
Wandless - A Harry Potter Fanfic 13 Chapter 12 - Animorph Potion

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"Axel, is that you?"

"Hey Arnya," Axel smiles wryly as he walked across a balcony towards a beautiful black haired girl on a dark red wheelchair. She was dressed in a white gown and had a long sniper rifle on her lap.

"Who was chosen this time?" She asked as she turned around to face him.

"A twelve-year-old boy called Vincent Wong," he said as he leaned on the bars on the balcony, "father thinks that he could be the one."

"How do you feel?" Axel looked into her bright red eyes and scratched his head.

"I just want his approval," he muttered, "but if he ever sees me for who I really am..."

"Enough moping you dolt," she said as she flicked his forehead, "don't ever demean yourself, I won't allow it."

"Heh, my bad."

"So this boy, Vincent, what's he like?" She asked as she looked at the scenery,

Axel thought back to the golden-eyed boy and smiled to himself, "He's a pretty interesting kid."

"If you say so," she held her hand up, "stay silent for a second."

Axel immediately stopped as she lifted her sniper rifle. Red tendrils of blood slipped into the weapons, making the once black gun have red lines. Arnya lines up a shot at a spot ten kilometres away and held that position before firing.

Even with his enhanced eyes, Axel only managed to catch a small red streak flash across the sky before disappearing.

Ten kilometres away..,

One man was cornering a family as he held his chainsaw.

"Maria, if you won't be with me, then I won't let you be with anyone!" He yelled manically.

"Close your eyes children," the mother said shielding them, "we'll be safe."

"Maria, you take the children away from here," the husband said gritting his teeth as the man walked towards them, "I'll distract him."

"But—," she started before stopping, "ok."

"YOU ALL DONE PRAYING YET?!" The man started running towards them, "IM GROWING TIRED!"

The husband grit his teeth while his wife grabbed her children's hands, just when the husband was about to meet his fate—


A small crater appeared on the floor next to the man as he kept running. The husband looked confused as the man slowed down, coming to a stop before collapsing. His eyes widened as he saw the fist size hole in the man's stomach as blood started leaking from the now dead man.

"We're alive?" he thought in disbelief before being hugged by his family, he started crying with happiness, "we're alive!"

Ten kilometres away...

"What was it this time?"

"Just a chainsaw wielding psychopath," Arnya said, "wasn't the weirdest thing I've seen today."

"Out of all the vampires, she might possibly have the greatest eyesight," Axel thought to himself while looking at his sister's red eyes, "it might even be better than fathers. It's a shame she can't walk though."


"Ah, Mr. Wong!"

"Mr. Ollivander," Vincent greeted as he walked in the shops, "is it ready?"

"Yes, come here," Ollivander said excitedly.

Vincent looked at the now modified pair of gloves with shining eyes. They were pure black in colour with silver lines etched from the fingers to the back of the glove. At the knuckles, there were small metal pieces that Vincent thought would be great for punching others with. Finally, on the back of the glove, there was a small engraved metal plat with a small flat square hole in the middle.

"Can I?" Vincent asked excitedly.

"Of course my boy," Ollivander said encouragingly.

Vincent wore one glove and felt it automatically fit around his hand. He smiled at the comfortable feeling before pulling out a small flat piece of gla.s.s with his Thunderbolt potion in it.

"So that's the 'battery'," Ollivander thought as Vincent inserted it into the back of the glove.

At first, nothing happened causing frowns to appear on their faces before suddenly, the silver lines started to glow faintly.

"The spell I engraved was the shield charm," Ollivander said, "to activate it, stretch out your hand and widen your fingers to activate it."

Vincent did as instructed and jumped back in surprise upon seeing a bright, round, blue wall in front of him.

"It's a success!" Ollivander said with joy as he threw up his hands, "how wonderful indeed?!"

Vincent was also just as ecstatic as he moved the transparent wall in front of him with his hand. He closed his fist before opening it again, playing around with it. After a while he started frowning.

"Mr. Ollivander, it's a little inconvenient to open my hands when I'm holding something, is there something that could be done about that?"

"This is just a prototype young man," Ollivander chuckled, "by the time Hogwarts finishes this year, I reckon that I could fix them up immensely."

"Then I'll leave that too you sir," Vincent threw a bag on the counter before running off, "see you sir!"

"What an odd young man," Ollivander looked in the bag making him nearly have a heart attack, "FIVE HUNDRED GALLEONS?!"


"Seriously, what did I buy you for?" Vincent said to the little pink snake on his shoulder.

His two weeks of holidays were nearly up. During the day he would play with Nim and the orphanage children. During the night he would be the Trespa.s.ser. Tomorrow he would be heading back to Hogwarts.

"Maybe Harry could talk to you? I don't know," the snake just looked around at the scenery curiously, "wonder how they're doing anyway?"

"Have you got everything prepared?" Sister An walked up to him before taking a seat on the rooftop.

"Yeah, I'm all good," Vincent rea.s.sured.

"Good to hear," they both sat on the rooftop in silence as they watched the snow covered London.

"Can I ask what your t.i.tle, h.e.l.l's Hunter is about?" Vincent asked.

"Voldemort," she said calmly, "his followers were called the Death Eaters. When I left Hogwarts, I went to train in the east learning martial arts. When I came back, I 'hunted' them down endlessly during the last war. The one who hunts death, h.e.l.l Hunter An, that was me."

"Did you know Harry Potters parents?"

She sighed and looked as if she had aged several years.

"Lily Evens was my best friend, even though we were in different houses, we grew extremely close, her husband, James Potter, was a jerk in my opinion. But he grew out of it and became a someone reliable," she looked distant as she recalled those memories, "however, his best friend betrayed him to Voldemort, leading to their deaths. My brother was a friend of theirs, he went after the b.l.o.o.d.y traitor and tried to stop him only to get blown up. To be honest, I regretted thinking him a coward all those years ago."

"...Thank you for telling me this Sister An," Vincent said.

Nothing happened that night, resulting in them both sitting there in silence. They only moved when the sun came up.


"Well, I'll see you guys later," Vincent gave a hug to all the kids. He smiled warmly as he saw the emerald hairpin on Nim's head.

"Stay safe, Brother Vince," she said as they hugged.

"You too, look after yourself," Vincent turned to Sister An, "I'll be heading off now."

"Take care, Vince," she gave him a motherly hug before separating.

Vincent arrived at Platform nine and three quarters and looked at the barrier.

"I keep having the feeling not to touch this barrier," he thought, "it's almost sickening. Must be an enchantment to keep muggles away."

Against everything he felt, he charged right through and emerged on a different station. He saw the Hogwarts Express to the side and smiled to himself.

"I frickin love magic."




"What the h.e.l.l happened while I was gone?!" Vincent asked looking at a fur-covered Hermione.

Hermione hid her face behind the quilt covers while Harry and Ron scratched their heads. The moment Vincent got back to Hogwarts, he heard rumors of Hermione being petrified and rushed straight to the hospital wing. He was greeted with the sight of Harry and Ron standing over a cat girl's bed.

"Welcome back Vince," Hermione's m.u.f.fled voice came from behind the covers.

"Hey, Hermione, mind explaining to me what the heck happened?" Vincent asked as he sat down next to her bed.

"I used cat hair by accident," her voice rang out.

"Well, nothing we can do but wait it out," Vincent sighed before turning to the boys, "did you guys get anything from Malfoy at least?"

"Wasn't him," Ron said looking gloomy, "we did find out that it was opened fifty years ago, by who we don't know."

"We still haven't figured out what the monster is either," Harry mumbled making Vincent stare.

"It's a snake of some sort," they all looked blankly at him, "you guys...ugh never mind, I told you guys that it hissed when I blew a potion up in its face, not to mention that the symbol of Slytherin is a snake. It's kind of obvious don't you think?"

"But there aren't any that petrify at a glance," Hermione said, "well there is one that kills, but...Hmm."

"You figured something out Hermione?" Vincent asked.

"I have an idea of what it could be," she said slowly, "but it'll take some research."

Vincent looked at the quilt covered Hermione before pulling the sheets off.

"Wha—Wait!" She panicked.

"As I thought, you don't look so bad," Vincent said as he looked at Hermione.

"Don't lie to me, I'm hideous," she said as she reached for the sheets only for Vincent to stop her.

Hermione had small black cat ears and black fur covering her skin. It had obviously receded since it didn't cover all of it. Her face was one of the things uncovered with only a few whiskers and her eyes were like cats.

"I could never think of you as hideous," Vincent said scratching the back of her cat ears, earning a small purr from her.

Her face went as red as a tomato as she bowed her head. Vincent just smiled before turning back to the boys with Ron making a vomiting pose.

"So how much Polyjuice potion do you guys have left?" he asked, ignoring Ron's antics.

"Still have a good cauldron or so left in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, why...?"

They all looked scared as Vincent dashed towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Ok, he shouldn't be able to cause that much damage with something like the Polyjuice Potion right?" Ron asked feeling scared for his life.

"I hope not."


"So this is your hut," Snape said curtly as he showed Vincent to a small hut or so in the middle of the school grounds.

It looked exactly like Hagrid's with the exception of a stand of sorts in the front.

"Your little, food shop is here with the ingredients provided by the school personally," Snape said showing Vincent the kitchen which Vincent admired, "hurry up boy, I don't have all day."

They walked inside to find an exact look-alike room similar to Snape's office, except empty.

"This whole area has been reinforced with soundproofing and self-repairing enchantment in the case that you, blow things up," Snape said remembering the Thunderbolt Potion, "now if you excuse me, I will be off."

"Thank you, Professor!" Vincent said giving a small bow.

"One more thing, our 'Remedial Lessons' will stop for the time being due to the school's circ.u.mstances," Snape called back before trudging off.

"Alright, I have to get Nyx before I start making potions," Vincent thought as he walked back up the castle, "wonder how she's doing?"

The moment he entered the Common Room, a blue blur smacked right into his face making him stumble back a bit.

"Ow!" Vincent yelped as he peeled off the blue pixie, "missed you too Nyx."

Nyx gave him a hug or at least tried to with her short arms. Vincent smiles as he patted her head with one finger.

"Hey, I brought you a friend," Vincent said searching his pockets till he found the snake.

Nyx was actually slightly bigger than the snake, making it look up to her curiously. Nyx sat down on his palm and started to pat the little guy earning a small hiss in delight.

Vincent smiled, "At least they get along."

Vincent looked around the Common Room to see barely anyone in. He then looked at the time seeing that it was nearly lunch.

"Why don't we get some food before we go to potion-making?" Vincent asked the two critters, earning a victory pose by Nyx and a hiss by the snake, "I really need to give it a name. Maybe Harry can help."

Vincent made a quick stop by the Great Hall for some food. He chatted a bit with some Gryffindor boys before making his way to his hut.

"Hey, Mudblood—?!" Malfoy called before his face was. .h.i.t by a thrown apple, he fell to the ground clutching his nose while Vincent just continued on his way.

"Well, that was savage," Ron said blankly as he watched Malfoy start bleeding. He and Harry just got to the Grand Hall in time to witness that.

"Did Vincent get stronger?" Harry thought as he looked at the apple which had a crack in it.


"...this is terrifying," Vincent thought to himself as he watched an exact copy of himself crawl on four legs, "it can work on non-human beings, but..."

The look-alike transformed back into a beetle which Vincent threw back to join the rest in the jar.

"Doesn't last longer than a minute," Vincent made a quick note before approaching the cauldron filled with Polyjuice Potion, "let's see what would happen if we add in a Boggart's essence. The thing costs around a hundred galleons, probably because it's so hard to get."

Vincent added in a powder of sorts into the potion, turning it into a pinkish color. He then added a touch of his Leg Strengthening potion before solidifying the colour into a dark purple. He gulped as he took a tiny bit out and placed it in a small cup.

"So it can transform into a human," Vincent thought as he searched his bag of ingredients, "can it transform into other animals?"

He placed a non-enhanced scale into the small cup before stirring it. It then turned a bright red.

"What will this do?" he thought as he grabbed a beetle and plopped it in.

Five minutes later, nothing had happened.

"A failure then?" Vincent sighed as he observed the beetle, he raised his eyebrows as he picked it up, "Did it get heavier?"

Six minutes later...

"Hey, Nyx, this like guy is definitely growing right?" Vincent turned to Nyx who was eating her grapes while the snake was chewing some jerky.

Nyx shrugged.

One hour later...

The beetle, now a full two meters wide and tall, started growing dragon-like wings on its back.

"Nyx," Vincent said as he turned to the grape eating pixie, "I think we've made a mistake."

"..." even Nyx couldn't focus on eating.

"I think I should take it outside," Vincent said as he struggled to push the beetle out.

Two hours later...

"No, fricken way," Vincent now had to look up as the beetle, no dragon was growing above his hut, funnily enough, it kept its beetle-like head, "Snape's going to kill me."

The dragon-beetle, or Dretle as Vincent named, started walking around confused at its new height and shape. Its original beetle-like form had changed into the shape of a red dragon. The only thing that remained of its original form was its beetle-like head.

"Oi, Vincent, congratulations on your...hut...BLIMEY, W'RE DID U GET YERSELF A DRAGON!!"

Vincent looked tearfully at Hagrid as the Dretle started walking around.

"I didn't do this on purpose!" Vincent said.

Hagrid looked on with shining eyes as he admired the creature.

"N'ver saw anythin like it," Hagrid mumbled as he patted the red-scaled legs, "What is it?"

"A Dretle," Vincent said hollowly.

"Don be silly Vince, there's no such thing," Hagrid said.

"I created it from a beetle."

"Now see here—Wait, you created this?" Hagrid asked as his head snapped to look at Vincent.


"Potion making?"


"Will it wear off?"

"I don't know."



"Uhh, I've got to check my chickens..."

Vincent finally couldn't take it anymore.



"So Miss. Granger should be alright?" Dumbledore asked Madam Promfey who nodded, "that's good to hear."

"I've shown Mr. Wong his hut," Snape said entering the room, "his experiments shouldn't bother us from there."

"Thank you, Severus," Dumbledore nodded, "Are the potions coming along well?"

"It should be done by the end of the semester," Snape said, "the petrified should be healed by then."

"That's good to—" Dumbledore was interrupted by Professor McGonagall who hurried in.


"...what?" Both Dumbledore and Snape stood there dumbfounded while Madam Promfey just fainted.


"..." Hermione looked outside the window and saw both Vincent and Hagrid chasing a red beetle-like dragon, "I must be tired."

She went back to bed, not wanting to believe what she saw.


"Hagrid, duck!" Vincent drop kicked Hagrid out of the way, numbing his legs on how tough Hagrid was.

A burst of red flames came spewing out, missing them both by an inch. The Dretle looked surprise at its new toy and started blazing the whole school grounds.

"Hagrid, we might have to kill it," Vincent said solemnly.

"Wha, it's just confused an need a little guidance tha's all," Hagrid said before ducking to avoid another jet of flames, "no need to harm it!"

"THEN WHAT THE b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD DO?!" Vincent bellowed.

The teachers and a bunch of students were at the school grounds watching the incredible scene before them. Because of the silencing charms, they couldn't hear the sounds of Vincent's screams. Nor could they see him due to him hiding behind some rocks for cover.

"How on earth did a dragon get into the school grounds," Dumbledore thought.

Snape was looking intensely at the beetle-like head of the dragon. His eyes widened as he realized that the beetle looked exactly like the ones he'd use to test potions on. He searched the grounds and sure enough, he spotted Vincent poking his head out of his hiding place. His eyes twitched viciously.

"Just once," he gritted his teeth, "can that boy for once, give US A BREAK?!"

"Professor, what do you suggest we do?" McGonagall asked.

Dumbledore watched as the dragon started to use its wings. Dumbledore raised his wand, transfiguring large steel chains latch on the dragon. It roared in annoyance before breaking free of a few of them causing everyone to widen their eyes at the show of strength. Dumbledore furrowed his eyebrows as he continued to latch chains onto the Dretle, not letting up. After five minutes, the Dretle stopped struggling as it stared pitifully at the Headmaster.

Before Dumbledore could speak, Snape raised his wand. Everyone heard a shattering sound and guessed that an enhancement was broken.

"Severus, what are you—?" Dumbledore began before seeing Snape's face filled with black lines.

"VINCENT WONG!!" He bellowed causing everyone to chatter among themselves.

Vincent's head poked out from behind his hiding spot with Hagrid behind him.

"My chickens still need to be fed," Hagrid said as he lumbered off, "Yep, oh, good luck Vince."

Vincent stared at Hagrid's back in disbelief, "Did he just ditch me?"

"Explain," Vincent felt shivers as he turned to see Snape giving him the stink eye.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall merely observed as Vincent was being scolded by the potion master.

"So let me get this straight," Snape glared at Vincent who chuckled nervously, "you turned a beetle, into a dragon?!"

"Yes, sir."

"You did not think to try maybe a dog or a cat?"

"No, sir."

"What were you aiming for in this experiment?"

"To turn into an animal sir, I'm not a wizard so I can't be an Animagus. So I thought of—"

"Using a potion to get there," Snape finished, "I'll bring you to the Headmasters office if that's fine with you Headmaster."

"Not at all, I'll have a chat with Mr. Wong when we're done cleaning," Dumbledore said gesturing to the Dretle.

As Vincent was heading inside, he heard the voices of countless students.

"The Mad Scientist sure came back with a bang."

"Creating a dragon, what next? A Phoenix?"

"You-Know-Who himself would be terrified of his madness."

"I'M NOT MAD!" Vincent thought as he walked up the stairs feeling miserable. It's not like he wanted to start this term off with a bang.

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Wandless - A Harry Potter Fanfic 13 Chapter 12 - Animorph Potion summary

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