
Tics and Their Treatment Part 47

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ROUILLARD AND ISCOVESCO, "L'obsession en pathologie mentale,"

_Gazette des hopitaux_, 1896, p. 503.

(References to the literature on the psychical side of the subject.)

RUDLER, "Tic tonique du membre superieur droit," _Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere_, July-Aug. 1903, p. 218.

RUDLER AND CHOMEL, "Tic de l'ours chez le cheval, et les tics d'imitation chez l'homme," _Revue neurologique_, June 15, 1903, p.


RUDLER AND CHOMEL, "a.n.a.logies entre les ties et stereotypies de lechage chez l'homme et chez le cheval." _Societe de neurologie de Paris_, January 7, 1904.

---- ---- "Des stigmates anatomiques, physiologiques, et psychiques de la degenerescence chez l'animal, en particulier chez le cheval,"

_Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere_, Nov.-Dec. 1904, p. 471.

---- ---- "Une observation de 'tic du chiqueur,'" _Societe de neurologie de Paris_, January 7, 1904.

RUSSELL (RISIEN), "An Experimental Investigation of the Cervical and Thoracic Nerve-roots in relation to the Subject of Wryneck,"

_Brain_, 1897, p. 35.

SABRAZeS, "Mouvements involontaires stereotypes des doigts s'organisant en tics dans le tabes," _Congres de Rennes_, 1905.

SABRAZeS AND CALMETTE, "Tics de doigts et mouvements athetodes des tabetiques," _Gazette hebdomadaire des sciences medicales de Bordeaux_, July 2, 1905, p. 315.

---- ---- "Tic d'att.i.tude chez un aveugle," _Gazette hebdomadaire des sciences medicales de Bordeaux_, June 4, 1905, p. 271.

SACHS, "The Educational Treatment of Tics," _Medical News_, July 1, 1905, p. 3.

SAMAJA, "Le siege des convulsions epileptiformes toniques et cloniques," _Revue medicale de la Suisse romande_, February 20, 1903, p. 77.

SANO, "Tic de la face et du cou," _Societe belge de neurologie_, November 26, 1898.

---- _See_ CLAUS.

SARBO, "Ein Fall von clonischen Ma.s.seterkrampf," _Monatsschrift f.

Psychiatrie u. Neurologie_, June, 1900, p. 493.

SAVILL, "De la crampe des ecrivains et des autres affections nerveuses professionnelles," _Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpetriere_, March-April, 1901, p. 149.


SCHAPRINGER, "Zur Pathologie des Spasmus Nutans," _Centralblatt f.

praktischen Augenheilkunde_, August, 1905, p. 225.

SCHEIBER, "Ueber einen Fall von durch Spleniuskrampf bedingten Torticollis," _Wiener medicinische Wochenschrift_, 1900, p. 261.

SCHELATOW, "Ein Fall von Paramyoclonus Multiplex," _Munchener medicinische Wochenschrift_, 1895, p. 696.

SCHERB, "Hemispasme tonique du cote droit const.i.tuant un tic mental professionnel; tic de la mendiante," _Societe de neurologie de Paris_, May 3, 1900.

---- "Un nouveau cas de torticolis mental," _Revue neurologique_, September 15, 1902, p. 841.

SCHULTZE, "Ueber Poly-Para-und Monoclonien," _Deutsche Zeitschrift f. Nervenheilkunde_, 1898, p. 409.

---- "Ueber Ch.o.r.ea, Poly-and Monoklonie," _Neurologisches Centralblatt_, 1897, p. 611.

---- "Beitrage zur Muskelpathologie," _Deutsche Zeitschrift f.

Nervenheilkunde_, 1895, p. 65.

SCHUPFER, "Sulle mioclonie," _Il policlinico_, 1901, p. 1.

(One hundred and sixteen references to the literature of myoclonus.)

SCHUSTER, "Tonische und klonische Krampf des ganzen rechten Facialis," _Archiv f. Psychiatrie u. Nervenkrankheiten_, 1904, p.


SEE, "Des pseudo-ch.o.r.ees rythmiques, spasmes toniques et tics,"

_Semaine medicale_, March 26, 1884.

SEELIGMuLLER, "Ueber Myoclonie (Paramyoclonus Multiplex) und Convulsibilitat (Spasmophilie)," _Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift_, 1887, p. 1117.

SeGLAS, "Tic aerophagique et paralysie generale," _Semaine medicale_, January 11, 1899, p. 9.

---- "Un cas de torticolis mental," _Revue neurologique_, 1901, p.


SeRIEUX, "Les hallucinations motrices verbales dans la paralysie generale," _Gazette hebdomadaire_, June 19, 1898, p. 577.

SEVESTRE, "Un cas de spasme fonctionnel du sternomastodien,"

_Union medicale_, September 1, 1882, p. 383.

s...o...b.., "Un caso di torcicollo mentale," _Il manicomio moderno_, 1898, p. 424.


SICCARDI, "Considerazioni su la fisiopatologia e su la teoria del tic," _Annuario del manicomio provinciale di Ancona, Anno II_, 1904.

(Eighty-eight references to the literature, chiefly Italian.)

SICURIANI, "Contributo allo studio del tonomioclono," _Riforma medica_, January 20, 1904, p. 57.

SILVESTRINI, "Spasmo clonico diffuso," _Medicina contemporanea_, 1884, p. 83.

SIMON, "Une nouvelle variete de spasmes musculaires fonctionnels,"

_These de Paris_, 1875.

SINKLER, "Habit Ch.o.r.ea," _American Journal of the Medical Sciences_, May, 1897, p. 559.

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Tics and Their Treatment Part 47 summary

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