
Tics and Their Treatment Part 48

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SMITH (n.o.bLE), "Spasmodic Torticollis: its Cure by Operation,"

_International Medical Congress_, Rome, 1894, _Section of Surgery_, p. 273.

---- "A Case of Spasmodic Torticollis a.s.sociated with Ch.o.r.ea,"

_Clinical Journal_, May 10, 1899, p. 41.

---- "Spasmodic Torticollis," _British Medical Journal_, vol. i.

1899, p. 908.


SOMA, "Contributo allo studio delle mioclonie," _Gazetta degli ospedali e delle cliniche_, December 18, 1904, p. 1596.


SORGO, "Ueber subcorticale Entstehung isolirter Muskelkrampfe,"

_Neurologisches Centralblatt_, July, 1902, p. 642.


SOURY, "Les myoclonies, physiologie pathologique," _Annales medico-psychologiques_, 1897, p. 398.

SPEHL, "A propos du traitement de la maladie des tics," _Journal de neurologie_, 1899, p. 289.

STEVENS, "Facial Spasm and its relation to Errors of Refraction,"

_American Journal of the Medical Sciences_, 1900, p. 33.

STEYERTHAL, "Zur Geschichte des Torticollis Spasmodicus," _Archiv f. Psychiatrie u. Nervenkrankheiten_, Bd. xli. 1906, p. 31.

(Many interesting references to ancient writers.)

STEYERTHAL AND SOLGER, "Ueber Torticollis Spasmodicus," _Archiv f.

Psychiatrie u. Nervenkrankheiten_, Bd. x.x.xviii. 1904, p. 949.

STICH, "Zwei Falle von Krampf im Bereiche des N. accessorius Willisii," _Deutsche Archiv f. klinische Medicin_, 1873, p. 525.

STILL, "Habit Spasm in Children," _Lancet_, December 16, 1905, p.


---- "Head-nodding with Nystagmus in Infancy," _Lancet_, July 28, 1906, p. 207.

---- "On Head-rolling and Other Curious Movements in Children," _The Clinical Journal_, November 21, 1906, p. 87.


TAMBURINI, "Fisiopatologia e cura del tic," _Rivista sperimentale di freniatria_, December 15, 1903, p. 870.


TESSIER. _See_ Ma.s.sARY.

TESTI, "Storia di un caso singolarissimo di spasmo muscolare diffuso," _Giornale di neuropatologia_, 1886, Nos. 3 and 4.

THOMAS, "Contribution a l'etude de la maladie des tics chez l'enfant," _Gazette des maladies infantiles_, October 21, 1901.

THORNTON, "Some Curious Facts concerning 'the Jumpers,'" _New York Medical Record_, 1885, p. 713.

TISSIe, "Tic oculaire et facial droit accompagne de toux spasmodique, traite et gueri par la gymnastique medicate respiratoire," _Journal de medecine de Bordeaux_, July 9, 1899.

---- _See_ PITRES.

TOKARSKI, "Maladie des Tics convulsifs," _Neurologisches Centralblatt_, November 1, 1890, p. 662 (reference).


TOURETTE (GILLES DE LA), "Jumping; latah; myriachit," _Archives de neurologie_, 1884, p. 68.

---- ---- "etude sir une affection nerveuse caracterisee par de l'incoordination motrice accompagnee d'echolalie et de coprolalie,"

_Archives de neurologie_, 1885, p. 19.

---- ---- "Torticolis hysterique," _Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere_, 1889, p. 182.

---- ---- "La maladie des tics convulsifs." _Semaine medicale_, May 3, 1899, p. 153.

TOURETTE (GILLES DE LA) AND DAMAIN, "Un danseur monomane," _Progres medical_, January 14, 1893.

UCHERMANN, "Ein Fall von alternirenden, rhythmischen, und clonischen Krampfen der Glottisschliesser und der Glottisweiterer,"

_Archiv f. Laryngologie_, 1898, p. 326.

UNVERRICHT, "Ueber familiare Myoclonus," _Deutsche Zeitschrift f.

Nervenheilkunde_, 1895, p. 32.

VALOBRA, "Policlono infettivo; contributo allo studio delle mioclonie," _Il morgagni_, 1904, p. 774.

VANLAIR, "Myoclonies rythmiques," _Revue de medecine_, 1889, p. 1.

VARIOT, "Un cas de ch.o.r.ee electrique (variete de tic juvenile curable)," _Gazette des hopitaux_, December 19, 1901, p. 1401.

VERGOZ, "Du torticolis spasmodique," _These de Bordeaux_, 1888.

VITEK, "Paramyoclonus multiplex," _Congres des medecins tcheques a Prague_, 1901.

VITEK, "Tic de la main; contribution a la question des obsessions motrices," _Revue neurologique_, 1905, p. 50 (reference).

VLAVIANOS, "Tic nerveux, traite avec succes par la suggestion hypnotique," _Journal de neurologie_, 1899, p. 318.

VOGT ["Les exercices dans la therapeutique des affections nerveuses fonctionnelles"]. _Psychiatrische Wochenschrift_, Sept.-Oct. 1899.

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Tics and Their Treatment Part 48 summary

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