
The Third Reich In Power Part 18

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121 . Tagebuch Luise Solmitz, 1934, (ma.n.u.script version), fol. 120-21. . Tagebuch Luise Solmitz, 1934, (ma.n.u.script version), fol. 120-21.

122 . Ibid., 25 March 1933. . Ibid., 25 March 1933.

123 . Ibid., 31 March, 1 April 1933. . Ibid., 31 March, 1 April 1933.

124 . Ibid., 8 March 1934. . Ibid., 8 March 1934.

125 . Ibid., 15 September, 19 September 1935. . Ibid., 15 September, 19 September 1935.

126 . Ibid., 8 March, 9 March, 17 September 1936. . Ibid., 8 March, 9 March, 17 September 1936.

127 Ibid., 9 February, 12 February 1937. Ibid., 9 February, 12 February 1937.

128 Heinz Hohne, Heinz Hohne, Die Zeit der Illusionen: Hitler und die Anfange des Dritten Reiches 1933-1936 Die Zeit der Illusionen: Hitler und die Anfange des Dritten Reiches 1933-1936 (Dusseldorf, 1991), 333-51. (Dusseldorf, 1991), 333-51.

129 Quoted via the Quoted via the New York Times New York Times, 6 July 1936, 6, in Richard D. Mandell, The n.a.z.i Olympics The n.a.z.i Olympics (London, 1972 [1971]), 140. (London, 1972 [1971]), 140.

130 . Ibid., 122-58. . Ibid., 122-58.

131 . Speer, . Speer, Inside Inside, 119, 129; Mandell, The n.a.z.i Olympics The n.a.z.i Olympics, 227-9.

132 . Shirer, . Shirer, Berlin Diary Berlin Diary, 44-5, 57-8. Shirer put 'pensions' for bed-and-breakfast establishments.

133 Friedlander, Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 125.

134 Kershaw, Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth' The 'Hitler Myth', 236-7.

135 Klemperer, Klemperer, Tagebucher 1935-1936 Tagebucher 1935-1936, 123; see also idem, I Shall Bear Witness I Shall Bear Witness, 293.

136 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 116-21.

137 . Quoted in Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 498. . Quoted in Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 498.

138 . Ibid., 420. . Ibid., 420.

139 Falk Wiesemann, 'Juden auf dem Lande: Die wirtschaftliche Ausgrenzung der judischen Viehhandler in Bayern', in Peukert and Reulecke (eds.), Falk Wiesemann, 'Juden auf dem Lande: Die wirtschaftliche Ausgrenzung der judischen Viehhandler in Bayern', in Peukert and Reulecke (eds.), Die Reihen fast geschlossen Die Reihen fast geschlossen, 381-96; Longerich, Politik Politik, 122-3.

140 Longerich, Longerich, Politik Politik, 155-9; Domarus, Hitler Hitler, II. 939-40; Peter Longerich, Der ungeschriebene Befehl: Hitler und der Weg zur Endlosung Der ungeschriebene Befehl: Hitler und der Weg zur Endlosung (Munich, 2001), 53-6; Frohlich (ed.), (Munich, 2001), 53-6; Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher Die Tagebucher, I/IV, 429 (29 November 1937).

141 Longerich, Longerich, Politik Politik, 159-60, 170-87; Tagebuch Luise Solmitz, 14 September 1938.

142 Longerich, Longerich, Politik Politik, 170-80; see also Wolf Gruner, 'Die Reichshauptstadt und die Verfolgung der Berliner Juden 1933-1945', in Reinhard Rurup (ed.), Judische Geschichte in Berlin: Bilder und Dok.u.mente Judische Geschichte in Berlin: Bilder und Dok.u.mente (Berlin, 1995), 229-66, at 229-42; and Frohlich (ed.), (Berlin, 1995), 229-66, at 229-42; and Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher Die Tagebucher I/V. 340 (11 June 1938). I/V. 340 (11 June 1938).

143 See below, 657-61. See below, 657-61.

144 Frohlich (ed.), Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher Die Tagebucher I/V. 393 (25 July 1938). I/V. 393 (25 July 1938).

145 Michael Wildt, 'Violence against Jews in Germany, 1933-1939', in Bankier (ed.), Michael Wildt, 'Violence against Jews in Germany, 1933-1939', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 191-4.

146 Longerich, Longerich, Politik Politik, 181-95; Wolf-Arno Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht': Der Judenpogrom vom 7. bis 10. November 1938 - Urheber, Tater, Hintergrunde 'Reichskristallnacht': Der Judenpogrom vom 7. bis 10. November 1938 - Urheber, Tater, Hintergrunde (Wiesbaden, 1997), 36-49. (Wiesbaden, 1997), 36-49.

147 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 161-2.

148 . Ibid., 116, 195-7; Trude Maurer, 'The Background for Kristallnacht: The Expulsion of Polish Jews', in Pehle (ed.), . Ibid., 116, 195-7; Trude Maurer, 'The Background for Kristallnacht: The Expulsion of Polish Jews', in Pehle (ed.), November 1938 November 1938, 44-72; Sybil Milton, 'The Expulsion of Polish Jews from Germany October 1938 to July 1939: A Doc.u.mentation', Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook, 29 (1984), 169-200; contemporary reports in Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Bericbte Deutschland-Bericbte, V (1938), 1,181-6.

149 Helmut Heiber, 'Der Fall Grunspan', Helmut Heiber, 'Der Fall Grunspan', VfZ VfZ, 5 (1957), 134-72; Graml, Reich skristallnacht Reich skristallnacht, 9-16; Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht', 'Reichskristallnacht', 50-55; Hans-Jurgen Doscher, 50-55; Hans-Jurgen Doscher, 'Reichskristallnacht': Die November-Pogrome 1938 'Reichskristallnacht': Die November-Pogrome 1938 (Frankfurt am Main, 1988), 57-76, with doc.u.ments and photographs. For the press campaign, see Wolfgang Benz, 'The Relapse into Barbarism', in Pehle (ed.), (Frankfurt am Main, 1988), 57-76, with doc.u.ments and photographs. For the press campaign, see Wolfgang Benz, 'The Relapse into Barbarism', in Pehle (ed.), November 1938 November 1938, 1-43, at 3-8; Hagemann, Die Presselenkung Die Presselenkung, 148; and Peter (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen NS-Presseanweisungen, VI: 1938 1938 (Munich, 1999), 1,047, 1,050-54. For events in Hesse, see Kropat, (Munich, 1999), 1,047, 1,050-54. For events in Hesse, see Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht' 'Reichskristallnacht' , 56-78, and idem, , 56-78, and idem, Kristallnacht in Hessen: Der Judenpogrom vom November 1938: Eine Dok.u.mentation Kristallnacht in Hessen: Der Judenpogrom vom November 1938: Eine Dok.u.mentation (Wiesbaden, 1997 [1988]), 19-50. For the general argument, Longerich, (Wiesbaden, 1997 [1988]), 19-50. For the general argument, Longerich, Der ungeschriebene Befehl Der ungeschriebene Befehl, 60-61.

150 . There are solid accounts in Wolfgang Benz, 'The Relapse into Barbarism', 3-15; also idem, 'Der Novemberpogrom 1938', in Benz (ed.), . There are solid accounts in Wolfgang Benz, 'The Relapse into Barbarism', 3-15; also idem, 'Der Novemberpogrom 1938', in Benz (ed.), Die Juden Die Juden, 499-544; Hitler's role is outlined in Longerich, Der ungeschriebene Befehl Der ungeschriebene Befehl, 61-4; the evidence on the origins of the pogrom is carefully sifted in Longerich, Politik Politik, 198- 202 and the accompanying endnotes; see also Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht', 'Reichskristallnacht', 79-89 and 172-81. For Hitler's purposes in unleashing the pogrom, see Domarus (ed.), 79-89 and 172-81. For Hitler's purposes in unleashing the pogrom, see Domarus (ed.), Hitler Hitler, II. 1,235-42. The many accounts that portray the pogrom as improvised at the last minute, or that attribute it to Goebbels alone, correspond neither to the evidence nor to the context of the events of the preceding months and weeks: for such arguments, see for example Dieter Obst, 'Reichskristallnacht': Ursachen und Verlauf des antisemitischen Pogroms vom November 1938 'Reichskristallnacht': Ursachen und Verlauf des antisemitischen Pogroms vom November 1938 (Frankfurt am Main, 1991); Uwe Dietrich Adam, 'How Spontaneous Was the Pogrom?', in Pehle (ed.), (Frankfurt am Main, 1991); Uwe Dietrich Adam, 'How Spontaneous Was the Pogrom?', in Pehle (ed.), November 1938 November 1938, 73-94; Doscher, 'Reichskristallnacht' 'Reichskristallnacht', 77-80. See also, with varying accents, Hermann Graml, Reichskristallnacht Reichskristallnacht, 17-19; Ulrich Herbert, 'Von der "Reichskristallnacht" zum "Holocaust". Der 9. November und das Ende des "Radau-Antisemitismus" ', in idem, Arbeit, Volkstum, Weltanschauung: uber Fremde und Deutsche im 20. Jahrhundert Arbeit, Volkstum, Weltanschauung: uber Fremde und Deutsche im 20. Jahrhundert (Frankfurt am Main, 1995), 59-78; Barkai, (Frankfurt am Main, 1995), 59-78; Barkai, From Boycott to Annihilation From Boycott to Annihilation, 133-8; Kurt Patzold and Irene Runge, Pogromnacht 1938 Pogromnacht 1938 (Berlin, 1988); Kaplan, (Berlin, 1988); Kaplan, Between Dignity and Despair Between Dignity and Despair, 119- 44; and Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht' 'Reichskristallnacht', for a selection of key doc.u.ments.

151 . Nuremberg Doc.u.ment PS 3063 (Report of the Supreme Party Tribunal, 13 February 1939), in . Nuremberg Doc.u.ment PS 3063 (Report of the Supreme Party Tribunal, 13 February 1939), in Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946 Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946 (Nuremberg, 1948), x.x.xII. 20-29. (Nuremberg, 1948), x.x.xII. 20-29.

152 Muller to all Stapostellen and Stapoleitstellen, 9 November 1939, in Muller to all Stapostellen and Stapoleitstellen, 9 November 1939, in Trial of the Major War Criminals Trial of the Major War Criminals, XXV. 376-80, at 377 (ND 374-PS); Hermann Graml, Anti-Semitism in the Third Reich Anti-Semitism in the Third Reich (Cambridge, Ma.s.s., 1992), 13; for Hitler's meeting with Himmler, see Kershaw, (Cambridge, Ma.s.s., 1992), 13; for Hitler's meeting with Himmler, see Kershaw, Hitler Hitler, II. 883 n. 56.

153 . Quoted and discussed, with other doc.u.ments, in Richard J. Evans, . Quoted and discussed, with other doc.u.ments, in Richard J. Evans, Lying About Hitler. History, Holocaust and the David Irving Trial Lying About Hitler. History, Holocaust and the David Irving Trial (New York, 2001), 52-61; see also Longerich, (New York, 2001), 52-61; see also Longerich, Politik Politik, 198-202; Graml, Reichskristallnacht Reichskristallnacht, 20-22; and Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht', 89-108.

154 Quoted in Longerich, Quoted in Longerich, Politik Politik, 199-200.

155 Saskia Lorenz, 'Die Zerstorung der Synagogen unter dem Nationalsozialismus', in Arno Herzig (ed.), Saskia Lorenz, 'Die Zerstorung der Synagogen unter dem Nationalsozialismus', in Arno Herzig (ed.), Verdrangung Verdrangung, 153-72; Behnken (ed.), DeutschlandBerichte DeutschlandBerichte , V (1938), 187. , V (1938), 187.

156 . For good evidence of the full partic.i.p.ation of the SS, see Michael Zimmermann, 'Die "Reichskristallnacht" 1938 in Essen', in Alte Synagoge (ed.), . For good evidence of the full partic.i.p.ation of the SS, see Michael Zimmermann, 'Die "Reichskristallnacht" 1938 in Essen', in Alte Synagoge (ed.), Entrechtung und Selbsthilfe Entrechtung und Selbsthilfe, 66-97.

157 Behnken (ed.), Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, V (1938), 1,188.

158 . Sauer, . Sauer, Die Schicksale Die Schicksale, 420.

159 . Avraham Barkai, 'The Fateful Year', 95-122; Longerich, . Avraham Barkai, 'The Fateful Year', 95-122; Longerich, Politik Politik, 203. For further details see for example Karl H. Debus, 'Die Reichskristallnacht in der Pfalz', Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte des Oberrheins Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte des Oberrheins, 129 (1981), 445-515; Joachim Meynert, Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah, 208-22; Graml, Reichskristallnacht Reichskristallnacht , 22-49; Fichtl , 22-49; Fichtl et al., 'Bambergs Wirtschaft' et al., 'Bambergs Wirtschaft', 135-89; Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht' 'Reichskristallnacht', 109-18; idem, Kristallnacht in Hessen Kristallnacht in Hessen, 51-136; and Wippermann, Das Leben Das Leben, 1. 97-107. Herbert Schultheis, Die Reichskristallnacht in Deutschland nach Augenzeugenberichten Die Reichskristallnacht in Deutschland nach Augenzeugenberichten (Bad Neustadt an der Saale, 1985), reprints a contemporary collection of eyewitness reports. (Bad Neustadt an der Saale, 1985), reprints a contemporary collection of eyewitness reports.

160 Wildt, 'Violence', 191-200. Wildt, 'Violence', 191-200.

161 Longerich, Longerich, Politik Politik, 203-5 and 642-3, n. 231; Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 269-79.

162 . Tagebuch Luise Solmitz, 10 November 1938. . Tagebuch Luise Solmitz, 10 November 1938.

163 Behnken (ed.), Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, V (1938), 1,191.

164 . Ibid. . Ibid.

165 . Ibid., 1,208. . Ibid., 1,208.

166 . Reck-Malleczewen, . Reck-Malleczewen, Diary Diary, 80.

167 . . Behnken (ed.), Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, V (1938), 1,207.

168 . Klepper, . Klepper, Unter den Schatten Unter den Schatten, 675.

169 . Maschmann, . Maschmann, Account Rendered Account Rendered, 56-7. Further, varied reactions from non-Jewish Germans are quoted and discussed in Benz, 'Der Novemberpogrom', 525-8; Bankier, The Germans The Germans, 85-8; Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht' 'Reichskristallnacht', 153-69; idem, Kristallnacht in Hessen Kristallnacht in Hessen, 241-6; and Helmut Gatzen, Novemberpogrom 1938 in Gutersloh: Nachts Orgie der Gewalt, tags organisierte Vernichtung Novemberpogrom 1938 in Gutersloh: Nachts Orgie der Gewalt, tags organisierte Vernichtung (Gutersloh, 1993), 63-7. Jorg Wollenberg (ed.), (Gutersloh, 1993), 63-7. Jorg Wollenberg (ed.), The German Public and the Persecution of the Jews 1933-1945: 'No One Partic.i.p.ated, No One Knew' The German Public and the Persecution of the Jews 1933-1945: 'No One Partic.i.p.ated, No One Knew' (Atlantic Highlands, N. J., 1996 [1989]) contains doc.u.ments and essays, of varying quality. (Atlantic Highlands, N. J., 1996 [1989]) contains doc.u.ments and essays, of varying quality.

170 Friedlander, Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 297.

171 Witetschek (ed.), Witetschek (ed.), Die kirchliche Lage Die kirchliche Lage, I. 300 (no. 122, Regierung Oberbayern, 10 December 1938).

172 . Michael Faulhaber, . Michael Faulhaber, Judaism, Christianity, and Germany: Advent Sermons Preached in St Michael's, Munich in 1933 Judaism, Christianity, and Germany: Advent Sermons Preached in St Michael's, Munich in 1933 (London, 1934), 1-6, 13-16, 107-10, reprinted in Mosse (ed.), (London, 1934), 1-6, 13-16, 107-10, reprinted in Mosse (ed.), n.a.z.i Culture n.a.z.i Culture, 256-61; Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 297; Walter Zwi Bacharach, 'The Catholic Anti-Jewish Prejudice, Hitler and the Jews', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 415-30.

173 Horst Matzerath (ed.), Horst Matzerath (ed.), '. . . vergessen kann man die Zeit nicht, das ist nicht moglich . . .' Kolner erinnern sich an die Jahre 1929-1945 '. . . vergessen kann man die Zeit nicht, das ist nicht moglich . . .' Kolner erinnern sich an die Jahre 1929-1945 (Cologne, 1985), 172; see also Ursula b.u.t.tner, ' "The Jewish Problem becomes a Christian Problem": German Protestants and the Persecution of the Jews in the Third Reich', in Bankier (ed.), (Cologne, 1985), 172; see also Ursula b.u.t.tner, ' "The Jewish Problem becomes a Christian Problem": German Protestants and the Persecution of the Jews in the Third Reich', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 431-59.

174 Longerich, Longerich, Politik Politik, 206.

175 Frohlich (ed.), Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher Die Tagebucher, I/VI. 180-81 (10 November 1938).

176 Trial of the Major War Criminals Trial of the Major War Criminals, x.x.xII. 29 (ND 3063-PS).

177 Frohlich (ed.), Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher Die Tagebucher, I/VI. 181 (10 November 1938).

178 Ibid., 182 (11 November 1938); for the call to bring the action to an end, see 'Keine weiteren Aktionen mehr', Ibid., 182 (11 November 1938); for the call to bring the action to an end, see 'Keine weiteren Aktionen mehr', Berliner Volks-Zeitung Berliner Volks-Zeitung, 534, 11 November 1938, front page; 'Keine Einzel-Aktionen gegen das Judentum', Berliner Morgenpost Berliner Morgenpost , 270, 11 November 1938, front page; etc. , 270, 11 November 1938, front page; etc.

179 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 204; for suicides, see Konrad Kuriet and Helmut Eschwege (eds.), Selbstbehauptung und Widerstand: Deutsche Juden im Kampf um Existenz und Menschenwurde 1933-1945 Selbstbehauptung und Widerstand: Deutsche Juden im Kampf um Existenz und Menschenwurde 1933-1945 (Hamburg, 1984), 202. (Hamburg, 1984), 202.

180 Obst, Obst, Reichskristallnacht Reichskristallnacht, 284-5, 297-307; Wildt, 'Violence', 201-2; Zimmermann, 'Die "Reichskristallnacht" ', 77.

181 Wildt, 'Violence', 204; Pingel, Wildt, 'Violence', 204; Pingel, Haftlinge Haftlinge, 94; Anthony Read and David Fisher, Kristallnacht: Unleashing the Holocaust Kristallnacht: Unleashing the Holocaust (London, 1989), 121-35; Kropat, ' (London, 1989), 121-35; Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht', 138-41; idem, Kristallnacht in Hessen Kristallnacht in Hessen, 167-79.

182 Quoted in Benz, 'The Relapse', 17. Quoted in Benz, 'The Relapse', 17.

183 Volkischer Beobachter Volkischer Beobachter, 11 November 1938 (North German edition), 2; Benz, 'The Relapse', 18.

184 . Peter (ed.), . Peter (ed.), NS NS-Presseanweisungen, VI: 1938 1938, 1,060-61.

185 . Reprinted in . Reprinted in Berliner Morgenpost Berliner Morgenpost, 271, 12 November 1938, front page. For a broader a.n.a.lysis, see Herbert Obenaus, 'The Germans: "An Antisemitic People". The Press Camapaign after 9 November 1938', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 147-80.

186 . Read and Fisher, . Read and Fisher, Kristallnacht Kristallnacht, 166-79.

187 Treue (ed.), 'Hitlers Denkschrift', 210. Treue (ed.), 'Hitlers Denkschrift', 210.

188 Frohlich (ed.), Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher Die Tagebucher I/VI. 182 (11 November 1938). I/VI. 182 (11 November 1938).

189 Barkai, 'The Fateful Year', 119-20; lengthy extracts from the minutes in Wilfried Mairgunther, Barkai, 'The Fateful Year', 119-20; lengthy extracts from the minutes in Wilfried Mairgunther, Reichkristallnacht Reichkristallnacht (Kiel, 1987), 90-130. (Kiel, 1987), 90-130.

190 Trial of the Major War Criminals Trial of the Major War Criminals, XXVIII. 499-540, at 509-10.

191 Bruno Blau (ed.), Bruno Blau (ed.), Das Ausnahmerecht fur die Juden in Deutschland, 1933- Das Ausnahmerecht fur die Juden in Deutschland, 1933-- 1945 1945 (Dusseldorf, 1954 [1952]), 54-62; 'Dr. Goebbels: Theater, Kinos, Konzerte fur Juden verboten', (Dusseldorf, 1954 [1952]), 54-62; 'Dr. Goebbels: Theater, Kinos, Konzerte fur Juden verboten', Berliner Ill.u.s.trierte Nachtausgabe Berliner Ill.u.s.trierte Nachtausgabe, 266, 12 November 1938, front page; Longerich, Politik Politik, 208-9; Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht' 'Reichskristallnacht', 127-34. For cogent criticism of the legend that Goring and Himmler disapproved of the pogrom in principle, see Graml, Reichskristallnacht Reichskristallnacht, 177, and Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht' 'Reichskristallnacht' , 119-27. , 119-27.

192 . Jonny Moser, 'Depriving Jews of Their Legal Rights in the Third Reich', in Pehle (ed.), . Jonny Moser, 'Depriving Jews of Their Legal Rights in the Third Reich', in Pehle (ed.), November 1938 November 1938, 123-38; see also, more generally, Kropat, 'Reichskristallnacht' 'Reichskristallnacht' , 134-8. , 134-8.

193 Barkai, 'The Fateful Year', 119-20; 'Beratung uber die Ma.s.snahmen gegen Juden: Die Aufbringung der Suhne von I Milliarde', Barkai, 'The Fateful Year', 119-20; 'Beratung uber die Ma.s.snahmen gegen Juden: Die Aufbringung der Suhne von I Milliarde', Berliner Ill.u.s.trierte Nachtaus gabe Berliner Ill.u.s.trierte Nachtaus gabe, 267, 14 November 1935, front page.

194 Genschel, Genschel, Die Verdrangung Die Verdrangung, 206; local examples in Fichtl et. al. et. al., 'Bambergs Wirtschaft' 'Bambergs Wirtschaft', 183-97.

195 'Dr. Goebbels uber die Losung der Judenfrage', 'Dr. Goebbels uber die Losung der Judenfrage', Berliner Ill.u.s.trierte Nachtaus gabe Berliner Ill.u.s.trierte Nachtaus gabe, 267, 14 November 1938, 2; for a full list of the measures themselves, see Longerich, Politik Politik, 208-19; also Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 280-305.

196 Barkai, 'The Fateful Year', 121-2; Moser, 'Depriving Jews', 123-38, at 126-34; Konrad Kwiet, 'Nach dem Pogrom: Stufen der Ausgrenzung', in Benz (ed.), Barkai, 'The Fateful Year', 121-2; Moser, 'Depriving Jews', 123-38, at 126-34; Konrad Kwiet, 'Nach dem Pogrom: Stufen der Ausgrenzung', in Benz (ed.), Die Juden Die Juden, 545-659; Longerich, Politik Politik, 218-19; Wolf Gruner, Der geschlossene Arbeitseinsatz deutscher Juden: Zur Zw.a.n.gsarbeit als Element der Verfolgung, 1938-1943 Der geschlossene Arbeitseinsatz deutscher Juden: Zur Zw.a.n.gsarbeit als Element der Verfolgung, 1938-1943 (Berlin, 1997); for local examples, see Uwe Lohalm, 'Local Administration and n.a.z.i Anti-Jewish Policy', in Bankier (ed.), (Berlin, 1997); for local examples, see Uwe Lohalm, 'Local Administration and n.a.z.i Anti-Jewish Policy', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 109-46, and Meynert, Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah, 230-33. For the Reich a.s.sociation, see Otto Dov Kulka (ed.), Deutsches Judentum unter dem Nationalsozialismus Deutsches Judentum unter dem Nationalsozialismus, I: Dok.u.mente zur Geschichte der Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden 1933-1939 Dok.u.mente zur Geschichte der Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden 1933-1939 (Tubingen, 1997), 410-28. (Tubingen, 1997), 410-28.

197 Wildt, 'Violence', 204-8. Wildt, 'Violence', 204-8.

198 . Boberach (ed.), . Boberach (ed.), Meldungen Meldungen, II. 21-6, 221-2.

199 . Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 420. . Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 420.

200 . Quoted in Hannah Arendt, . Quoted in Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism The Origins of Totalitarianism (London, 1973 [1955]), 269, n. 2; see also Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 426, 429; and Avraham Barkai, 'Self-Help in the Dilemma: "To Leave or to Stay?" ', in Meyer (ed.), (London, 1973 [1955]), 269, n. 2; see also Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 426, 429; and Avraham Barkai, 'Self-Help in the Dilemma: "To Leave or to Stay?" ', in Meyer (ed.), German-Jewish History German-Jewish History, IV. 313-32. For the origins of the Reich Centre, see below, 659-61.

201 Not counting Austria and the Sudetenland, which when added made 330,539 ( Not counting Austria and the Sudetenland, which when added made 330,539 (Statistisches Jahrbuch fur das deutsche Reich, 59 (1941/42), 27: 'Die Juden und judischen Mischlinge in den Reichsteilen und nach Gemeindegrossenkla.s.sen 1939').

202 'Judische Bevolkerungsstatistik', in Benz (ed.), 'Judische Bevolkerungsstatistik', in Benz (ed.), Die Juden Die Juden, 733. These figures are obtained by subtracting the total of roughly 26,000 Jews of foreign nationality from Wetzel's total for each year. Further statistics are supplied in Konrad Kwiet, 'To Leave or Not to Leave: The German Jews at the Crossroads', in Pehle (ed.), November 1938 November 1938, 139-53.

203 . Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 423-5; Arthur D. Morse, . Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 423-5; Arthur D. Morse, While Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apathy While Six Million Died: A Chronicle of American Apathy (New York, 1967); David Wyman, (New York, 1967); David Wyman, Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis, 1938-1941 Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis, 1938-1941 (Amherst, Ma.s.s., 1968); Richard Breitman and Alan Kraut, (Amherst, Ma.s.s., 1968); Richard Breitman and Alan Kraut, American Refugee Policy and European Jewry, 1933- 1945 American Refugee Policy and European Jewry, 1933- 1945 (Bloomingtom 1987); see also Irving Abella and Harold Troper, (Bloomingtom 1987); see also Irving Abella and Harold Troper, None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948 None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948 (Toronto, 1983). (Toronto, 1983).

204 . Klemperer, . Klemperer, I Shall Bear Witness I Shall Bear Witness, 241 (20 March 1938), 247 (23 May 1938), 251 (12 July 1938), 252-3 (10 August 1938), 263-4 (27 November 1938), 266 (3 December 1938).

205 . Ibid., 267-8 (6 December 1938), 269 (15 December 1938), 279 (10 January 1939). See also Susanne Heim, 'The German-Jewish Relationship in the Diaries of Victor Klemperer', in Bankier (ed.), . Ibid., 267-8 (6 December 1938), 269 (15 December 1938), 279 (10 January 1939). See also Susanne Heim, 'The German-Jewish Relationship in the Diaries of Victor Klemperer', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 312-25; and, more generally, Meynert, Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah, 223-9.

206 Tagebuch Luise Solmitz, 12 November 1938, 13 November 1938, 15 November 1938, 22 November 1938, 1 December 1938, 14 March 1939, 29 August 1939. Tagebuch Luise Solmitz, 12 November 1938, 13 November 1938, 15 November 1938, 22 November 1938, 1 December 1938, 14 March 1939, 29 August 1939.

207 . . Trial of the Major War Criminals Trial of the Major War Criminals, XXVIII. 534 (ND 1816-PS). For the meeting on 6 December, see Longerich, Politik Politik, 210-12.

208 Longerich, Longerich, Politik Politik, 206; Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 288-92 and 298-9.

209 Kershaw, Kershaw, The 'Hitler Myth' The 'Hitler Myth', 235-9.

210 . Longerich, . Longerich, Der ungeschriebene Befehl Der ungeschriebene Befehl, 55-7.

211 Ibid., 67; James Marshall-Cornwell Ibid., 67; James Marshall-Cornwell et al et al. (eds.), Akten zur deutschen auswartigen Politik, 1918-1945: Aus den Akten des Deutschen Auswartigen Amtes Akten zur deutschen auswartigen Politik, 1918-1945: Aus den Akten des Deutschen Auswartigen Amtes (Series A-E, Baden-Baden, 1951-95), Series D, IV. 291-5, at 293 ('Aufzeichnung des Legationsrats Hewel, Berchtesgaden', 24 November 1938). (Series A-E, Baden-Baden, 1951-95), Series D, IV. 291-5, at 293 ('Aufzeichnung des Legationsrats Hewel, Berchtesgaden', 24 November 1938).

212 . 'Aufzeichnung des Legationsrats Hewel', 21 January 1939, in Marshall-Cornwell . 'Aufzeichnung des Legationsrats Hewel', 21 January 1939, in Marshall-Cornwell et al et al. (eds.), Akten Akten, Series D, IV, 167-71, at 170.

213 . Domarus, . Domarus, Hitler Hitler, II. 1,055-8.

214 . Herbert A. Strauss, 'The Drive for War and the Pogroms of November 1938: Testing Explanatory Models', . Herbert A. Strauss, 'The Drive for War and the Pogroms of November 1938: Testing Explanatory Models', Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook, 35 (1990), 267-78.

215 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 220-21; Philippe Burrin, Hitler and the Jews: The Genesis of the Holocaust Hitler and the Jews: The Genesis of the Holocaust (London, 1994 [1989]), 61-3. For the view that Hitler's threat was not to be taken seriously, and was not followed up by any approach on his part to the United States, see Graml, (London, 1994 [1989]), 61-3. For the view that Hitler's threat was not to be taken seriously, and was not followed up by any approach on his part to the United States, see Graml, Reichskristallnacht Reichskristallnacht, 105-6.

216 Friedlander, Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 211-24; William W. Hagen, 'Before the "Final Solution": Toward a Comparative a.n.a.lysis of Political Anti-Semitism in Interwar Germany and Poland', Journal of Modern History Journal of Modern History, 68 (1996), 351-81; Joseph Marcus, Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland, 1919-1939 Social and Political History of the Jews in Poland, 1919-1939 (Berlin, 1983) - not always accurate in detail; Celia S. h.e.l.ler, (Berlin, 1983) - not always accurate in detail; Celia S. h.e.l.ler, On the Edge of Destruction: Jews of Poland between the two World Wars On the Edge of Destruction: Jews of Poland between the two World Wars (New York, 1977); Yisrael Gutman, (New York, 1977); Yisrael Gutman, The Jews of Poland between Two World Wars The Jews of Poland between Two World Wars (Hanover, N.H., 1989); James D. Wynot, Jr, ' "A Necessary Cruelty": The Emergence of Official Anti-Semitism in Poland, 1935-39', (Hanover, N.H., 1989); James D. Wynot, Jr, ' "A Necessary Cruelty": The Emergence of Official Anti-Semitism in Poland, 1935-39', American Historical Review American Historical Review, 76 (1971), 1,035-58.

217 . Emanuel Melzer, 'The Polish Authorities and the Jewish Question, 1930- 1939', in Alfred A. Greenbaum (ed.), . Emanuel Melzer, 'The Polish Authorities and the Jewish Question, 1930- 1939', in Alfred A. Greenbaum (ed.), Minority Problems in Eastern Europe between the World Wars, with Emphasis on the Jewish Minority Minority Problems in Eastern Europe between the World Wars, with Emphasis on the Jewish Minority (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Inst.i.tute for Advanced Studies, typescript, Jerusalem, 1988), 77-81; Jerzy Tomascewski, 'Economic and Social Situation of Jews in Poland, 1918-1939', in ibid., 101-6; Ezra Mendelsohn, (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Inst.i.tute for Advanced Studies, typescript, Jerusalem, 1988), 77-81; Jerzy Tomascewski, 'Economic and Social Situation of Jews in Poland, 1918-1939', in ibid., 101-6; Ezra Mendelsohn, The Jews of East Central Europe between the World Wars The Jews of East Central Europe between the World Wars (Bloomington, Ind., 1983), 11-83. (Bloomington, Ind., 1983), 11-83.

218 Magnus Brechtken, Magnus Brechtken, 'Madagaskar fur die Juden': Antisemitische Idee und politische Praxis 1885-1945 'Madagaskar fur die Juden': Antisemitische Idee und politische Praxis 1885-1945 (Munich, 1997), 81-164. (Munich, 1997), 81-164.

219 . Mendelsohn, . Mendelsohn, The Jews The Jews; Bela Vago, The Shadow of the Swastika: The Rise of Fascism and Anti-Semitism in the Danube Basin, 1936-1939 The Shadow of the Swastika: The Rise of Fascism and Anti-Semitism in the Danube Basin, 1936-1939 (London, 1975). (London, 1975).

220 . Mendelsohn, . Mendelsohn, The Jews The Jews, 171-211; David Schaary, 'The Romanian Authorities and the Jewish Communities in Romania between the Two World Wars', in Greenbaum (ed.), Minority Problems Minority Problems, 89-95; Paul A. Shapiro, 'Prelude to Dictatorship in Romania: The National Christian Party in Power, December 1937- February 1938', Canadian-American Slavic Studies Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 8 (1974), 45-88.

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