
Trials and Triumphs of Faith Part 15

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Although my system had been greatly weakened and rendered more liable to taking cold than it had been before, yet I was well enough so that I soon went about fifteen miles to the little town of Cammack and a.s.sisted Sister Maud Smith in a two weeks' meeting. Soon after my return I took a severe attack of pneumonia. Prayer was offered, but the disease seemed to be stubborn. I was anointed, and prayer was again offered, but the battle was still on. So we called in some more of G.o.d's ministers and again had prayer. This time G.o.d healed me, and next day I was able to go down to dinner. Nevertheless, I remained weak for some days, but soon felt almost entirely restored to health.

In about two weeks, however, I took another attack of pneumonia, one more severe than the first. Again we had a stubborn fight. We prayed three times before any effects were visible. Pleurisy was setting in, and I had begun to spit blood. My temperature had reached 103-3/4 when G.o.d gave the witness from heaven that he healed me. I did not get strength nearly so quickly as I did before, and had to keep my bed most of the time for two days.

Nevertheless, I never doubted once my healing, and indeed it had been accomplished. I have never suffered from that affliction since.

This is only one of the many times that the Lord has come to my rescue and touched my body. Sometimes I have been healed instantly, and at other times G.o.d has given me the witness that I was healed, but my strength returned gradually and it was several days before I could be about as usual.

However, the healing came. G.o.d was doing the work in his own way, and he always has a purpose and reason for any method he may use. Let us not question the method he uses, but trust him.

Since coming to the Old People's Home I have not been privileged to go out much to help in meetings. This has been partly due to the fact that Mother has needed much care and also to the fact that my strength has not been equal to the exertion. But I have had the privilege of helping in other ways. Very often the old people in the home need prayer for their healing or help and encouragement in their souls. Besides, I have had the privilege of giving help and encouragement to some of the workers in The Trumpet office, and also to others living nearby. I am very thankful for these opportunities.

The Lord has also been helping me to trust him for means to support his cause in the Missionary field and other places. Although I can not give much, yet I appreciate the privilege of giving the little. At first I felt led to purpose forty cents a month. The Lord provided this sum every time.

For a year I kept up this purpose and never once had to borrow. The Lord also provided means for me to help his cause in other directions. The next year I felt led to ask G.o.d to help me trust him for fifty cents a month for missionary work. I never failed to have my money ready at the proper time.

The third year I felt like trusting the Lord for seventy-five cents a month, paying this amount in advance. One consideration that made me reach the decision to pay in advance was that if G.o.d should call me before the month was out I should not be in debt. I have never been disappointed.

Sometimes the Lord gives me happy surprises in this as well as in other things. If we give G.o.d a chance, he will develop our faith to trust him for means as well as for other things, if we are not able to work and earn the money, and have a desire to help his cause. During the present year in which I am writing, I am trusting the Lord for a dollar a month for foreign missionary work, and early in the spring the Lord gave me enough to pay my purpose for the whole year. He made it clear to me that I should use the money for that purpose.

The Lord has helped me also to trust him for my clothing and other needs, and for the needs of my mother. He is such a present help. A number of times I have asked him for money in the morning, and before the sun went down I had all that I asked for. "According to your faith," says the Word, "so be it unto thee." "The desire of the righteous shall be granted."

Some persons have thought that G.o.d did not answer prayer for the healing of old people, since they would soon have to die anyway. We know that G.o.d will not make them young again, as that is not his plan; but since coming to the Old People's Home I have witnessed the healing of many aged people. In fact, my mother, the oldest inmate of the home, has trusted G.o.d for a number of years. The older she gets, the stronger her faith seems to be.

Every time these old people are afflicted, the Lord answers prayer. In asking G.o.d for healing, they seem childlike, and simple, fully expect G.o.d to heal them when they call upon him.

One of the inmates of the home, an old lady in her eighty-seventh year was at the point of death. From appearances one would have supposed that her end was near. She had no hope of recovery. Her burial clothes were made ready. She had been prayed for a number of times, but was still suffering great agony. She did not know what was causing the suffering, but thought it might be appendicitis. Some of us, however, could not be satisfied to let her die without making further effort for her healing, so we sent for Bro. E. E. Byrum. She was again anointed and prayed for. While we were on our knees, G.o.d a.s.sured my heart that he would hear and answer prayer. Her suffering did not seem to decrease, however, immediately, and in less than an hour Brother Byrum was again called. He came at once, as he had remained in the house. The second time he offered prayer that G.o.d would relieve her of her suffering. Although her condition still looked discouraging, yet G.o.d made us know that she was going to get well. Although she did not recover very rapidly, yet for one of her age the change was marvelous, and not long afterward she had her usual health. A year or more afterwards she was able to return to Pennsylvania to visit some of her folks. She concluded to remain there and is still living in that State.

One of the aged brothers in the home was greatly afflicted. His mind was giving way somewhat, and he got into a very melancholy condition, thinking that he ought never to leave his room, and especially that he should not be out-of-doors. It could easily be seen that if he continued very long in this condition, he would not only lose his mind but be bedfast and perhaps die. He desired very much to be sanctified and asked several of us to come to his room and pray for him. We went to his room and talked to him on the subject of sanctification, and while he was surrendering all to the Lord, we had him consecrate his will that he would be out-of-doors all that the Lord wanted him to be. He promised he would do so, and the Lord sanctified him. In the two years or more that have pa.s.sed since then, he has not broken his promise, but has remained in the house only when the weather prevented his being out. As a result, his mind is almost entirely restored, his body is much stronger, and he is not like the same person.

In the four years I have been in the Old People's Home nursing my mother, I have noticed that the older people get the less able they are to comprehend anything new. For this reason it is hard for an old person to grasp the promises of G.o.d for salvation; but if they have been saved in their younger years and have lived a consistent Christian before they come to such a great age, they will every year grow more and more like Jesus, trusting him more fully, and seem more humble and thankful as they draw nearer the grave. I have been more strongly impressed than ever before that people should seek G.o.d while they are young before they become unable to grasp the promises. I feel the more impressed to sound a warning because there are some in the home with whom we have labored again and again, but who are so aged and infirm that seemingly they can not reach a decision to seek until they find. Their unsaved condition, in view of their extreme age, puts them in a very serious place.

The spiritual workers in The Trumpet Family sometimes take me with them to visit those who need help in the city. One day we went to see a man who was on his death-bed. He had never known G.o.d. When we first went into the room, we did not know that he would be able to talk with us much, but we prayed earnestly that G.o.d's Spirit would work with him. That was all we could do at that time. Later we went and had prayer with him again, talking to him about his soul, and prayed earnestly that G.o.d would spare his life until he could obtain salvation, and that G.o.d would keep his mind clear so that he would be able to meet the conditions. We went to see him the third time. In the meantime other workers had been to see him, and he was becoming concerned about his soul. While one of the brethren was praying with him, he grasped the promises that G.o.d would save him, and was able to rejoice in the Lord. When I went to see him a little later, he seemed to have complete victory and was very happy.

While thinking of this occurrence at a later time, it seemed to me that I had done nothing toward the brother's salvation, since I was not present at the time he was saved. But the Lord began to talk to my soul: "Paul may plant, and Apollos may water, but G.o.d gives the increase. Are you not willing to plant and let some one else water? Are you not willing to be coworkers with others for the Lord?" I saw the point and answered, "Amen, Lord, I am willing; any way to get souls saved."

One day my mother was taken suddenly ill. Her affliction was overflowing of the gall. It seemed that she would strangle to death. She was anointed and prayer was offered; then we sent for the elders and again had prayer, but it seemed that she was dying. A few hours later, thinking she was dying, we sent for some of the elders and a number of us gathered about her bed. The blood seemed to be settling under her skin as though she were mortifying before she died, and the Superintendent, who was standing near the bed, said he was sure he heard the death-rattle in her throat. Even at that time we offered prayer the third time, and all these more p.r.o.nounced symptoms disappeared and she looked natural once more. She remained quite sick, however, for several days. G.o.d had made it clear to one of the brethren that we had offered the prayer of faith and that her life would be spared for a time. She is still living at this time, a marvel of G.o.d's divine power.

Chapter XXIII

Exhortation to Workers and Ministers

In conclusion I feel that the Lord would be pleased for me to say a few words for the encouragement of young ministers and workers. In my work in the ministry I have come through many varied experiences that, I trust, will be helpful to you in the trials through which you will have to pa.s.s before you get settled in the Lord's work.

The first difficulty met by most young ministers and workers is in regard to their call. Unless the call be clear and definite, they are likely to be in some doubt as to whether or not they are called, and thus be exposed to the temptations of the enemy that G.o.d has not called them at all. Sometimes G.o.d makes a call so clear that it is beyond question, and the one called has no chance to doubt it for a moment. This was my experience at first; but when I got my mind filled with other plans, instead of keeping in view the past leadings of the Lord, sad to say, I began to doubt my call. But when I began again to seek G.o.d's will, everything cleared up, and I felt certain of my call.

Many others have difficulties right on this point. They feel led to do something for the Lord, and undertake to follow the leadings of his Spirit, but they do not feel the presence of G.o.d as they expected to feel it, or do not have the liberty that they think they should have. Then comes the temptation, "Has G.o.d called me, or am I trying to push out without any calling?" If they are very conscientious, it is easy for them to become confused when confronted with this temptation. They will pray over it and trouble over it. They are very timid and feel afraid to ask older workers lest what they have supposed to be a call is an imagination of their own and they will get a good sharp rebuke. They will struggle along in this condition until it becomes unbearable; then perhaps they will open their hearts to some person in whom they have confidence. If they get the proper instruction, they can soon be lifted out of this dilemma; but if not, they may do as some have done before--get so confused that they will lose the grace of G.o.d out of their souls.

My advice would be: If you have any idea that you are called, go to exercising yourself as best you can, whether it be in exhortation, teaching, or testimony, or whatever G.o.d brings most clearly to your mind.

If you are not sure about your calling, in the meantime be patient and wait on G.o.d. Be sure you cast your burden entirely on him and let him bear it for you. If G.o.d's hand is on you for service, you will sooner or later be perfectly satisfied as to what he wants you to do; but if it should be otherwise, and you are honest of heart, you will be only too glad to know that you are not called. Thus your mind will be relieved.

If you are exercising yourself in spiritual things and no one is getting any benefit, you should take time to consider well whether G.o.d is calling you or not. I verily believe that if G.o.d's hand is on any one for service, whether he be a beginner or some one of experience, some will get a blessing when he teaches, exhorts, or delivers a message, because with his Word, G.o.d gives the anointing of his Spirit. "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal" (1 Corinthians 12:7).

According to the Word, then, we can safely say that if there is no profit to the hearers in what is being set forth, G.o.d's Spirit is not inditing the message.

A young worker who was doubtful about his call, once went to an older brother for advice. This is what he received: "If you feel that G.o.d wants you to go out into evangelistic work, go right along, even if you are not sure that G.o.d is calling you. Go along, and then if you have success, you will know it is your own efforts and trust in G.o.d that has brought success, and not the efforts and faith of another. By following this plan you can easily determine whether or not G.o.d's hand is on you for the work."

Now, the method the brother proposed might succeed in some cases all right, but I hardly think it would do in all cases, as all are not led out alike.

One of my brothers, when he was first called, felt led to be with me in the work, that G.o.d might make me more useful by his presence. He did not comprehend at all that G.o.d's hand was on him for service, but later G.o.d began to lead him out and to use and bless his efforts. By and by G.o.d got him to the point where he could reveal to him his future work. At first my brother hardly knew what to do. He was at a place where he had to fulfil his calling or else grieve G.o.d. He chose the former course, and G.o.d made him a useful minister, but his development was gradual.

If you begin exercising yourself in the ministry, and G.o.d does not bless your efforts, and G.o.d's children do not realize that his Spirit is working through you, you would do well to go slowly and to keep submitted to the brethren, lest you should find yourself running ahead of the leadings of the Spirit of the Lord. If G.o.d is leading a young worker out for service, he not only will make him feel sooner or later the weight of the call, but will so impress the church that they will know that G.o.d is inditing his message.

When you once get it definitely settled that you are called to the ministry, never allow the difficulties and trials of this life so to cloud your vision that you doubt your call. It is one of the tricks of the enemy by trials and discouragement to make the ministers doubt their calling.

When your call is once settled, do not go over it again and again to find out whether G.o.d is in earnest about it. If you should backslide, of course, then you should wait until G.o.d makes clear his will to you again. If a person is not stable in his experience, even though he has had a call to service, that call does not remain so clear and G.o.d does not always trust him at once after his recovery from his unsettled state.

Some young workers who feel clear that G.o.d has called them to service, try to measure their call by what others think of it. Such a course will bring on confusion. It is all right to be submissive to the brethren, but the Lord wants each of us to get his own bearings. Pray through until you get the mind of G.o.d, and at the same time be subordinate to the brethren. If they see it is not best for you to move out rapidly, heed what they tell you.

Be sure to keep your own individuality. If you feel that G.o.d has shown you a duty, do it in his fear, in a humble, submissive way. G.o.d may be leading you, and yet he may not be making his design very clear to others. There may be many difficulties in your way, such as bashfulness, want of fluent speech, awkwardness of manner, and ignorance. If, however, G.o.d has called you, and you keep submissive to him, he will in his own way bring out his design in you. Whatever your hands find to do, do it with your might. One has said, "Instant obedience is the secret of divine guidance."

Some young workers become discouraged if they are not used extensively. You need not conclude, however, that because the Lord does not give you a message often, he does not want to use you at all. Keep submitted and obey G.o.d. If G.o.d is leading you into evangelistic work, move out. If many souls are saved, be thankful; but if few are saved, still be thankful. Obey G.o.d.

Do all that he shows you to do, and expect souls to be saved. Pray earnestly that G.o.d may convict souls. Pray through until you know that G.o.d is going to work with you for the salvation of mankind. Be so true, so humble, and so faithful, and so fill your calling by the help of G.o.d, that you can say with Paul, "I magnify mine office."

During my evangelistic labors I have come to places where from a natural standpoint the prospect was so discouraging and the religious confusion of the people so great that, if we could not have interceded with G.o.d for help, it would have been useless for us to remain. When we went to G.o.d in earnest prayer, however, and plead with him for souls, G.o.d never disappointed us. Many times we have had our greatest victories where the prospects seemed especially discouraging.

As we have already said, a definite call is the first essential for a gospel worker; but even with such a call a minister will fail, unless he goes forth filled with the Spirit. You may have a call, you may really be sent by the Lord; but unless you keep filied with the Spirit, your labors will soon cease to bring results. Do not try to imitate the manner and methods of others, but keep yourself so submitted to G.o.d and so pliable in his hands that he can have his way with you, even as the potter does with the clay.

Let G.o.d mold and fashion you into a vessel after his own design.

Again, do not neglect to search the Scriptures. Under the illumination of the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures will prove a mine of wealth to you.

Education is all right in its place; but when you lean upon it as a means of understanding the Scriptures, or when you depend upon it for unction and liberty and for ability to teach, preach, or exhort, you will make a sad failure. You will disappoint yourself, the people, and G.o.d.

Do not question your calling because you have a poor education. Make good use of your present opportunities. Read good books. Get all the help and information you can in regard to soul-saving, but be careful you do not lean on your education for soul-unction. Many a time the Lord has called my attention to this thought before I rose to address an audience. Again and again he has reminded me to be sure not to depend upon myself, but to lean always on him, to drink in of his Spirit, so that I might give out to others. Human speech fails me in trying to bring out the importance of this thought. I trust that G.o.d will interpret my thought to your heart in a more forceful manner than words will allow.

Thus far I have been speaking mainly to young workers in the early part of their ministry. Now I wish to say a few words that will be helpful to them as they grow older in the service. If you are fully persuaded that G.o.d has chosen you as his mouthpiece to declare the everlasting gospel to eternity-bound souls, you should feel the weight of your responsibility. A very weighty responsibility rests upon him who stands between the living and the dead. The att.i.tude a minister holds, both toward his call also toward the Word of G.o.d, and also toward the people, is of vital importance.

No better instruction to ministers has ever been given than that which Paul gave to Timothy: "I charge thee, therefore, before G.o.d, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering, and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own l.u.s.ts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears" (2 Timothy 4:1-3).

The admonition to preach the word implies that what goes forth from the pulpit should be in harmony with the Scriptures, backed up by the Spirit of G.o.d. Do not give the people theories nor ill.u.s.trate your speech by fabulous stories. Do not dwell too much with the surface problems of Christianity, but spend more time in leading the people to a deep heart-experience. If they get the inner man right its beauty will shine out through their entire being. In short, speak to the people the oracles of G.o.d, so that if they are at all susceptible to the truth, your speech will appeal to them as the Word of G.o.d spoken through your lips of clay.

In preaching, guard against relating many touching incidents merely to work up the human sympathy. We have to deal with the hearts of men as well as with their minds and judgments. Any one that has a love for G.o.d's pure word will find in it a force and power that will have a good effect when it is presented in simple and plain language under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

In preaching on some subjects, it is necessary to have a large number of texts, but ministers make a mistake who think that they must make every sermon a Bible-reading. The use of too many scriptures confuses the listeners; it is often better to concentrate the attention of the hearers on one text until its full meaning is mastered. At the proper time Bible-lessons are in order, but the admonition, "Preach the word," does not mean that you are to read a large number of scriptures, but merely that you should present the Word of G.o.d as paramount to everything else. The ministry of Babylon have fed their people with much worldliness mixed together with a small portion of the Word of G.o.d. For this reason G.o.d's people scattered in Babylon have not fared well. At meeting their intellects would be fed, but their souls would be starved.

You can not, however, feed others until your own soul is fed. This is done by searching the Scriptures and by praying much. If it is laid upon any one more than another to search the Scriptures, it is laid upon G.o.d's ministry, whom he has set apart to teach his Word and to feed his people. It is good to read G.o.d's Word slowly and carefully, to meditate upon it, to read it in different ways, by course, by subject. After reading a small portion, take time to dwell upon it, to pray over it, until it has become your own, not only as a possession of your mind, but also as a soul-experience.

If you depend thus upon the Spirit of the Lord, he will give you new messages for the people. G.o.d gives his ministers many things that are good to repeat again and again, especially to different audiences; but a repet.i.tion of old thoughts many times in the same congregation is too much like serving warmed-over food. It lacks appetizing qualities. Something fresh from the Spirit of the Lord will make the people hungry to hear more of the word, and will make the word charming to their souls. When the minister gets a message direct from the Spirit, then presents it under the anointing of the Spirit, it will have beauty, sweetness, and a freshness that no power of mere human words, no trick of oratory, nor beauty of ill.u.s.tration, can give. If you will bear this in mind and drink of the Spirit before you come before your congregation, give the Lord a chance to use you as an avenue through which to speak, you will be a success in your calling.

To be a New Testament minister, you must be able to exhibit at least some of the gifts of the Spirit.

These are yours by right of your calling. Paul says, "But rather that ye should prophesy." Without this special insight into the Scriptures and power to present them to others, you will not be able to fulfil your calling as a mouthpiece of the Spirit.

Before laying special stress on the gifts, however, you would do well to see that you are filled with the Spirit. Remember that the gifts are as the fruits and the Spirit as the tree. One who has not the Spirit can not bear the fruit. Do not try to subst.i.tute the gifts of the Spirit for spirituality. Covet earnestly the best gifts. Nevertheless, you should be careful that you do not try by your own human efforts to obtain the gifts, instead of earnestly seeking the Lord for their bestowal. By undue human efforts, many have obtained the manifestation of a false spirit, which they have placed on exhibition as the genuine.

Paul said to Timothy, "Be instant in season." To do this you must keep close in touch with the Lord and let him be your wisdom, yea, your all.

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