
Their Biker Babe In Training Part 7

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"f.u.c.k, yeah!" He yelled and she felt him stiffen inside her before she was too far gone to know he had come, as well.

He collapsed over her, only catching himself on his elbows at the last minute. His hot breath fanned against her temple as he rained kisses down on her forehead and cheeks. Neal was there caressing her shoulder and whispering in her ear.

"See how good it can feel to relax, baby?" Neal asked. "Just carry this with you all day."


Chapter Six.

After a few minutes of cuddling and whispering, they dressed, then folded up the blanket and walked back up the hill to where the bikes were parked. They'd just finished strapping on their helmets and were getting on the bikes, when a police car pulled around the road.

Mark felt Alexis stiffen behind him.

s.h.i.t, all that work down the drain. But the cruiser continued around the road without stopping. They pulled out onto the road heading in the opposite direction, then pulled out on the highway before anyone spoke.

"Do you think he was looking for us? Someone may have turned us in," Alexis said in a quiet voice.

"Naw, he would have stopped to question us if he was looking for anyone like that. I mean, there are three of us. That's unusual." Mark hoped he could put her fears aside. She'd really enjoyed herself.

"Besides, if anyone did see us, they enjoyed the show. Nothing to worry about, Alexis. We covered you the entire time." Neal's voice sounded over the speakers.

"I guess you're right." She didn't sound convinced to Mark.

"Think about how good it felt out there and stop worrying about if someone saw you or not." Mark rubbed her hands where they gripped his waist in front.

"I guess you're right," she said.

"I'm always right," Mark teased her.

They rode in silence the rest of the way back home. He pulled into the drive, followed by Neal. They rolled up into the garage. Then he hit the b.u.t.ton on his bike to close the garage doors. Once they were all


safely off the bikes, he helped Alexis with her helmet. She looked worn out. When she started walking into the kitchen, she walked funny. He tried not to laugh. She had saddle b.u.t.t.

"I know what would feel good to you," he said, walking up behind her.

"What?" she asked, turning to look up at him.

"A nice hot soak in the tub."

"That sounds heavenly. I even have my bath salts with me."

"Um, what do they smell like?" Mark asked, wincing.

"Lavender. They're supposed to be relaxing." Neal chuckled and popped Mark on the shoulder. Alexis seemed to find it amusing that he'd done it.

"Why?" she asked.

"I was planning to get in the tub with you and bathe you. I'm not sure about lavender, though." Mark shivered and made a painful expression.

"No one has to know that you smelled like lavender," she pointed out with a smile.

"No one but Neal, and he's got a mouth as big as a bigmouth ba.s.s."

"I resent that remark," Neal said with feigned indignation.

"Tell me you won't be on the phone with either Ranger or Shane inside a minute if I get in the tub with her," Mark pointed out.

"Yeah, you got me there. News like that is meant to be shared." Neal wasn't in the least worried about it.

"Fine, I won't use the lavender. To have someone bathe me, I will happily forgo the scented salts." Alexis started toward the stairs, but Mark stopped her.

"Use the lavender, baby. It will make you feel better. I can always shower off and use my manly soap afterward."

"You're sure?"


"Yeah, I'm sure." Mark patted her on the a.s.s. "I'll be up in just a few minutes. You can run the water. Be careful getting in, and don't slip."

She smiled and walked out the door toward the stairs.

"Seriously, you're going to get in the tub with her and that smelly stuff?" Neal asked.

"Yeah. It's not going to hurt me, and like I said, I can shower it all off later. It will help her to relax, and she needs that."

"Yeah, she's really come a long way for only one day. Wait until we take her shopping tomorrow." Neal rubbed his hands together with glee in his eyes.

"She's going to balk at that. Wait and see."

"That's going to be half the fun."

"If you say so."

"She's getting to you, isn't she, Mark?"

"Not any more so than any other woman we bring home. Why? Is she getting to you?"

"I like her. She's fun to tease, and she's dynamite between the sheets." Neal shrugged.

"Just remember that she lives north of us and will be going back there in a few weeks."

"Yeah, I know."

Mark turned and walked out of the kitchen, heading for the stairs.

He climbed up and stopped outside the master bedroom door, thinking about what Neal had asked. Was she getting to him? He thought for a minute, then dismissed it as crazy. He wasn't falling for her. He had only known her a couple of days.

With that thought pushed back into the recesses of his mind, Mark opened the bedroom door and walked in. He could hear her in the bathroom laughing about something and wondered what it was. He stripped his clothes off in record time and slipped into the bathroom as quickly as possible to keep from letting in a lot of cold air.

"Mark? Is that you?"


"Yep, it's me. Sorry about the cold air." He walked over to where she could see him, and winced.

The lavender smell was strong, but not unpleasant. He supposed he could stand it for a little while. Then he could shower and remove it. With only a slight wince, Mark climbed into the tub behind Alexis and slowly slipped beneath the warm water. He scooted up to reach around her and remove the cloth from her hands.

"I'll bathe you back here." He took the soap and, after applying it to the cloth, began to run it over her shoulders.

He gradually reached her back and scrubbed it, knowing how good it felt to have someone do that for you. Then he smoothed over it before rinsing the soap off.

"Turn around and let me get your front."

"I've already washed myself."

"I haven't washed you, though."

Alexis complied without another word. He soaped up the cloth again and began cleaning her upper chest before moving down to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He cleaned each one, paying close attention to her nipples.

They were soon standing out with a rosy glow about them. He cleaned between them, under them, and across her belly.

"Stand up and hold on to the towel bar." Mark waited while she stood up.

Once he was satisfied she was secure enough, he began washing her legs. He cleaned up to her crotch level on each side and in the back. Then he bathed her a.s.s, being careful to clean everywhere. He rinsed the cloth and soaped back up before having her spread her legs so he could get to her sweet p.u.s.s.y. He wanted to clean it without making her sore, so he was very careful with the cloth. She moaned several times, but didn't say anything. He rinsed the cloth out and rinsed her there.

"Sit back down now, Alexis." He helped her sit down again.

"Now lean back against me and we'll soak some so you won't be sore from the motorcycle ride today."


"I don't think I will be. I just got a little numb on my b.u.t.t."

"Trust me. You need to soak some." He felt her begin to relax against him, and he smiled.

She was slowly learning to relax around them. That was good. He enjoyed the feel of her skin against his, and the way her body fit into his perfectly. There was so much about her that fit both him and Neal.

It was a shame she didn't live in Dallas. They might have pursued her.

Still, she had her career, and they had theirs. Long-distance affairs never lasted, and he wasn't sure he wanted to risk the hurt that could occur from having one. One or both parties usually ended up cheating.

No, once she left, they would have to forget about her. The bad thing was that he wasn't sure they would be able to all that easily. She had gotten beneath their skin in the few short days they had known her.

He smiled, thinking about Neal taking her shopping in the morning. He couldn't wait to see how that went over. He was sure there would be fireworks, but they would be fun to watch. Knowing Neal, he would look for some of the s.l.u.ttiest clothes he could to introduce her to, then after fussing with her, would move on to the more attractive ones. If they were lucky, they might see her in one of them before she refused to try on any more of the s.l.u.tty ones.

He noticed the water had begun to cool. He roused a dozing Alexis and urged her to sit up. She resisted at first, then slowly woke up and shivered.

"Time to get out of the tub, sleepyhead. You're going to freeze in this water if you don't," Mark said.

"Goodness, I didn't realize I would fall asleep. You should have woken me up sooner," she groused.

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Their Biker Babe In Training Part 7 summary

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