Two of the hors.e.m.e.n exchange looks and one of them replies, "You are trespa.s.sing in Windrider territory."

"Our apologies," James says with sincerity. "We did not know that this area belonged to anyone."

"None are allowed here," the rider explains. "You must turn around and go back!"

"James!" Miko exclaims.

"Shut up!" he says to him. Turning his attention back to the rider he says, "There must be some way that we could be allowed to continue."

"There is none," the rider a.s.serts. He nods over to the ridge to the north and says, "Had you crossed over, your lives would've been forfeit. But you have not yet crossed the sacred boundary, so I will let you live." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "If you leave, now."

Suddenly, he feels Jiron's hand on his arm as he whispers, "James, look at their tunics."

"What about them?" he whispers back.

"The beadwork," he explains. "It's the same as on that necklace Lyria gave you."

James looks closer and he slowly nods his head as he sees the same pattern of shapes and colors as is on the necklace.

He begins to reach into his pouch for it when the archers begin to draw back their arrows at his movement. He stops and says, "I have something I wish to show you, if I may?"

Nodding, the rider holds up his hand and the archers relax somewhat but still have their bows at the ready.

He reaches in and pulls out the necklace, holding it out to the rider.

The rider gasps and takes it from him as several of the others gather around to examine it, the archers lower their bows a little bit more. After several moments of exchanging words in their language, the rider turns to James and asks, "Where did you get this?"

"It was given to us some time ago by a lady," he explains.

"What lady?" he asks, an odd expression forming on his face.

"She called herself Lyria and she lived on an island in the middle of a lake," he replies. "The lake sits at the southern edge of these mountains."

His explanation generates more intense discussion among the a.s.sembled riders. The bowmen continue to keep their bows ready, but are no longer aiming them at James and the others.

When the conversation ends, the rider turns back to them and says, "We will take you to our camp." Then he says something to the bowmen who put their bows away. They put the unused arrow in a quiver slung across their backs and then sling the bow alongside it.

The rider turns his attention back to James and says, "My name is Therin, sub-chief of the Windrider Clan."

"I'm James," he replies. Motioning to his companions, he continues, "And this is Jiron and Miko."

"So we will be allowed to travel in your territory?" Miko blurts out.

"The lady has given you our token," he says. "So you will not be immediately turned away. But whether you are allowed to live is up to our chief."

"Live?" James asks.

He gestures to the southern ridge and says, "Our camp lies beyond the ridge. If all is as you claim, you have nothing to fear. If not, you'll not live the day." He speaks to one of the hors.e.m.e.n and he quickly rides off toward the southern ridge.

Turning his attention back to James, he says, "Now, if you'll all mount behind one of my riders, we'll be on our way."

"It's okay," James a.s.sures Jiron and Miko. "I think we'll be alright."

As Miko is mounting behind a rider, he says, "I sure hope so."

Once they are mounted, Therin leads them toward the southern ridge. It takes them a half hour to reach it and when they crest the top, James hears a gasp from Miko. Looking out beyond the ridge, he sees a vast circular valley, surrounded on all sides by mountains. James is reminded of a meteor crater, one must have hit here some time far in the past.

The valley is filled with tents and horses. Thousands of horses run free within the valley. "This is where the Clans gather each year to ready the tribute to the Empire," Therin tells him as he rides along side of him.

"Tribute?" James asks.

"Of horses and gold," he explains.

"How many clans are there?" he asks.

"Ten," he replies. "But four have yet to put in an appearance. The Windrider Clan claims the gathering area as part of our territory, but during this time, all the clans are allowed to come."

"I take it you don't all get along?" James asks.

Shaking his head, he says, "No, not all. Most work together for mutual benefit, to make the clans strong."

As they continue to work their way down the side of the valley toward the Gathering, James looks out over the tents, now able to discern the different patterns of the various clans, each clan having its own unique pattern of color and shapes. The tents, which at first looked to be randomly scattered about, can now be seen as being grouped according to each clan.

Near the center of the gathering, James can see tents bearing the pattern of the Windrider Clan. It's by far the largest group of tents in the valley, probably due to the fact it's their territory.

When they reach the edge of the gathering, others begin to notice them riding behind the clansmen and the word of their arrival begins to spread. A crowd gathers around them as they progress toward the Windrider tents.

Therin exchanges words with some as they ride but most are simply following along after to see what's going on. Upon nearing the Windrider tents, James observes a clansman enter the largest tent and after a few moments, an aged man exits. Though he's seen a few years, he still has strength about him and a commanding look.

"The Chief of the Windriders," Therin tells him. "My father."

Coming to a halt in front of his father, Therin dismounts and greets him with a hug. He then begins talking to him in their language.

James can hear their names being said during the course of the conversation. At one point, he holds up the token Lyria had given him and the Chief's eyes widen and several in the crowd begin muttering.

Therin turns toward them and says, "My father would like to meet the friends of the Lake Lady."

Dismounting, James and the others come forward. Giving him a bow, he says, "Greetings, Chief of the Windriders." Miko and Jiron both bow just like they saw James do.

"Greetings," the Chief says. "Never has the Lady given our token to another. This is indeed a strange occurrence, though what to do with you remains unclear. Outsiders are not allowed here, yet you bear the favor of the Lady."

"Therin," he says to his son, "find them a place to stay." Turning back to James, he says, "When the moon is full, the meeting of the clan chiefs will take place. At that time, we shall decide what to do with you. Until then, you can move freely among us."

As if that's that, he turns his back upon them and returns within the tent from which he'd emerged.

Therin returns Lyria's token to James and says, "That will be tomorrow night." He points off to the east and says, "The Black Tails have just arrived. By tomorrow night, all the clans should be here."

He leads them away from his father's tent over to a smaller one set up a dozen yards away. Opening the flap, he says, "You may use this tent while you're among us." Once they've entered, he follows them in and closes the flap.

"What do you think they'll do with us?" James asks him.

Shrugging, he says, "The laws are clear about outsiders. To be in the Valley of the Gathering is to die. But yet you bear the token of the Lady and that is something they must strongly consider. They will not wish to anger the Lady."

"Why?" Miko asks him.

"She is beloved by all," he explains. "Many have been the times when she's appeared and helped us in our times of need. She even saved my father's life once when he'd been bitten by a snake. We all had begun the final rites but she appeared, gave him some medicine and ministered to him. I needn't tell you how happy we were when he again walked out of his tent."

"No, I don't think death will be your fate," he says. "What it may be, I couldn't even begin to guess."

"I suppose being here for a day wouldn't be that bad," Jiron says as he lies down on a blanket."

"If you wish to remain in this tent," he tells them, "you may. It might be the best thing to do. Some of our warriors are brash and easily offended. It wouldn't do for trouble to happen before the chiefs have a chance to come to a decision. If you should leave your tent, try to stay within the Windrider's camp, they all know you are under our protection until the meeting of the chiefs."

James says, "Alright."

He lifts the tent flap and leaves.

When the flap shuts closed, Jiron says, "Think they'll allow us to leave?"

Shrugging, James says, "I don't know. Thank goodness Lyria had given us that token or there'd be a war going on right now."

"There still may be one if they decide against us," observes Jiron.

"Let's hope not," Miko says from where he's stretched out on one of the blankets. "We have at least till tomorrow night before anything will be decided."

"True," agrees James.

From outside the tent, a sudden outcry erupts. James glances to the others and says, "I'm going to go see what's happening."

The other two get up and join him as he goes outside the tent. The warriors are talking amongst themselves and James can see they're angered about something.

Seeing Therin talking to several warriors who are obviously distraught, he goes over toward him. Therin glances at him as he approaches and James asks, "What's going on?"

Pointing to the north, he says, "The Grey Wolf Clan has just arrived."

James looks and sees a large body of hors.e.m.e.n coming over the ridge. Along with them is a herd of horses, most likely part of the tribute. "And why is that causing such a problem?"

"That they're here, none," he explains. "It's that they've brought twice the number of warriors as is agreed upon."

"And that's bad?" he asks.

"It's an insult!" Therin says with anger. "To bring so many here, within our territory, outrageous!"

His father exits the tent and looks in anger at the Grey Wolf Clan approaching the a.s.sembled tents. Warriors of the various clans stop what they're doing and watch their approach.

James glances to his father and can tell he's seething within. When he looks back to the approaching riders, he can see there's someone else with them, someone who's obviously not a clansman. Riding at the head of the riders is a man in armor and a chill runs down James' spine when he sees him. A memory comes to him of a storm tossed sea and a man in armor wielding magic.

"Is that...?" Miko begins.

"I think it is," James replies. "If it is the one from the boat, how did he know we were here?"

"Then we must get out of here!" he whispers to James.

James shakes his head, "Therin's father has given us leave to be here, I don't think he's one to go back on his word for an outsider."

"Maybe we should go back into our tent, then?" Jiron suggests. "We wouldn't want him to see us."

Nodding, James says, "That might be a good idea." Yearning to know what is going to happen, he reluctantly goes back to their tent with the others. As he pauses at the entrance, he looks back to Therin and his father. Many of the Windrider warriors have gathered around them as they move to intercept the Grey Wolf Clan. He can tell none of the warriors are very happy about the situation and all are bearing weapons of one sort or another. Then he goes into the tent and closes the flap.

They sit there, antic.i.p.ating hearing the sounds of battle erupt around them. But other than raised voices and conversations of warriors going by, nothing happens. They wait anxiously for almost an hour before Therin opens the flap and enters.

"What happened?" James asks as he comes in.

"My father was all for driving them out when several of the other clan chiefs warned him about violating the Pact of the Gathering," he tells them.

"Pact?" Jiron asks.

"Yes, it's what keeps the peace during the Gathering while the tribute is being brought together," he explains. "The highest law of the Pact states that no blood shall be shed during this time. Those that do are sentenced to death."

"Kind of harsh," says Miko.

Turning to him, he says, "Maybe, but it's kept the peace this long." Then to James he continues, "If a clan as a whole should violate it, as we were about to do, then all the others would fall upon it."

"So what are you going to do?" asks James.

"Endure the insult," he says, seething with pent up anger. "But when the Gathering is dissolved, then we shall have our retribution."

Just then, the tent flap opens and several warriors come in with food and drink for them. They place them on a rug lying in the center of the tent before turning to leave. Once they're gone, Therin says, "Since I was the one who brought you to the Gathering, it has fallen to me to see that you are treated well."

"Thank you," James says appreciatively.

"There is another thing I must tell you," he says.

"The armored man with the Grey Wolf Clan?" asks Jiron.

A little surprised, he replies, "Yes." He takes his seat around the food, as do the others and then grabs a piece of meat as he begins eating. "He wants you, and wants you bad," he tells them.

"Why?" asks James.

"He didn't say, just that he's here for you and we must give you over," he explains.

"Are you?" Miko asks, worried.

Shaking his head, he says, "No, you bear the Token of the Lady and we respect her more than we fear him."

"Why would you fear him?" Jiron asks. "You are many yet he is one?"

"You don't lightly anger a warrior priest of Dmon-Li," he tells them. "They have fell magic and much influence with the Empire."

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Warrior Priest Of Dmon-Li Part 16 summary

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