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In hard winters elkes a kind of wild swan are seen in no small numbers, in whom and not in common swans is remarkable that strange recurvation of the windpipe through the sternon, and the same is also obseruable in cranes. Tis probable they come very farre for all the northern discouerers have obserued them in the remotest parts and like diuers other northern birds if the winter bee mild they commonly come no further southward then Scotland; if very hard they go lower and seeke more southern places. Which is the cause that sometimes wee see them not before christmas or the hardest time of winter.
A white large and strong billd fowle called a Ganet which seemes to bee the greater sort of Larus, whereof I met with one kild by a greyhound neere Swaffam another in marshland while it fought and would not bee forced to take wing, another intangled in an herring net which taken aliue was fed with herrings for a while. It may be named Larus maior Leucophaeopterus as being white and the top of the wings browne.
In hard winters I have also met with that large and strong billd fowle which Clusius describeth by the name of Skua Hoyeri sent him from the Faro Island by Hoierus a physitian, one whereof was shot at Hickling while 2 thereof were feeding upon a dead horse.
As also that large and strong billd fowle spotted like a starling which Clusius nameth Mergus maior farrnsis as frequently the Faro islands seated above Shetland, one whereof I sent unto my worthy friend Dr Scarburgh.
Here is also the pica marina or seapye, many sorts of Lari, seamewes and cobs; the Larus maior in great abundance in herring time about Yarmouth.
Larus alba or puets in such plentie about Horsey that they sometimes bring them in carts to Norwich and sell them at small rates, and the country people make use of their egges in puddings and otherwise. Great plentie thereof haue bred about Scoulton meere, and from thence sent to London.
Larus cinereus greater and smaller, b.u.t.t a coars meat; commonly called sternes.
Hirundo marina or sea swallowe a neat white and forked tayle bird b.u.t.t longer then a swallowe.
The ciconia or stork I have seen in the fennes and some haue been shot in the marshes between this and Yarmouth.
The platea or shouelard, which build upon the topps of high trees. They haue formerly built in the Hernerie at Claxton and Reedham now at Trimley in Suffolk. They come in March and are shot by fowlers not for their meat b.u.t.t the handsomenesse of the same, remarkable in their white colour copped crowne and spoone or spatule like bill.
Corvus marinus, cormorants, building at Reedham upon trees from whence King Charles the first was wont to bee supplyed. Beside the Rock cormorant which breedeth in the rocks in northerne countries and cometh to us in the winter, somewhat differing from the other in largenesse and whitenesse under the wings.
A sea fowl called a shearwater, somewhat billed like a cormorant b.u.t.t much lesser a strong and feirce fowle houering about shipps when they cleanse their fish. 2 were kept 6 weekes cramming them with fish which they would not feed on of themselues. The seamen told mee they had kept them 3 weekes without meat, and I giuing ouer to feed them found they liued 16 dayes without taking any thing.
Barnacles Brants Branta are common sheldrakes sheledracus jonstoni.
Barganders a n.o.ble coloured fowle vulpanser which breed in cunny burrowes about Norrold and other places.
Wild geese Anser ferus.
Scoch goose Anser scoticus.
Goshander. merganser.
Mergus acutirostris speciosus or Loone an handsome and specious fowle cristated and with diuided finne feet placed very backward and after the manner of all such which the Duch call Arsvoote. They haue a peculiar formation in the leggebone which hath a long and sharpe processe extending aboue the thigh bone. They come about April and breed in the broad waters so making their nest on the water that their egges are seldom drye while they are sett on.
Mergus acutarostris cinereus which seemeth to bee a difference of the former.
Mergus minor the smaller diuers or dabchicks in riuers and broade waters.
Mergus serratus the saw billd diuer bigger and longer than a duck distinguished from other diuers by a notable sawe bill to retaine its slipperie pray as liuing much upon eeles whereof we haue seldome fayled to find some in their bellies.
Diuers other sorts of diuefowle more remarkable the mustela fusca and mustela variegata the graye dunne and the variegated or partie coloured wesell so called from the resemblance it beareth vnto a wesell in the head.
Many sorts of wild ducks which under names well knowne unto the fowlers though of no great signification as smee widgeon Arts ankers n.o.blets.
The most remarkable are Anas platyrinchos a remarkably broad bild duck.
And the sea phaysant holding some resemblance unto that bird in some fethers in the tayle.
Teale Querquedula, wherein scarce any place more abounding, the condition of the country and the very many decoys especially between Norwich and the sea making this place very much to abound in wild fowle.
Fulicae cottae cootes in very great flocks upon the broad waters. Upon the appearance of a Kite or buzzard I have seen them vnite from all parts of the in strange numbers when if the Kite stoopes neare them they will fling up spred such a flash of water up with there wings that they will endanger the Kite, and so keepe him of agayne and agayne in open opposition, and an handsome prouision they make about their nest agaynst the same bird of praye by bending and twining the rushes and reedes so about them that they cannot stoope at their yong ones or the damme while she setteth.
Gallinula aquatica more hens.
And a kind of Ralla aquatica or water Rayle.
An onocrotalus or pelican shott upon Horsey fenne 1663 May 22 which stuffed and cleansed I yet retaine. It was 3 yards and half between the extremities of the wings the chowle and beake answering the vsuall description the extremities of the wings for a spanne deepe browne the rest of the body white, a fowle which none could remember upon this coast. About the same time I heard one of the kings pellicans was lost at St James', perhaps this might bee the same.
Anas Arctica clusii which though hee placeth about the Faro Islands is the same wee call a puffin common about Anglisea in Wales and sometimes taken upon our seas not sufficiently described by the name of puffinus the bill being so remarkably differing from other ducks and not horizontally b.u.t.t meridionally formed to feed in the clefts of the rocks of insecks, sh.e.l.l-fish and others.
The great number of riuers riuulets and plashes of water makes hernes and herneries to abound in these parts, yong hensies being esteemed a festiuall dish and much desired by some palates.
The Ardea stellaris botaurus, or bitour is also common and esteemed the better dish. In the belly of one I found a frog in an hard frost at christmas. another I kept in a garden 2 yeares feeding it with fish mice and frogges, in defect whereof making a for sparrowes and small birds, the bitour made shifft to maintaine herself upon them.
Bistardae or Bustards are not vnfrequent in the champain and feildie part of this country a large Bird accounted a dayntie dish, obseruable in the strength of the brest bone and short heele layes an egge much larger then a Turkey.
Morinellus or Dotterell about Thetford and the champain which comes vnto us in September and March staying not long, and is an excellent dish.
There is also a sea dotterell somewhat lesse b.u.t.t better coloured then the former.
G.o.dwyts taken chiefly in marshland, though other parts not without them accounted the dayntiest dish in England and I think for the bignesse, of the biggest price.
Gnats or Knots a small bird which taken with netts grow excessively fatt. If being mewed and fed with corne a candle lighted in the roome they feed day and night, and when they are at their hight of fattnesse they beginne to grow lame and are then killed or as at their prime and apt to decline.
Erythropus or Redshanck a bird common in the marshes and of common food b.u.t.t no dayntie dish.
A may chitt a small dark gray bird litle bigger then a stint of fatnesse beyond any. It comes in May into marshland and other parts and abides not aboue a moneth or 6 weekes.
Another small bird somewhat larger than a stint called a churre and is commonly taken amongst them.
Stints in great numbers about the seash.o.r.e and marshes about Stifkey Burnham and other parts.
Pluuialis or plouer green and graye in great plentie about Thetford and many other heaths. They breed not with us b.u.t.t in some parts of Scotland, and plentifully in Island [Iceland].
The lapwing or vannellus common ouer all the heaths.
Cuccowes of 2 sorts the one farre exceeding the other in bignesse. Some have attempted to keepe them in warme roomes all the winter b.u.t.t it hath not succeeded. In their migration they range very farre northward for in the summer they are to bee found as high as Island.
Avis pugnax. Ruffes a marsh bird of the greatest varietie of colours euery one therein somewhat varying from other. The female is called a Reeve without any ruffe about the neck, lesser then the other and hardly to bee got. They are almost all c.o.c.ks and putt together fight and destroy each other, and prepare themselues to fight like c.o.c.ks though they seeme to haue no other offensive part b.u.t.t the bill. They loose theire Ruffes about the Autumne or beginning of winter as wee haue obserued keeping them in a garden from may till the next spring. They most abound in Marshland b.u.t.t are also in good number in the marshes between Norwich and Yarmouth.
Of picus martius or woodspeck many kinds. The green the Red the Leucomela.n.u.s or neatly marked black and white and the cinereus or dunne calld little [bird calld] a nuthack, remarkable in the larger are the hardnesse of the bill and skull and the long nerues which tend vnto the tongue whereby it strecheth out the tongue aboue an inch out of the mouth and so licks up insecks. They make the holes in trees without any consideration of the winds or quarters of heauen b.u.t.t as the rottenesse thereof best affordeth conuenience.
Black heron black on both sides the bottom of the neck white gray on the outside spotted all along with black on the inside a black coppe of small feathers some a spanne long, bill poynted and yallowe 3 inches long.
Back heron coloured intermixed with long white fethers.
The flying fethers black.