
True Christianity Part 47

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Chapter LI.

Comfort For Those That Are Weak In Faith.

_A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench._-ISAIAH 42:3.

In this verse the holy prophet comforts those that are weak in faith by two beautiful similitudes, excellently adapted to the purpose. For as a bruised reed (to which he first alludes) must be handled very gently, lest it be entirely broken to pieces; and as the smoking flax, when once it has taken fire, must be continually encouraged by a gentle breath, for fear of blowing it out; so our blessed Redeemer, who knows our infirmities, treats us with great gentleness, reviving from time to time the spark of faith within us, with the soft and gentle breath of his Spirit, that we may not be discouraged by our manifold infirmities, but be enlivened and strengthened under them. Isaiah 57:15. And because this weakness of faith is a very grievous temptation, to which all Christians are more or less exposed; therefore has the Holy Spirit, in the Word of G.o.d, furnished us with very strong consolations against it, which ought to be deeply rooted in our mind, that we may have them in readiness, and apply them with success in the sad hour of temptation.

2. (1) We must carefully remember, that faith is not of ourselves, but is the gift and work of G.o.d; "This is the work of G.o.d, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me, draw him." John 6:29, 44. "Who believe, according to the working of his mighty power." Ephes. 1:19. "By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of G.o.d: not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephes. 2:8. "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."

Heb. 12:1, 2. "The love of G.o.d is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us." Rom. 5:5. "We have the first fruits of the Spirit, which helpeth our infirmities." Rom. 8:23, 26. Now, since faith is the work of G.o.d, and not our own, it follows, that it is not in our power to have it in such measures and proportions as we please. And whereas he has promised to save us by faith, it follows, that he knows how strong our faith ought to be, for the obtaining that great end, and will strengthen it accordingly. Therefore this was the answer of G.o.d to St. Paul: "My grace is sufficient for thee." 2 Cor. 12:9. "A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven." John 3:27.

3. (2) Whilst we are in this life, we must not expect to arrive at the highest pitch of perfection. This G.o.d permits, with a design to cure that natural pride and vanity of spirit to which the best of us are subject, by the daily sense of our great and manifold infirmities. To this we may refer the words addressed by St. Paul to the Philippians, "Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect; but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that, for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." Phil. 3:12. As if he had said, "Though I am not yet so strong in faith, as to be able to apprehend him as I ought, yet I am apprehended in him; that is, I am in Christ Jesus by faith." Let us, considering these things, bear patiently the infirmities of our nature, till we can attain to perfection.

4. (3) G.o.d does not despise or reject our weak faith, but cherishes, strengthens, and improves it, and at last crowns it with a blessed conclusion. In this sense we are to understand and apply those golden pa.s.sages that follow: "A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench." Isaiah 43:3. "Thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat." Isaiah 25:4. "Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not; behold, your G.o.d will come and save you." Isaiah 35:3, 4. "He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might, he increaseth strength." Isaiah 40:29. "The Lord G.o.d hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary." Isaiah 50:4. "I revive the spirit of the humble, and the heart of the contrite ones." Isaiah 57:15. "The Lord hath sent me to preach good tidings unto the meek, to bind up the brokenhearted," and to comfort all that mourn. Isaiah 61:1. In this sense we may understand that pa.s.sage in Exod. 34:26. "Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk;" that is, thou shalt not grieve the tender, weak faith of a babe in Christ. A strong and vigorous faith can bear anything, can pa.s.s through the flames of fire, and the floods of water; but a young, tender faith, must be softly and gently treated, like a bruised reed, which is in continual danger of being broken to pieces. "I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul." Jer. 31:25. They that labor under the weakness of faith, are the poor in spirit, to whom the blessing is promised, "Blessed are the poor in spirit." Matt. 5:3. They that feel the weakness of their faith, are sick in spirit: and to them must be applied for their consolation, that pa.s.sage in St. Matthew, "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick." Matt. 9:12.

"Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations." Rom. 14:1. "To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak." 1 Cor. 9:22. "I will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick." Ezek. 34:16. "Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out." John 6:37. On these promises, full of divine consolation, let all who are weak in faith entirely depend, and satisfy themselves that G.o.d is faithful and true (Psalm 33:4), and will not fail in his promises. To this head also we refer the instances of those that have been weak in faith. Such was the man (Mark 9:23, 24), who, when our Lord said, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth;" answered with tears, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief!" The n.o.bleman. John 4:47. The disciples in the ship. Matt. 8:24.

St. Peter sinking in the sea, when our Lord stretched out his hand and supported him. Matt. 14:31. Therefore, says St. Paul, "Comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, be patient towards all men." 1 Thess.


5. (4) G.o.d has, indeed, the greatest concern for those that are weak in faith. Our Lord himself tells us, "They that be (strong and) whole need not a physician, but they that are sick (and weak)." Matt. 9:12. The shepherd leaves his ninety and nine sheep in the wilderness, and goes seeking that which was lost, until he find it (Luke 15:4); and as tender mothers show the most attention to their weak and sickly children; so does our Heavenly Father to those that are weak in faith.

6. (5) But if thou say in thy heart that thou perceivest scarcely a grain of faith in thyself, then I would ask, Dost thou sincerely desire to have faith? If thou dost, all is well; fear not. For since it is G.o.d that worketh in us "to will," it follows, that whosoever finds in himself that good will and desire, finds in himself the work of G.o.d. Hence let him be encouraged and a.s.sured that he who has given us _the will_, will also give us the power _to do_. Phil. 1:6; 2:13.

7. (6) G.o.d is so compa.s.sionate to devout prayers and desires, that he never disappoints the hopes of those that trust in him. "Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear." Ps. 10:17; 9:18. Wherefore, thy faith is as great as thy desire of obtaining it. "For G.o.d trieth the hearts and reins." Ps. 7:9. "Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him." Ps. 91:14.

8. (7) It is therefore better to glory in the weakness, than in the strength of our faith. For it is the will of G.o.d concerning us, that we fall not into spiritual pride. "My strength is made perfect in weakness.

Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Cor. 12:9. Let this be thy comfort when thou laborest under weakness of faith.

9. (8) Faith, though it be ever so weak, is still faith. For our salvation depends not upon the worthiness of our faith, whether it be strong or weak, but upon Jesus Christ, on whom it lays hold. As, therefore, a precious jewel may be held by the hands of a little infant as well as of a strong man, so a weak faith may as well lay hold on the merits of Christ Jesus (the true Christian's only hope and treasure), as that which is much stronger, and by consequence, both be capable of the same righteousness and blessedness. And as the apple of the eye, small and delicate as it is, can perceive not only the light and splendor of the meridian sun, but even the sun itself, though so many times larger than the earth, so does the eye of faith, though weak and infirm, perceive and feel the Sun of righteousness (Mal. 4:2), the Lord Jesus Christ, with all the bright rays of his spiritual gifts and graces.

10. (9) Such is the nature of faith, that it is sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker; and sometimes the light thereof seems to be darkness.

This has been attested by the examples of almost all the saints, particularly David, and Abraham, who is called "the father of the faithful" (Rom. 4:11; Gal. 3:7); and yet (Gen. 12:11) he was afraid that the Egyptians would put him to death on account of Sarah, his wife, and this, too, after he had received the promise. Moses also, at the water of Meribah, betrayed a want of faith. Numb. 20:10-13; Exod. 17:7. David's faith was sometimes so strong as to raise him, as it were, up to heaven; and then again so weak as to leave him to sink, as it were, into h.e.l.l, and make him complain to G.o.d that "he was cut off from before His eyes." Ps.

31:23. Whence it follows, that we must not conclude because a man's faith is weak, that therefore he has none at all; or that they who are contending against the weakness of faith, are therefore forsaken by G.o.d.

We know that fire is often hidden under ashes, though neither light nor heat appear; we know that the trees are alive, though in winter they are stripped of their leaves: so we may in like manner conclude, that those people may have faith towards G.o.d, in whom we do not at all times discern signs or tokens of it. For the Spirit of the Lord is like the wind, that bloweth when and whither it pleases. John 3:8.

11. (10) He that complains of the weakness of his faith, shows plainly, that faith is striving and struggling within him, and a _striving faith_ is a true faith; for there is a continual struggle in every man between faith and unbelief. He is perpetually a.s.saulted by temptations to unbelief, so that his life is one continued combat; and he is obliged to be as watchful, as though he were in the midst of drawn swords, and expected every moment to be cut in pieces. Here is the trial of the Christian's faith; here is the exercise of his patience, to unite his earthly heart with Christ; to make the barren soil of his soul fit to receive the heavenly seed; to make the darkness of corrupt nature capable of the divine light. The flesh is continually inclining to the broad way of the world, and endeavoring to tyrannize over the spirit; the darkness is no sooner scattered, than it endeavors to recover its ground, and spread itself again over the face of the soul. This is what all the saints have confessed and lamented, and it is a most certain token of the presence of true faith. On the other hand, where there is no faith at all, there is no cause found for striving. Here let the languishing soul call to mind that comfortable a.s.surance given us, that "G.o.d will not suffer us to be tempted above that we are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that we may be able to bear it." 1 Cor. 10:13. "G.o.d giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength." Isa. 40:29.

12. (11) Let us be a.s.sured, that whensoever, in our greatest infirmities, we can but think upon Jesus Christ, he will be with us, and dwell in us by faith. Thus it is said, "In all places where I record my name, I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee." Exod. 20:24. For we cannot so much as think upon G.o.d, without his special presence and a.s.sistance. Moreover, being engrafted into Christ, as branches into the living vine (John 15:1, etc.), we truly live in him, and draw life and nourishment from him. "Our life," and the strength of our faith, are "hid with Christ in G.o.d" (Col.

3:3); and the Holy Spirit witnesseth the same in our hearts, by the joy, peace, and comfort, which he produces there. Rom. 8:16. As in the Old Testament, there was no Prophet who heard not G.o.d speaking in him; so under the Gospel, there is no Christian but hears Christ speaking in him, and, from time to time tastes the unction of the Holy Spirit. And so strong is this union of our faith with Christ, that all the power of death and h.e.l.l cannot dissolve it; because Christ, who is the life and root of our faith, is immortal. Though thou hast not always so lively a perception of this in thy heart, yet "greater is he that is in thee, than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4.

13. (12) When we are weak in faith, let us look up unto Christ Jesus our Redeemer, and merciful High Priest, who offered up himself for us on the cross, and is praying that our faith may be strengthened; as he did for St. Peter, "I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not" (Luke 22:32); to whom also he stretched out his almighty and saving hand, when he thought himself sinking into the sea. Matt. 14:31. And he saith, "Holy Father, keep them through thine own name; neither pray I for these alone, (the Apostles), but for them also which shall believe on me through their word." John 17:11, 20. So also we are told, "We have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Who is at the right hand of G.o.d, who also maketh intercession for us." Heb. 2:17; 4:15; Rom.

8:34. This intercession ought to be our comfort when our faith is weak and languishing; from whence we should, by a lively and steadfast faith, expect a blessing.

14. (13) Our next support is, the divine mercy, which is inexpressibly great, as infinite as G.o.d himself. Of this let no man despair. This mercy of his antic.i.p.ates us, waits for us, supports us, and endures forever. And this he never denies to any one. Come then, ye that complain of the weakness of your faith, cast yourselves into the protecting arms of divine love, which will never leave you nor forsake you.

15. (14) G.o.d, who has wrought the beginning of faith in us, has graciously promised, that he will "perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil.

1:6); that he will "stablish, strengthen, settle us" (1 Pet. 5:10); and that we shall be "kept by the power of G.o.d through faith unto salvation, receiving the end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls." 1 Pet.

1:5, 9. This is the end that G.o.d proposed to our faith, when he first gave us the beginning of it. Faith being, therefore, the operation and work of G.o.d, must be perfected by its divine Author. For this cause the Epistle to the Hebrews (Heb. 12:2) calls the blessed Jesus, not only the _Author_, but also, the _Finisher_ of our faith. And Christ himself tells us: "No man shall pluck my sheep out of my hand." John 10:28.

16. (15) To this end he has given us various means whereby our faith may be strengthened and preserved, namely, the Word, the Sacraments, and prayer. "Lord, increase our faith" (Luke 17:5), said the disciples. "Lord, help thou mine unbelief." Mark 9:24. Moreover, G.o.d has promised "his Holy Spirit to them that ask him." Luke 11:13. "The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities." Rom. 5:5; 8:26. In a word, this is the end and design of Christianity, that we may grow and be perfected in faith.

17. (16) Lastly. Our faith is founded on G.o.d's eternal love to us, "Whom he did predestinate, them he also justified." Rom. 8:30. But we are justified by faith alone in Christ Jesus. Rom. 3:28. "G.o.d hath chosen us to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth." 2 Thess. 2:13. Come then, comfort thyself with these promises; sink not under the weakness of thy faith! When thy faith seems to be at its lowest ebb, then is thy Saviour nearer to thee than thou thinkest.

This was the case with the disciples; when they looked upon themselves as lost in the tempest, then Christ was at hand to save them. Matt. 8:24-26.

Let us also be persuaded, that our Redeemer and Saviour is never so near us, as when we think ourselves in most danger.

Chapter LII.

Comforting Instructions For Those That Are Laboring Under Great Temptations In Spirit.

_I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction._-ISA. 48:10.

It is an undoubted truth that all spiritual sorrow proceeds from G.o.d. For "the Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up." 1 Sam. 2:6, 7. By the "grave" in this place, is meant such a state of spiritual afflictions as, like the grave, is void of all light and comfort. The soul that is thrust down into this prison, looks upon itself as dying and pining away; as hated, despised, and persecuted by every creature of G.o.d. In this disconsolate state, the poor man cries out with holy David, "My soul refused to be comforted." Ps. 77:2. And well it might, when both the Scripture and G.o.d himself were withholden from him.

This is that "grave" into which G.o.d brings the soul. Here it finds no comfort but in silence and resignation, in those unutterable sighs and groans which proceed from the ground of the heart; for so great is its distress, that it cannot so much as think upon G.o.d, or the promises contained in his holy Word. Faith grows weak, hope languishes, and the whole man is feeble, withered like gra.s.s (Ps. 38:8, 9; 102:3), and ready to perish, were he not inwardly supported by the secret Word and power of G.o.d.

2. In this grave or shadow of death, we find our Lord Jesus Christ, when "his soul was exceeding sorrowful even unto death; and in his agony his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood." Matt. 26:38; Luke 22:44. In this state a man undergoes greater afflictions than in death itself. Yea, here a man wishes for death, and longs to find a grave where he may rest from his unspeakable labors and sufferings. Job. 7:15. Thus we find Job repeatedly wishing for death. And our blessed Lord himself, under the agonies of death, cried out, "My G.o.d, my G.o.d, why hast thou forsaken me!"

Matt. 27:46. He complains that he was forsaken of G.o.d, though He was continually present with him, and preserved him under all his trouble. But now, what can be more wonderful than that Christ himself should complain for want of comfort, considering his intimate union with G.o.d? For he was both G.o.d and man. Yet G.o.d had so withdrawn his consolations from him, that his _human nature_ was left desolate and comfortless. Now if the blessed Jesus, who was united to the eternal G.o.dhead and anointed with the heavenly oil of gladness, endured a conflict so bitter, surely sinful man has no reason to wonder, when he is brought under the same fiery trial, as if some strange thing had happened unto him. 1 Pet. 4:12.

3. We suffer nothing but what our blessed Master suffered before us; and certainly nothing is more reasonable than that the members should suffer with the Head.

4. This, therefore, is a kind of trial whether thou art truly a member of Christ, and a partaker of his sufferings. Rev. 1:9. Such seems to have been Hezekiah's case when he complained-"Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter: I did mourn as a dove." Isa. 38:14. And Job's-"I cry unto thee, and thou dost not hear me: I stand up, and thou regardest me not." Job 7:3; 30:20. And so again, "If I had called, and he had answered me; yet would I not believe that he had hearkened unto my voice." Job 9:16. Such were the complaints of holy David (Ps. 6; 13; 38; 88). In these scriptures we may see how wonderfully all the saints and servants of G.o.d have been purified in this furnace of affliction. This was the ground of that warmth of feeling which we meet with in the words of Job and the holy Psalmist.

Sometimes they are so much bereft of hope, that they could not think it possible that G.o.d should ever show mercy to them; at other times, they are full of hope and confidence, and believe that "their Redeemer liveth" (Job 19:25), as Job expresses it. Yet the carnal man has no understanding of such sufferings, or of the complaints arising from them. This we find by the example of Job's friends, who, not understanding what was the true state of his distressed and afflicted soul, reproved him as one that had lost patience, and that charged G.o.d foolishly. When a man is come into this state, he falls into such a degree of unbelief that he is not conscious of the least trace of faith remaining in his soul. All the powers of faith being, as it were, collected in the centre of the soul, seem to the man to be _lost_; though they still operate in secret, and breathe in sighs and groanings unutterable. This absence of faith is a kind of torture to the soul. Therefore the man cannot believe that G.o.d will be merciful to him, but cries out, "O how willingly would I believe, if it would but please G.o.d to give me the power!" And in the height of this conflict, the Scriptures themselves afford him no comfort. This is that crisis of the soul when G.o.d, by humbling us, shows us how unworthy and vile we are in ourselves; yea, that of ourselves we are _nothing_, but that all our sufficiency is of G.o.d; so that thence we may learn not to trust in ourselves. Nevertheless, the poor soul occasionally perceives some distant gleams of light breaking through the thick darkness, which administer comfort and support, and preserve it from desperation.

5. Now, though it may happen that a man in the bitterness of his soul grows impatient, and is tempted to fret against G.o.d, yet let him remember that G.o.d is merciful. He knows whereof we are made; he sees the struggle of our souls under the fiery trial, when he sets his hand to cleanse us from our impurities. In a word, the most holy and best beloved children of G.o.d, are they that have pa.s.sed through this furnace of affliction; as we may see by the examples of Job (Job 42:2, etc.), of David, and Jeremiah.

Jer. 20:12, etc. These learned faith in the school, and under the discipline of the cross; whilst the delicate Christian who flees from the cross, and expects to learn it amidst the enjoyments of the world, will find himself miserably deceived in the end. But further,

6. (2) Let us call to mind that n.o.ble saying of Jeremiah, "The Lord will not cast off forever; but though he cause grief, yet will he have compa.s.sion according to the mult.i.tude of his mercies. For he doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men." Lam. 3:30, 31, 33.

Whence them mayest learn, that though the Lord suffer thee to be afflicted for a season, yet he will not cast thee off forever. Perhaps, however, thou wilt say, that the evil thoughts with which thou art troubled, are not from G.o.d, but from Satan. Now, though it cannot be denied that they are suggested to us by Satan; yet it is also true, that Satan can do nothing but by G.o.d's permission. In this case, look unto Jesus, whom our heavenly Father suffered to be tempted by the same adversary. The fiery darts (Eph. 6:16) which the Evil One cast at our blessed Saviour, came indeed from him, and not from G.o.d; but it was G.o.d that gave him permission to a.s.sault as he did. And though our blessed Lord bore all this, yet he still continued to be the dearly beloved Son of G.o.d, nor could the tempter with all his art and power do him the least harm. Matt. 4:1, etc. Hear this, O afflicted soul, and believe that thou also shalt be safe and unhurt amid all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Remember the case of Job, when, by G.o.d's permission, the devil so afflicted him internally and externally, that he cursed the day of his birth; yet was G.o.d still with him, and we find him thus expressing himself to G.o.d: "These things hast thou hid in thine heart: I know that this is with thee." Job 10:13.

7. Having thus discovered the _origin_ of this spiritual affliction, let us next inquire into the _reasons_ why G.o.d sends it upon us.

8. First, then, it is certain that the true inward taste of the Word of G.o.d, is accompanied with unspeakable joy, peace, and comfort, vastly surpa.s.sing any enjoyments of this life. This is the true joy of our souls, a foretaste of eternal life, arising from the true and living knowledge of Christ Jesus; by which we discover the heart of G.o.d full of the most tender compa.s.sions, and an ardent and eternal love towards lost mankind.

Now, so corrupt and perverse is human nature, that it is too apt to be exalted above measure, by the abundance of these divine manifestations, and to make them occasions of spiritual pride; and the man who is thus visited and comforted from above, will be apt to think highly of himself, to overvalue his sanct.i.ty, and to think meanly of the rest of the world, who are strangers to these consolations; and thus, forsaking the fountain of living waters, whence all the streams of blessing flow, and to which, with all humility, they ought to be ascribed; the man grows vain and arrogant, and sets himself up in the place of G.o.d. This perverseness of soul, as it is directly contrary to true penitence, and to the appointed way of salvation, so it is very hateful to G.o.d. This causes him to withdraw his consolations from us, and to hide himself in thick darkness; so that though we call and cry, and search ever so diligently, we shall not be able to find Him. This is a deplorable state, when we are hanging, as it were, between heaven and h.e.l.l, oppressed and afflicted on every side, not knowing whither to fly for relief or comfort; having no certain evidence whether we believe or not, whether we hope or not, whether G.o.d be angry with us or not, whether we are in a state of life or of death. This is that darkness and desolation which we find described in Psalm 88; of which the Psalmist speaks also in Ps. 31:22. "I said in my haste, I am cut off from before thine eyes. Nevertheless thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto thee."

9. Now, although nothing is more bitter to us than to be so long deprived of the comforts of the divine presence; yet even this deprivation itself is more profitable to the soul, than all the enjoyments and glories of the world. By this, as by a fiery trial, we are taught humility, repentance, contempt of the world, and the true value of all its favors and enjoyments; that these are dangerous, transitory, and perishing, and can give no solid comfort to the distressed soul. And though the soul in this state is encompa.s.sed with perplexities and fears, so that it can hardly lift up itself to G.o.d, yet there is left a kind of deep and secret sorrow, venting itself in holy sighs, and devout aspirations towards G.o.d, and a longing for his favor. Hence we may learn how great a good G.o.d is to the soul, and that no true, solid, or constant peace can be found except in Him. This cannot be learned any where but in this school of temptation; in which alone the truest knowledge is to be acquired. And whosoever is unacquainted with this, knows not G.o.d and Christ as they ought to be known.

10. And would to G.o.d, that for his glory, and our own unspeakable advantage, we would readily submit to this visitation, which is designed for the trial of our faith, even as gold in the furnace is tried! Then we should quickly reap the amazing benefits of such a cleansing. For the faithful soul that can hold out, and not faint under it, comes forth glorious as gold out of the fire, cleansed from all its dross; so that neither fire, nor water, nor the cross, nor death, nor Satan, can hurt it.

Such a one will learn how to behave himself ever afterwards with patience and humility, both in prosperity and adversity; not to sink under the cross; not to be presumptuous in prosperity; not to depend upon himself, or be puffed up with his own fancied perfections; but to look up steadfastly to G.o.d, the everlasting fountain and giver of all goodness; and to embrace every dispensation of Providence, whether sweet or bitter, as his only happiness; and, in every state or condition of soul or body, to rejoice in G.o.d alone.

11. Secondly, whensoever it shall please G.o.d to cast any of us, his creatures, into this trying furnace, it will be much more consistent and profitable for us to pray for patience under it, than for deliverance from it. For when once the fire of temptation has purged away the dross of our iniquities, our pride, luxury, covetousness, and envy, it will be much easier for us to endure afterwards other fiery trials, by having our own will swallowed up in the will and good pleasure of G.o.d. But when from an excessive indulgence of the infirmities of our corrupt nature, we endeavor to avoid this fiery trial, it often happens that before we can receive any benefit from it, we are contriving to make our escape. So that if G.o.d did not often keep us under the trial against our will, we should fly from it, without considering whether we were sufficiently purified, according to the will of G.o.d and the necessities of our corrupt nature: like children, who, if their parents or physicians did not prevent, would throw away that bitter cup which alone can cure their disorders. But G.o.d knows our case, and what is proper for us, better than we ourselves; and therefore he has appointed certain measures of affliction, to which he confines the soul, till he sees it proper to release her. So that we ought not so much to pray for deliverance from temptations, as for patience under them.

12. Thirdly, our deliverance is so certain, that we have not the least reason to doubt of it; for "though the Lord cause grief, yet will he have compa.s.sion, according to the mult.i.tude of his mercies." Lam. 3:32. This is the promise of G.o.d, who is truth itself, and it therefore ought diligently to be weighed and considered by us. It is much better to know and digest some few comfortable pa.s.sages of Scripture, or even only one of this kind, than to burden our memory with a great many without true spiritual relish.

For when a man has by a lively faith digested one, he will easily understand and digest all the rest; and he that can derive comfort from _one_ text, will thereby learn to do the same by all the rest. It will be very useful to repeat frequently, with lively affection, the 88th Psalm, where thou wilt see the state of thy soul described. There thou wilt find that there have been others in the world before thee, who have been tried and afflicted as thou art, and yet have afterwards been delivered and comforted of G.o.d, as we find in Psalm 89, where the holy man, rejoicing in the divine comfort, begins, as in a rapture, "I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever." Be thou confident, therefore, and believe that G.o.d will also in due time comfort thee with the same consolation. For the Evil spirit, who always delights to afflict the souls of men, has, from the beginning of the world, made it his business to gall and wound them with his fiery darts. As in a tempestuous sea one wave is continually rolling upon another, so do the various temptations of Satan pursue the afflicted soul; sometimes oppressing it with fearful and melancholy thoughts; at others, with impatience, unbelief, blasphemous and wicked thoughts. The terrors and miseries of such a soul are sometimes so great, that no creature can give it comfort; yea, those very things which give joy and delight to others, are to such a man, not only joyless, but burdensome.

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