
Uncle Daniel's Story Of "Tom" Anderson Part 19

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"During the evening a lady came to our picket line and asked to be taken to Gen. Rosenfelt's headquarters. This was done. When she appeared, Gen.

Rosenfelt recognized her as Mrs. Lotty Houghton, who had been employed, it seems, by Jardine, Marshall & Co., northern manufacturers of cotton goods, to purchase cotton and get it through our lines. They had a permit to do so from the Treasury Department of the United States, and it seems she was quite successful as one of the agents. The enemy were eager to sell their cotton and our people anxious to get it. She went to and fro with pa.s.ses from both sides, neither believing she could give any information that would be of importance to either side.

She, however, was an exceedingly bright woman, who noted in her mind everything she saw or heard. She was as true and as loyal to the Union as any commander we had. She asked the General for a private interview, and gave him the position of the enemy, as I have before stated. This was the only certain information he had up to this time as to their exact position. She also told him that the reason she came to him now was that all the enemy's main force of cavalry were gone. That of Morganson and Forester were far away on raids, and would not be able to return in time to aid in a battle, should Gen. Rosenfelt feel like a.s.suming the offensive. She proposed to him that she would go to Nashua and from thence down the Franktown road, pa.s.s through the lines of the enemy, and come in their rear to Murphy's Hill, where she was well known; remain there quietly with a lady friend, and when she discovered anything that she considered absolutely important, she would get through the lines some way and come to him with the information. He was delighted at this proposition and said to her:

"'You shall be well rewarded for this.'

"She said, in reply:

"'No, sir; you mistake me. I am no spy! I give this information because it comes to my knowledge without my seeking it, and not in any confidence. I do this for the good of my country, and not for reward.'

"The General bowed and applauded her devotion to her government. She then bade him good-by and left for Nashua, refusing an escort.

"Gen. Rosenfelt sent for his corps commanders that evening, and explained the situation as he understood it. After examining the map and showing his officers the manner he desired an a.s.sault to be made, should he determine to attack, all agreed that there was no cause for delay.

"The troops were in fine condition and 'eager for the fray.' The General commanding told them to be ready to move at 'o'clock in the morning. He would send them written instructions in the meantime. So he prepared his orders and sent them out. First, his headquarters would be with those of Gen. Papson's corps; that the army would march by three different roads, leading from Nashua in a southerly direction. Gen. McCabe, with his command, would march on the Franktown road; Gen. Papson, with his command, being the center, on the Nolton and Sh.e.l.l-town Road; Critsinger on the Murphy's Hill road. McCabe was to a.s.sail Harding's forces on his road; but if Harding should fall back on the main rebel line, in that event McCabe and Papson were both to bear to the left, so as to present an unbroken front or line at or near Stone Run, opposite Murphy's Hill.

The movement commenced the next morning, but not so early as directed.

During the march McCabe ran against Harding's pickets, when a skirmish began. The rebel forces fell back on their main line. Gen. McCabe was delayed for some reason and did not reach Harding's main position that day, but on the next. And when he did arrive, Harding had left and was far away on his road to join Bigg's main force. The rain was now falling in torrents, and Papson and Critsinger were troubled to get their trains through the mud over very poor roads. When Gen. Rosenfelt's forces were finally concentrated he was compelled to rest one day, he thought, in order not to engage the enemy with his army in a tired and worn-out condition.

"The enemy had to march about the same distance, however, in order to make their concentration of forces. The ground over which the battle must be fought lies between Stone Run and Overman's Creek; it is slightly rolling ground, with sticky, clayish soil, in which the roads are tortuous and easily worked up by teams so as to become almost impa.s.sable. There were clearings on this ground, but they alternated with a chaparral that was almost impenetrable. There are three roads through this valley, between the two streams, which converge on Murphy's Hill.

"Rosenfelt, after resting, formed his line with McCabe on the right, Papson in the center, and Critsinger on the left, leaving Stone Run between the enemy and himself. One or the other must cross this stream sometime and somewhere during the engagement, in order to attack his opponent. There is much in the first a.s.sault if made with decision. In the evening, just before dark, one of McCabe's brigades struck one of Wittington's (rebel) brigades. The contest was a severe one, in which our forces were damaged very much. This ought to have proven that the enemy were intending to cross the run and strike our right flank. But it did not seem to disturb our commander in the least. That night Rosenfelt laid before his corps commanders his plan of attack, which was to throw his left across the run and attack and drive the rebel forces from Murphy's Hill, and get between the hill and the enemy, and use the high ground for artillery on the line and flank of the enemy; at the same time strike him in the center with Papson, leaving McCabe to merely hold his line to resist and not to attack.

"This being understood, all were to be ready the next morning to carry out the plan of the battle laid down by the General commanding. During the day Mrs. Lotty Houghton heard directly from one of the rebel officers that they were to move that night all their available forces to our right and attack us on our flank in the morning. So she concluded to leave that day, in order to be out of the way of the battle, and started south. After traveling several miles outside of the enemy's lines, she cut across to the west and took the road leading from Nashua to Pulaston. Traveling on that for some distance she struck across to the road from Nashua to Murphy's Hill, following that until she came to our pickets, and there asked to be shown to Army headquarters. She got in very late, and the Sergeant made a mistake and took her to Gen. Papson.

He did not know her and was rather suspicious. She told him of the movement of the enemy. He took her into his headquarters and sent out to find Gen. Rosenfelt. But he could not be found. He was out somewhere looking after his lines. This caused delay. He was not found until morning, and then not until after the movement had commenced on his left. Critsinger was crossing the run in front of Murphy's Hill. When Gen. Rosenfelt was informed that Mrs. Houghton was in our lines, and of her statement made about the enemy, he said:

"'It cannot be so. Biggs cannot suspect our movement. But even so, I will crush his right, which he has left exposed, and carry out my plan before he can do anything.' Gen. Rosenfelt superintended the crossing of the run in person. He saw the moment approaching when he could throw himself with a vastly superior force upon the isolated division that Gen. Biggs had left at the hill--the rest of Biggs's command having crossed the run to his left. At this juncture skirmish firing was heard, and in a very short time sharp musketry burst forth on our extreme right.

"At once Rosenfelt questioned in his mind, could Biggs have guessed the movement by which he was menaced? Was he endeavoring to forestall it, or was this one of those encounters between pickets? Or had Mrs. Houghton brought to him the correct information? He at once sent to have her brought to him. But she had left for Nashua on the turnpike road, so as to be out of the way, as well as out of danger. Very soon the facts were revealed to him, when too late, however, to retrace his steps. There was nothing left but to attack the isolated force at once, as McCabe had stated that he could hold his position against any force that might attack him. The battle had commenced on his right, and the rebels were pressing forward and gaining very great advantage. Our forces were taken completely by surprise on our right--the soldiers were in their tents, the officers scattered; the Chief of Artillery was at the headquarters of Gen. McCabe; the artillery horses had been taken to water, and in the great haste to get under arms each regiment formed in front of their tents. On came the rebel division, pouring a terrific fire into our ranks, advancing at every discharge, and loading as they came. Our artillery was mixed up and the portion of it that could be got into position was operated in vain. The two forces came together and fought hand to hand amid a musketry fire that struck friend and foe alike. Gen.

John's brigade held their ground manfully, but could not long withstand the impetuosity of the attack and the superiority of numbers. Their line broke in several places, and the batteries, deprived of horses, fell into the hands of the enemy. Gen. Willis's brigade was totally routed and he made a prisoner. Kirkham's brigade was broken to pieces and routed. The first a.s.sault did not last long, but was extremely damaging to our forces. Thus attacked, our lines were falling back in the direction of Overman's Creek, when Lawting's rebel cavalry fell upon their flank, capturing many prisoners, guns, and much camp equipage.

Polkhorn now a.s.saulted Gen. Davies' division with two fresh divisions.

Davies repulsed the first a.s.sault, but was struck in flank by Clayber, which forced him back. Potter's brigade was by Clayber entirely dispersed. By this time our right flank had been broken and driven back on Hospital Hill, and finally from there.

"The rebel cavalry then came charging down, capturing many prisoners.

Our wagon trains, ammunition and rations were only saved by the action of one regiment of our cavalry charging the rebel flank and forcing them back. News reached Rosenfelt that his right was completely routed. He at once countermanded his order to attack with his left, and moved to the right in order to save a great disaster and perhaps his army.

"In the meantime Biggs was preparing to attack the center, and on came one of his divisions in double column and struck the troops of a general who was in waiting to receive them (Gen. Sherlin). The attack was quick and terrible, but they were rolled back, attacked in turn, and the rebel loss in one brigade was one-third of its force. Gen. Sull, one of our brave officers, here lost his life while leading a charge. Rosenfelt and Gen. Papson now commenced forming a new line, which had to be done under a heavy fire, as the battle had extended down to and on the center.

Sherlin had fallen back to form on the new line. Rosen felt had become excited, and was riding over the field with his hat off, ordering everything he came to--batteries, regiments and companies. Papson, who was always cool and calm in battle as on dress parade, had his corps well in hand, and ordered Gen. Anderson, who was on his right and adjoining Sherlin, to receive the enemy and give him the bayonet. There had been a cessation of fighting for an hour, and the broken troops had commenced to re-organize and get into line. Biggs, seeing that postponement would not do, ordered up the division from Murphy's Hill, and again the battle commenced with renewed vigor. Sherlin was a.s.sailed first by Polkhorn. Gen. Anderson now seeing his chance, moved quickly to Sherlin's support, and with a dash struck one of Polkhorn's divisions in flank, and almost annihilated it. One of his brigades, Stephen Lyon commanding, was ordered to charge against another division. This was handsomely done, and the rebels fell back rapidly. At this time Biggs came into the fray, and led back his broken brigades in person, but they fared the same as before. In this a.s.sault Sherlin lost his other two brigade commanders, and had his troops somewhat demoralized for a time; but they soon recovered and the attacking commenced on our side. Our lines were moved forward and the battle was furious; first an advantage was gained on the one side and then on the other. At last our men became encouraged and were fighting with a firm conviction that we were gaining ground and driving the enemy back. During an hour of hard stand-up hand-to-hand fighting, officers and men fell like the leaves of Autumn after a bitter frost. Night then closed in, leaving the two armies facing each other.

"A profound silence prevailed during the night, interrupted only by the groans and the shrieks of the wounded and dying, after a constant strife, which had lasted for ten hours. No more sanguinary struggle for the length of time was ever witnessed. During this day there was not a single regiment of our troops that had not been more or less engaged.

The enemy's cavalry had crossed the run below our army and captured and destroyed a great quant.i.ty of our provisions, ammunition, etc. That night no rations were distributed. The poor boys gathered around the campfires and anxiously inquired about missing comrades, and what of the day to-morrow. Many of the soldiers thought our army surrounded. Three of our Generals had fallen during the day, and many thousand poor soldiers were killed, wounded and captured.

"That night Gens. Anderson and Sherlin met for the first time, and in talking over the morrow both agreed that they would die on that ground or win the battle, and they infused this same determination into all they met.

"Biggs thought that Rosenfelt would retreat during the night. He could not believe that he would undertake to maintain himself in the position in which he bad been forced. He thought that he had only to wait until morning to gather the fruits of a great victory. He was mistaken. The next morning he found the Union forces in a compact line skirting the timber, with hastily thrown-up earthworks. If Rosenfelt had made his movement, on the information given by Mrs. Houghton, earlier in the day, instead of the afternoon, he would, perhaps, have met with no disaster.

But the next day, when he found that Biggs did not attack, he determined to do so. He made the same movement that he began the day before, and was driven back in his first attempt to take the hill. He then began a general a.s.sault, and retook all the positions lost the day before. The loss of the enemy was very heavy, and the victory of the second day was complete. Gen. Anderson moved out with his division by the side of Sherlin, and the two seemed to vie with each other as to which could face the greatest danger. The rebels lost two Generals, killed that day.

In the two days' fighting the losses on both sides were most serious.

In the evening, after the battle was concluded, as General Anderson was riding over the field near Hospital Hill, he discovered a rebel officer leaning against the root of a tree. There were two rebel soldiers with him. He was very pale, and not able to speak in louder tones than a whisper. The General dismounted, giving his reins to his orderly.

Approaching the group, the two soldiers arose and said:

"'General, we surrender.'

"The General replied:

"'That is not my purpose. I do not come to make prisoners, but to know if I can be of any service to this wounded officer.'

"As the General spoke, the wounded officer said, in a whisper:

"'Tom, is that you?"

"'Yes,' said the General, reaching out his hand to Capt. Whitthorne, in whom he recognized his wife's cousin.

"Capt. Whitthorne took his hand and said:

"'I am dying. I want you to tell cousin Mary that I have never forgotten her; I love her, and wish I could see her now. We will not speak of our differences now; the approach of death softens our hearts. You are a brave man, Tom. I am proud of you, even as an enemy. When I die, as I will in a few minutes--I can only last a little while--will you bury me just where I fell? There is the spot,' looking over his left shoulder and asking one of the men to mark it.

"This exertion caused the blood to flow profusely, as he had been shot through the lungs.

"In a few minutes he breathed his last. Gen. Anderson had him properly interred at the place where he requested, and marked it with a headstone with his name upon it. He wrote to his wife the facts as I have given them to you. Gen. Anderson never alluded to him afterwards except in the most respectful terms. When Mary, the General's wife, received a letter giving an account of her cousin's death, she wept, but said nothing.

"But to return to the results of the battle: Biggs retreated and left the field to Rosenfelt, who concluded to go into winter quarters instead of making pursuit. He said it was necessary that his army should recuperate. Wishing, however, to cover Nashua, he sent a command out to the west from Murphy's Hill, on the road to Frank-town. It fell upon Stephen Lyon's brigade to go. He was quite unwell, but would by this station have an independent command--his brigade and two regiments of cavalry and two batteries of artillery--consequently he was gratified by the order. In marching the command moved slowly, there not being an urgent necessity for their presence at Franktown. On the second day's march they halted and had a luncheon at a spring by the roadside.

"Gen. Stephen Lyon was lying on a mattress in an ambulance. When the command had rested he sent them forward, remaining at the spring himself, saying to his officers that he would come on after resting, as he could soon overtake them. H e kept with him only one officer (Lieut.

Curtis), two orderlies and the driver, not dreaming of an enemy being in that part of the country, as Biggs's army was many miles south of Stone Run, or rather to the southeast at Tullahoming.

"Col. Joseph Whitthorne (then Brigadier-General), with a detachment of cavalry, came dashing up. He captured Lieut. Curtis and the two orderlies and driver, and then asked who the officer was that was lying in the ambulance. On being told that it was Gen. Stephen Lyon, he replied:

"'I have sworn to kill him if I ever met him, for sending a spy into my camp.'

"Stephen was unarmed, and protested that he knew nothing about the charges alleged against him. But it did no good. Whitthorne ordered his men to shoot him, and it was done and my poor boy was in this cold-blooded way murdered by this gang of bushwhackers. My other sons had his body taken back to Murphy's Hill and buried. I never knew who murdered him until the war was over."

[Ill.u.s.tration: The Murder of Steven Lyon 182]

"The old man again broke down and for a time was unable to proceed, but at last said:

"You can see how the fates were against my family. When the news was received at home my poor wife could not rally under these successive blows, and she lay sick for months. I thought she would soon follow the poor boys. When she did recover it was only partially. She was never well afterwards.

"After the battle, Gen. Anderson thought he would look up his military family, as his headquarters had been sent to the rear during the conflict. Capt. Day and Capt. Jackson were near him all the time, and were no better posted than the General as to where the headquarters were. Finally they were found some three miles to the rear. The orderlies, driver, cook, etc., were found established at the headquarters; but old Ham, poor old man, was nowhere to be found. A general search was at once inst.i.tuted, and finally he jumped up like a rabbit from some thick underbrush. When he came out he looked all around, and at last realizing who the parties were that had discovered him he threw up his hands and exclaimed:

"'Bress the good Laud, and you'uns are not all killed. Afo' de Laud I never 'spected to see any you good people agin. And heah is Ma.s.sa Gen'l Tom, and Ma.s.sa Jackson and Ma.s.sa Capt. Day. Well! well! if dis isn't a sprize to ole Ham.'

"The General said:

"'Ham, how did you get here? What made you run away? I thought you were going to stay with us.'

"'Yes, sah, I thought so, too; but, sah, de sh.e.l.l, de guns and de b.u.ms dey all come rite down over whar I was, and I not know how to fight. One ob de mans git me a gun and fix it up, and I git behind a tree and poke it out and pull de trigger, and bress de Laud it shoot de wrong way and I fine myself knocked ober away off from de tree. Den I said dis is no place for dis darkey, and I gits; dats what I does, and I corned along pretty fas' and I got wid de wagons, and pretty soon de hossmen ob de Sesh--I b'leves dey calls 'em cabalry--dey come on de run and burned up de wagons and slashed 'bout and cussed about de Yanks and swared about de n.i.g.g.e.rs and skeered me out ob my breff. Den I gits in de woods and creeps under de brush and dar I stay, and sho' you born I thought ebery one was killed, I wouldn't never come out if you hadn't found me, sho'.

I done thought I neber see Marfa no more. O, bress de Laud, I's hungry doe.'

"'Well, come along, Ham; I guess I will have to send you home; you seem not to take to war.'

"'Well, sah! Ma.s.sa Gen'l, 'spect it be de bes'; for afore de Laud I feels curous when you is fitin'. Somehow I doesn't jes' feel rite all de time dey is shootin'. It seems dey would kill a darky jes'as quick as dey do a white man.'

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Uncle Daniel's Story Of "Tom" Anderson Part 19 summary

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