
The Story of the Philippines Part 16

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6. Colonel James S. Smith, 1st California Volunteer Infantry, having been appointed by proper authority Deputy Provost-Marshal of the districts of the city north of the Pasig river, will organize and establish his office as soon as possible and report location thereof to these Headquarters.

(Sgd.) _Arthur MacArthur_, Brigadier-General U. S. Volunteers.

Military Commandant and Provost-Marshal-General.

The Official Gazette of Aug. 23 is a record of the organization of the Military Government of Manila.

_Office Chief of Police._

_Manila_, P. I.

_Order_ No. 1.

By command of Brigadier-General MacArthur and Military Commandant, the Thirteenth Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry is designated to perform the police duty of this city and the commanding officer thereof is appointed Chief of Police, and Major Ed. S. Bean, Inspector of Police.

Companies D, G, J and S are hereby detailed to at once take charge of the police stations and perform the necessary duties pertaining to the position of police and maintenance of order.

C. McC. _Reeve_, Colonel 13th Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry and Chief of Police.

Aug. 22d. 1898.

_Office Chief of Police._

_Manila_, P. I.

_Order_ No. 2.

1. The following is published for the information of the police of this city:

2. Bulletin h.o.a.rds will be kept in all stations and all orders issued from this office will be posted thereon.

3. Armed native and Spanish soldiers must be disarmed before being allowed to pa.s.s through gates, either way.

4. Arrest drunk and disorderly persons.

5. Spanish officers are allowed to wear their side arms.

6. Commanding officers will have their respective districts patroled at least once each hour during the day and night.

7. Shoes must be blacked and all bra.s.ses bright and shining at all times.

8. Be courteous in your contact with both natives and Spaniards and see that all soldiers of other commands observe this rule.

9. Particular attention must be given by men at the gates to the saluting of officers in pa.s.sing through, and particularly so to the general officers.

Ed. S. Bean, Major 13th Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and Inspector of Police.

Aug. 22d, 1898.

Approved, _Reeve_, Colonel 13th Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Infantry and Chief of Police.

_Headquarters of the Provost-Marshal and Military Commandant._

Adjutant-General's Office, City of Manila, P. I., August 22nd, 1898.

_General Orders_, No. 3.

Colonel McC. Reeve, 13th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, is hereby directed to relieve the Commandante of the Guardia Civil Veterana of his functions, and will take possession of his office and will employ such officers and soldiers of his regiment _as may_ be necessary for the adequate police protection of this city.

By Command of Brigadier-General MacArthur, Provost-Marshal-General and Military Commandant, Harry C. Hale, a.s.sistant Adjutant-General.

_Order_ No. 3.

_Office Chief of Police. Manila_, P.I.

To Commanding Officer.


Notify all livery stables and other places in your districts, depositing large quant.i.ties of manure and other refuse in the streets, that they must cart it away daily, themselves.

Failure to do so will result in the arrest of the offending party.

_Ed. S. Bean_, Major 13th Minnesota Volunteers, and Inspector of Police.

August 22d, 1898.


_Reeve_, Colonel 13th Minnesota Volunteers, and Chief of Police.

_Headquarters Department of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps._

Manila, Philippine Islands, August 22nd, 1898.

_General Orders_, No. 8.

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