
Tucker's Fall Part 11

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"Not interested in BDSM?" The skeptical look stamped across his face nearly became her undoing.

A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Maggie looked down at her toes and tried to still her thoughts. Tucker the Dom wouldn't appreciate her laughing in his face right now. "No, Sir. That's not what I mean at all." She took a slow, deep breath. "I always believed my research had come to a standstill because of a lack of firsthand experience, so I focused on getting into a club to fix that. Of course, everyone in the free world knows how that turned out." The urge to sink down on her knees and cuddle her head in Tucker's lap surged through her. Rather than fight the need, Maggie drifted down to the floor and took the position she couldn't fight.

Tucker immediately threaded his fingers in her hair and tugged on the short ends. "Continue," he commanded with just enough of that edge to his voice to remind her the Dom was still very close to the surface.

"It's not the club I need, it's the Dom. I think I've learned that now." Her voice had lowered to a husky whisper. Alone again with Tucker, the rash of fear she'd experienced in the club dissipated. With his hands touching her while her head rested in his lap, a sense of serenity overtook her. "I only want you, Sir."

Chapter Twelve.

Immense pride swept through Tucker as the sweet submissive side of Maggie took over her beautiful mind. What he'd thought had been a disastrous turn of events actually had become a turning point for her. Although the damage he'd caused by taking her to the club still weighed his mind with regret, he saw an opportunity to salvage their night. Now he only had to seize the moment and make her his.

"We're going home." And he was going to have his submissive all to himself. The way he'd truly wanted her in the first place. Tucker withdrew his phone from his pocket and texted his driver. He slid his hands under her shoulders and lifted her to his lap. He was confident she could walk out on her own but his need to hold her close for a few more minutes negated that.

Without wasting any more time, they slipped from the lounge and turned toward the rear door that led to the adjacent parking lot. Walking her out through the crowded restaurant was out of the question. Maggie had found her way to a comfortable spot with her submission and he wasn't about to break that by carrying her through a busy room. He pushed open the door and true to form, his driver stood next to the car waiting for him.

"Take us home."

"Yes, Sir." The door was opened and Tucker ducked them both into the backseat.

"That must be nice."

"What's that?"

"Having a car and driver on standby ready to whisk you away at a moment's notice."

Tucker smiled. "A successful conglomerate does have its perks."

Maggie nestled closer and Tucker gave them a few minutes for her to relax and for him to gather her thoughts. It wasn't easy with a warm, willing woman plastered to his body. He'd been hard long before she'd arrived at the restaurant and things had only progressed from there. Her still-bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s beckoned to him and it wasn't long before he began tracing small circles around the edges of her nipples. She was so soft and warm. He wanted to play with her all night.

"You have beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s, little one." He was immediately rewarded with puckered skin and taut nipples. Like him, her arousal had returned in full force. It didn't take long before she squirmed in his lap like a wiggly puppy.

"You're torturing me again, Tucker."

"I know." Instead of stopping, he pinched her nipples and bent forward to draw one into his mouth. This close to her skin, the soft scent of vanilla a.s.saulted his senses. Great. She smelled like a sugar cookie and tasted like sin. The ache in his c.o.c.k intensified and he wondered if it could get any worse.

It could.

She twisted and turned until the crease of her soft a.s.s rested across his rigid erection, reminding him that she still wore his plug. A low groan escaped him. At this rate he'd be insane before they reached his house.

f.u.c.k it. Who needed a bed?

"Roll over and present your a.s.s, little one."

His lovely angel twisted a bit awkwardly before resettling once again with her a.s.s in the air and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s squashed against the side of his legs.

"You've had a lot of leeway these last several days but you should know that as we continue I will establish rules and consequences for breaking them. There is a lot to be said for spontaneity in life but I rather enjoy making plans and seeing them through."

"I'm so-" she started to apologize again "No. Don't. You did exactly the right thing tonight. Not every plan is perfect and it gives me a great deal of confidence that you understand the use of a safeword." He lifted her skirt and began caressing her pale cheeks. "Now I have a decision to make. Do I continue? Or do I give you a break for tonight?"

Her body jerked and she whimpered.

"That's what I thought, but first things first." He spread her a.s.s checks and Maggie gasped. "I think you've worn this long enough. I want you ready, not sore."

"No. please. Not yet."

Tucker arched his brow. That was not the reaction he expected. "Then tell me what you want." He slid his hand along the bottom curve of her a.s.s to the p.u.s.s.y below. There he ran his fingers over her slit, reveling in the moisture that taunted him. She was as ready as he was, maybe more so.

When she didn't answer, he repeated the question. "What do you want, Maggie? I want to hear it." As he moved toward her opening, she t.i.tled her hips in an obvious effort to get him to touch her at a more needed angle. Instead he withdrew his hand and swatted her a.s.s.

"I want you inside me. Don't want to wait."

Better. She'd given him part of the truth. "Hmm. I believe you do want to be f.u.c.ked but that's not all of it. What about this?" He tapped on the base of the plug until she quivered against him. Her muscles clenched and unclenched around the toy, the sight making his c.o.c.k pulse in demand. If he didn't get inside her soon, his head was going to blow. "You have to be honest. If we don't learn to communicate better we'll end up making another mistake."

She turned her head and met his gaze. For a second he couldn't figure out what she was thinking. In the next moment, she struggled against his hold. "Please let me up."

He sensed a thread of steel behind her request. Curious about what the h.e.l.l was going through her mind he held up his hands in mock surrender and let her push to her feet. His confusion grew as she crawled back on his lap this time straddling his legs so she faced him. As her p.u.s.s.y pressed against him, a renewed surge of l.u.s.t grabbed him by the b.a.l.l.s. He'd give her a moment but that's it. He didn't possess an infinite amount of patience and the memory of sinking into her heat earlier in the evening made rivulets of sweat roll down his spine as he held back.

He didn't know what to expect from her, but her cupping his face with her hands and drawing their heads close together wasn't it.

"Thank you for taking me to Purgatory. The fact you wanted to give me the experience I'd missed out on before I-"

She didn't finish the sentence, but she didn't have to. Before she was arrested hung in the air between them.

"Let's just say no one has ever done something like that before."

The sadness in her voice broke his resolve. He closed his lips over hers, stealing the kiss he needed more than breath. He roamed his hands over her hips, lifting the fabric of her dress until he found skin. A groan filled his head. As good as she'd looked in the gorgeous dress it couldn't compete with her nudity.

His choice would be to keep her hidden and naked all the time. Naked so he could touch, love or paint her any time he wanted and hidden so the cruel outside world could never touch her. There was always someone out there waiting for the right time to do something very bad. Tucker shook that idiotic though from his mind. Just because he was jaded didn't mean she had to be.

"Will you f.u.c.k me now?" Her kiss-swollen lips mesmerized him. So pink and puffy. Which of course reminded him of her p.u.s.s.y.

"Only if you tell me why."

Her shoulders sagged and the look of fear flashed again through her eyes before she looked away from him.

"Don't do that. Look at me and be honest. I'm not going to be upset by anything you want, darlin'." He cupped her chin and turned her to face him. "Say it."

"You are a mean man, Tucker Lewis. I want to know what it feels like to have both. Okay?"

"One d.i.c.k in your a.s.s and one in your p.u.s.s.y?"

The look of horror in her eyes made him smile. It baffled him how easily words embarra.s.sed someone whose livelihood depended on both written and verbal communication.

"Fine. Yes. Are you happy now?"

Tucker arched his brow. He loved feisty, but she had a way of pushing him that went too far. Tucker grabbed her hair and slowly pulled her head back until she arched back as much as nature allowed. The slim line of her pale neck made him lean forward and nip at the tender skin followed by a slow lick toward her right ear. Her resulting shiver made him smile inside.

He firmly pinched one of her nipples, waiting for her gasp. Her arms jerked, coming up to grab his arms and the hand in her hair tightened, a.s.suring he had her fully restrained. "No more games, Maggie. You'll do only what I want. What I give you permission to. Because that's what you want isn't it?"

Maggie swallowed hard against the jolt of sensation across her c.l.i.t. Part of her wanted to say no, but they'd both know that was a lie. She wanted this man with a pa.s.sion she hadn't felt in so very very long. The idea of him taking what he wanted made her insides quiver and her p.u.s.s.y crazy wet. The feeling of her body being stretched to his will thrilled her. It was so d.a.m.ned freeing.

The pressure at her nipples intensified until holding in her reaction was no longer possible.

"Tucker," she whined.

"Really? That's what you're going to call me now?"

"No, Sir," she breathed through the flare of pain he inflicted moments before he released her and bent to take the aching flesh in his mouth.

Oh s.h.i.t.

The lash of his tongue felt like heaven. Soft, wet and wonderfully warm. She sighed. Between the fiery fire and the building hunger she stood on the precipice of insanity.

"You're driving me crazy, angel. Have been for days, since all I can think about is your creamy flesh, or your soft hair." He tugged her head, gently this time. "All I want is to be inside you."

"Yes, please. Please," she begged.

His mouth latched onto her breast and sucked hard, sending a series of shivers down her arms and making gooseb.u.mps spring up. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Tucker," she pleaded.

"I don't think so, Maggie." His tone deepened, the dark warning a quick reminder she'd forgotten again to address him properly.

She breathed deeply. "Sir... It doesn't feel like enough. I-I don't know. Not intimate enough." Vaguely aware she sounded like a ridiculous adolescent she still couldn't let it go.

He pulled back and left her breast wet and aching, her surrounding flesh still on fire from his nips. "Maybe you should try Master."

Her body shuddered but he held fast and she could not lift her head and look at his eyes no matter how much she struggled. Her eyes burned as a flood of emotion worked through her. It was too hard to think straight.

"M-Master," she tested the word on barely a breath.

"f.u.c.k," Tucker swore and released her head. Maggie grabbed his shirt to keep from falling. "s.h.i.t, sorry." He curved an arm around her lower back and dove his other hand into his pocket. All the extra movement pressed his c.o.c.k against her p.u.s.s.y, making her moan. Good gracious she needed him to be quick.

When he finished digging he lifted her slightly. "Scoot back a little on my knees, little one."

Maggie tried to accommodate his request, but there wasn't a h.e.l.l of a lot of room in the back seat of his car. She glanced up and found Tucker unbuckling his belt and shoving his pants under his b.u.t.t. Her mouth dropped open and saliva pooled. His shirt had come undone and the sculpted muscles underneath drew all of her attention. Especially the small trail of light brown hair from his navel that disappeared into his underwear.

There it was. The bulge of his desire practically staring her in the face. Long, thick and f.u.c.king big. Even the tip extended past the waistband of his briefs and she saw a drop of wetness she ached to lap up. She licked her lips.


Startled, she lost her balance and slipped from where she'd perched on the edge of Tucker's knees. In a flurry of hands and knees she fell sideways into the black hole of s.p.a.ce between the rear bench and the back of the front seat. The sudden jolt sent a riot of sensations streaming through her as the plug moved inside her backside. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Oh s.h.i.t. Maggie, are you all right?"

Before she managed to utter a word, he'd lifted her around the waist and pulled her next to him. His hands ran across every inch of her arms and legs before he stroked her face. When he finally seemed satisfied that she'd not broken anything he lifted his head and their gazes met. The look of shock she found sealed her fate. She lost it.

Her first laugh sounded like a snort and that made her laugh harder. She rolled to her side and wrapped her arms around her stomach as uncontrollable sounds bubbled out of her. "Oh my G.o.d. I fell on the floor. I'm trying to have the best s.e.x of my life and I fell on the stupid floor of your car. Of all the ugly, ungraceful things that could have happened..."

She could tell from the sounds coming from Tucker that he was trying really hard to hold it in. "The best s.e.x of your life?" He sounded incredulous.

She glanced at him then. "Well, yeah if it ever freaking happens." Suddenly feeling very exposed she crossed her arms over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and clamped her lips shut to staunch her giggles. She refused to look at him again or she'd never get them under control. "You ever get the feeling this isn't supposed to happen between us? Like we're doomed or something?"

"Oh h.e.l.l no, Maggie Cisco. Don't you dare go there. This is happening. Right now," he emphasized.

The sound of ripping paper caught her attention and she turned in his direction in time to see him pull his c.o.c.k free from its underwear cage and roll a condom over his hard length. All the laughter inside died and every ounce of hunger she'd been fighting rushed forward.

"Come here." He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her again until he'd positioned her over his knees where the tip of his d.i.c.k nudged at her hungry opening. "No more waiting. No more excuses. The only way you'll get me to stop now is to say your safe word."

She met his gaze and found the full extent of Tucker's truth. She was his and he was in charge. Her stomach fluttered. How was it possible for her to still be nervous considering everything he'd already done to her?

"Put your arms above my head on the top of the seat and don't move them until I give you permission, is that understood?"

"Yes...Master." Oh d.a.m.n she loved the way that word sounded. So much more erotic than simply "Sir" and a far cry from Tucker, the boy she remembered from high school.

With her hovering just out of reach of her fondest desire, he pinched her nipples again, rolling them between his fingers with enough pressure to send sensation rioting through her.

"Take me, Maggie," he commanded.

With a wail that bordered on a scream, she sank onto his girth. Her eyes widened as her body tried to accommodate his full length with the plug already taking up most of the room. She panted for air.

"Take it easy. You can take it," he a.s.sured her, his hands wrapping around her bottom. "You're definitely tight, though."

A sheen of perspiration broke out across Maggie's skin. She breathed heavy against Tucker's neck. His fingers dug into her backside as the slow burn of desire stoked higher as she lowered inch by inch until she'd taken all of him.

"Good girl. Now f.u.c.k me." His hips jerked, beginning her slow drag back to the tip. White spots danced in her eyes and she swore she saw stars.

Tucker tried not to be affected by her tiny cries. He actually enjoyed the fact she wasn't a quiet submissive. But right now he needed to keep a level head or it would be over before they really got started. The waiting game he'd enforced on their relationship was now biting him in the a.s.s.

With her body slick with sweat and the short ends of her hair flat against her face, she reminded him of a fairy sprite. A very naked, bouncy sprite with a c.u.n.t so hot she made him want to come into her. Despite the need to flip her over and pound into her, he managed to hold his hips still and let her give them pleasure. It probably never occurred to her that in this position her desire to make him happy took control. She would work to please him like a good submissive did.

Another fast drag of tight, wet heat made his insides quiver right along with her muscles. "That's it, little one. f.u.c.k me hard. Rough."

A small scream erupted from her when he bent forward and gripped a nipple with his teeth. That bite of pain sent her into a frenzy as she pistoned faster, drawing closer to the ultimate release.

"You're mine, Maggie. Mine to play with as I please." Her p.u.s.s.y squeezed hard, signaling her approach to o.r.g.a.s.m. It wasn't going to take much to send her over. "Isn't that right?"

She frantically nodded her head.

"Say it. Tell me who you belong to." He'd get the words before she came.

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Tucker's Fall Part 11 summary

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