
Nine Tailed System 1

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In an abandoned house, isolated from everything, there were two people around 15 years that were looking at each other, they were Marco and Billy, best friends, both of them were over a chair with a rope in their neck.

The reason for all this was because Gabriel, their other best friend, died from a joke gone wrong, and received a letter from him which said that he was reincarnated in Rosario + Vampire with the body of the King of the Chimera Ants.

It made them angry, while they were suffering from being guilty due to killing their best friend, he was enjoying a good life in G.o.d-knows-where. So they decided to try to get to him by suicide.

Marco: Hey Billy, do you think it will work?

Billy This is the first time I gamble outside of a casino and other games… But I say yes, it will work…

Marco: I hope so, if I find Gabriel I will kick his a.s.s.


Marco flinched from the sudden sound he heard, then he looked at Billy, he seemed to not have heard it.

Marco: 'It must be my imagination…' Well, I hope we can see each other at the other side…

Billy nodded at his words and said.

Billy: Alright, at my 3, we will kick down the chairs… 1… 2… 3!

Then Marco and Billy kicked the chair away, and the robe started to strangle them, both Marco and Billy didn't struggled, they just waited that they lose air.

Marco: 'I wonder what will happen after this…'

Marco slowly closed his eyes, and the silence came.

Marco and Billy died… And their souls left the world…

[Unknown time later]

Marco didn't felt anymore the rope in his neck and was hearing some voices and noises, so he tried to open his eyes, and found himself in the arms of a blonde woman in white clothes, who was smiling at him.

Marco turned his head around, and noticed that he was in a room made of wood, with another woman in a big bed.

Marco: 'W-What is happening?! Where am I?!'

Nurse: Thanks Illias that the child is born safely…

Marco's eyes widened, it was easy putting 1+1 together.


Marco recognized that name everywhere, it was the G.o.ddess of this world, populated from monsters and humans, the problem was not here, but at the 'monster' part, every single monster is a girl which feeds herself of sperm.

Whoever doesn't know about the game 'Monster Girl Quest' may think that it would be a good thing and a really good chance to get laid, but the people who played it to a certain point knows about the 'UGLINESS' in this world.

Like the Slug Girls, Worm Girls, almost the 100% of the Plant Girls, let's not talk about Insect Girls and the ones who have even a single tentacle…

Let's say that Marco's experience with this game was… Traumatic… Especially the **** scene of the Beelzebubs, he may have completed the game, but it was after many loses, which left a little scar in his past.

But not everything was bad, like 'Certain' moments with a 'Certain' Monster Lord…

His thoughts were interrupted from the nurse that was carrying him towards the woman, it seems that the father was somewhere else.

Nurse: Lucifina, your son is born without any problem.

Marco: 'I am the son of WHO?!'

Marco knew really much about the game, there may be some things that he may have forgotten, but he perfectly remembered the main plot and things regarding important people, one of them was Lucifina, mother of the protagonist of the game, Luka.

Lucifina was both Luka's mother and the second original angel created from Illias, she was really strong, cla.s.sified as a Seraph, but she betrayed her G.o.ddess and disguised as a human in the world.

Later she found Marcellus, her husband, and married, then Luka should be born…

But if he was born instead of Luka then the things may greatly change…

Marco turned around to look at his new mother, and was surprised. No wonder Marcellus fell in love with her, such a beautiful woman came from the heaven, figuratively and literally.

Lucifina was a woman with beautiful facial features, she had long brown hair, a pair of big sky blue eyes, and her body could easily charm anyone, even some girls.

Lucifina smiled at Marco and took him with her arms, then she hugged him and said.

Lucifina: My son… Finally he's born… It's a shame that darling is not here, then I will name him… 'Which name I should use…? Luka? No… ' Marco… Your name will be Marco…

Marco didn't heard her and was charmed from Lucifina's face.

Marco: 'Beautiful…'

Lucifina closed her eyes and started to sleep with Marco in her arms, she was too tired from giving birth to Marco, the latter started to get tired too, and slowly closed his eyes, but before he could sleep, he heard a familiar sound.


*a.n.a.lyzing Host…*

*15%... 32%... 56%... 71%... 93%... 100%*

*Host: Marco*

*Age: 5 minutes*

*Race: 50% Angel/50% Human*

*Status: Poisoned*

*Warning: The Holy Powers are eroding the body*

*Solution: Erasing the Holy Powers*

*Warning: Erasing the Holy Powers will erase the angel bloodline, continue?*

*[Yes] or [No]*

Marco: 'I'm poisoned?!'

Marco was surprised from the sudden appearance of the sounds but it was replaced from the fear of the word 'Poisoned'.

Marco: 'Oh right… Lucifina was an angel so I got some of her genes, really dangerous for humans… Yes'


*Erasing Angel Bloodline…*

*10%... 23%... 42%... 76%... 97%... 100%*


*Host: Marco*

*Age: 6 minutes*

*Race: 100% Human*

*Status: Healthy*

*Warning: No abnormalities present in the Host*

*Welcome to the world "Monster Girl Quest", this is the Nine Tailed System*

*Start Tutorial?*

*[Yes] or [No]*

Marco was overwhelmed from the presence of this so called 'Nine Tailed System', he didn't even know what he should do, until he unconsciously started to sleep, forgetting about everything.

[1 year later]

Marco's life was really good, right now he was living at Enrika with his mother and his father.

Marcellus looked almost exactly as Luka in the game, the only things that are different about the two of them is that Marcellus had a well-built body, he's tall and that Marcellus' left eye is blind.

He had purple short hair and light blue eyes, he had a face that made him look like a 18 years old, when he was already over 20, usually he would wear a red cape and normal clothes, while wearing only 1 gauntlet, sometimes he carries a big longsword that he could easily use.

Marco was an infant with dark brown hair and surprisingly red eyes, neither Marcellus and Lucifina knew where they came from but soon they stopped caring about it.

In Enrika, like Marco predicted, there was Micaela, his aunt, she was an angel too, at Seraph cla.s.s like Lucifina, but stronger, she had the same sky blue eyes of Lucifina, but a bit smaller, and had really long blonde hair. She was a beauty too, but not as much as his mother.

But the most interesting thing of his time in this world was the 'Nine Tailed System'. Unlike the systems Marco read ablut in different novels, it had only 2 features, the 'Nine Tailed Gates' and the Special Quests.

The Nine Tailed Gates are separated in 10 levels unlike the name suggested, and Marco could only access to the 1st level, 'Start'

The Nine Tailed Gates is basically the 10 stages of Naruto's Jinchuriki mode except for the Chakra mode, Marco can use 'Start', which just cover his body in a layer of red aura and without any tail, his pupils turned in slits, and his nails grew just a bit.

His strength was boosted of just a bit, almost unnoticeable, because he was still too weak to perceive any change of strength in his body, especially if his boost is increased in percentage, which was really small.

Based on his knowledge, this system was basically like Kurama, but without any emotion, it gave Marco a certain level of regeneration, which would get stronger with the number of gates he will open.

When Marco tried to enter the '1st Gate', he received this message.


*Warning: Entering the 1st Gate without enough 'Willpower' will change Host's status from Stable>Berserk, proceed?*

Marco sighed and looked in the sky, until he heard his mother walked toward him with a smile, about this 'Nine Tailed Gates', no one still found out about it, and it seems that Lucifina noticed the absence of his Angel Bloodline, making her a bit surprised but she stopped worrying about it later.

Lucifina: So you were here, huh? Well, now it's time to eat!

Marco was hungry and feigned again to be a baby, laughing a bit at Lucifina, which made her smile, then Lucifina took him at home, where Marcellus was waiting.

It seems that Marco was the 'Only' son, so he took Luka's place and became the new protagonist, unless he did nothing at all, which will be impossible with the power he will possess.

About doing something, the second feature of this System, Special Quests, was basically like a list of things to do, there was currently 1 quest, which was…


*Special Quests active: 1*

*Special Quest: Kick Gabriel's a.s.s*

Probably it came from when he said he would kick Gabriel's a.s.s when he found him before he reincarnated.

It seems that there was not any punishment if a quest failed, but Marco will never fail any quest he gets, because like his old father said, 'Whatever you say, you will take responsibilities about it'.

Marco took those words letter for letter, and whatever he says to do, he will do it, no matter what it was, one day he will do it, and this made him one of the most trustworthy and dangerous person in the 'Abnormal Trio', made with:

Marco: The Man of Promises

Billy: The G.o.d of Gambling, he will win any gambling, no matter the advantages and disadvantages, no one will beat him in casinos and games where you win money, and no one will ever find how he cheats.

And the one who put the group together, Gabriel: The Unfortunate Cupid, he is basically the guide book to obtain a girlfriend with 100% chances, and knows any techniques for pleasure in the bed, but the girls Gabriel always picks are not 'Normal'... Like the 'Trap', or the stalker…

His thoughts were interrupted when an hand patted his head, Marco turned towards the owner of the hand and found Marcellus smiling at him, in the original game Luka hated his father due to not knowing the truth, but Marco did.

Even if he created Illias Kreuz, an organization to hunt monster girls, he helped them escape from his own group because Lucifina wished for coexistence between Humans and Monsters, in future he would die due to his friend, Lazarus, who accidentally stabbed him with a lethal attack.

Lazarus didn't knew that Marcellus' left eye didn't worked so even if he made an easily avoidable attack, Marcellus didn't see it, but the worst part of this was that Marco didn't knew when and where it would happen, so he couldn't help Marcellus survive.

Marcellus: So… Something interesting happened while I was out?

Lucifina: Well, I planned to go to Illias Village some years later, what do you think?

Marcellus: It seems a good idea.

Marco: 'It's time to shock them…' Guh…

Marcellus: What's the matter, kid?

Marco: M… M…

Marcellus' eyes widened, and called Lucifina.

Marcellus: Honey! Our son is saying his first word!!

Lucifina: WHAT??!

Lucifina, excited, rushed towards the father and son and looked at Marco with a smile.

Marco: M… M…

Lucifina: It's trying to say Mom!

Marcellus: Heh, c'mon, say Marcellus!

Marco: M… Mar…

Lucifina got a bit sad that Marco was saying her husband's name, while Marcellus was excited.

Marcellus: He's trying to say my name!

Marco: Mar… Marc… 'Ok, now it's the time!' *Bleeerg*

Marco puked at Marcellus' face, surprising him while Lucifina laughed at the scene, Marcellus was a bit disgusted, but not too much due to the variety of disgusting monsters he encountered in his life, he just cleaned his face while Marco was laughing with Lucifina.

Marcellus: Oh? So you wanted to trick your old man, huh?

Marco: Heheheh…. Marco….

At this moment, Marcellus and Lucifina stopped doing whatever expression they were doing and turned at Marco in shock.

Lucifina: 'I can't believe it…'

Marcellus: 'He really did it…'

Lucifina/Marcellus: 'He said his own name instead of "Mom"/my name…'

Then Marcellus and Lucifina sighed at the same time.

Marco: 'Well, let's give them the pleasure…' Mama, Papa!

Marcellus and Lucifina flinched and started to get excited again, making Marco laugh at the sudden change of their mood.


1st. Kick Gabriel's a.s.s

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Nine Tailed System 1 summary

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