
Vergilius Part 28

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"Come," he whispered. "The Judge of all the earth is here, and, as for me, I dare not remain."

Softly, silently, they departed, their hearts lifted to that peace none may understand. Gently, gently, Vergilius took the hand of him who had been his enemy. They had forgotten their bitterness and the touch of awe had made them kin.

"All debts are paid, my brother," said Vergilius. "I forgive you."

He struck his sword deep in the earth. "Henceforth it shall be for a ploughshare," he added.

The a.s.sessor bowed low, kissing the hand of Vergilius, who quickly mounted horse.

Then said the latter, turning to his followers: "Come, let us make haste. Before the gold is shining in the great lantern of Shushan. I must be on my way to the sea."

"On your way to the sea!" said his friend.

As he answered, the voice of Vergilius had a note of longing and beloved memories: "Yes, for the day is come when I return to the city of Caesar. Nothing shall separate me longer from my beloved. But come, let us seek Appius at the beacon-fire."

On all sides the great shadow was now thick-sown with stars. The group of hors.e.m.e.n, with colors flying, rode swiftly down the broad way to Jerusalem. Suddenly they drew rein. Great surges of song were rolling in upon this rounded isle from off the immeasurable, mighty deep of the heavens. Beating of drums, and waving of banners, and trumpet-sounds, and battle-cries of them unborn were in that new song--so it seemed to those who heard it. Winding over the gloomy hills near them under the light of the great star, they could see a long procession of shepherds bearing crooks. Awhile the hors.e.m.e.n looked and listened. The host of the dead now seemed to cry unto the host of the living:

"Glory to G.o.d in the highest and on earth peace, good-will towards men."

Slowly the song diminished.

"The everlasting gates are lifted up," said David, thoughtfully. Then, thinking of the perils of the new king, he added: "I beseech you, say nothing of these things abroad."

The song had ceased. A cloud, with all its borders bright, now curtained the great star. Another band of hors.e.m.e.n were descending the hill from Bethlehem. Swiftly they came near and halted.

"G.o.d send you peace," said the voice of a maiden. "We seek one Vergilius, officer of the cohort."

"And who is he that you should seek him?" said the young tribune, dismounting quickly.

"My lover," said she, a note of trouble in her voice, "and I do fear his life is in peril."

Vergilius was at her side. Now the light of the great star shone full upon them.

"Blood of my heart!" he whispered, lifting the maiden from her horse.

"Oh, you that have made me love you with the great love!" she cried, pressing her cheek upon his. "I have been as one lost in the desert, and I thank the one G.o.d he has led me to you."

A moment they stood together and all were silent.

"G.o.d has answered my prayer," said he. "But how came you here?"

Then she whispered: "I came with Appius, and the emperor has written that we are to bring you home."

"And we shall live no more apart," said he. "'Tis a night of ten thousand years, dear love. The Christ is come."

"The Christ is come!" she repeated. "How know you?"

"Have you not seen his light in the heavens nor heard the mighty song?"

"Yes, and all the night we have been full of wonder. Listen!"

Again the air trembled with that peal of song:

"Glory to G.o.d in the highest, and on earth peace, good-will towards men."

Slowly it sank into silence. Vergilius drew the maiden close and touched her ear with his lips and whispered: "Love has opened our hearts to the knowledge of mighty things. It has led us to the Prince of Peace."

Then said the maiden: "Let us build a temple wherein to worship him, and make it a holy place."

"And call it home," said the young knight, as he kissed her.


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Vergilius Part 28 summary

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