
The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume II Part 7

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Of Pleurisies.

[Sidenote: _What a Pleurisie is._]

That _Pleurisies_ are only on the left side, is a popular Tenent not only absurd but dangerous. From the misapprehension hereof, men omitting the opportunity of remedies, which otherwise they would not neglect.

Chiefly occasioned by the Ignorance of _Anatomy_ and the extent of the part affected; which in an exquisite _Pleurisie_ is determined to be the skin or membrane which invested the Ribs, for so it is defined, _Inflammatio membranae costas succingentis_; An Inflammation, either simple, consisting only of an hot and sanguineous affluxion; or else denominable from other humours, according to the predominancy of melancholy, flegm, or choler. The membrane thus inflamed, is properly called _Pleura_; from whence the disease hath its name; and this investeth not only one side, but overspreadeth the cavity of the chest, and affordeth a common coat unto the parts contained therein.

Now therefore the _Pleura_ being common unto both sides, it is not reasonable to confine the inflammation unto one, nor strictly to determine it is alwaies in the side; but sometimes before and behind, that is, inclining to the Spine or Breast-bone; for thither this Coat extendeth; and therefore with equal propriety we may affirm, that ulcers of the lungs, or Apostems of the brain do happen only in the left side; or that Ruptures are confinable unto one side, whereas the Peritoneum or Rib of the Belly may be broke, or its perforations relaxed in either.


Of the Ring-finger.

An opinion there is, which magnifies the fourth _Finger_ of the left Hand; presuming therein a cordial relation, that a particular vessel, nerve, vein or artery is conferred thereto from the heart, and therefore that especially hath the honour to bear our Rings. Which was not only the Christian practice in Nuptial contracts, but observed by Heathens, as _Alexander ab Alexandro_, _Gellius_, _Macrobius_ and _Pierius_ have delivered, as _Levinus Lemnius_ hath confirmed, who affirms this peculiar vessel to be an artery, and not a Nerve, as Antiquity hath conceived it; adding moreover that _Rings_ hereon peculiarly affect the Heart; that in Lipothymies or swoundings he used the frication of this _Finger_ with saffron and gold: that the ancient Physitians mixed up their Medicines herewith; that this is seldom or last of all affected with the Gout, and when that becometh nodous, Men continue not long after. Notwithstanding all which we remain unsatisfied, nor can we think the reasons alleadged sufficiently establish the preheminency of this _Finger_.

For first, Concerning the practice of Antiquity, the custom was not general to wear their _Rings_ either on this hand or _Finger_; for it is said, and that emphatically in _Jeremiah_, _Si fuerit Jeconias filius Joachim regis Judae annulus in manu dextra mea, inde evallam eum_: Though _Coniah_ the son of _Joachim_ King of _Judah_, were the signet on my right Hand, yet would I pluck thee thence. So is it observed by _Pliny_, that in the portraits of their G.o.ds, the _Rings_ were worn on the _Finger_ next the _Thumb_; that the _Romans_ wore them also upon their little Finger, as _Hero_ is described in _Petronius_; some wore them on the middle _Finger_, as the ancient _Gaules_ and _Britans_; and some upon the fore-_Finger_, as is deduceable from _Julius Pollux_: who names that _Ring_ Corionos.

[Sidenote: _Rings anciently of Iron._]

Again, That the practice of the ancients, had any such respect of cordiality or reference unto the Heart, will much be doubted, if we consider their Rings were made of iron; such was that of _Prometheus_, who is conceived the first that brought them in use. So, as _Pliny_ affirmeth, for many years the _Senators_ of _Rome_ did not wear any Rings of Gold; but the slaves wore generally Iron Rings until their manumission or preferment to some dignity. That the _Lacedemonians_ continued their Iron Rings unto his daies, _Pliny_ also delivereth, and surely they used few of Gold; for beside that _Lycurgus_ prohibited that mettal, we read in _Athenaeus_, that having a desire to guild the face of _Apollo_, they enquired of the Oracle where they might purchase so much Gold; and were directed unto _Crsus_ King of _Lydia_.

Moreover whether the Ancients had any such intention, the grounds which they conceived in Vein, Nerve or Artery, are not to be justified, nor will inspection confirm a peculiar vessel in this Finger. For as _Anatomy_ informeth, the Basilica vein dividing into two branches below the cubit, the outward sendeth two surcles unto the thumb, two unto the fore-finger, and one unto the middle finger in the inward side; the other branch of the Basilica sendeth one surcle unto the outside of the middle finger, two unto the Ring, and as many unto the little fingers; so that they all proceed from the Basilica, and are in equal numbers derived unto every one. In the same manner are the branches of the axillary artery distributed into the Hand; for below the cubit it divideth into two parts, the one running along the _Radius_, and pa.s.sing by the wrest or place of the pulse, is at the _Fingers_ subdivided into three Branches; whereof the first conveyeth two surcles unto the _Thumb_, the second as many to the fore-_Finger_, and the third one unto the middle _Finger_; the other or lower division of the artery descendeth by the ulna, and furnisheth the other _Fingers_; that is the middle with one surcle, and the _Ring_ and little _Fingers_ with two.

[SN: _Whence the Nerves proceed._] As for the Nerves, they are disposed much after the same manner, and have their original from the Brain, and not the Heart, as many of the Ancients conceived; which is so far from affording Nerves unto other parts, that it receiveth very few it self from the sixth conjugation, or pair of Nerves in the Brain.

Lastly, These propagations being communicated unto both Hands, we have no greater reason to wear our _Rings_ on the left, then on the right; nor are there cordial considerations in the one, more then the other.

And therefore when _Forestus_ for the stanching of blood makes use of Medical applications unto the fourth _Finger_, he confines not that practice unto the left, but varieth the side according to the nostril bleeding. So in Feavers, where the Heart primarily suffereth, we apply Medicines unto the wrests of either arm; so we touch the pulse of both, and judge of the affections of the Heart by the one as well as the other. And although in indispositions of Liver or Spleen, considerations are made in _Phlebotomy_ respectively to their situation; yet when the Heart is affected, Men have thought it as effectual to bleed on the right as the left; and although also it may be thought, a nearer respect is to be had of the left, because the great artery proceeds from the left ventricle, and so is nearer that arm; it admits not that consideration. For under the channel bones the artery divideth into two great branches, from which trunk or point of division, the distance unto either Hand is equal, and the consideration also answerable.

All which with many respective Niceties, in order unto parts, sides, and veines, are now become of less consideration, by the new and n.o.ble doctrine of the circulation of the blood.

And therefore _Macrobius_ discussing the point, hath alleadged another reason; affirming that the gestation of _Rings_ upon this Hand and _Finger_, might rather be used for their conveniency and preservation, then any cordial relation. For at first (saith he) it was both free and usual to wear _Rings_ on either Hand; but after that luxury encreased, when pretious gems and rich insculptures were added, the custom of wearing them on the right Hand was translated unto the left; for that Hand being less imployed, thereby they were best preserved. And for the same reason they placed them on this _Finger_; for the _Thumb_ was too active a _Finger_, and is commonly imployed with either of the rest: the Index or fore-_Finger_ was too naked whereto to commit their pretiosities, and hath the tuition of the _Thumb_ scarce unto the second joint: the middle and little _Finger_ they rejected as extreams, and too big or too little for their _Rings_, and of all chose out the fourth, as being least used of any, as being guarded on either side, and having in most this peculiar condition, that it cannot be extended alone and by itself, but will be accompanied by some _Finger_ on either side. And to this opinion a.s.senteth _Alexander ab Alexandro_, _Annulum nuptialem prior aetas in sinistra ferebat, crediderim ne attereretur_.

Now that which begat or promoted the common opinion, was the common conceit that the Heart was seated on the left side; but how far this is verified, we have before declared. The _Egyptian_ practice hath much advanced the same, who unto this _Finger_ derived a Nerve from the Heart; and therefore the Priest anointed the same with precious oyls before the Altar. But how weak _Anatomists_ they were, which were so good Embalmers, we have already shewed. And though this reason took most place, yet had they another which more commended that practice: and that was the number whereof this _Finger_ was an Hieroglyphick. For by holding down the fourth _Finger_ of the left Hand, while the rest were extended, they signified the perfect and magnified number of six. For as _Pierius_ hath graphically declared, Antiquity expressed numbers by the _Fingers_ of either Hand: on the left they accounted their digits and articulate numbers unto an hundred; on the right Hand hundreds and thousands; the depressing this _Finger_, which in the left Hand implied but six, in the right indigitated six hundred. In this way of numeration, may we construe that of _Juvenal_ concerning _Nestor_,

----_Qui per tot saecula mortem Distulit, atque suos jam dextra computat annos._

And however it were intended, in this sense it will be very elegant what is delivered of Wisdom, _Prov._ 3. Length of daies is in her right Hand, and in her left Hand riches and honour.

[Sidenote: _Hand-Gouty persons._]

As for the observation of _Lemnius_ an eminent Physitian, concerning the Gout; however it happened in his Country, we may observe it otherwise in ours; that is, that chiragrical persons do suffer in this _Finger_ as well as in the rest, and sometimes first of all, and sometimes no where else. And for the mixing up medicines herewith; it is rather an argument of opinion, then any considerable effect; and we as highly conceive of the practice in _Diapalma_, that is, in the making of that plaister, to stir it with the stick of a Palm.


Of the right and left Hand.

It is also suspicious, and not with that certainty to be received, what is generally believed concerning the right and left hand; that Men naturally make use of the right, and that the use of the other is a digression or aberration from that way which nature generally intendeth.

We do not deny that almost all Nations have used this hand, and ascribed a preheminence thereto: hereof a remarkable pa.s.sage there is in the 48.

of _Genesis_, And _Joseph_ took them both, _Ephraim_ in his right hand towards _Israels_ left hand, and _Mana.s.ses_ in his left hand towards _Israels_ right hand, and _Israel_ stretched out his right hand and laid it upon _Ephraims_ head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon _Mana.s.ses_ head, guiding his hands wittingly, for _Mana.s.ses_ was the first-born; and when _Joseph_ saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of _Ephraim_, it displeased him, and he held up his fathers hand to remove it from _Ephraims_ head unto _Mana.s.ses_ head, and _Joseph_ said, Not so my father, for this is the first-born, put thy right hand upon his head: The like appeareth from the ordinance of _Moses_ in the consecration of their Priests, Then shalt thou kill the Ram, and take of his blood, and put it upon the tip of the right ear of _Aaron_, and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons, and upon the thumb of the right hand, and upon the great toe of the right foot, and sprinkle the blood on the Altar round about. That the _Persians_ were wont herewith to plight their faith, is testified by _Diodorus_: That the _Greeks_ and _Romans_ made use hereof, beside the testimony of divers Authors, is evident from their custom of disc.u.mbency at their meals, which was upon their left side, for so their right hand was free, and ready for all service. As also from the conjunction of the right hands and not the left observable in the _Roman_ medals of concord. Nor was this only in use with divers Nations of Men, but was the custom of whole Nations of Women; as is deduceable from the Amazones in the amputation of their right breast, whereby they had the freer use of their bow. All which do seem to declare a natural preferment of the one unto motion before the other; wherein notwithstanding in submission to future information, we are unsatisfied unto great dubitation.

For first, if there were a determinate prepotency in the right, and such as ariseth from a constant root in nature, we might expect the same in other animals, whose parts are also differenced by dextrality; wherein notwithstanding we cannot discover a distinct and complying account; for we find not that _Horses_, _Buls_, or _Mules_, are generally stronger on this side. As for Animals whose forelegs more sensibly supply the use of arms, they hold, if not an equality in both, a prevalency oft-times in the other, as _Squirrels_, _Apes_, and _Monkies_; the same is also discernable in _Parrets_, who feed themselves more commonly by the left-leg, and Men observe that the Eye of a Tumbler is biggest, not constantly in one, but in the bearing side.

[Sidenote: _Whence the dextral activity in men proceeds._]

That there is also in Men a natural prepotency in the right, we cannot with constancy affirm, if we make observation in children; who permitted the freedom of both, do oft-times confine unto the left, and are not without great difficulty restrained from it. And therefore this prevalency is either uncertainly placed in the laterality, or custom determines its differency. Which is the resolution of _Aristotle_ in that Problem, which enquires why the right side being better then the left, is equal in the senses? because, saith he, the right and left do differ by use and custom, which have no place in the senses. For right and left as parts inservient unto the motive faculty, are differenced by degrees from use and a.s.suefaction, according whereto the one grows stronger and oft-times bigger then the other. But in the senses it is otherwise; for they acquire not their perfection by use or custom, but at the first we equally hear and see with one Eye, as well as with another. And therefore, were this indifferency permitted, or did not const.i.tution, but nature determine dextrality, there would be many more Scevolaes then are delivered in story; nor needed we to draw examples of the left, from the sons of the right hand [SN: Benjamin filius dextrae.]; as we read of seven thousand in the Army of the _Benjamites_. True it is, that although there be an indifferency in either, or a prevalency indifferent in one, yet is it most reasonable for uniformity, and sundry respective uses, that Men should apply themselves to the constant use of one; for there will otherwise arise anomalous disturbances in manual actions, not only in civil and artificial, but also in Military affairs, and the several actions of war.

Secondly, The grounds and reasons alleadged for the right, are not satisfactory, and afford no rest in their decision. _Scaliger_ finding a defect in the reason of _Aristotle_, introduceth one of no less deficiency himself; _Ratio materialis_ (saith he) _sanguinis cra.s.situdo simul et mult.i.tudo_; that is, the reason of the vigour of this side, is the cra.s.situde and plenty of blood; but this is not sufficient; for the cra.s.situde or thickness of blood affordeth no reason why one arm should be enabled before the other, and the plenty thereof, why both not enabled equally. _Fallopius_ is of another conceit, deducing the reason from the Azygos or _vena sine pari_, a large and considerable vein arising out of the _cava_ or hollow vein, before it enters the right ventricle of the Heart, and placed only in the right side. But neither is this perswasory; for the Azygos communicates no branches unto the arms or legs on either side, but disperseth into the Ribs on both, and in its descent doth furnish the left Emulgent with one vein, and the first vein of the loins on the right side with another; which manner of derivation doth not confer a peculiar addition unto either. _Caelius Rodiginus_ undertaking to give a reason of Ambidexters and _Left-handed_ Men, delivereth a third opinion: Men, saith he, are Ambidexters, and use both _Hands_ alike, when the heat of the Heart doth plentifully disperse into the left side, and that of the Liver into the right, and the spleen be also much dilated; but Men are _Left-handed_ when ever it happeneth that the Heart and Liver are seated on the left-side; or when the Liver is on the right side, yet so obducted and covered with thick skins, that it cannot diffuse its vertue into the right. Which reasons are no way satisfactory; for herein the spleen is injustly introduced to invigorate the sinister side, which being dilated it would rather infirm and debilitate. As for any tunicles or skins which should hinder the Liver from enabling dextral parts; we must not conceive it diffuseth its vertue by meer irradiation, but by its veins and proper vessels, which common skins and teguments cannot impede. And for the seat of the Heart and Liver in one side, whereby Men become _Left-handed_, it happeneth too rarely to countenance an effect so common; for the seat of the Liver on the left side is monstrous, and rarely to be met with in the observations of Physitians. Others not considering ambidextrous and _Left-handed_ Men, do totally submit unto the efficacy of the Liver; which though seated on the right side, yet by the subclavian division doth equidistantly communicate its activity unto either Arm; nor will it salve the doubts of observation; for many are _Right-handed_ whose Livers are weakly const.i.tuted, and many use the left, in whom that part is strongest; and we observe in Apes, and other animals, whose Liver is in the right, no regular prevalence therein.

And therefore the brain, especially the spinal marrow, which is but the brain prolonged, hath a fairer plea hereto; for these are the principles of motion, wherein dextrality consists; and are divided within and without the Crany. By which division transmitting Nerves respectively unto either side; according to the indifferency, or original and native prepotency, there ariseth an equality in both, or prevalency on either side. And so may it be made out, what many may wonder at, why some most actively use the contrary Arm and Leg; for the vigour of the one dependeth upon the upper part of the spine, but the other upon the lower.

And therefore many things are Philosophically delivered concerning right and left, which admit of some suspension. That a Woman upon a masculine conception advanceth her right Leg, will not be found to answer strick observation. That males are conceived in the right side of the womb, females in the left, though generally delivered, and supported by ancient testimony, will make no infallible account; it happening oft times that males and females do lie upon both sides, and Hermaphrodites for ought we know on either. It is also suspitious what is delivered concerning the right and left t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e, that males are begotten from the one, and females from the other. For though the left seminal vein proceedeth from the emulgent, and is therefore conceived to carry down a serous and feminine matter; yet the seminal Arteries which send forth the active materials, are both derived from the great Artery. Beside this original of the left vein was thus contrived, to avoid the pulsation of the great Artery, over which it must have pa.s.sed to attain unto the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e. Nor can we easily infer such different effects from the divers situation of parts which have one end and office; for in the kidneys which have one office, the right is seated lower then the left, whereby it lieth free, and giveth way unto the Liver. And therefore also that way which is delivered for masculine generation, to make a strait ligature about the left t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e, thereby to intercept the evacuation of that part, deserveth consideration. For one sufficeth unto generation, as hath been observed in semicastration, and oft times in carnous ruptures. [SN: _How an Horse or Bull may generate after they be gelt._]

Beside, the seminal e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n proceeds not immediately from the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e, but from the spermatick glandules; and therefore _Aristotle_ affirms (and reason cannot deny) that although there be nothing diffused from the t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es, an _Horse_ or _Bull_ may generate after castration; that is, from the stock and remainder of seminal matter, already prepared and stored up in the Prostates or grandules of generation.

Thirdly, Although we should concede a right and left in Nature, yet in this common and received account we may err from the proper acception; mistaking one side for another; calling that in Man and other animals the right which is the left, and that the left which is the right, and that in some things right and left, which is not properly either.

For first the right and left, are not defined by Phylosophers according to common acception, that is, respectively from one Man unto another, or any constant site in each; as though that should be the right in one, which upon confront or facing, stands athwart or diagonally unto the other; but were distinguished according to the activity and predominant locomotion upon either side. Thus _Aristotle_ in his excellent Tract _de incessu animalium_, ascribeth six positions unto Animals, answering the three dimensions; which he determineth not by site or position unto the Heavens, but by their faculties and functions; and these are _Imum _, _Ante Retro_, _Dextra et Sinistra_: that is, the superiour part, where the aliment is received, that the lower extream, where it is last expelled; so he termeth a Man a plant inverted; for he supposeth the root of a Tree the head or upper part thereof, whereby it receiveth its aliment, although therewith it respects the Center of the Earth, but with the other the Zenith; and this position is answerable unto longitude. Those parts are anteriour and measure profundity, where the senses, especially the Eyes are placed, and those posterior which are opposite hereunto. The dextrous and sinistrous parts of the body make up the lat.i.tude; and are not certain and inalterable like the other; for that, saith he, is the right side, from whence the motion of the body beginneth, that is, the active or moving side; but that the sinister which is the weaker or more quiescent part. Of the same determination were the _Platonicks_ and _Pythagoreans_ before him; who conceiving the heavens an animated body, named the _East_, the right or dextrous part, from whence began their motion: and thus the _Greeks_, from whence the _Latins_ have borrowed their appellation, have named this hand d???a, denominating it not from the site, but office, from d???a? _capio_, that is, the hand which receiveth, or is usually implied in that action.

Now upon these grounds we are most commonly mistaken, defining that by situation which they determined by motion; and giving the term of right hand to that which doth not properly admit it. For first, Many in their Infancy are sinistrously disposed, and divers continue all their life ???ste???, that is, left handed, and have but weak and imperfect use of the right; now unto these, that hand is properly the right, and not the other esteemed so by situation. Thus may _Aristotle_ be made out, when he affirmeth the right claw of _Crabs_ and _Lobsters_ is biggest, if we take the right for the most vigorous side, and not regard the relative situation: for the one is generally bigger then the other, yet not alwayes upon the same side. So may it be verified what is delivered by _Scaliger_ in his Comment, that Palsies do oftnest happen upon the left side, if understood in this sense; the most vigorous part protecting it self, and protruding the matter upon the weaker and less resistive side.

And thus the Law of Common-Weals, that cut off the right hand of Malefactors, if Philosophically executed, is impartial; otherwise the amputation not equally punisheth all.

Some are ?f?d?????, that is, ambidextrous or right handed on both sides; which happeneth only unto strong and Athletical bodies, whose heat and spirits are able to afford an ability unto both. [SN: _Apt for contention._] And therefore _Hippocrates_ saith, that Women are not ambidextrous, that is, not so often as Men; for some are found, which indifferently make use of both. And so may _Aristotle_ say, that only Men are ambidexterous; of this const.i.tution was _Asteropaeus_ in _Homer_, and _Parthenopeus_ the _Theban_ Captain in _Statius_: and of the same, do some conceive our Father _Adam_ to have been, as being perfectly framed, and in a const.i.tution admitting least defect. Now in these Men the right hand is on both sides, and that is not the left which is opposite unto the right, according to common acception.

Again, Some are ?fa??ste???, as _Galen_ hath expressed it; that is, ambilevous or left-handed on both sides; such as with agility and vigour have not the use of either: who are not gymnastically [SN: _Strongly or fit for corporal exercise._] composed: nor actively use those parts. Now in these there is no right hand: of this const.i.tution are many Women, and some Men, who though they accustom themselves unto either hand, do dexterously make use of neither. And therefore although the Political advice of _Aristotle_ be very good, that Men should accustom themselves to the command of either hand: yet cannot the execution or performance thereof be general: for though there be many found that can use both, yet will there divers remain that can strenuously make use of neither.

Lastly, These lateralities in Man are not only fallible, if relatively determined unto each other, but made in reference unto the heavens and quarters of the Globe: for those parts are not capable of these conditions in themselves, nor with any certainty respectively derived from us, nor from them to us again. And first in regard of their proper nature, the heavens admit not these sinister and dexter respects; there being in them no diversity or difference, but a simplicity of parts, and equiformity in motion continually succeeding each other; so that from what point soever we compute, the account will be common unto the whole circularity. And therefore though it be plausible, it is not of consequence hereto what is delivered by _Solinus_. That Man was therefore a Microcosm or little World, because the dimensions of his positions were answerable unto the greater. For as in the Heavens the distance of the North and Southern pole, which are esteemed the superiour and inferiour points, is equal unto the s.p.a.ce between the East and West, accounted the dextrous and sinistrous parts thereof; so is it also in Man, for the extent of his fathome or distance betwixt the extremity of the fingers of either hand upon expansion, is equal unto the s.p.a.ce between the sole of the foot and the crown. But this doth but petionarily infer a dextrality in the Heavens, and we may as reasonably conclude a right and left laterality in the Ark or naval edifice of _Noah_. For the length thereof was thirty cubits, the breadth fifty, and the height or profundity thirty; which well agreeth unto the proportion of Man, whose length, that is, a perpendicular from the vertex unto the sole of the foot is s.e.xtuple unto his breadth, or a right line drawn from the ribs of one side to another; and decuble unto his profundity; that is, a direct line between the breast bone and the spine.

Again, They receive not these conditions with any a.s.surance or stability from our selves. For the relative foundations and points of denomination, are not fixed and certain, but variously designed according to imagination. The Philosopher accounts that East from whence the Heavens begin their motion. The Astronomer regarding the South and Meridian Sun, calls that the dextrous part of Heaven which respecteth his right hand; and that is the West. Poets respecting the West, a.s.sign the name of right unto the North, which regardeth their right hand; and so must that of _Ovid_ be explained _utque duae dextra Zonae totidemquae sinistra_. [SN: _Declarable from the original expression_, Psalm 89.

13.] But Augurs or Southsayers turning their face to the East, did make the right in the South; which was also observed by the _Hebrews_ and _Chaldeans_. Now if we name the quarters of Heaven respectively unto our sides, it will be no certain or invariable denomination. For if we call that the right side of Heaven which is seated Easterly unto us, when we regard the Meridian Sun; the inhabitants beyond the aequator and Southern Tropick when they face us, regarding the Meridian, will contrarily define it; for unto them, the opposite part of Heaven will respect the left, and the Sun arise to their right.

And thus have we at large declared that although the right be most commonly used, yet hath it no regular or certain root in nature. Since it is not confirmable from other Animals: Since in Children it seems either indifferent or more favourable in the other; but more reasonable for uniformity in action, that Men accustom unto one: Since the grounds and reasons urged for it, do not sufficiently support it: Since if there be a right and stronger side in nature, yet may we mistake in its denomination; calling that the right which is the left, and the left which is the right. Since some have one right, some both, some neither.

And lastly, Since these affections in Man are not only fallible in relation unto one another, but made also in reference unto the Heavens, they being not capable of these conditions in themselves, nor with any certainty from us, nor we from them again.

And therefore what admission we ow unto many conceptions concerning right and left, requireth circ.u.mspection. That is, how far we ought to rely upon the remedy in _Kiranides_, that is, the left eye of an _Hedg-hog_ fried in oyl to procure sleep, and the right foot of a _Frog_ in a _Dears_ skin for the _Gout_; or that to dream of the loss of right or left tooth, presageth the death of male or female kindred, according to the doctrine of _Artemidorus_. What verity there is in that numeral conceit in the lateral division of Man by even and odd, ascribing the odd unto the right side, and even unto the left; and so by parity or imparity of letters in Mens names to determine misfortunes on either side of their bodies; by which account in Greek numeration, _Hephaestus_ or _Vulcan_ was lame in the right foot, and _Anibal_ lost his right eye.

And lastly, what substance there is in that Auspicial principle, and fundamental doctrine of Ariolation, that the left hand is ominous, and that good things do pa.s.s sinistrously upon us, because the left hand of man respected the right hand of the G.o.ds, which handed their favours unto us.


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