
The New Girl Who Found A Dead Body Part 5

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"Wow, that was the most..." Chloe started.

Jake was grinning, "The most?"

Chloe laughed, "The worst movie ever!"

"It was great, wasn't it?" Jake laughed.

"Totally! I loved it when the killer clowns all got out of the clown car. Ridiculous!" Chloe said.

"Like killer clowns from outer s.p.a.ce isn't completely ridiculous all by itself!" Jake said, getting up and moving toward the exit.

Chloe followed, "Thanks for taking me. Although, I'm not sure which was worse in all actuality a Killer Clowns From Outer s.p.a.ce or The Wishmaster."

Jake threw out the popcorn they had shared and took one last sip of his soda, "You know a movie is bad when it's supposed to be scary and you're laughing as the genie slices them in two because it's so low budget and cheesy."

"It was so bad, but I loved every minute!" Chloe smiled.

Jake stopped for a moment and looked at Chloe in silence. Chloe looked back at him.

Chloe felt suddenly self conscious and ran a hand through her hair, "What?"

Jake shook his head as if to clear it, "Nothing. I was just thinking that you look really pretty when you smile."

Chloe felt an unexpected thrill run through her and smiled uncontrollably, "Thank you."

They walked out of the movie theater in silence, enjoying each other's company and the moment.

"Want to go get some desert or something at the diner across the street?" Jake said as they exited the theater into the warm September night.

"That sounds fun!" Chloe said again, glad to not have to end their evening just yet.

She managed to glance at her watch, as they jaywalked across the street. There was n.o.body really around for it to matter. It was just after midnight. Time had flown. This was the best time she had since she had come to California. She finally felt comfortable and like she had found a good friend. Well, next to Emma, of course, but they were only just getting to know each other. It felt like she and Jake had started up where they had left off. She would be glad to rekindle their friendship.

"A table for two," Jake said to the hostess as they entered the diner.

Chloe found herself watching him as he waited for the hostess to gather some menus and seat them. He was so different from the boy she had once known and yet, like with the horror movie tonight, she knew that the little boy she once knew was still inside of him. Chloe mentally shook her mind from the place she was afraid it was going to go. He had a girlfriend that he liked, if not loved, Chloe reminded herself. The best she could hope for was his friendship.

The diner was crowded with many people Chloe recognized from school. It was obviously a popular high school late night hang out. Chloe didn't know most of their names, but their faces were already familiar. Some said h.e.l.lo to Jake as the hostess seated them into a private booth. Chloe briefly wondered if they would start gossiping about the fact that Jake was here with her instead of Kate. She pushed the thought aside.

They looked through the desert menu and each ordered a slice of pie. Chloe chose cherry pie, her favorite and Jake chose apple. Both of them ordered their pies alamode. Ice cream made everything better.

When the waitress had taken their orders and left, Jake looked at Chloe seriously, "I'm really sorry things have been so insane since you got here. I can't imagine how horrible it was to find Lora's body and then start a new school where everyone knew you the next day as the new girl who found a dead body."

"It has been hard," Chloe admitted, "But I'm doing okay."

"I think you're doing great. I just feel like I've been a real jerk. I know I've been wrapped up in school and football and Kate. I just wanted to get away from everything for a few days. It was like I couldn't not think about what was happening around me and I wanted anything and everything to distract me from it," Jake said, softly.

"I can understand that," Chloe nodded.

"Still, you came all the way out here from Chicago and I have pretty much ignored you. I feel bad," Jake said, his hand nervously playing with the straw in his water.

"It's okay," Chloe said a little more adamantly. "You have a life and a girlfriend here and I don't want to interrupt it."

"You're not and I wanted to make sure you know that. In fact, like I said, Kate and I are going to the beach tomorrow. Are you interested in coming with us?" Jake asked.

Chloe's immediate thought was yes, but she hesitated. She knew that Kate would not appreciate her intrusion into their beach date, "I don't know..."

"Oh come on. It'll be fun," Jake cajoled.

"Well, I'm not sure Kate..." Chloe started.

"Kate will be fine with it. I know how she comes off. It's all an act. She has a tough time trusting people. Her family life has been really rotten and she had a really bad relationship experience before me. Inside she's really sweet and caring. I know you guys can be friends and I know she hasn't been exactly the sweetest to you. I think she's afraid I'll ditch her, disappear on her. I won't. That's one thing I'd never do. It was done to me and I wouldn't do that," Jake was suddenly lost in his own thoughts.

"She's lucky to have a guy like you," Chloe said, meaning it.

"Thanks," Jake smiled.

Chloe smiled in return. It quickly faded when over Jake's shoulder she saw a disheveled Kate walk into the diner. She was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, hair unruly, with no make-up. She looked completely unlike the well coiffed girl Chloe had grown used to seeing. Kate looked around distractedly, searching, and then locked eyes with Chloe.

Chloe glanced at Jake, who was still smiling at her, "Uh, Jake I think we have a..."

Chloe wasn't able to get the words out by the time an angry Kate approached them, "Jake! What are you two doing here?"

Jake looked shocked, "Kate? What are you doing here? I thought you had things to do?"

Kate had her hands on her hips, standing formidably over the table, eyes blazing with anger. "I did have things to do, but they're done now. So, what are you doing here with her?"

The "her" had an accusatory note attached to it that felt almost like a physical slap to Chloe. She felt a distinct uncomfortableness settle over the table.

Chloe tried to intervene, "Kate, it's not what it looks like."

Kate glared at her and through gritted teeth slowly said, "I'm not talking to you."

Chloe felt silenced and looked helplessly at Jake, who still appeared to be completely sh.e.l.l shocked at Kate's appearance in the diner.

"It's not her fault," Jake said, snapping out of it, "We just went to a movie together. We talked about this, Kate. Chloe and I live in the same house together. We were best friends as kids. I want to be friends with her again. It has nothing to do with you."

Kate looked torn, wondering if she should believe him. Chloe wished she were anyplace else. Jake was staring at Kate.

"I would never hurt you or cheat on you. I promise," Jake said softly, taking Kate's arm in his and trying to pull her down into the booth next to him.

The fight seemed to have gone out of Kate suddenly and she slid into the booth with Jake. Chloe wished again that she could leave, but there was still nowhere for her to go.

"I'm sorry," Kate said tearfully. "I just got this call from Brenda and she said that you were here with another girl and everyone was talking about it and I flipped out. I'm so sorry."

Jake put his arm around Kate, holding her close. Chloe found herself suddenly sad for Kate and slightly guilty for her own mixed emotions for Jake. She also felt incredibly uncomfortable for being witness to such a private moment. Jake was her ride home, though. It wasn't like she could make an excuse and leave.

They sat in silence for a long moment and then Kate turned to Chloe and in the most sincere voice said, "I'm really sorry, Chloe."

"That's okay," Chloe found herself saying, just as sincerely in return. For Jake's sake she would continue to try her best with Kate.

"Thank you," Kate said softly, burying her head in Jake's arm.

"I think we should go," Jake said to Chloe, over Kate's head.

Chloe nodded, "I'll go get the waitress to get our pies to go."

Chloe got up and went toward the main counter of the diner, leaving Kate and Jake alone in the booth. She felt sorry for Kate and yet, felt like Kate's jealousy was getting beyond normal. But, Chloe found herself thinking, Kate did seem really sincere about the apology. She decided to simply forgive Kate. She could still try and be friends with her, that is if Kate would finally stop accusing her of trying to steal Jake.

Chapter 7: The Almost Dead Girl.

Chloe felt the glow of the sun on her skin and smiled. This was perfect weather. If it had been like this since the beginning Chloe could easily have decided that moving to California for her senior year of high school was the best thing she could have done. She took a deep breath of salty ocean air and glorified in being on the beach the week after the start of the school year.

At home in Illinois, she would have been sitting inside her air-conditioned house watching television. The mosquitoes and the insufferable, muggy heat drove most sane people inside. A sunny California beach was a much nicer way to kick off the end of the summer. Chloe hoped that the beach weather would last much further into the school year. She wanted to take full advantage of it.

"Hey, Chloe, interested in a swim?" Jake said, as he looked down at her, shading his crystal blue eyes, with his hand.

"Yeah, Chloe, come on!" Kate said, smiling and reaching to pull Chloe up.

Chloe had been amazed when a giggling, almost unrecognizable Kate had burst into her room at nine o'clock that morning with coffee in hand, urging her to get ready for a day spent relaxing at the beach with her and Jake. Chloe knew she couldn't refuse, even if the scene the night before had disturbed her.

Chloe spent the morning being distrustful of Kate, unsure why Kate was suddenly being so nice to her. A dramatic change had overtaken Kate since the night before and she seemed to be a completely different girl. Chloe could finally see the charm Jake saw in her. This giggly, smiling girl was a side to Kate that was totally new. Secretly, though, Chloe still wondered what sort of traumatic incidents brought out the brusque, almost crazy jealous Kate, Chloe had first known.

Jake ran ahead of them and splashed into the water, flailing around goofily and performing for their benefit. Kate glanced at Chloe, laughing, and Chloe smiled back.

"He can be such a goofball," Kate said, wading into the water, still smiling.

"It's his charm," Chloe added.

"So, you guys were friends as kids?" Kate asked as they went deeper into the water, although Chloe knew she already knew the answer.

"Yeah, until he moved away to California," Chloe responded.

Jake had swum out quite a distance further and was jumping into the waves like a little boy, entranced by the ocean as if it was a toy for his amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Hey, I keep meaning to talk to you," Chloe started, looking hesitantly at Kate.

"Yeah?" Kate said, eyebrows raised with antic.i.p.ation.

"I know we kind of started out on an awkward foot. I mean, it felt a little tense when I first met you, but I just wanted you to know that I have no intentions toward Jake or anything," Chloe said, awkwardly.

"Intentions? Whoever said I thought you were trying to steal Jake?" Kate asked, voice rising slightly.

"Well, I mean, with last night and everything... But, I just wanted to let you know that I just want to be friends with him. I'm not trying to mess with your relationship with him or anything," Chloe said in a rush, trying to explain.

"Uh-huh," Kate said as if she didn't believe a word Chloe was saying.

Chloe frowned, "I'm being completely serious."

"Yeah," Kate said sarcastically, moving away from Chloe toward Jake, without looking back.

Chloe wasn't sure what to do. Should she follow Kate and pretend nothing was wrong? Kate obviously didn't believe her. So, why had she been so nice and smiley all day? Was it just for Jake's benefit? Chloe frowned. She had only wanted to set things right between them. She had only wanted to get to know the side of Kate that she had been showing before this conversation. Who was the real Kate and which was the facade?

Chloe watched as Jake enveloped Kate in a hug and tried to twirl her through the water. Chloe quickly looked away. Even though it didn't bother her that they were dating, she didn't need to watch them start making out.

Chloe dove under a wave, letting the cool ocean water wet her hair. She came out above water, the warm air pleasant after the slightly chilly water. Chloe wiped the water out of her eyes and glanced back at Jake and Kate, who were absorbed in themselves, splashing and flirting with each other.

Chloe suddenly felt like a third wheel. Perhaps she shouldn't have come to the beach after all. Kate was obviously very two sided. She showed Jake the nice side and the b.i.t.c.hy side clearly came out when she was talking to Chloe.

So much for trying to be friends with Kate, Chloe thought. Chloe went under the water again, hoping that the peaceful underwater world she was gliding through would help bring her a sense of peacefulness instead of the agitation she was starting to feel.

Chloe swam to the surface breaking out above the water again. She turned to look back at Jake and Kate a second time, just in time to catch Kate looking over at her. They stared at each other for a moment and then Chloe was swept off balance as a large wave crashed over her, knocking her underneath it with its sheer force. It pushed her under and suddenly Chloe felt a strong pull of water over her body sucking her deeper into the ocean, pulling her out to sea. Chloe panicked, kicking at the unseen force, struggling to push her way toward the sky and the open air. Her lungs were on fire, but she didn't dare let herself breathe in the water surrounding her. She hadn't taken a deep breath before being pulled under and she was rapidly running out of time to make it to the surface. The calm silence of the ocean water that had been so relaxing a moment before was quickly becoming terrifying. Chloe was suddenly unsure which direction was beckoning toward the surface. Things were becoming confusing.

Chloe moved her arms and kicked her legs toward the surface as hard as she possibly could. She thought she felt her hand reach open air, but she couldn't be sure. She kicked harder, hoping that her mind wasn't starting to play tricks on her.

Again, Chloe thought she felt her hand slice out of the water into the open air. She felt herself flail back downward as another wave crashed over her. She involuntarily breathed in, forgetting that she was still underwater. Water surged into her nose and mouth and she lost all sense of control in utter panic. Chloe felt something grab her wrist and pull her upwards and then everything went black.

Chloe opened her eyes. Everything was hazy as her eyes tried to bring her surroundings into focus. She was coughing. Her lungs hurt. Her body hurt. She was having trouble taking in air. There was sand beneath her. She was on the beach. She was alive. Somehow she had made it out of the water. Chloe wanted to breathe in air as deeply as she could, but it only started her coughing again.

"Are you okay? Chloe? Can you hear me?" a disembodied voice said above her.

Chloe focused on it, feeling surprised when she recognized Grey's pale face staring down from above her. His jeans and T-shirt were drenched and his hair was sticking to his head. It would have been funny if he didn't look so serious and concerned.

"Did you call the ambulance?" Grey said over her head to someone else.

Chloe shifted her focus and saw Jake and Kate looking down at her, both seeming just as frightened and relieved as Grey.

"They're coming," Kate said, clutching Jake's shoulder.

"Maybe you should go wait for them by the road," Grey said to Kate.

"I'm sure they can see us," Kate said, clutching Jake tighter.

"I'll go," Jake said, moving to get up.

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The New Girl Who Found A Dead Body Part 5 summary

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