
Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker! Chapter 803: Dare Not Give Up

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Chapter 803: Dare Not Give Up

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Winter pa.s.sed and spring came. The sunlight became hotter and hotter, and the ice and snow that had piled up for the entire winter began to melt. The frozen river had already begun to flow, and the corpse fishing boats fished on the river day and night. Not only were the barren mountains razed to the ground, but a huge pit had even been dug out.

George bought this barren mountain in the name of an investment. No one dared to develop it to begin with, and it could not be used for projects even if they kept it. Therefore, George successfully obtained approval. Now, no matter how they dug up this land, no one would care.

The netizens who had been paying attention to the Walton residence’s movements in the beginning gradually lost their enthusiasm. Occasionally, after a month and a half, the media would mention the progress of the Walton residence’s search for their young miss. The entire Walton residence was shrouded in a dark cloud. Henry took leave again, and Quinn and Milo broke their principles and secretly used their connections to keep searching.

On this day, with a splash, the water of the river melted into a huge pit. Coupled with the snow melted by the winter snow, it instantly filled the huge pit.

“Drain the water!” Alex stood by the crater in a black windbreaker.

The barren mountain dug deeper and deeper. At first, the snow was fine, but gradually, it was filled with water. As they dug, they pulled out the water. Alex was afraid. He was afraid that his daughter would be below. He was about to come up when the water drowned him

“Master!” Ryan wanted to say something but hesitated. It had been three months! Even if Miss Mia was really down there, she was probably dead! How could anyone be buried underground for three months and not die  But Ryan couldn’t bear to say it. Alex, who could have joked with them a little, had become more and more cheerful and human. In these three months, he had become sinister and terrifying again, even more terrifying than on the battlefield.

Someone came to ask if they wanted to continue pumping water as the water in the ground was getting deeper and deeper. Ryan sighed and said, “Keep going, add ten more devices.”

Eric walked over. “Leave the pumping to me.” He was in engineering and knew how to handle it.

Eric looked at the huge pit in front of him. The original barren mountain was completely gone, and the huge pit was in front of him. In fact, he knew that after three months, there was no hope  But if they stopped, that would be a real collapse  As long as they kept digging and looking, they could live in a fantasy that Mia would come back one day

Eric turned around, and the burly man’s eyes could not help but turn red.

At this moment, an exquisitely dressed little girl in a pink dress ran over. She was jumping and learning Amelia’s words and actions. She ran to Alex and raised her head. She tilted her head slightly and looked innocent and cute. “Eldest Uncle, Ray is here to bring you food.” She raised the lunch box in her hand and looked at Alex eagerly.

This girl was the child of the Burton family, who had previously claimed that the war G.o.d was their grandson. The Burton family had three sons and a daughter. The woman had married a local tyc.o.o.n, and the rest of the Burton family had scrammed back to their hometown. Only the daughter was still in Buffalo because she had married a tyc.o.o.n. The daughter of the Burton family was also Alex’s cousin, the granddaughter of Alex’s grandfather’s cousin’s cousin. There were countless generations between them, and they were very distant relatives. When the Burton family was dealt with by Alex, she did not say a word for fear of being implicated. In the end, when she heard that Alex’s daughter was missing, she started to have thoughts again. She knew that Alex did not like her, but she had sent her daughter over. Her daughter was a little older than Amelia. She was more than four years old this year. She did not believe that Alex could still attack a four-year-old child.

Alex really couldn’t bring himself to do it. Seeing this four-year-old girl reminded him of Mia, and his heart hurt like a knife. In the beginning, he directly threw Ray out, but not only did she not feel embarra.s.sed, she even felt that Alex was playing with her and was in high spirits. Later, Alex simply ignored her.

Ray came every few days like this. Every time, she would take advantage of the loophole and run in. Even if Alex ignored her coldly, she would not give up.

“Eldest Uncle, this is the sushi I made myself. Just take a bite.” Ray wheedled. Her mother said that as long as she could get close to Eldest Uncle, she would enjoy endless wealth. Not only would she not be bullied, but she could also suppress her sister! Others said that her mother was a mistress and her sister was the daughter of the original wife, so although her father was rich, she and her mother were still looked down on wherever they went.

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Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker! Chapter 803: Dare Not Give Up summary

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