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21 . James Woycke, . James Woycke, Birth Control in Germany 1871-1933 Birth Control in Germany 1871-1933 (London, 1988), 154; Evans, (London, 1988), 154; Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich The Coming of the Third Reich, 375-8; Stibbe, Women Women, 43; Henry P. David et al et al., 'Abortion and Eugenics in n.a.z.i Germany', Population and Development Review Population and Development Review, 14 (1988), 81-112.
22 . Quoted in Proctor, . Quoted in Proctor, Racial Hygiene Racial Hygiene, 124.
23 . Richard J. Evans, . Richard J. Evans, The Feminist Movement in Germany 1894-1933 The Feminist Movement in Germany 1894-1933 (London, 1976), 255-60; idem, (London, 1976), 255-60; idem, The Coming of the Third Reich The Coming of the Third Reich, 185-6.
24 . Stibbe, . Stibbe, Women Women, 34-40; Jill Stephenson, The n.a.z.i Organization of Women The n.a.z.i Organization of Women (London, 1981), 97-125; eadem, 'The n.a.z.i Organisation of Women, 1933-1939', in Stachura (ed.), (London, 1981), 97-125; eadem, 'The n.a.z.i Organisation of Women, 1933-1939', in Stachura (ed.), The Shaping The Shaping, 186-209. Some of Scholtz-Klink's eleven children did not survive infancy.
25 . Irmgard Weyrather, . Irmgard Weyrather, Muttertag und Mutterkreuz: Die Kult um die 'deutsche Mutter' im Nationalsozialismus Muttertag und Mutterkreuz: Die Kult um die 'deutsche Mutter' im Nationalsozialismus (Frankfurt am Main, 1993); Susanna Dammer, 'Kinder, Kuche, Kriegsarbeit - Die Schulung der Frauen durch die NSFrauenschaft', in Frauengruppe Faschismusforschung (ed.), (Frankfurt am Main, 1993); Susanna Dammer, 'Kinder, Kuche, Kriegsarbeit - Die Schulung der Frauen durch die NSFrauenschaft', in Frauengruppe Faschismusforschung (ed.), Mutterkreuz Mutterkreuz, 215-45; Karin Hausen, 'Mother's Day in the Weimar Republic', in Renate Bridenthal et al et al. (eds.), When Biology Became Destiny When Biology Became Destiny, 131-52; eadem, 'The "German Mother's Day" 1923-1933', in Hans Med.i.c.k and David Sabean (eds.), Interest and Emotion: Essays in the Study of Family and Kinship Interest and Emotion: Essays in the Study of Family and Kinship (Cambridge, 1984), 371-413. (Cambridge, 1984), 371-413.
26 . Stibbe, . Stibbe, Women Women, 34-40; Claudia Koonz, Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and n.a.z.i Politics Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and n.a.z.i Politics (London, 1988 [1987]), 177-219; Stephenson, (London, 1988 [1987]), 177-219; Stephenson, The n.a.z.i Organization The n.a.z.i Organization, 130-77; Pine, n.a.z.i Family Policy n.a.z.i Family Policy, 47-81; Michael Kater, 'Die deutsche Elternschaft im nationalsozialistischen Erziehungssystem. Ein Beitrag zur Sozialgeschichte der Familie', Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 67 Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 67 (1980), 484-512; Dammer, 'Kinder, Kuche, Kriegsarbeit'. (1980), 484-512; Dammer, 'Kinder, Kuche, Kriegsarbeit'.
27 Pine, Pine, n.a.z.i Family Policy n.a.z.i Family Policy, 88-116; Dorothee Klinksiek, Die Frau im NS-Staat Die Frau im NS-Staat (Stuttgart, 1982), 93; Jill Stephenson, ' (Stuttgart, 1982), 93; Jill Stephenson, 'Reichsbund der Kinderreichen: The League of Large Families in the Population Policy of n.a.z.i Germany', The League of Large Families in the Population Policy of n.a.z.i Germany', European Studies Review European Studies Review, 9 (1979), 350-75.
28 Marschalck, Marschalck, Bevolkerungsgeschichte Bevolkerungsgeschichte, 15 8.
29 Gisela Bock, 'Antinatalism, Maternity and Paternity in National Socialist Realism', in Crew (ed.), Gisela Bock, 'Antinatalism, Maternity and Paternity in National Socialist Realism', in Crew (ed.), n.a.z.ism n.a.z.ism, 110-40, at 124.
30 Marschalck, Marschalck, Bevolkerungsgeschichte Bevolkerungsgeschichte, 159.
31 Proctor, Proctor, Racial Hygiene Racial Hygiene, 126.
32 . Stibbe, . Stibbe, Women Women, 53-4; Bock, Zw.a.n.gssterilisation Zw.a.n.gssterilisation, 166-7.
33 Pine, Pine, n.a.z.i Family Policy n.a.z.i Family Policy, 16-18; Gabriele Czarnowski, ' "The Value of Marriage for the Volksgemeinschaft Volksgemeinschaft": Policies towards Women and Marriage under National Socialism', in Richard Bessel (ed.), Fascist Italy and n.a.z.i Germany: Comparisons and Contrasts Fascist Italy and n.a.z.i Germany: Comparisons and Contrasts (Cambridge, 1996), 94-112, at 107-8; Stephenson, (Cambridge, 1996), 94-112, at 107-8; Stephenson, Women in n.a.z.i Society Women in n.a.z.i Society, 41-3.
34 Ganssmuller, Ganssmuller, Die Erbgesundheitspolitik Die Erbgesundheitspolitik, 132-47.
35 Hohne, Hohne, The Order The Order, 130-46; Pine, n.a.z.i Family Policy n.a.z.i Family Policy, 38-46; Catrine Clay and Michael Leapman, Master Race: The Lebensborn Experiment in n.a.z.i Germany Master Race: The Lebensborn Experiment in n.a.z.i Germany (London, 1995). (London, 1995).
36 . Irene Guenther, . Irene Guenther, n.a.z.i Chic? Fashioning Women in the Third Reich n.a.z.i Chic? Fashioning Women in the Third Reich (Oxford, 2004), 91-141. (Oxford, 2004), 91-141.
37 . Ibid., 91-141, 167-201. . Ibid., 91-141, 167-201.
38 . Thus the major debate of the 1980s, between Claudia Koonz, . Thus the major debate of the 1980s, between Claudia Koonz, Mothers in the Fatherland Mothers in the Fatherland, emphasizing the creation of a sheltered domestic sphere and thus women's complicity in, perhaps even encouragement of, the violence and hatred perpetrated by men in the public sphere, and Bock, 'Anti-Natalism', stressing the victimization of women through the state's increasingly directive, violent and negative policies towards women as mothers, is largely based on a misapprehension: see Adelheid von Saldern, 'Victims or Perpetrators? Controversies about the Role of Women in the n.a.z.i State', in Crew (ed.), n.a.z.ism n.a.z.ism, 141-65; and Dagmar Reese and Carola Sachse, 'Frauenforschung zum Nationalsozialismus. Eine Bilanz', in Lerke Gravenhorst and Carmen Tatschmurat (eds.), Tochter-Fragen: NS-Frauengeschichte Tochter-Fragen: NS-Frauengeschichte (Freiburg, 1990), 73-106. (Freiburg, 1990), 73-106.
39 Maria S. Quine, Maria S. Quine, Population Politics in Twentieth-Century Europe: Fascist Dictatorships and Liberal Democracies Population Politics in Twentieth-Century Europe: Fascist Dictatorships and Liberal Democracies (London, 1996); Richard St.i.tes, (London, 1996); Richard St.i.tes, The Women's Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism, and Bolshevism, 1860-1930 The Women's Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism, and Bolshevism, 1860-1930 (Princeton, N.J., 1978). (Princeton, N.J., 1978).
40 . Sybil H. Milton, ' "Gypsies" as Social Outsiders in n.a.z.i Germany', in Gellately and Stoltzfus (eds.), . Sybil H. Milton, ' "Gypsies" as Social Outsiders in n.a.z.i Germany', in Gellately and Stoltzfus (eds.), Social Outsiders Social Outsiders, 212-32, puts their number much higher, at 35,000 (212). As Guenter Lewy, The n.a.z.i Persecution of the Gypsies The n.a.z.i Persecution of the Gypsies (New York, 2000), 1-14, points out, it has become conventional in Germany to refer to the Gypsies by their tribal names (Sinti and Roma, though the smallest group, the Lalleri, are usually, inexplicably, omitted), because the used the term (New York, 2000), 1-14, points out, it has become conventional in Germany to refer to the Gypsies by their tribal names (Sinti and Roma, though the smallest group, the Lalleri, are usually, inexplicably, omitted), because the used the term Zigeuner Zigeuner (Gypsy) to refer to them collectively. The arguments against using the term are rehea.r.s.ed in Burleigh and Wippermann, (Gypsy) to refer to them collectively. The arguments against using the term are rehea.r.s.ed in Burleigh and Wippermann, The Racial State The Racial State, 113. However, the fact that the used this term does not itself make it pejorative, and indeed, as Lewy notes, 'several Gypsy writers have insisted on the uninterrupted use of the term in order to maintain historical continuity and express solidarity with those who were persecuted under this name' (ix). Following Lewy, the term 'Gypsy' is used in what follows.
41 . Evans, 'Social Outsiders'; Michael Zimmermann, . Evans, 'Social Outsiders'; Michael Zimmermann, Verfolgt, vertrieben, vernichtet: Die nationalsozialistische Vernichtungspolitik gegen Sinti und Roma Verfolgt, vertrieben, vernichtet: Die nationalsozialistische Vernichtungspolitik gegen Sinti und Roma (Essen, 1989), 14-42; idem, (Essen, 1989), 14-42; idem, Ra.s.senutopie und Genozid: Die nationalsozialistische 'Losung der Zigeunerfrage' Ra.s.senutopie und Genozid: Die nationalsozialistische 'Losung der Zigeunerfrage' (Hamburg, 1996); Rainer Hehemann, (Hamburg, 1996); Rainer Hehemann, Die 'Bekampfung des Zigeunerunwesens' im Wilhelminischen Deutschland und in der Weimarer Republik, 1871-1933 Die 'Bekampfung des Zigeunerunwesens' im Wilhelminischen Deutschland und in der Weimarer Republik, 1871-1933 (Frankfurt am Main, 1987); Joachim S. Hohmann, (Frankfurt am Main, 1987); Joachim S. Hohmann, Geschichte der Zigeunerverfolgung in Deutschland Geschichte der Zigeunerverfolgung in Deutschland (Frankfurt am Main, 1981); Leo Luca.s.sen, (Frankfurt am Main, 1981); Leo Luca.s.sen, Zigeuner: Die Geschichte eines polizeilichen Ordnungsbegriffes in Deutschland, 1700-1945 Zigeuner: Die Geschichte eines polizeilichen Ordnungsbegriffes in Deutschland, 1700-1945 (Cologne, 1996); Joachim S. Hohmann, (Cologne, 1996); Joachim S. Hohmann, Verfolgte ohne Heimat: Die Geschichte der Zigeuner in Deutschland Verfolgte ohne Heimat: Die Geschichte der Zigeuner in Deutschland (Frankfurt am Main, 1990). The Bavarian law is reprinted in part in Burleigh and Wippermann, (Frankfurt am Main, 1990). The Bavarian law is reprinted in part in Burleigh and Wippermann, The Racial State The Racial State, 114-15.
42 . Wolfgang Wippermann and Ute Brucker-Boroujerdi, 'Nationalsozialistische Zw.a.n.gslager in Berlin, III: Das "Zigeunerlager Marzahn" ', . Wolfgang Wippermann and Ute Brucker-Boroujerdi, 'Nationalsozialistische Zw.a.n.gslager in Berlin, III: Das "Zigeunerlager Marzahn" ', Berliner Forschungen Berliner Forschungen, 2 (1987), 189-201; Eva von Hase-Mihalik and Doris Kreuzkamp, 'Du kriegst auch einen schonen Wohnwagen': Zw.a.n.gslager fur Sinti und Roma wahrend des Nationalsozialismus in Frankfurt am Main (Frankfurt am Main, 1990); Karola Fings and Frank Sparing, (Frankfurt am Main, 1990); Karola Fings and Frank Sparing, 'z. Zt. Zigeunerlager': Die Verfolgung der Dusseldorfer Sinti und Roma im Nationalsozialismus 'z. Zt. Zigeunerlager': Die Verfolgung der Dusseldorfer Sinti und Roma im Nationalsozialismus (Cologne, 1992); Frank Sparing, 'The Gypsy Camps: The Creation, Character and Meaning of an Instrument for the Persecution of Sinti and Romanies under National Socialism', in Karola Fings (Cologne, 1992); Frank Sparing, 'The Gypsy Camps: The Creation, Character and Meaning of an Instrument for the Persecution of Sinti and Romanies under National Socialism', in Karola Fings et al., From 'Race Science' to the Camps: The Gypsies during the Second World War et al., From 'Race Science' to the Camps: The Gypsies during the Second World War (Hatfield, 1997), 39-70. (Hatfield, 1997), 39-70.
43 . Lewy, . Lewy, The n.a.z.i Persecution The n.a.z.i Persecution, 24-49; Joachim S. Hohmann, Robert Ritter und die Erben der Kriminalbiologie: 'Zigeunerforschung' im Nationalsozialismus und in Westdeutschland im Zeichen des Ra.s.sismus Robert Ritter und die Erben der Kriminalbiologie: 'Zigeunerforschung' im Nationalsozialismus und in Westdeutschland im Zeichen des Ra.s.sismus (Fankfurt am Main, 1991). The decree is reprinted in Burleigh and Wippermann, (Fankfurt am Main, 1991). The decree is reprinted in Burleigh and Wippermann, The Racial State The Racial State, 120-21.
44 . Lewy, . Lewy, The n.a.z.i Persecution The n.a.z.i Persecution, 47-55; Proctor, Racial Hygiene Racial Hygiene, 214-15; Herbert Heuss, 'German Policies of Gypsy Persecution', in Fings et al., From 'Race Science' et al., From 'Race Science', 15-37; Karola Fings, 'Romanies and Sinti in the Concentration Camps', in ibid., 71-109; see also Ulrich Konig, Sinti und Roma unter dem Nationalsozialismus: Verfolgung und Widerstand Sinti und Roma unter dem Nationalsozialismus: Verfolgung und Widerstand (Bochum, 1989), 75-82, and Wolfgang Wippermann, (Bochum, 1989), 75-82, and Wolfgang Wippermann, Das Leben in Frankfurt am Main zur NS-Zeit Das Leben in Frankfurt am Main zur NS-Zeit, II: Die nationalsozialistische Zigeunerverfolgung Die nationalsozialistische Zigeunerverfolgung (Frankfurt am Main, 1986), 19-27. (Frankfurt am Main, 1986), 19-27.
45 . Evans, . Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich The Coming of the Third Reich, 186-7.
46 Reiner Pommerin, ' Reiner Pommerin, 'Sterilisierung der': Das Schicksal einer farbigen deutschen Minderheit 1918-1937 (Dusseldorf, 1979), 56-77; Proctor, (Dusseldorf, 1979), 56-77; Proctor, Racial Hygiene Racial Hygiene, 112-14.
47 . Pommerin, . Pommerin, 'Sterilisierung', 77-84 'Sterilisierung', 77-84.
48 . Evans, . Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich The Coming of the Third Reich, 127-8, 375-6.
49 . Burkhard Jellonek, . Burkhard Jellonek, h.o.m.os.e.xuelle unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die Verfolgung von h.o.m.os.e.xuellen in Dritten Reich h.o.m.os.e.xuelle unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die Verfolgung von h.o.m.os.e.xuellen in Dritten Reich (Paderborn, 1990), 19-50; Richard Plant, (Paderborn, 1990), 19-50; Richard Plant, The Pink Triangle: The n.a.z.i War Against h.o.m.os.e.xuals The Pink Triangle: The n.a.z.i War Against h.o.m.os.e.xuals (Edinburgh, 1987 [1986]), 72-104; Smith and Peterson (eds.), (Edinburgh, 1987 [1986]), 72-104; Smith and Peterson (eds.), Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933-1945 Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933-1945, 90-91, 115-23; Geoffrey J. Giles, 'The Inst.i.tutionalization of h.o.m.os.e.xual Panic in the Third Reich', in Gellately and Stoltzfus (eds.), Social Outsiders Social Outsiders, 233-55.
50 . Claudia Schoppmann, . Claudia Schoppmann, Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbian Women During the Third Reich Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbian Women During the Third Reich (New York, 1996 [1993]). (New York, 1996 [1993]).
51 Jellonnek, Jellonnek, h.o.m.os.e.xuelle h.o.m.os.e.xuelle, 51-94; Proctor, Racial Hygiene Racial Hygiene, 212-14.
52 Jellonnek, Jellonnek, h.o.m.os.e.xuelle h.o.m.os.e.xuelle, 95-110; Hans-Georg Stumke, 'Vom "unausgeglichenen Geschlechtshaushalt". Zur Verfolgung h.o.m.os.e.xueller', in Frahm et al et al. (eds.), Verachtet - verfolgt - vernichtet Verachtet - verfolgt - vernichtet, 46-63.
53 Quoted at length in Hans-Georg Stumke and Rudi Finkler, Quoted at length in Hans-Georg Stumke and Rudi Finkler, Rosa Winkel, rosa Listen: h.o.m.os.e.xuelle und 'Gesundes Volksempfinden' von Auschwitz bis heute Rosa Winkel, rosa Listen: h.o.m.os.e.xuelle und 'Gesundes Volksempfinden' von Auschwitz bis heute (Reinbek, 1981), 217-21. (Reinbek, 1981), 217-21.
54 Jurgen Baumann, Jurgen Baumann, Paragraph 175: uber die Moglichkeit, die einfache, nicht jugendgefahrdende und nichtoffentliche h.o.m.os.e.xualitat unter Erwachsenen straffrei zu la.s.sen (zugleich ein Beitrag zur Sakularisierung des Strafrechts) Paragraph 175: uber die Moglichkeit, die einfache, nicht jugendgefahrdende und nichtoffentliche h.o.m.os.e.xualitat unter Erwachsenen straffrei zu la.s.sen (zugleich ein Beitrag zur Sakularisierung des Strafrechts) (Berlin, 1968), 66. (Berlin, 1968), 66.
55 Jellonnek, Jellonnek, h.o.m.os.e.xuelle h.o.m.os.e.xuelle, 12-13.
56 Jeffrey Weeks, Jeffrey Weeks, s.e.x, Politics and Society: The Regulation of s.e.xuality since 1800 s.e.x, Politics and Society: The Regulation of s.e.xuality since 1800 (London, 1981), 239-40; Joachim S. Hohmann (ed.), (London, 1981), 239-40; Joachim S. Hohmann (ed.), Keine Zeit fur gute Freunde: h.o.m.os.e.xuelle in Deutschland 1933-1969 - Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch Keine Zeit fur gute Freunde: h.o.m.os.e.xuelle in Deutschland 1933-1969 - Ein Lese- und Bilderbuch (Berlin, 1982). (Berlin, 1982).
57 Rudiger Lautmann, Rudiger Lautmann, et al et al., 'Der rosa Winkel in den nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager', in idem (ed.), Seminar: Gesellschaft und h.o.m.os.e.xualitat Seminar: Gesellschaft und h.o.m.os.e.xualitat (Frankfurt am Main, 1977), 325-65, at 332-3. (Frankfurt am Main, 1977), 325-65, at 332-3.
58 Rudiger Lautmann, 'Gay Prisoners in Concentration Camps as Compared with Jehovah's Witnesses and Political Prisoners', in Michael Berenbaum (ed.), Rudiger Lautmann, 'Gay Prisoners in Concentration Camps as Compared with Jehovah's Witnesses and Political Prisoners', in Michael Berenbaum (ed.), A Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the A Mosaic of Victims: Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the (London, 1990), 200-206. (London, 1990), 200-206.
59 Albrecht Langeluddecke, Albrecht Langeluddecke, Die Entmannung von Sittlichkeitsverbrechern Die Entmannung von Sittlichkeitsverbrechern (Berlin, 1963); Wachsmann, (Berlin, 1963); Wachsmann, Hitler's Prisons. .h.i.tler's Prisons, 140-41; Geoffrey Giles, ' "The Most Unkindest Cut of All". Castration, h.o.m.os.e.xuality and n.a.z.i Justice', Journal of Contemporary History Journal of Contemporary History, 27 (1992), 41-61; Jellonnek, h.o.m.os.e.xuelle h.o.m.os.e.xuelle, 140-71.
60 . Wachsmann, . Wachsmann, Hitler's Prisons. .h.i.tler's Prisons, 139-49, 368. The total reached 2,300 by 1945 (Longerich, Politik Politik, 62).
61 Wachsmann, Wachsmann, Hitler's Prisons. .h.i.tler's Prisons, 400-401; Frank Sparing, 'Zw.a.n.gskastration im Nationalsozialismus. Das Beispiel der Kriminalbiologischen Sammelstelle Koln', in Peter Busse and Klaus Schreiber (eds.), Kriminalbiologie Kriminalbiologie (Dusseldorf, 1997), 169-212. (Dusseldorf, 1997), 169-212.
62 . Burkhard Jellonnek, 'Staatspolizeiliche Fahndungs- und Ermittlungsmethoden gegen h.o.m.os.e.xuelle. Regionale Differenzen und Gemeinsamkeiten', in Paul and Mallmann (eds.), . Burkhard Jellonnek, 'Staatspolizeiliche Fahndungs- und Ermittlungsmethoden gegen h.o.m.os.e.xuelle. Regionale Differenzen und Gemeinsamkeiten', in Paul and Mallmann (eds.), Die Gestapo Die Gestapo, 343-56.
63 . For a good introduction to the situation of Jews in Germany in 1933-45, see Michael A. Meyer (ed.), . For a good introduction to the situation of Jews in Germany in 1933-45, see Michael A. Meyer (ed.), German-Jewish History in Modern Times German-Jewish History in Modern Times, IV: Renewal and Destruction, 1918-1945 Renewal and Destruction, 1918-1945 (New York, 1998), 195-388; Marion A. Kaplan, (New York, 1998), 195-388; Marion A. Kaplan, Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in n.a.z.i Germany Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in n.a.z.i Germany (New York, 1998). For n.a.z.i antisemitism and its antecedents, see also Evans, (New York, 1998). For n.a.z.i antisemitism and its antecedents, see also Evans, The Coming of the Third Reich The Coming of the Third Reich, 21-34, 164-5, 431-40.
64 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 59.
65 . For the economic boycotts, see above, 382-6. . For the economic boycotts, see above, 382-6.
66 Hermann Froschauer, 'Streicher und "Der Sturmer" ', in Ogan and Weiss (eds.), Hermann Froschauer, 'Streicher und "Der Sturmer" ', in Ogan and Weiss (eds.), Faszination und Gewalt Faszination und Gewalt, 41-8; Hahn (ed.), Lieber Sturmer! Lieber Sturmer!
67 Bankier, Bankier, The Germans The Germans, 28-37.
68 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 70-74; Bankier, The Germans The Germans, 14-20.
69 . Bankier, . Bankier, The Germans The Germans, 28-9; Longerich, Politik Politik, 74-8, 94-5; Longerich argues persuasively against the view of many historians that the antisemitic outrages of 1935 were spontaneous attempts by the party basis to pressure the leadership into taking legislative action (e.g. Adam, Judenpolitik Judenpolitik, 114-16; Herbst, Das nationalsozialistische Deutschland Das nationalsozialistische Deutschland, 153-5; Ian Kershaw, 'The Persecution of the Jews and German Popular Opinion in the Third Reich', Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Year Book Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Year Book, 26 (1981), 261-89, at 265; Hermann Graml, Reichskristallnacht: Antisemitismus und Judenverfolgung im Dritten Reich Reichskristallnacht: Antisemitismus und Judenverfolgung im Dritten Reich (Munich 1988), 143. For the argument that the antisemitic actions of 1935 were mainly instrumental, see Hans Mommsen and Dieter Obst, 'Die Reaktion der deutschen Bevolkerung auf die Verfolgung der Juden 1933-1943', in Hans Mommsen and Susanne Willems (eds.), (Munich 1988), 143. For the argument that the antisemitic actions of 1935 were mainly instrumental, see Hans Mommsen and Dieter Obst, 'Die Reaktion der deutschen Bevolkerung auf die Verfolgung der Juden 1933-1943', in Hans Mommsen and Susanne Willems (eds.), Herrschaftsalltag im Dritten Reich: Studien und Texte Herrschaftsalltag im Dritten Reich: Studien und Texte (Dusseldorf, 1988), 374-421, at 385. (Dusseldorf, 1988), 374-421, at 385.
70 . Ill.u.s.trations in Ian Kershaw, 'Antisemitismus und Volksmeinung. Reaktionen auf die Judenverfolgung', in Broszat . Ill.u.s.trations in Ian Kershaw, 'Antisemitismus und Volksmeinung. Reaktionen auf die Judenverfolgung', in Broszat et al et al. (eds.), Bayern Bayern, II. 281-348, at 302-8.
71 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 86-90; Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, II (1935), 920-33.
72 Ibid., 933-7; Longerich, Ibid., 933-7; Longerich, Politik Politik, 86-90, 100; Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 137-9.
73 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 85-94; Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, II (1935), 923 (August 1935).
74 . Ibid., 922 (August 1935), cited in Longerich, . Ibid., 922 (August 1935), cited in Longerich, Politik Politik, 93.
75 Ibid., 94-101; Lothar Gruchmann, ' "Blutschutzgesetz" und Justiz: Entstehung und Anwendung des Nurnberger Gesetzes von 15. September 1935', in Ogan and Weiss (eds.), Ibid., 94-101; Lothar Gruchmann, ' "Blutschutzgesetz" und Justiz: Entstehung und Anwendung des Nurnberger Gesetzes von 15. September 1935', in Ogan and Weiss (eds.), Faszination und Gewalt Faszination und Gewalt, 49-60. For details of further violent antisemitic outrages in the last weeks of August, see Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte , II (1935), 1,026-45, and early September, Longerich, , II (1935), 1,026-45, and early September, Longerich, Politik Politik, 107. For discussions adumbrating the Nuremberg Laws from 1933 onwards, see Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 118-23.
76 'Die Reichstagsrede des Fuhrers', 'Die Reichstagsrede des Fuhrers', Berliner Tageblatt Berliner Tageblatt, 438, 16 September 1935, 2. Longerich, Politik Politik, 102-5, and Bankier, The Germans The Germans, 41-66, make it clear that the Nuremberg Laws were not a last-minute improvisation; see also Werner Strauss, "'Das Reichsministerium des Innern und die Judengesetzgebung": Aufzeichnungen von Dr. Bernhard Losener', VfZ VfZ 9 (1961), 264-313; Friedlander, 9 (1961), 264-313; Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 141-50; and Hermann Graml, Reichskristallnacht Reichskristallnacht, 133-56.
77 'Goring begrundet die Gesetze', 'Goring begrundet die Gesetze', Berliner Tageblatt Berliner Tageblatt, 438, 16 September 1935, 2.
78 Longerich, Longerich, Politik Politik, 105-6.
79 . Beate Meyer, 'The Mixed Marriage: A Guarantee of Survival or a Reflection of German Society during the n.a.z.i Regime?', in Bankier (ed.), . Beate Meyer, 'The Mixed Marriage: A Guarantee of Survival or a Reflection of German Society during the n.a.z.i Regime?', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 54-77; Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 15 1, for the statistics, and also Beate Meyer's fundamental study, 'Judische Mischlinge': Ra.s.senpolitik und Verfolgungserfahrung 1933-1945 'Judische Mischlinge': Ra.s.senpolitik und Verfolgungserfahrung 1933-1945 (Hamburg, 1999), 25, 162-5. The first head-count of Jews on the racial basis provided by the Nuremberg Laws was in the Census of 1939 ( (Hamburg, 1999), 25, 162-5. The first head-count of Jews on the racial basis provided by the Nuremberg Laws was in the Census of 1939 (Statistisches Jahrbuch fur das Deutsche Reich, 59 (Berlin, 1941-2), 27: 'Die Juden und judische Mischlinge in den Reichsteilen und nach Gemeindegrossenkla.s.sen 1939').
80 Jeremy Noakes, 'The Development of n.a.z.i Policy towards the German-Jewish ' Jeremy Noakes, 'The Development of n.a.z.i Policy towards the German-Jewish 'Mischlinge', 1933-1945', Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Year Book Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Year Book, 34 (1989), 291-354; idem, 'Wohin geh.o.r.en die "Judenmischlinge"? Die Entstehung der ersten Durchfuhrungsverordnungen zu den Nurnberger Gesetzen', in Ursula b.u.t.tner (ed.), Das Unrechtsrregime: Internationale Forschung uber der Nationalsozialismus: Festschrift fur Werner Jochmann zum 65. Geburtstag Das Unrechtsrregime: Internationale Forschung uber der Nationalsozialismus: Festschrift fur Werner Jochmann zum 65. Geburtstag (2 vols., Hamburg, 1986), II. 69-89; Longerich, (2 vols., Hamburg, 1986), II. 69-89; Longerich, Politik Politik, 112-15; Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 151-67; Meynert, Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah, 247-51; Meyer, 'Judische Mischlinge' 'Judische Mischlinge', 29-31 and 96-104; Kaplan, Between Dignity and Despair Between Dignity and Despair, 74-93.
81 . Toepser-Ziegert (ed.), . Toepser-Ziegert (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen NS-Presseanweisungen, II: 1935 1935, 586 (16 September 1935).
82 Meyer, Meyer, 'Judische Mischlinge' 'Judische Mischlinge', 230-37.
83 Bryan M. Rigg, Bryan M. Rigg, Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of n.a.z.i Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of n.a.z.i Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military (Lawrence, Kans., 2002), 51-109. The t.i.tle is a misnomer: these were not 'Jewish' soldiers at all; the fact that they were half-Jewish or quarter-Jewish made them more German than Jewish as far as the armed forces were concerned. Rigg's estimates of 150,000 mixed-race German soldiers serving between 1933 and 1945 seems a considerable exaggeration, given the fact that the 1939 Census reckoned the total number of people of all ages and both s.e.xes who counted as mixed-race under the Nuremberg Laws in 1935 to be no more than 114,000 in Germany and Austria combined. (Lawrence, Kans., 2002), 51-109. The t.i.tle is a misnomer: these were not 'Jewish' soldiers at all; the fact that they were half-Jewish or quarter-Jewish made them more German than Jewish as far as the armed forces were concerned. Rigg's estimates of 150,000 mixed-race German soldiers serving between 1933 and 1945 seems a considerable exaggeration, given the fact that the 1939 Census reckoned the total number of people of all ages and both s.e.xes who counted as mixed-race under the Nuremberg Laws in 1935 to be no more than 114,000 in Germany and Austria combined.
84 . Summarized in Longerich, . Summarized in Longerich, Politik Politik, 106-11; originals in Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, II (1935), 1,026-1,045, and III (1936), 20-55; see also Otto Dov Kulka, 'Die Nurnberger Ra.s.sengesetze und die deutsche Bevolkerung im Lichte geheimer NS-Lage- und Stimmungsberichte', VfZ VfZ 32 (1964), 582-624. 32 (1964), 582-624.
85 . Behnken (ed.), . Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, III (1936), 26-7.
86 . Maschmann, . Maschmann, Account Rendered Account Rendered, 40-41.
87 . Ibid., 30. . Ibid., 30.
88 . Ibid., 30, 40-41, 45-7, 49-51, 56. . Ibid., 30, 40-41, 45-7, 49-51, 56.
89 . Longerich, . Longerich, Politik Politik, 108-9, argues persuasively against Bankier's view (The Germans, 76-80) that 'the vast majority of the population approved of the Nuremberg Laws because they identified with the racialist policy' and that 'in most cases . . . the objections stemmed from self-interest'.
90 . Wachsmann, . Wachsmann, Hitler's Prisons. .h.i.tler's Prisons, 158; Ernst Noam and Wolf-Arno Kropat (eds.), Justiz und Judenverfolgung Justiz und Judenverfolgung (2 vols., Wiesbaden, 1975), I. (2 vols., Wiesbaden, 1975), I. Juden vor Gericht 1933-1945 Juden vor Gericht 1933-1945, 109-68; Inge Marssolek, ' "Die Zeichen an der Wand". Denunziation aus der Perspektive des judischen Alltags im "Dritten Reich" ', Historical Social Research Historical Social Research, 26 (2001), 204-18.
91 . Gruchmann, ' "Blutschutzgesetz" ', 53. . Gruchmann, ' "Blutschutzgesetz" ', 53.
92 . Wachsmann, . Wachsmann, Hitler's Prisons. .h.i.tler's Prisons, 162, 180.
93 . Walter Poller, . Walter Poller, Medical Block Buchenwald: The Personal Testimony of Inmate 996, Block 36 Medical Block Buchenwald: The Personal Testimony of Inmate 996, Block 36 (London, 1988 [1946]), 128-36. (London, 1988 [1946]), 128-36.
94 . Behnken (ed.), . Behnken (ed.), Deutschland-Berichte Deutschland-Berichte, III (1936), 36, 40-41.
95 . Gellately, . Gellately, The Gestapo The Gestapo, 165-79; see also Christl Wickert, 'Popular Att.i.tudes to National Socialist Antisemitism: Denunciations for "Insidious Offenses" and "Racial Ignominy" ', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 282-95, and Wolfgang Wippermann, Das Leben in Frankfurt zur NS-Zeit Das Leben in Frankfurt zur NS-Zeit, I: Die nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung Die nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung (Frankfurt am Main, 1986), 68-83. (Frankfurt am Main, 1986), 68-83.
96 . Gellately, . Gellately, The Gestapo The Gestapo, 197-8, persuasively rejecting the argument of Sarah Gordon, Hitler, Germans and the 'Jewish Question' Hitler, Germans and the 'Jewish Question' (Princeton, N.J., 1984), that behaviour of this kind amounted to resistance to the Nuremberg Laws. See also Alexandra Przyrembel, (Princeton, N.J., 1984), that behaviour of this kind amounted to resistance to the Nuremberg Laws. See also Alexandra Przyrembel, 'Ra.s.senschande': Reinheitsmythos und Vernichtungslegitimation im Nationalsozialismus 'Ra.s.senschande': Reinheitsmythos und Vernichtungslegitimation im Nationalsozialismus (Gottingen, 2003). (Gottingen, 2003).
97 Oliver Pretzel, Afterword, in Sebastian Haffner, Oliver Pretzel, Afterword, in Sebastian Haffner, Defying Hitler: A Memoir Defying Hitler: A Memoir (London, 2002 [2000]), 241-50. (London, 2002 [2000]), 241-50.
98 . Werner Rosenstock, 'Exodus 1933-1939: A Survey of Jewish Emigration from Germany', . Werner Rosenstock, 'Exodus 1933-1939: A Survey of Jewish Emigration from Germany', Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook, 1 (1956), 373-90; Herbert A. Strauss, 'Jewish Emigration from Germany: n.a.z.i Policies and Jewish Responses', Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook, 25 (1980), 313-61, and 26 (1981), 343-409; Avraham Barkai, 'German Interests in the Haavara-Transfer Agreement 1933-1939', Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook, 35 (1990), 254-66; Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 60-65; 'Judische Bevolkerungsstatistik', in Wolfgang Benz (ed.), Die Juden in Deutschland 1933-1945: Leben unter nationalsozialistischer Herrschaft Die Juden in Deutschland 1933-1945: Leben unter nationalsozialistischer Herrschaft (Munich, 1988), 733, according to which there were roughly 100,000 non-German Jews in Germany in 1933 in addition to the 437,000 German members of the Jewish faith counted in the official statistics. In May 1939 there were still more than 25,000 non-German Jews living in Germany. The 1939 figures include Austria; the 1938 ones do not. For emigration taxes, see above, 389-90. For a local study, see Meynert, (Munich, 1988), 733, according to which there were roughly 100,000 non-German Jews in Germany in 1933 in addition to the 437,000 German members of the Jewish faith counted in the official statistics. In May 1939 there were still more than 25,000 non-German Jews living in Germany. The 1939 figures include Austria; the 1938 ones do not. For emigration taxes, see above, 389-90. For a local study, see Meynert, Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah Was vor der 'Endlosung' geschah, 178-207.
99 Francis R. Nicosia, Francis R. Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (London, 1985), 29-49; also idem, 'Ein nutzlicher Feind: Zionismus im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1933-1939', (London, 1985), 29-49; also idem, 'Ein nutzlicher Feind: Zionismus im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1933-1939', VfZ VfZ 37 (1989), 367-400; Graml, 37 (1989), 367-400; Graml, Reichskristallnacht Reichskristallnacht , 131-2; Juliane Wetzel, 'Auswanderung aus Deutschland', in Benz (ed.), , 131-2; Juliane Wetzel, 'Auswanderung aus Deutschland', in Benz (ed.), Die Juden Die Juden, 413-98, at 446-77; the Agreement is reprinted with other relevant material in Rolf Vogel, Ein Stempel hat gefehlt: Dok.u.mente zur Emigration deutscher Juden Ein Stempel hat gefehlt: Dok.u.mente zur Emigration deutscher Juden (Munich, 1977), 107-53. For the considerable difficulties facing German Jews who arrived in Palestine, see Wolfgang Benz, (Munich, 1977), 107-53. For the considerable difficulties facing German Jews who arrived in Palestine, see Wolfgang Benz, Flucht aus Deutschland: Zum Exil im 20. Jahrhundert Flucht aus Deutschland: Zum Exil im 20. Jahrhundert (Munich, 2001), 120-50, and Werner Feilchenfeld (Munich, 2001), 120-50, and Werner Feilchenfeld et al., Haavara-Transfer nach Palastina und Einwanderung deutscher Juden 1933- 1939 et al., Haavara-Transfer nach Palastina und Einwanderung deutscher Juden 1933- 1939 (Tubingen, 1972). (Tubingen, 1972).
100 Friedlander, Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 60-62, 65; Jacob Boas, 'German-Jewish Internal Politics under Hitler 1933-1939', Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook Leo Baeck Inst.i.tute Yearbook, 29 (1984), 2-25; Longerich, Politik Politik, 56-8.
101 . Yehuda Bauer, . Yehuda Bauer, My Brother's Keeper: A History of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1929-1939 My Brother's Keeper: A History of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1929-1939 (Philadelphia, Pa., 1974); Louise London, 'Jewish Refugees, Anglo-Jewry and British Government Policy', in David Cesarani (ed.), (Philadelphia, Pa., 1974); Louise London, 'Jewish Refugees, Anglo-Jewry and British Government Policy', in David Cesarani (ed.), The Making of Modern Anglo-Jewry The Making of Modern Anglo-Jewry (Oxford, 1990), 163-90; Bernard Wa.s.serstein, 'Patterns of Jewish Leadership in Great Britain during the n.a.z.i Era', in Randolph L. Braham (ed.), (Oxford, 1990), 163-90; Bernard Wa.s.serstein, 'Patterns of Jewish Leadership in Great Britain during the n.a.z.i Era', in Randolph L. Braham (ed.), Jewish Leadership during the n.a.z.i Era: Patterns of Behavior in the Free World Jewish Leadership during the n.a.z.i Era: Patterns of Behavior in the Free World (New York, 1985), 29-43. Richard Bolchover, (New York, 1985), 29-43. Richard Bolchover, British Jewry and the Holocaust British Jewry and the Holocaust (Cambridge, 1993), is a pa.s.sionate but one-sided indictment. (Cambridge, 1993), is a pa.s.sionate but one-sided indictment.
102 . Louise London, . Louise London, Whitehall and the Jews 1933-1948: British Immigration Policy and the Holocaust Whitehall and the Jews 1933-1948: British Immigration Policy and the Holocaust (Cambridge, 2000), 16-57; A. Joshua Sherman, (Cambridge, 2000), 16-57; A. Joshua Sherman, Island Refuge: Britain and Refugees from the Third Reich, 1933-1939 Island Refuge: Britain and Refugees from the Third Reich, 1933-1939 (London, 1973); Bernard Wa.s.serstein, (London, 1973); Bernard Wa.s.serstein, Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945 Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945 (Oxford, 1979); Vicki Caron, (Oxford, 1979); Vicki Caron, Uneasy Asylum: France and the Jewish Refugee Crisis, 1933-1942 Uneasy Asylum: France and the Jewish Refugee Crisis, 1933-1942 (Stanford, Calif., 1999); Fritz Kieffer, (Stanford, Calif., 1999); Fritz Kieffer, Judenverfolgung in Deutschland - eine innere Angelegenheit? Internationale Reaktionen auf die Fluchtlingsproblematik 1933-1939 Judenverfolgung in Deutschland - eine innere Angelegenheit? Internationale Reaktionen auf die Fluchtlingsproblematik 1933-1939 (Stuttgart, 2002). For Poland and Romania, see below, 606-10. (Stuttgart, 2002). For Poland and Romania, see below, 606-10.
103 Quoted in Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 428. Quoted in Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 428.
104 Paul Sauer, Paul Sauer, Die Schicksale der judischen Burger Baden-Wurttembergs wahrend der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgungszeit, 1933-1945 Die Schicksale der judischen Burger Baden-Wurttembergs wahrend der nationalsozialistischen Verfolgungszeit, 1933-1945 (Stuttgart, 1969), 138-9; see more generally Salomon Adler-Rudel, (Stuttgart, 1969), 138-9; see more generally Salomon Adler-Rudel, Judische Selbsthilfe unter dem n.a.z.iregime 1933-1939 im Spiegel der Berichte der Reichvertretung der Juden in Deutschland Judische Selbsthilfe unter dem n.a.z.iregime 1933-1939 im Spiegel der Berichte der Reichvertretung der Juden in Deutschland (Tubingen, 1974), 72-120. (Tubingen, 1974), 72-120.
105 David Kramer, 'Jewish Welfare Work under the Impact of Pauperization', in Arnold Paucker (ed.), David Kramer, 'Jewish Welfare Work under the Impact of Pauperization', in Arnold Paucker (ed.), The Jews in n.a.z.i Germany The Jews in n.a.z.i Germany (Tubingen, 1986), 173-88; Beate Gohl, (Tubingen, 1986), 173-88; Beate Gohl, Judische Wohlfahrtspflege im Nationalsozialismus: Frankfurt am Main 1933-1943 Judische Wohlfahrtspflege im Nationalsozialismus: Frankfurt am Main 1933-1943 (Frankfurt am Main, 1997); Avraham Barkai, 'Jewish Life under Persecution', in Meyer (ed.), (Frankfurt am Main, 1997); Avraham Barkai, 'Jewish Life under Persecution', in Meyer (ed.), German-Jewish History German-Jewish History, 231-57; and idem, 'Shifting Organizational Relationships', in ibid., 259-82.
106 Clemens Vollnhals, 'Judische Selbsthilfe bis 1938', in Benz (ed.), Clemens Vollnhals, 'Judische Selbsthilfe bis 1938', in Benz (ed.), Die Juden in Deutschland Die Juden in Deutschland, 314-411, at 330-41, also for the preceding paragraph.
107 . Ibid., 341-63; see also Wolf Gruner, 'Public Welfare and the German Jews under National Socialism', in Bankier (ed.), . Ibid., 341-63; see also Wolf Gruner, 'Public Welfare and the German Jews under National Socialism', in Bankier (ed.), Probing Probing, 78-105; and Adler-Rudel, Judische Selbsthilfe Judische Selbsthilfe, 19-46, 121-82.
108 Vollnhals, 'Judische Selbsthilfe'; Volker Dahm, 'Kulturelles und geistiges Leben', in Benz (ed.), Vollnhals, 'Judische Selbsthilfe'; Volker Dahm, 'Kulturelles und geistiges Leben', in Benz (ed.), Die Juden Die Juden, 75-267, at 83-124; Esriel Hildesheimer, Judische Selbstverwaltung unter dem NS-Regime: Der Existenzkampf der Reichsvertretung und Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland Judische Selbstverwaltung unter dem NS-Regime: Der Existenzkampf der Reichsvertretung und Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Tubingen, 1994); Longerich, (Tubingen, 1994); Longerich, Politik Politik, 44, 133; Dorothea Bessen, 'Der Judische Kulturbund Rhein-Ruhr 1933- 1938', in Alte Synagoge (ed.), Entrechtung und Selbsthilfe Entrechtung und Selbsthilfe, 43-65; and Paul Mendes-Flohr, 'Jewish Cultural Life under National Socialism', in Meyer (ed.), German-Jewish History German-Jewish History, IV. 283-312.
109 Henryk M. Broder and Heike Geisel, Henryk M. Broder and Heike Geisel, Premiere und Pogrom: Der Judische Kulturbund 1933-1941. Texte und Bilder Premiere und Pogrom: Der Judische Kulturbund 1933-1941. Texte und Bilder (Berlin, 1992); Hajo Bernett, (Berlin, 1992); Hajo Bernett, Der judische Sport im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1933-1938 Der judische Sport im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1933-1938 (Schorndorf, 1978); Kurt Duwell, 'Jewish Cultural Centers in n.a.z.i Germany: Expectations and Accomplishments', in Jehuda Reinharz and Walter Schatzberg (eds.), (Schorndorf, 1978); Kurt Duwell, 'Jewish Cultural Centers in n.a.z.i Germany: Expectations and Accomplishments', in Jehuda Reinharz and Walter Schatzberg (eds.), The Jewish Response to German Culture: From the Enlightenment to the Second World War The Jewish Response to German Culture: From the Enlightenment to the Second World War (Hanover, N.H., 1985), 294-316; Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 438-41; good summary in Friedlander, (Hanover, N.H., 1985), 294-316; Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 438-41; good summary in Friedlander, n.a.z.i Germany n.a.z.i Germany, 65-8.
110 Michael Meyer, 1941, quoted in Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 418, after his illegal emigration to Palestine the previous year. Michael Meyer, 1941, quoted in Wetzel, 'Auswanderung', 418, after his illegal emigration to Palestine the previous year.
111 . Ibid., 413-98, and Statistical Appendix at 733. These figures are all for the so-called ' . Ibid., 413-98, and Statistical Appendix at 733. These figures are all for the so-called 'Altreich', i.e. not including Austria or the Sudetenland.
112 Quoted in Monika Richarz (ed.), Quoted in Monika Richarz (ed.), Judisches Leben in Deutschland: Selbstzeugnisse zur Sozialgeschichte 1918-1945 Judisches Leben in Deutschland: Selbstzeugnisse zur Sozialgeschichte 1918-1945, III (Stuttgart, 1982), 339.
113 Meyer, 'The Mixed Marriage', 54-61; eadem, Meyer, 'The Mixed Marriage', 54-61; eadem, 'Judische Mischlinge' 'Judische Mischlinge', 68-76; Nathan Stoltzfus, Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Protest in n.a.z.i Germany Resistance of the Heart: Intermarriage and the Protest in n.a.z.i Germany (New York, 1996), 43-9. (New York, 1996), 43-9.
114 . Meyer, 'The Mixed Marriage'. . Meyer, 'The Mixed Marriage'.
115 Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus, Resistance Resistance, 106-8.
116 Klemperer, Klemperer, Tagebucher 1933/34 Tagebucher 1933/34, 38-9 (9 July 1933); the quotation is not in the English edition.
117 . Klemperer, . Klemperer, I Shall Bear Witness I Shall Bear Witness, 33 (9 October 1933), 60 (5 April 1934), 66 (13 June 1933), 71 (14 July 1933), 77 (4 August 1934).
118 . Ibid., 111 (23 March 1935). . Ibid., 111 (23 March 1935).
119 . Ibid., 114 (30 April 1935), 114-16 (2 May 1935), 117 (7 May 1935), 119 (30 May 1935), 124 (11 August 1935), 126 (16 September 1935), 128 (17 September 1935), 129 (6 October 1935, . Ibid., 114 (30 April 1935), 114-16 (2 May 1935), 117 (7 May 1935), 119 (30 May 1935), 124 (11 August 1935), 126 (16 September 1935), 128 (17 September 1935), 129 (6 October 1935, recte recte 5 October); also 179 (29 August 1936) and 191 (24 November 1936). 5 October); also 179 (29 August 1936) and 191 (24 November 1936).
120 . Ibid., 260 (9 October 1938). . Ibid., 260 (9 October 1938).