
The Mentor: The Weather Part 3

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The Mentor Index

An index to The Mentor has been prepared, and is now ready. Every number of The Mentor, from Serial No. 1 through 106, has been indexed. It is a complete, concise, and accurate grouping of all the subjects treated in The Mentor, under three headings--the gravure pictures, the monographs, and The Mentor articles. Every subject is carefully indexed so that the information desired may be quickly and easily found.

Every member of The Mentor a.s.sociation should own this index, and every member will want to own it, particularly if his or her file of back numbers is complete.

The index is the same size as The Mentor and similar in style, so that it may be bound in with the numbers of The Mentor themselves. The price is twenty-five cents a copy. It would be advisable to place your order at once, as the first edition is limited.

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These are the men and women who make The Mentor--all of them eminent authorities in their special fields of knowledge.

JOHN C. VAN d.y.k.e, Professor of the History of Art, Rutgers College, and Author of many books.

HAMILTON W. MABIE, Editor of The Outlook, and Author and Literary Critic.

DWIGHT L. ELMENDORF, Traveler and Lecturer.

ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, Professor of Government, Harvard University.

DR. WILLIAM T. HORNADAY, Director of the New York Zoological Park, and Author of many nature books.

ROBERT E. PEARY, Discoverer of the North Pole.

PROF. CHARLES E. FAY, Tufts College, and First President of the American Alpine Club.

WILLIAM WINTER, celebrated Critic and Author.

JAMES HUNEKER, Author and Critic.

GUSTAV KOBBe, Art Critic of the New York Herald, and Author of many books.

LORADO TAFT, well-known American Sculptor and Author.

W. J. HENDERSON, Music Critic of the New York Sun, and Author of many books.

STEPHEN BONSAL, Author and War Correspondent.

E. H. FORBUSH, State Ornithologist of Ma.s.sachusetts, and Author of many books.

BURGES JOHNSON, Professor, Va.s.sar College, Author and Humorist.

ARTHUR HOEBER, Artist, Critic and Author.

DANIEL C. BEARD, Author, Artist, and celebrated Naturalist.

SAMUEL ISHAM, distinguished Art Critic and Author.

H. ADDINGTON BRUCE, Author of many books.

PROF. C. R. RICHARDS, Director of Cooper Union, New York City.

ROBERT M. McELROY, Professor of American History, Princeton University.

CLARENCE WARD, Professor of Architecture, Rutgers College.

IDA M. TARBELL, well-known Magazine Writer and Author of many books.

HENRY T. FINCK, Music Editor of the New York Evening Post, and Author of various books.

J. T. WILLING, Art Editor and Author.

GEORGE W. BOTSFORD, Professor of Ancient History, Columbia University.

H. E. KREHBIEL, Music Critic of the New York Tribune, and Author of various books.

F. J. MATHER, Jr., Professor of Art and Archeology, Princeton University.

FREDERICK PALMER, Celebrated War Correspondent, and Author of various books.

HENRY WOODHOUSE, Editor of "Flying," and an authority on aeronautics.

WILLIAM A. COFFIN, N. A., well-known Artist and Author.

KENYON c.o.x, N. A., distinguished Artist, Author and Instructor in art.

ESTHER SINGLETON, Author of many books.

WALTER PRICHARD EATON, well-known Magazine Writer and Author of various books.

JOHN K. MUMFORD, Author and Expert on rugs.

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