
The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume III Part 15

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[153] Schoneveldus de Pisc.

The exiguity and smallnesse of some seeds extending to large productions is one of the magnalities of nature, somewhat ill.u.s.trating the work of the Creation, and vast production from nothing. The true seeds of Cypresse[154] and Rampions are indistinguishable by old eyes. Of the seeds of Tobacco a thousand make not one grain, The disputed seeds of Harts tongue, and Maidenhair, require a greater number. From such undiscernable seminalities arise spontaneous productions. He that would discern the rudimentall stroak of a plant, may behold it in the Originall of Duckweed, at the bignesse of a pins point, from convenient water in gla.s.ses, wherein a watchfull eye may also discover the puncticular Originals of Periwincles and Gnats.

[154] Doctissim. Laurenburg horr.

That seeds of some Plants are lesse then any animals, seems of no clear decision; That the biggest of Vegetables exceedeth the biggest of Animals, in full bulk, and all dimensions, admits exception in the Whale, which in length and above ground measure, will also contend with tall Oakes. That the richest odour of plants surpa.s.seth that of Animals, may seem of some doubt, since animall-musk, seems to excell the vegetable, and we finde so n.o.ble a scent in the Tulip-Fly, and Goat-Beetle.[155]

[155] _The long and tender green_ Capricornus _rarely found, we could never meet with but two._

Now whether seminall nebbes hold any sure proportion unto seminall enclosures, why the form of the germe doth not answer the figure of the enclosing pulp, why the nebbe is seated upon the solid, and not the channeld side of the seed as in grains, why since we often meet with two yolks in one sh.e.l.l, and sometimes one Egge within another, we do not oftener meet with two nebbes in one distinct seed: why since the Egges of a Hen laid at one course, do commonly outweigh the bird, and some moths coming out of their cases, without a.s.sistance of food, will lay so many Egges as to outweigh their bodies, trees rarely bear their fruit, in that gravity or proportion: Whether in the germination of seeds according to _Hippocrates_, the lighter part ascendeth, and maketh the sprout, the heaviest tending downward frameth the root; Since we observe that the first shoot of seeds in water, will sink or bow down at the upper and leafing end: Whether it be not more rational Epicurisme to contrive whole dishes out of the nebbes and spirited particles of plants, then from the Gallatures and treddles of Egges; since that part is found to hold no seminall share in Oval Generation, are quaeries which might enlarge but must conclude this digression.

And though not in this order, yet how nature delighteth in this number, and what consent and coordination there is in the leaves and parts of flowers, it cannot escape our observation in no small number of plants.

For the calicular or supporting and closing leaves, do answer the number of the flowers, especially in such as exceed not the number of Swallows Egges; as in Violets, Stichwort, Blossomes, and flowers of one leaf have often five divisions, answered by a like number of calicular leaves; as _Gentianella, Convolvulus_, Bell-flowers. In many the flowers, blades, or staminous shoots and leaves are all equally five, as in c.o.c.kle, mullein and _Blattaria_; Wherein the flowers before explication are pentagonally wrapped up, with some resemblance of the _blatta_ or moth from whence it hath its name; But the contrivance of nature is singular in the opening and shutting of Bindeweeds, performed by five inflexures, distinguishable by pyramidicall figures, and also different colours.

The rose at first is thought to have been of five leaves, as it yet groweth wilde among us; but in the most luxuriant, the calicular leaves do still maintain that number. But nothing is more admired then the five Brethren of the Rose, and the strange disposure of the Appendices or Beards, in the calicular leaves thereof, which in despair of resolution is tolerably salved from this contrivance, best ordered and suited for the free closure of them before explication. For those two which are smooth, and of no beard are contrived to lye undermost, as without prominent parts, and fit to be smoothly covered, the other two which are beset with Beards on either side, stand outward and uncovered, but the fifth or half-bearded leaf is covered on the bare side but on the open side stands free, and bearded like the other.

Besides a large number of leaves have five divisions, and may be circ.u.mscribed by a _Pentagon_ or figure of five Angles, made by right lines from the extremity of their leaves, as in Maple, Vine, Figge-Tree: But five-leaved flowers are commonly disposed circularly about the _Stylus_; according to the higher Geometry of Nature, dividing a circle by five _Radii_, which concurre not to make Diameters, as in Quadrilaterall and s.e.xangular Intersections.

Now the number of five is remarkable in every Circle, not only as the first sphaerical Number, but the measure of sphaerical motion. For sphaerical bodies move by fives, and every globular Figure placed upon a plane, in direct volutation, returns to the first point of contaction in the fift touch, accounting by the Axes of the Diameters or Cardinall points of the four quarters thereof. And before it arriveth unto the same point again, it maketh five circles equall unto it self, in each progresse from those quarters, absolving an equall circle.

By the same number doth nature divide the circle of the Sea-starre, and in that order and number disposeth those elegant Semi-circles, or dentall sockets and egges in the Sea Hedge-hogge. And no mean Observations hereof there is in the Mathematicks of the neatest Retiary Spider, which concluding in fourty four Circles, from five Semidiameters beginneth that elegant texture.

And after this manner doth lay the foundation of the Circular branches of the Oak, which being five-cornered, in the tender annual sprouts, and manifesting upon incision the signature of a Starre, is after made circular, and swel'd into a round body: Which practice of nature is become a point of art, and makes two Problemes in _Euclide_.[156] But the Bryar which sends forth shoots and p.r.i.c.kles from its angles, maintains its pentagonall figure, and the un.o.bserved signature of a handsome porch within it. To omit the five small b.u.t.tons dividing the Circle of the Ivy-berry, and the five characters in the Winter stalk of the Walnut, with many other Observables, which cannot escape the eyes of signal discerners; Such as know where to finde _Ajax_ his name in _Gallitric.u.m_, or _Arons_ Mitre in Henbane.

[156] Elem. _li._ 4.

Quincuncial forms and ordinations are also observable in animal figurations. For to omit the hioides or throat bone of animals, the _furcula_ or _merry-thought_ in birds; which supporteth the _scapulae_, affording a pa.s.sage for the winde-pipe and the gullet, the wings of Flyes, and disposure of their legges in their first formation from maggots, and the position of their horns, wings and legges, in their _Aurelian_ cases and swadling clouts: The back of the _Cimex Arboreus_, found often upon Trees and lesser plants, doth elegantly discover the _Burgundian_ decussation; And the like is observable in the belly of the _Notonecton_, or water-Beetle, which swimmeth on its back, and the handsome Rhombusses of the Sea-poult, or Weazell, on either side the Spine.

The s.e.xangular Cels in the Honey-combs of Bees are disposed after this order, much there is not of wonder in the confused Houses of Pismires; though much in their busie life and actions, more in the edificial Palaces of Bees and Monarchical spirits; who make their combs six-corner'd, declining a circle, whereof many stand not close together, and compleatly fill the _area_ of the place; But rather affecting a six-sided figure, whereby every cell affords a common side unto six more, and also a fit receptacle for the Bee it self, which gathering into a Cylindrical Figure, aptly enters its s.e.xangular house, more nearly approaching a circular figure, then either doth the Square or Triangle. And the Combes themselves so regularly contrived, that their mutual intersections make three Lozenges at the bottom of every Cell; which severally regarded make three Rows of neat Rhomboidall Figures, connected at the angles, and so continue three several chaines throughout the whole comb.

As for the _Favago_ found commonly on the Sea-sh.o.a.r, though named from an honey-comb, it but rudely makes out the resemblance, and better agrees with the round Cels of humble Bees. He that would exactly discern the shop of a Bees mouth, need observing eyes, and good augmenting gla.s.ses; wherein is discoverable one of the neatest peeces in nature, and must have a more piercing eye then mine; who findes out the shape of Buls heads, in the guts of Drones pressed out behinde, according to the experiment of _Gomesius_[157]; wherein notwithstanding there seemeth somewhat which might incline a pliant fancy to credulity of similitude.

[157] Gom. de Sale.

A resemblance hereof there is in the orderly and rarely disposed Cels, made by Flyes and Insects, which we have often found fastened about small sprigs, and in those cottonary and woolly pillows, which sometimes we meet with fastened unto Leaves, there is included an elegant Net-work Texture, out of which come many small Flies. And some resemblance there is of this order in the Egges of some b.u.t.terflies and moths, as they stick upon leaves, and other substances; which being dropped from behinde, nor directed by the eye, doth neatly declare how nature Geometrizeth, and observeth order in all things.

A like correspondency in figure is found in the skins and outward teguments of animals, whereof a regardable part are beautiful by this texture. As the backs of several Snakes and Serpents, elegantly remarkable in the _Aspis_, and the Dart-snake, in the Chiasmus, and larger decussations upon the back of the Rattlesnake, and in the close and finer texture of the _Mater formicarum_, or snake that delights in Anthils; whereby upon approach of outward injuries, they can raise a thicker Phalanx on their backs, and handsomely contrive themselves into all kindes of flexures: Whereas their bellies are commonly covered with smooth semicircular divisions, as best accommodable unto their quick and gliding motion.

This way is followed by nature in the peculiar and remarkable tayl of the Bever, wherein the scaly particles are disposed, somewhat after this order, which is the plainest resolution of the wonder of _Bellonius_, while he saith, with incredible Artifice hath Nature framed the tayl or Oar of the Bever: where by the way we cannot but wish a model of their houses, so much extolled by some Describers: wherein since they are so bold as to venture upon three stages, we might examine their Artifice in the contignations, the rule and order in the compart.i.tions; or whether that magnified structure be any more then a rude rectangular pyle or meer hovell-building.

Thus works the hand of nature in the feathery plantation about birds.

Observable in the skins of the breast,[158] legs and Pinions of Turkies, Geese, and Ducks, and the Oars or finny feet of Water-Fowl: And such a naturall net is the scaly covering of Fishes, of Mullets, Carps, Tenches, _etc._ even in such as are excoriable and consist of smaller scales, as Bretts, Soals, and Flounders. The like Reticulate grain is observable in some _Russia_ Leather. To omit the ruder Figures of the ostracion, the triangular or cunny fish, or the p.r.i.c.ks of the Sea-Porcupine.

[158] _Elegantly conspicuous on the inside of the striped skins of Dive-Fowl, of the cormorant, Goshonder, Weasell, Loon_, etc.

The same is also observable in some part of the skin of man, in habits of neat texture, and therefore not unaptly compared unto a Net: We shall not affirm that from such grounds, the aegyptian Embalmers imitated this texture, yet in their linnen folds the same is still observable among their neatest Mummies, in the figures of _Isis_ and _Osyris_, and the Tutelary spirits in the Bembine Table. Nor is it to be over-looked how _Orus_, the Hieroglyphick of the world is described in a Net-work covering, from the shoulder to the foot. And (not to enlarge upon the cruciated Character of _Trismegistus_, or handed crosses, so often occurring in the Needles of _Pharaoh_, and Obelisks of Antiquity) the _Statuae Isiacae_, Teraphims, and little Idols, found about the Mummies, do make a decussation or _Jacobs_ Crosse, with their armes, like that on the head of _Ephraim_ and _Mana.s.ses_, and this _decussis_ is also graphically described between them.

This Reticulate or Net-work was also considerable in the inward parts of man, not only from the first _subtegmen_ or warp of his formation, but in the netty _fibres_ of the veines and vessels of life; wherein according to common Anatomy the right and transverse _fibres_ are decussated by the oblique _fibres_; and so must frame a Reticulate and Quincuncial Figure by their Obliquations, Emphatically extending that Elegant expression of Scripture. Thou hast curiously embroydered me, thou hast wrought me up after the finest way of texture, and as it were with a Needle.

Nor is the same observable only in some parts, but in the whole body of man, which upon the extension of arms and legges, doth make out a square, whose intersection is at the genitals. To omit the phantastical Quincunx, in _Plato_ of the first Hermaphrodite or double man, united at the Loynes, which _Jupiter_ after divided.

A rudimental resemblance hereof there is in the cruciated and rugged folds of the _Reticulum_, or Net-like Ventricle of ruminating horned animals, which is the second in order, culinarily called the Honey-comb.

For many divisions there are in the stomack of severall animals; what number they maintain in the _Scarus_ and ruminating Fish, common description, or our own experiment hath made no discovery. But in the Ventricle of _Porpuses_ there are three divisions. In many Birds a crop, Gizard, and little receptacle before it; but in Cornigerous animals, which chew the cudd, there are no lesse then four of distinct position and office.

The _Reticulum_ by these crossed cels, makes a further digestion, in the dry and exuccous part of the Aliment received from the first Ventricle.

For at the bottome of the gullet there is a double Orifice; What is first received at the mouth descendeth into the first and greater stomack, from whence it is returned into the mouth again; and after a fuller mastication, and salivous mixture, what part thereof descendeth again, in a moist and succulent body, it slides down the softer and more permeable Orifice, into the Omasus or third stomack; and from thence conveyed into the fourth, receives its last digestion. The other dry and exuccous part after rumination by the larger and stronger Orifice beareth into the first stomack, from thence into the _Reticulum_, and so progressively into the other divisions. And therefore in Calves newly calved, there is little or no use of the two first Ventricles, for the milk and liquid aliment slippeth down the softer Orifice, into the third stomack; where making little or no stay, it pa.s.seth into the fourth, the seat of the _Coagulum_, or Runnet, or that division of stomack which seems to bear the name of the whole, in the Greek translation of the Priests Fee, in the Sacrifice of Peace-offerings.

As for those Rhomboidal Figures made by the Cartilagineous parts of the Wezon, in the Lungs of great Fishes, and other animals, as _Rondeletius_ discovered, we have not found them so to answer our Figure as to be drawn into ill.u.s.tration; Something we expected in the more discernable texture of the lungs of frogs, which notwithstanding being but two curious bladders not weighing above a grain, we found interwoven with veins, not observing any just order. More orderly situated are those cretaceous and chalky concretions found sometimes in the bignesse of a small fech on either side their spine; which being not agreeable unto our order, nor yet observed by any, we shall not here discourse on.

But had we found a better account and tolerable Anatomy of that prominent jowle of the _Sperma Ceti_ Whale,[159] then questuary operation, or the stench of the last cast upon our sh.o.a.r, permitted, we might have perhaps discovered some handsome order in those Net-like seases and sockets, made like honey-combs, containing that medicall matter.

[159] 1652. _described in our_ Pseudo Epidem. _Edit._ 3.

Lastly, The incession or locall motion of animals is made with a.n.a.logy unto this figure, by decussative diametrals, Quincunciall Lines and angles. For to omit the enquiry how b.u.t.terflies and breezes move their four wings, how birds and fishes in ayre and water move by joynt stroaks of opposite wings and Finnes, and how salient animals in jumping forward seem to arise and fall upon a square base; As the station of most Quadrupeds is made upon a long square, so in their motion they make a Rhomboides; their common progression being performed Diametrally, by decussation and crosse advancement of their legges, which not observed begot that remarkable absurdity in the position of the legges of _Castors_ horse in the Capitoll. The Snake which moveth circularly makes his spires in like order, the convex and concave spirals answering each other at alternate distances; In the motion of man the armes and legges observe this thwarting position, but the legges alone do move Quincuncially by single angles with some resemblance of an V measured by successive advancement from each foot, and the angle of indenture great or lesse, according to the extent or brevity of the stride.

Studious Observators may discover more a.n.a.logies in the orderly book of nature, and cannot escape the Elegancy of her hand in other correspondencies. The Figures of nails and crucifying appurtenances, are but precariously made out in the _Granadilla_ or flower of Christs pa.s.sion; And we despair to behold in these parts that handsome draught of crucifixion in the fruit of the _Barbado_ Pine. The seminal Spike of _Phalaris_, or great shaking gra.s.se, more nearly answers the tayl of a Rattle-Snake, then many resemblances in Porta: And if the man _Orchis_[160] of _Culumna_ be well made out, it excelleth all a.n.a.logies.

In young Wall-nuts cut athwart, it is not hard to apprehend strange characters; and in those of somewhat elder growth, handsome ornamental draughts about a plain crosse. In the root of _Osmond_ or Water-fern, every eye may discern the form of a Half Moon, Rain-bow, or half the character of _Pisces_. Some finde Hebrew, Arabick, Greek, and Latine Characters in Plants; In a common one among us we seem to reade _Acaia_, _Viviu_, _Lilil_.

[160] Orchis Anthropophora, Fabii Columnae.

Right lines and circles make out the bulk of plants; In the parts thereof we finde Helicall or spirall roundles, voluta's, conicall Sections, circular Pyramids, and frustums of _Archimedes_; And cannot overlook the orderly hand of nature, in the alternate succession of the flat and narrower sides in the tender shoots of the Ashe, or the regular inequality of bignesse in the five leaved flowers of Henbane, and something like in the calicular leaves of _Tutson_. How the spots of _Persicaria_ do manifest themselves between the sixth and tenth ribbe.

How the triangular capp in the stemme or _stylus_ of Tuleps doth constantly point at three outward leaves. That spicated flowers do open first at the stalk. That white flowers have yellow thrums or knops. That the nebbe of Beans and Pease do all look downward, and so presse not upon each other; And how the seeds of many pappous or downy flowers lockt up in sockets after a gomphosis or _mortis_-articulation, diffuse themselves circularly into branches of rare order, observable in _Tragopogan_ or Goats-beard, conformable to the Spiders web, and the _Radii_ in like manner telarely inter-woven.

And how in animall natures, even colours hold correspondencies, and mutuall correlations. That the colour of the Caterpillar will shew again in the b.u.t.terfly, with some lat.i.tude is allowable. Though the regular spots in their wings seem but a mealie adhesion, and such as may be wiped away, yet since they come in this variety, out of their cases, there must be regular pores in those parts and membranes, defining such Exudations.

That _Augustus_[161] had native notes on his body and belly, after the order and number in the Starre of _Charles wayne_, will not seem strange unto astral Physiognomy, which accordingly considereth moles in the body of man, or Physicall Observators, who from the position of moles in the face, reduce them to rule and correspondency in other parts. Whether after the like method medicall conjecture may not be raised, upon parts inwardly affected; since parts about the lips are the criticall seats of Pustules discharged in Agues; And scrophulous tumours about the neck do so often speak the like about the Mesentery, may also be considered.

[161] Suet. in vit. Aug.

The russet neck in young Lambs seems but advent.i.tious, and may owe its tincture to some contaction in the womb; But that if sheep have any black or deep russet in their faces, they want not the same about their legges and feet; That black Hounds have mealy months and feet; That black Cows which have any white in their tayls, should not misse of some in their bellies; and if all white in their bodies, yet if black-mouth'd, their ears and feet maintain the same colour, are correspondent tinctures not ordinarily failing in nature, which easily unites the accidents of extremities, since in some generations she trans.m.u.tes the parts themselves, while in the _Aurelian Metamorphosis_ the head of the canker becomes the Tayl of the b.u.t.terfly. Which is in some way not beyond the contrivance of Art, in submersions and Inlays, inverting the extremes of the plant, and fetching the root from the top, and also imitated in handsome columnary work, in the inversion of the extremes; wherein the Capitel, and the Base, hold such near correspondency.

In the motive parts of animals may be discovered mutuall proportions; not only in those of Quadrupeds, but in the thigh-bone, legge, foot-bone, and claws of Birds. The legs of Spiders are made after a sesquitertian proportion, and the long legs of some locusts, double unto some others. But the internodial parts of Vegetables, or s.p.a.ces between the joints, are contrived with more uncertainty; though the joints themselves in many Plants, maintain a regular number.

In vegetable composure, the unition of prominent parts seems most to answer the _Apophyses_ or processes of Animall bones, whereof they are the produced parts or prominent explantations. And though in the parts of plants which are not ordained for motion, we do not expect correspondent Articulations; yet in the setting on of some flowers, and seeds in their sockets, and the lineall commissure of the pulp of severall seeds, may be observed some shadow of the Harmony; some show of the _Gomphosis_ or _mortis_-articulation.

As for the _Diarthrosis_ or motive Articulation, there is expected little a.n.a.logy, though long-stalked leaves doe move by long lines, and have observable motions, yet are they made by outward impulsion, like the motion of pendulous bodies, while the parts themselves are united by some kinde of _symphysis_ unto the stock.

But standing Vegetables, void of motive-Articulations, are not without many motions. For beside the motion of vegetation upward, and of radiation unto all quarters, that of contraction, dilatation, inclination, and contortion, is discoverable in many plants. To omit the rose of _Jericho_, the ear of Rye, which moves with change of weather, and the Magical spit, made of no rare plants, which windes before the fire, and rosts the bird without turning.

Even Animals near the Cla.s.sis of plants, seem to have the most restlesse motions. The Summer-worm of Ponds and plashes makes a long waving motion; the hair-worm seldome lies still. He that would behold a very anomalous motion, may observe it in the Tortile and tiring stroaks of Gnatworms.[162]

[162] _Found often in some form of redmaggot in the standing waters of Cisterns in the Summer._


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