
The Works of Sir Thomas Browne Volume I Part 15

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But the mortallest enemy unto Knowledge, and that which hath done the greatest execution upon truth, hath been a peremptory adhesion unto Authority, and more especially, the establishing of our belief upon the dictates of Antiquity. For (as every capacity may observe) most men of Ages present, so superst.i.tiously do look on Ages past, that the Authorities of the one, exceed the reasons of the other: Whose persons indeed being far removed from our times, their works, which seldom with us pa.s.s uncontrouled, either by contemporaries, or immediate successors, are now become out of the distance of Envies: and the farther removed from present times, are conceived to approach the nearer unto truth it self. Now hereby methinks we manifestly delude our selves, and widely walk out of the track of Truth.

For first, Men hereby impose a Thraldom on their Times, which the ingenuity of no Age should endure, or indeed, the presumption of any did ever yet enjoyn. Thus _Hippocrates_ about 2000 years ago, conceived it no injustice, either to examine or refute the Doctrines of his Predecessors: _Galen_ the like, and _Aristotle_ the most of any. Yet did not any of these conceive themselves infallible, or set down their dictates as verities irrefragable, but when they deliver their own Inventions, or reject other mens Opinions, they proceed with Judgment and Ingenuity; establishing their a.s.sertion, not only with great solidity, but submitting them also unto the correction of future discovery.

Secondly, Men that adore times past, consider not that those times were once present; that is, as our own are at this instant, and we our selves unto those to come, as they unto us at present, as we relye on them, even so will those on us, and magnifie us hereafter, who at present condemn our selves. Which very absurdity is daily committed amongst us, even in the esteem and censure of our own times. And to speak impartially, old Men, from whom we should expect the greatest example of Wisdom, do most exceed in this point of folly; commending the days of their youth, which they scarce remember, at least well understood not; extolling those times their younger years have heard their Fathers condemn, and condemning those times the gray heads of their posterity shall commend. And thus is it the humour of many heads, to extol the days of their Fore-fathers, and declaim against the wickedness of times present. Which notwithstanding they cannot handsomly do, without the borrowed help and Satyrs of times past; condemning the vices of their own times, by the expressions of vices in times which they commend; which cannot but argue the community of vice in both. _Horace_ therefore, _Juvenal_, and _Persius_ were no Prophets, although their lines did seem to indigitate and point at our times. There is a certain list of vices committed in all Ages, and declaimed against by all Authors, which will last as long as humane nature; which digested into common places, may serve for any Theme, and never be out of date until Dooms-day.

Thirdly, The Testimonies of Antiquity and such as pa.s.s oraculously amongst us, were not, if we consider them, always so exact, as to examine the doctrine they delivered. For some, and those the acutest of them, have left unto us many things of falsity; controlable, not only by critical and collective reason, but common and Country observation.

Hereof there want not many examples in _Aristotle_, through all his Book of Animals; we shall instance onely in three of his Problems, and all contained under one Section. The first enquireth, why a Man doth cough, but not an Oxe or Cow; whereas, notwithstanding the contrary is often observed by Husbandmen, and stands confirmed by those who have expressly treated _De Re Rustica_, and have also delivered divers remedies for it.

Why Juments, as Horses, Oxen, and a.s.ses, have no eructation or belching, whereas indeed the contrary is often observed, and also delivered by _Columella_. And thirdly, Why Man alone hath gray hairs? whereas it cannot escape the eyes, and ordinary observation of all men, as Horses, Dogs, and Foxes, wax gray with age in our Countries; and in the colder Regions, many other Animals without it. And though favourable constructions may somewhat extenuate the rigour of these concessions, yet will scarce any palliate that in the fourth of his Meteors, that Salt is easiest dissolvable in cold water: Nor that of _Diascorides_, that Quicksilver is best preserved in Vessels of Tin and Lead.

Other Authors write often dubiously even in matters wherein is expected a strict and definite truth; extenuating their affirmations, with _aiunt_, _ferunt_, _forta.s.se_: as _Diascorides_, _Galen_, _Aristotle_, and many more. Others by hear-say; taking upon trust most they have delivered, whose Volumes are nicer Collections, drawn from the mouths or leaves of other Authors; as may be observed in _Plinie_, _Elian_, _Athenaeus_, and many more. Not a few transcriptively, subscribing their Names unto other mens endeavours, and meerly transcribing almost all they have written. The _Latines_ transcribing the _Greeks_, the _Greeks_ and _Latines_, each other.

[Sidenote: _The Antiquity, and some notable instances of Plagiarism, that is, of transcribing or filching Authors._]

Thus hath _Justine_ borrowed all from _Trogus Pompeius_, and _Julius Solinus_, in a manner transcribed _Plinie_. Thus have _Lucian_ and _Apuleius_ served _Lucius Pratensis_: men both living in the same time, and both transcribing the same Author, in those famous Books, ent.i.tuled _Lucius_ by the one, and _Aureus Asinus_ by the other. In the same measure hath _Simocrates_ in his Tract De Nilo, dealt with _Diodorus Siculus_, as may be observed in that work annexed unto _Herodotus_, and translated by _Jungermannus_. Thus _Eratosthenes_ wholly translated _Timotheus de Insulis_, not reserving the very Preface. The same doth _Strabo_ report of _Eudorus_, and _Ariston_, in a Treatise ent.i.tuled _De Nilo_. _Clemens Alexandrinus_ hath observed many examples hereof among the _Greeks_; and _Pliny_ speaketh very plainly in his Preface, that conferring his Authors, and comparing their works together, he generally found those that went before _verbatim_ transcribed, by those that followed after, and their Originals never so much as mentioned. To omit how much the wittiest piece of _Ovid_ [SN: _His_ Metamorphosis.] is beholden unto _Parthenius Chius_; even the magnified _Virgil_ hath borrowed, almost in all his Works; his _Eclogues_ from _Theocritus_, his _Georgicks_ from _Hesiod_ and _Aratus_, his _aeneads_ from _Homer_, the second Book whereof containing the exploit of _Sinon_ and the _Trojan_ Horse (as _Macrobius_ observeth) he hath _verbatim_ derived from _Pisander_. Our own Profession is not excusable herein. Thus _Oribasius_, aetius, and _aegineta_, have in a manner transcribed _Galen_.

But _Marcellus Empericus_, who hath left a famous Work _De Medicamentis_, hath word for word transcribed all _Scribonius Largus_, _De Compositione Medicamentorum_, and not left out his very Peroration.

Thus may we perceive the Ancients were but men, even like our selves.

The practice of transcription in our days, was no Monster in theirs: _Plagiarie_ had not its Nativity with Printing, but began in times when thefts were difficult, and the paucity of Books scarce wanted that Invention.

Nor did they only make large use of other Authors, but often without mention of their names. _Aristotle_, who seems to have borrowed many things from _Hippocrates_, in the most favourable construction, makes mention but once of him, and that by the by, and without reference unto his present Doctrine. [SN: _In his_ Politicks.] _Virgil_, so much beholding unto _Homer_, hath not his name in all his Works: and _Plinie_, who seems to borrow many Authors out of _Dioscorides_, hath taken no notice of him. I wish men were not still content to plume themselves with others Feathers. Fear of discovery, not single ingenuity affords Quotations rather than Transcriptions; wherein notwithstanding the Plagiarisme of many makes little consideration, whereof though great Authors may complain, small ones cannot but take notice.

[Sidenote: _An ancient Author who writ_ ?e?? ?p?st??, sive de incredibilibus, _whereof some part is yet extant_.]

[Sidenote: _The Fable of_ Orpheus _his Harp, etc. whence occasioned._]

Fourthly, While we so eagerly adhere unto Antiquity, and the accounts of elder times, we are to consider the fabulous condition thereof. And that we shall not deny, if we call to mind the Mendacity of _Greece_, from whom we have received most relations, and that a considerable part of ancient Times, was by the _Greeks_ themselves termed ??????, that is, made up or stuffed out with Fables. And surely the fabulous inclination of those days, was greater then any since; which swarmed so with Fables, and from such slender grounds, took hints for fictions, poysoning the World ever after; wherein how far they exceeded, may be exemplified from _Palephatus_, in his Book of _Fabulous Narrations_. That Fable of _Orpheus_ who by the melody of his Musick, made Woods and Trees to follow him, was raised upon a slender foundation; for there were a crew of mad women, retired unto a Mountain from whence being pacified by his Musick, they descended with boughs in their hands, which unto the fabulosity of those times proved a sufficient ground to celebrate unto all posterity the Magick of _Orpheus_ Harp, and its power to attract the senseless Trees about it. That _Medea_ the famous Sorceress could renew youth, and make old men young again, was nothing else, but that from the knowledge of Simples she had a Receit to make white hair black, and reduce old heads, into the tincture of youth again. The Fable of _Gerion_ and _Cerberus_ with three heads, was this: _Gerion_ was of the City _Tricarinia_, that is, of three heads, and _Cerberus_ of the same place was one of his Dogs, which running into a Cave upon pursuit of his Masters Oxen, _Hercules_ perforce drew him out of that place, from whence the conceits of those days affirmed no less, then that _Hercules_ descended into h.e.l.l, and brought up _Cerberus_ into the habitation of the living. Upon the like grounds was raised the figment of _Briareus_, who dwelling in a City called _Hecatonchiria_, the fansies of those times a.s.signed him an hundred hands. 'Twas ground enough to fansie wings unto _Daedalus_, in that he stole out of a Window from _Minos_, and sailed away with his son _Icarus_: who steering his course wisely, escaped; but his son carrying too high a sail was drowned. That _Niobe_ weeping over her children, was turned into a Stone, was nothing else, but that during her life she erected over their Sepultures a Marble Tomb of her own. When _Acteon_ had undone himself with Dogs, and the prodigal attendants of hunting, they made a solemn story how he was devoured by his Hounds. And upon the like grounds was raised the Anthropophagie of _Diomedes_ his horses. [SN: Eating of Mans flesh.] Upon as slender foundation was built the Fable of the _Minotaure_; for one _Taurus_ a servant of _Minos_ gat his Mistris _Pasiphae_ with child, from whence the Infant was named _Minotaurus_. Now this unto the fabulosity of those times was thought sufficient to accuse _Pasiphae_ of b.e.a.s.t.i.a.lity, or admitting conjunction with a Bull; and in succeeding ages gave a hint of depravity unto _Domitian_ to act the Fable into reality. In like manner, as _Diodorus_ plainly delivereth, the famous Fable of _Charon_ had its Nativity; who being no other but the common Ferry-man of _Egypt_, that wafted over the dead bodies from _Memphis_, was made by the _Greeks_ to be the Ferry-man of h.e.l.l, and solemn stories raised after of him.

Lastly, we shall not need to enlarge, if that be true which grounded the generation of _Castor_ and _Helen_ out of an Egg, because they were born and brought up in an upper room, according unto the Word ???, which with the _Lacdemonians_ had also that signification.

Fifthly, We applaud many things delivered by the Ancients, which are in themselves but ordinary, and come short of our own Conceptions. Thus we usually extol, and our Orations cannot escape the sayings of the wise men of _Greece_. _Nosce teipsum_, of _Thales_: _Nosce tempus_, of _Pittacus_: _Nihil nimis_, of _Cleobulus_; which notwithstanding to speak indifferently, are but vulgar precepts in Morality, carrying with them nothing above the line, or beyond the extemporary sententiosity of common conceits with us. Thus we magnifie the Apothegms or reputed replies of Wisdom, whereof many are to be seen in _Laertius_, more in _Lycosthenes_, not a few in the second Book of _Macrobius_, in the salts of _Cicero_, _Augustus_, and the Comical wits of those times: in most whereof there is not much to admire, and are methinks exceeded, not only in the replies of wise men, but the pa.s.sages of society, and urbanities of our times. And thus we extol their Adages, or Proverbs; and _Erasmus_ hath taken great pains to make collections of them, whereof notwithstanding, the greater part will, I believe, unto indifferent Judges be esteemd no extraordinaries: and may be parallel'd, if not exceeded, by those of more unlearned Nations, and many of our own.

[Sidenote: _A pedantical vanity to quote Authors in matters of common sense or of familiar acknowledgement._]

Sixthly, We urge Authorities in points that need not, and introduce the testimony of ancient Writers, to confirm things evidently believed, and whereto no reasonable hearer but would a.s.sent without them; such as are, _Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit. Virtute nil praeastantius, nil pulchrius. Omnia vincit amor. Prclarum quiddam veritas_. All which, although things known and vulgar, are frequently urged by many men, and though trivial verities in our mouths, yet, noted from _Plato_, _Ovid_, or _Cicero_, they become reputed elegancies. For many hundred to instance but in one we meet with while we are writing. _Antonius Guevara_ that elegant _Spaniard_, in his Book ent.i.tuled, _The Dial of Princes_, beginneth his Epistle thus. _Apolonius Thyancus_, disputing with the Scholars of _Hiarchas_, said, that among all the affections of nature, nothing was more natural, then the desire all have to preserve life. Which being a confessed Truth, and a verity acknowledged by all, it was a superfluous affectation to derive its Authority from _Apolonius_, or seek a confirmation thereof as far as _India_, and the learned Scholars of _Hiarchas_. Which whether it be not all one to strengthen common Dignities and Principles known by themselves, with the Authority of Mathematicians; or think a man should believe, the whole is greater then its parts, rather upon the Authority of _Euclide_, then if it were propounded alone; I leave unto the second and wiser cogitations of all men. 'Tis sure a Practice that savours much of Pedantry; a reserve of Puerility we have not shaken off from School; where being seasoned with Minor sentences, by a neglect of higher Enquiries, they prescribe upon our riper ears, and are never worn out but with our Memories.

[Sidenote: _Some remarkable mistakes among the Ancients._]

Lastly, While we so devoutly adhere unto Antiquity in some things, we do not consider we have deserted them in several others. For they indeed have not onely been imperfect, in the conceit of some things, but either ignorant or erroneous in many more. They understood not the motion of the eighth sphear from West to East, and so conceived the longitude of the Stars invariable. They conceived the torrid Zone unhabitable, and so made frustrate the goodliest part of the Earth. But we now know 'tis very well empeopled, and the habitation thereof esteemed so happy, that some have made it the proper seat of Paradise; and been so far from judging it unhabitable, that they have made it the first habitation of all. Many of the Ancients denied the _Antipodes_, and some unto the penalty of contrary affirmations; but the experience of our enlarged navigations, can now a.s.sert them beyond all dubitation. Having thus totally relinquisht them in some things, it may not be presumptuous, to examine them in others; but surely most unreasonable to adhere to them in all, as though they were infallible, or could not err in any way.


Of Authority.

Nor is onely a resolved prostration unto Antiquity a powerful enemy unto knowledge, but any confident adherence unto Authority, or resignation of our judgements upon the testimony of Age or Author whatsoever.

[Sidenote: _Authority (simply) but a mean argument especially._]

For first, to speak generally an argument from Authority to wiser examinations, is but a weaker kind of proof; it being but a topical probation, and as we term it, an inartificial argument, depending upon a naked a.s.severation: wherein neither declaring the causes, affections or adjuncts of what we believe, it carrieth not with it the reasonable inducements of knowledge. And therefore, _Contra negantem principia, Ipse dixit_, or _Oportet discentem credere_, although Postulates very accommodable unto _Junior_ indoctrinations; yet are their Authorities but temporary, and not to be imbraced beyond the minority of our intellectuals. For our advanced beliefs are not to be built upon dictates, but having received the probable inducements of truth, we become emanc.i.p.ated from testimonial engagements, and are to erect upon the surer base of reason.

Secondly, Unto reasonable perpensions it hath no place in some Sciences, small in others, and suffereth many restrictions, even where it is most admitted. [SN: _In the Mathematicks._] It is of no validity in the Mathematicks, especially the mother part thereof, Arithmetick and Geometry. For these Sciences concluding from dignities and principles known by themselves: receive not satisfaction from probable reasons, much less from bare and peremptory a.s.severations. And therefore if all _Athens_ should decree, that in every Triangle, two sides, which soever be taken, are greater then the side remaining, or that in rectangle triangles the square which is made of the side that subtendeth the right angle, is equal to the squares which are made of the sides containing the right angle: although there be a certain truth therein, Geometricians notwithstanding would not receive satisfaction without demonstration thereof. 'Tis true, by the vulgarity of Philosophers, there are many points believed without probation; nor if a man affirm from _Ptolomy_, that the Sun is bigger then the Earth, shall he probably meet with any contradiction: whereunto notwithstanding Astronomers will not a.s.sent without some convincing argument or demonstrative proof thereof. And therefore certainly of all men a Philosopher should be no swearer; for an oath which is the end of controversies in Law, cannot determine any here; nor are the deepest Sacraments or desperate imprecations of any force to perswade, where reason only, and necessary _mediums_ must induce.

[Sidenote: _And Physick._]

In Natural Philosophy more generally pursued amongst us, it carrieth but slender consideration; for that also proceeding from setled Principles, therein is expected a satisfaction from scientifical progressions, and such as beget a sure rational belief. For if Authority might have made out the a.s.sertions of Philosophy, we might have held that Snow was black, that the Sea was but the sweat of the Earth, and many of the like absurdities. Then was _Aristotle_ injurious to fall upon _Melissus_, to reject the a.s.sertions of _Anaxagoras_, _Anaximander_, and _Empedocles_; then were we also ungrateful unto himself; from whom our _Junior_ endeavours embracing many things on his authority, our mature and secondary enquiries, are forced to quit those receptions, and to adhere unto the nearer account of Reason. And although it be not unusual, even in Philosophical Tractates to make enumeration of Authors, yet are there reasons usually introduced, and to ingenious Readers do carry the stroke in the perswasion. And surely if we account it reasonable among our selves, and not injurious unto rational Authors, no farther to abet their Opinions then as they are supported by solid Reasons: certainly with more excusable reservation may we shrink at their bare testimonies; whose argument is but precarious, and subsists upon the charity of our a.s.sentments.

In Morality, Rhetorick, Law and History, there is I confess a frequent and allowable use of testimony; and yet herein I perceive, it is not unlimitable, but admitteth many restrictions. Thus in Law both Civil and Divine: that is onely esteemed a legal testimony, which receives comprobation from the mouths of at least two witnesses; and that not only for prevention of calumny, but a.s.surance against mistake; whereas notwithstanding the solid reason of one man, is as sufficient as the clamor of a whole Nation; and with imprejudicate apprehensions begets as firm a belief as the authority or aggregated testimony of many hundreds.

For reason being the very root of our natures, and the principles thereof common unto all, what is against the Laws of true reason, or the unerring understanding of any one, if rightly apprehended; must be disclaimed by all Nations, and rejected even by mankind.

Again, A testimony is of small validity if deduced from men out of their own profession; so if _Lactantius_ affirm the Figure of the Earth is plain, or _Austin_ deny there are _Antipodes_; though venerable Fathers of the Church, and ever to be honoured, yet will not their Authorities prove sufficient to ground a belief thereon. Whereas notwithstanding the solid reason or confirmed experience of any man, is very approvable in what profession soever. So _Raymund Sebund_ a Physitian of _Tholouze_, besides his learned Dialogues _De Natura Humana_, hath written a natural Theologie; demonstrating therein the Attributes of G.o.d, and attempting the like in most points of Religion. So _Hugo Grotius_ a Civilian, did write an excellent Tract of the verity of Christian Religion. Wherein most rationally delivering themselves, their works will be embraced by most that understand them, and their reasons enforce belief even from prejudicate Readers. Neither indeed have the Authorities of men been ever so awful; but that by some they have been rejected, even in their own professions. Thus _Aristotle_ affirming the birth of the Infant or time of its gestation, extendeth sometimes unto the eleventh Month, but _Hippocrates_, averring that it exceedeth not the tenth: _Adrian_ the Emperour in a solemn process, determined for _Aristotle_; but _Justinian_ many years after, took in with _Hippocrates_ and reversed the Decree of the other. Thus have Councils, not only condemned private men, but the Decrees and Acts of one another. So _Galen_ after all his veneration of _Hippocrates_, in some things hath fallen from him.

_Avicen_ in many from _Galen_; and others succeeding from him. And although the singularity of _Paracelsus_ be intolerable, who sparing onely _Hippocrates_, hath reviled not onely the Authors, but almost all the learning that went before him; yet is it not much less injurious unto knowledge obstinately and inconvincibly to side with any one. Which humour unhappily possessing many, they have by prejudice withdrawn themselves into parties, and contemning the soveraignty of truth, seditiously abetted the private divisions of error.

Moreover a testimony in points Historical, and where it is of unavoidable use, is of no illation in the negative, nor is it of consequence that _Herodotus_ writing nothing of _Rome_, there was therefore no such City in his time; or because _Dioscorides_ hath made no mention of Unicorns horn, there is therefore no such thing in Nature.

Indeed, intending an accurate enumeration of Medical materials, the omission hereof affords some probability, it was not used by the Ancients, but will not conclude the non-existence thereof. For so may we annihilate many Simples unknown to his enquiries, as _Senna_, _Rhubarb_, _Bezoar_, _Ambregris_, and divers others. Whereas indeed the reason of man hath not such restraint; concluding not onely affirmatively but negatively; not onely affirming there is no magnitude beyond the last heavens, but also denying there is any vacuity within them. Although it be confessed, the affirmative hath the prerogative illation, and _Barbara_ engrosseth the powerful demonstration.

Lastly, The strange relations made by Authors, may sufficiently discourage our adherence unto Authority; and which if we believe we must be apt to swallow any thing. Thus _Basil_ will tell us, the Serpent went erect like Man, and that that Beast could speak before the Fall.

_Tostatus_ would make us believe that _Nilus_ encreaseth every new Moon.

_Leonardo Fioravanti_ an Italian Physitian, beside many other secrets, a.s.sumeth unto himself the discovery of one concerning Pellitory of the Wall; that is, that it never groweth in the sight of the _North_ star.

_Doue si possa vedere la stella Tramontana_, wherein how wide he is from truth, is easily discoverable unto every one, who hath but Astronomy enough to know that Star. _Franciscus Sanctius_ in a laudable Comment upon _Alciats_ Emblems, affirmeth, and that from experience, a Nightingale hath no tongue. _Avem Philomelam lingua carere pro certo affirmare possum, nisi me oculi fallunt._ Which if any man for a while shall believe upon his experience, he may at his leisure refute it by his own. What fool almost would believe, at least, what wise man would relie upon that Antidote delivered by _Pierius_ in his Hieroglyphicks against the sting of a Scorpion? that is, to sit upon an a.s.s with ones face toward his tail; for so the pain leaveth the Man, and pa.s.seth into the Beast. It were methinks but an uncomfortable receit for a Quartane Ague (and yet as good perhaps as many others used) to have recourse unto the _Recipe_ of _Sammonicus_; that is, to lay the fourth Book of _Homers_ Iliads under ones head, according to the precept of that Physitian and Poet, _Maeoniae Iliados quartum suppone trementi_. [SN: _An eye medicine._] There are surely few that have belief to swallow, or hope enough to experiment the Collyrium of _Albertus_; which promiseth a strange effect, and such as Thieves would count inestimable, that is, to make one see in the dark: yet thus much, according unto his receit, will the right eye of an Hedge-hog boiled in oyl, and preserved in a brazen vessel effect. As strange it is, and unto vicious inclinations were worth a nights lodging with _Lais_, what is delivered in _Kiranides_; that the left stone of a Weesel, wrapt up in the skin of a she Mule, is able to secure incontinency from conception. [SN: _Ten thousand drachms._]

These with swarms of others have men delivered in their Writings, whose verities are onely supported by their authorities: But being neither consonant unto reason, nor correspondent unto experiment, their affirmations are unto us no axioms: We esteem thereof as things unsaid, and account them but in the list of nothing. I wish herein the _Chymists_ had been more sparing: who over-magnifying their preparations, inveigle the curiosity of many, and delude the security of most. For if experiments would answer their encomiums, the Stone and Quartane Agues were not opprobrious unto Physitians: we might contemn that first and most uncomfortable Aphorism of _Hippocrates_, [SN: _Ars longa vita brevis._] for surely that Art were soon attained, that hath so general remedies; and life could not be short, were there such to prolong it.


A brief enumeration of Authors.

Now for as much as we have discoursed of Authority, and there is scarce any tradition or popular error but stands also delivered by some good Author; we shall endeavour a short discovery of such, as for the major part have given authority hereto: who though excellent and useful Authors, yet being either transcriptive, or following common relations, their accounts are not to be swallowed at large, or entertained without all circ.u.mspection. In whom the _ipse dixit_, although it be no powerful argument in any, is yet less authentick then in many other, because they deliver not their own experiences, but others affirmations, and write from others, as later pens from them.

[Sidenote: _The Authors judgement, or a character given of some eminent Authors._]

1. The first in order, as also in time shall be _Herodotus_ of _Halicarna.s.sus_, an excellent and very elegant Historian; whose Books of History were so well received in his own days, and at their rehearsal in the Olympick games, they obtained the names of the nine Muses; and continued in such esteem unto descending Ages, that _Cicero_ termed him, _Historiarum parens_. And _Dionysius_ his Countryman, in an Epistle to _Pompey_, after an express comparison, affords him the better of _Thucydides_; all which notwithstanding, he hath received from some, the stile of _Mendaciorum pater_. His Authority was much infringed by _Plutarch_, who being offended with him, as _Polybius_ had been with _Philarcus_ for speaking too coldly of his Countrymen, hath left a particular Tract, _De malignitate Herodoti_. But in this latter Century, _Camerarius_ and _Stepha.n.u.s_ have stepped in, and by their witty Apologies, effectually endeavoured to frustrate the Arguments of _Plutarch_, or any other. Now in this Author, as may be observed in our ensuing discourse, and is better discernable in the perusal of himself, there are many things fabulously delivered, and not to be accepted as truths: whereby nevertheless if any man be deceived, the Author is not so culpable as the Believer. For he indeed imitating the Father Poet, whose life he hath also written, and as _Thucydides_ observeth, as well intending the delight as benefit of his Reader, hath besprinkled his work with many fabulosities; whereby if any man be led into error, he mistaketh the intention of the Author, who plainly confesseth he writeth many things by hear-say, and forgetteth a very considerable caution of his; that is, _Ego quae fando cognovi, exponere narratione mea debeo omnia: credere autem esse vera omnia, non debeo_.

2. In the second place is _Ctesias_: the Cnidian, Physitian unto _Artaxerxes_ King of _Persia_, his Books are often recited by ancient Writers, and by the industry of _Stepha.n.u.s_ and _Rhodoma.n.u.s_, there are extant some fragments thereof in our days; he wrote the History of _Persia_, and many narrations of _India_. In the first, as having a fair opportunity to know the truth, and as _Diodorus_ affirmeth the perusal of _Persian_ Records, his testimony is acceptable. In his _Indian_ Relations, wherein are contained strange and incredible accounts, he is surely to be read with suspension. These were they which weakned his authority with former ages; for as we may observe, he is seldom mentioned, without a derogatory Parenthesis in any Author. _Aristotle_ besides the frequent undervaluing of his authority, in his Books of Animals gives him the lie no less then twice, concerning the seed of Elephants. _Strabo_ in his eleventh Book hath left a harder censure of him. _Equidem facilius Hesiodo & Homero, aliquis fidem adhibuerit, itemque Tragicis Poetis, quam Ctesiae, Herodoto, h.e.l.lanico & eorum similibus._ But _Lucian_ hath spoken more plainer then any. _Scripsit Ctesias de Indorum regione, deque iis quae apud illos sunt, ea quae nec ipse vidit, neque ex ullius sermone audivit._ Yet were his relations taken up by some succeeding Writers, and many thereof revived by our Countryman, Sir _John Mandevil_, Knight, and Doctor in Physick; who after thirty years peregrination died at _Liege_, and was there honourably interred. He left a Book of his Travels, which hath been honoured with the translation of many Languages, and now continued above three hundred years; herein he often attesteth the fabulous relations of _Ctesias_, and seems to confirm the refuted accounts of Antiquity. All which may still be received in some acceptions of morality, and to a pregnant invention, may afford commendable mythologie; but in a natural and proper exposition, it containeth impossibilities, and things inconsistent with truth.

3. There is a Book _De mirandis auditionibus_, ascribed unto _Aristotle_; another _De mirabilibus narrationibus_, written long after by _Antigonus_, another also of the same t.i.tle by _Plegon Trallia.n.u.s_, translated by _Xilander_, and with the Annotations of _Meursius_, all whereof make good the promise of their t.i.tles, and may be read with caution. Which if any man shall likewise observe in the Lecture of _Philostratus_, concerning the life of _Apollonius_, and even in some pa.s.sages of the sober and learned _Plutarchus_; or not only in ancient Writers, but shall carry a wary eye on _Paulus Venetus_, _Jovius_, _Olaus Magnus_, _Nierembergius_, and many other: I think his circ.u.mspection is laudable, and he may thereby decline occasion of Error.

[Sidenote: _A like opinion there is now of Elder._]

4. _Dioscorides Anazarbeus_, he wrote many Books in Physick, but six thereof _De Materia Medica_, have found the greatest esteem: he is an Author of good antiquity and use, preferred by _Galen_ before _Cratevas_, _Pamphilus_, and all that attempted the like description before him; yet all he delivereth therein is not to be conceived Oraculous. For beside that, following the wars under _Anthony_, the course of his life would not permit a punctual _Examen_ in all; there are many things concerning the nature of Simples, traditionally delivered, and to which I believe he gave no a.s.sent himself. It had been an excellent Receit, and in his time when Saddles were scarce in fashion of very great use, if that were true which he delivers, that _Vitex_, or _Agnus Castus_ held only in the hand, preserveth the rider from galling.

It were a strange effect, and Wh.o.r.es would forsake the experiment of _Savine_, if that were a truth which he delivereth of Brake or female Fearn, that onely treading over it, it causeth a sudden abortion. It were to be wished true, and women would idolize him, could that be made out which he recordeth of _Phyllon_, _Mercury_, and other vegetables, that the juice of the male Plant drunk, or the leaves but applied unto the genitals, determines their conceptions unto males. In these relations although he be more sparing, his predecessors were very numerous; and _Galen_ hereof most sharply accuseth _Pamphilus_. Many of the like nature we meet sometimes in _Oribasius_, _aetius_, _Trallia.n.u.s_, _Serapion_, _Evax_, and _Marcellus_, whereof some containing no colour of verity, we may at first sight reject them; others which seem to carry some face of truth, we may reduce unto experiment. And herein we shall rather perform good offices unto truth, then any disservice unto their relators, who have well deserved of succeeding Ages; from whom having received the conceptions of former Times, we have the readier hint of their conformity with ours, and may accordingly explore and sift their verities.

[Sidenote: _Plinius Natural History collected out of 2000 several Authors._]

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