
The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 55

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4. P. Chicasa, Michx. (CHICKASAW PLUM.) Stem scarcely th.o.r.n.y (8--15 high); _leaves nearly lanceolate, finely serrulate, glabrous_; fruit globular, _red, nearly dest.i.tute of bloom_ (--{2/3}' in diameter); the ovoid stone almost as thick as wide, rounded at both sutures, one of them minutely grooved.--Md. to Fla., west to S. Ind., Kan., and Tex.

5. P. gracilis, Engelm. & Gray. _Soft-p.u.b.escent_, 1--4 high; _leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate, acute, sharply serrate_, becoming nearly glabrous above, 1--2' long; _pedicels and calyx p.u.b.escent_; fruit less than ' in diameter; stone rather turgid, suborbicular.--Prairies and sandy places, S. Kan. to Tex. and Tenn.

6. P. pumila, L. (DWARF CHERRY. SAND C.) Smooth, depressed and trailing (6'--6 high); _leaves obovate-lanceolate, tapering to the base_, somewhat toothed near the apex, _pale underneath_; flowers 2--4 together; fruit ovoid, dark red or nearly black when ripe, without bloom; stone ovoid, marginless, of the size of a large pea.--Rocks or sandy banks, N. Brunswick to Va., west to Minn. and Kan. Fruit usually sour and astringent.

7. P. Pennsylvanica, L. f. (WILD RED CHERRY.) Tree 20--30 high, with light red-brown bark; _leaves oblong-lanceolate, pointed, finely and sharply serrate, shining, green and smooth both sides_; flowers many in a cl.u.s.ter, on long pedicels; fruit globose, light red, very small, with thin and sour flesh; stone globular.--Rocky woods, Newf. to N. C., west to Minn. and Mo.

P. SPINSA, L. (SLOE. BLACK THORN.) Branches th.o.r.n.y; _leaves obovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, sharply serrate, at length glabrous_; pedicels glabrous; fruit small, globular, black with a bloom, the stone turgid, acute on one edge.--Var. INSIt.i.tIA (BULLACE-PLUM), is less spiny, the pedicels and lower side of the leaves p.u.b.escent.--Roadsides and waste places, N. Eng. to Penn. and N. J. (Adv.

from Eu.)

-- 2. PADUS. _Drupe small, globose, without bloom; the stone turgid-ovate, marginless; flowers in racemes terminating leafy branches, therefore appearing after the leaves, late in spring._

8. P. Virginiana, L. (CHOKE-CHERRY.) A tall shrub, with grayish bark; _leaves oval, oblong, or obovate, abruptly pointed, very sharply (often doubly) serrate with slender teeth_, thin; petals roundish; fruit red turning to dark crimson; stone smooth.--River-banks, Newf. to Ga., west to Minn., E. Neb., and Tex.--Fruit very austere and astringent. A variety with very short dense racemes and sweeter yellowish fruit has been found at Dedham, Ma.s.s.

9. P. sertina, Ehrh. (WILD BLACK CHERRY.) A large tree, with reddish-brown branches; _leaves oblong or lanceolate-oblong, taper-pointed, serrate with incurved short and callous teeth_, thickish, shining above; racemes elongated; petals obovate; fruit purplish-black.--Woods, N. Scotia to Fla., west to Minn., E. Neb., and La.--Fruit slightly bitter, but with a pleasant vinous flavor.

10. P. demissa, Walp. Low but tree-like in habit, 3--12 high, resembling n. 8 in foliage, but the leaves rather thick and the teeth less slender; racemes often elongated; fruit purplish-black, sweet and but slightly astringent.--Central Kan. and Neb. to New Mex., Dak., and westward.


Calyx 5-cleft, short, persistent. Petals 5, obovate, equal, imbricated in the bud. Stamens 10--50. Pods (follicles) 5--8, not inflated, few--several-seeded. Seeds linear, with a thin or loose coat and no alb.u.men.--Shrubs or perennial herbs, with simple or pinnate leaves, and white or rose-colored flowers in corymbs or panicles. (The Greek name, from spe????, _to twist_, from the twisting of the pods in the original species.)

-- 1. SPIRaeA proper. _Erect shrubs, with simple leaves; stipules obsolete; pods mostly 5, several-seeded._

1. S. betulaeflia, Pall., var. corymbsa, Watson. Nearly smooth (1--2 high); leaves oval or ovate, cut-toothed toward the apex; _corymbs large, flat_, several times compound; _flowers white_. (S. corymbosa, _Raf._)--Mountains of Penn. and N. J. to Ga., west to Ky. and Mo.

2. S. saliciflia, L. (COMMON MEADOW-SWEET.) _Nearly smooth_ (2--3 high); leaves wedge-lanceolate, simply or doubly serrate; _flowers in a crowded panicle_, white or flesh-color; pods smooth.--Wet or low grounds, Newf. to the mountains of Ga., west to Minn. and Mo.; also to the far northwest. (Eu.)

3. S. tomentsa, L. (HARDHACK. STEEPLE-BUSH.) _Stems and lower surface of the_ ovate or oblong serrate _leaves very woolly_; flowers in short racemes crowded in a dense panicle, rose-color, rarely white; pods woolly.--Low grounds, N. Scotia to the mountains of Ga., west to Minn.

and Kan.

-- 2. ULMaRIA. _Perennial herbs, with pinnate leaves and panicled cymose flowers; stipules kidney-form; pods 5--8, 1--2-seeded._

4. S. lobata, Jacq. (QUEEN OF THE PRAIRIE.) Glabrous (2--8 high); leaves interruptedly pinnate; the terminal leaflet very large, 7--9-parted, the lobes incised and toothed; panicle compound-cl.u.s.tered, on a long naked peduncle; flowers deep peach-blossom color, handsome, the petals and sepals often in fours.--Meadows and prairies, Penn. to Ga., west to Mich., Ky., and Iowa.

-- 3. ARuNCUS. _Perennial herbs, with dicious whitish flowers in many slender spikes, disposed in a long compound panicle; leaves thrice pinnate; stipules obsolete; pods 3--5, several-seeded; pedicels reflexed in fruit._

5. S. Aruncus, L. (GOAT'S-BEARD.) Smooth, tall; leaflets thin, lanceolate-oblong, or the terminal ones ovate-lanceolate, taper-pointed, sharply cut and serrate.--Rich woods, N. Y. and Penn. to Ga. in the mountains, west to Iowa and Mo.


Carpels 1--5, inflated, 2-valved; ovules 2--4. Seeds roundish, with a smooth and shining crustaceous testa and copious alb.u.men. Stamens 30--40. Otherwise as Spiraea.--Shrubs, with simple palmately-lobed leaves and umbel-like corymbs of white flowers. (Name from f?sa, _a bladder_, and ?a?p??, _fruit_.)

1. P. opuliflius, Maxim. Shrub 4--10 high, with long recurved branches, the old bark loose and separating in numerous thin layers; leaves roundish, somewhat 3-lobed and heart-shaped; the purplish membranaceous pods very conspicuous. (Spiraea opulifolia, _L._ Neillia opulifolia, _Benth. & Hook._)--Rocky banks of streams, N. Eng. to Fla., west to Mo., and the Pacific northward. Often cultivated.


Calyx narrow, somewhat constricted at the throat, 5-toothed; teeth erect. Petals 5, rather unequal, linear-lanceolate, inserted in the throat of the calyx, convolute in the bud. Stamens 10--20, included.

Pods 5, included, at first lightly cohering with each other, 2--4-seeded. Seeds ascending, with a close coriaceous coat, and some alb.u.men.--Perennial herbs, with almost sessile 3-foliolate leaves; the thin leaflets doubly serrate and incised. Flowers loosely paniculate-corymbed, pale rose-color or white. (Dedicated to an obscure German botanist or physician, _A. Gille_, or _Gillenius_.)

1. G. trifoliata, Moench. (BOWMAN'S ROOT.) Leaflets ovate-oblong, pointed, cut-serrate; stipules small, awl-shaped, entire.--Rich woods, N. Y. to N. J. and Ga., west to Mich., Ind., and Mo.

2. G. stipulacea, Nutt. (AMERICAN IPECAC.) Leaflets lanceolate, deeply incised; stipules large and leaf-like, doubly incised.--Western N. Y.

and Penn. to S. Ind. and Kan., south to Ala. and La.

5. RuBUS, Tourn. BRAMBLE.

Calyx 5-parted, without bractlets. Petals 5, deciduous. Stamens numerous. Achenes usually many, collected on a spongy or succulent receptacle, becoming small drupes; styles nearly terminal.--Perennial herbs, or somewhat shrubby plants, with white (rarely reddish) flowers, and edible fruit. (The Roman name, kindred with _ruber_, red.)

-- 1. _Fruit, or collective ma.s.s of drupes, falling off whole from the dry receptacle when ripe, or of few grains which fall separately._--RASPBERRY.

[*] _Leaves simple; flowers large; p.r.i.c.kles none; fruit and receptacle flat and broad._

1. R. odoratus, L. (PURPLE FLOWERING-RASPBERRY.) _Stem shrubby_ (3--5 high); _branches, stalks, and calyx bristly with glandular clammy hairs_; leaves 3--5-lobed, the lobes pointed and minutely toothed, the middle one prolonged; peduncles many-flowered; flowers showy (2' broad); calyx-lobes tipped with a long narrow appendage; _petals rounded, purple rose-color_; fruit reddish.--N. Scotia to N. J. and Ga., west to Mich.

2. R. Nutka.n.u.s, Mocino. (SALMON-BERRY.) _Glandular_, scarcely bristly; leaves almost equally 5-lobed, coa.r.s.ely toothed; peduncles few-flowered; _petals oval, white_.--Upper Mich., Minn., and westward.

3. R. Chamaemrus, L. (CLOUD-BERRY. BAKED-APPLE BERRY.) _Herbaceous, low, dicious; stem simple, 2--3-leaved, 1-flowered_; leaves roundish-kidney-form, somewhat 5-lobed, serrate, wrinkled; calyx-lobes pointless; _petals obovate, white_; fruit of few grains, amber-color.--In sphagnous swamps, highest peaks of White Mts., coast of E. Maine, and north and west to the Arctic regions. (Eu.)

[*][*] _Leaflets (pinnately or pedately) 3--5; petals small, erect, white._

[+] _Stems annual, herbaceous, not p.r.i.c.kly; fruit of few separate grains._

4. R. triflrus, Richardson. (DWARF RASPBERRY.) Stems ascending (6--12'

high) or trailing, leaflets 3 (or pedately 5), rhombic-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute at both ends, coa.r.s.ely doubly serrate, thin, smooth; peduncle 1--3-flowered.--Wooded hillsides, Lab. to N. J., west to Minn. and Iowa. Sepals and petals often 6 or 7. This appears to be more properly a blackberry.

[+][+] _Stems biennial and woody, p.r.i.c.kly; receptacle oblong; fruit hemispherical._

5. R. strigsus, Michx. (WILD RED RASPBERRY.) _Stems upright_, and with the stalks, etc., _beset with stiff straight bristles_ (or a few becoming weak hooked p.r.i.c.kles), glandular when young, somewhat glaucous; leaflets 3--5, oblong-ovate, pointed, cut-serrate, whitish-downy underneath, the lateral ones sessile; petals as long as the sepals; _fruit light red_.--Thickets and hills, Lab. to N. J., and south in the mountains to N. C., west to Minn. and Mo.

6. R. occidentalis, L. (BLACK RASPBERRY. THIMBLEBERRY.) _Glaucous all over; stems recurved, armed_ like the stalks, etc., _with hooked p.r.i.c.kles, not bristly_; leaflets 3 (rarely 5), ovate, pointed, coa.r.s.ely doubly serrate, whitened-downy underneath, the lateral ones somewhat stalked; petals shorter than the sepals; _fruit purple-black_ (rarely a whitish variety), ripe early in July.--Common, especially northward.--An apparent hybrid (R. neglectus, _Peck_) between this and the last species occurs, with characters intermediate between the two, and growing with them.

-- 2. _Fruit, or collective drupes, not separating from the juicy prolonged receptacle, mostly ovate or oblong, blackish; stems p.r.i.c.kly and flowers white._--BLACKBERRY.

7. R. villsus, Ait. (COMMON or HIGH BLACKBERRY.) Shrubby (1--6 high), furrowed, _upright or reclining, armed with stout curved p.r.i.c.kles_; branchlets, stalks, and lower surface of the leaves _hairy and glandular_; leaflets 3 (or pedately 5), ovate, pointed, unequally serrate, the terminal ones somewhat heart-shaped, conspicuously stalked; _flowers racemed, numerous_; bracts short; sepals linear-pointed, much shorter than the obovate-oblong spreading petals.--Borders of thickets, etc., common, and very variable in size, aspect, and shape of fruit.--Var. FRONDSUS, Torr., is smoother and much less glandular, with flowers more corymbose, leafy bracts and roundish petals. With the type, more common at the north.--Var. HUMIFuSUS, Torr. & Gray, is smaller and trailing, with peduncles few-flowered. More common southward, and connecting with the next species.

8. R. Canadensis, L. (LOW BLACKBERRY. DEWBERRY.) _Shrubby, extensively trailing, slightly p.r.i.c.kly_; leaflets 3 (or pedately 5--7), oval or ovate-lanceolate, mostly pointed, thin, _nearly smooth_, sharply cut-serrate; flowers racemed, with leaf-like bracts.--Dry fields, common; Newf. to Va., west to central Minn. and E. Kan.

9. R. hispidus, L. (RUNNING SWAMP-BLACKBERRY.) _Stems slender, scarcely woody, extensively proc.u.mbent, beset with small reflexed p.r.i.c.kles_; leaflets 3 (or rarely pedately 5), _smooth, thickish, mostly persistent_, obovate, obtuse, coa.r.s.ely serrate, entire toward the base; _peduncles leafless, several-flowered, often bristly; flowers small_; fruit of few grains, black.--In low woods or swampy gra.s.sy ground, N. Scotia to Ga., west to Minn. and E. Kan.

10. R. cuneiflius, Pursh. (SAND BLACKBERRY.) _Shrubby_ (1--3 high), _upright, armed with stout recurved p.r.i.c.kles, branchlets and lower side of the leaves whitish-woolly_; leaflets 3--5, wedge-obovate, thickish, serrate above; peduncles 2--4-flowered; _petals large_.--Sandy woods, southern N. Y. and Penn. to Fla., west to Mo. and La.

11. R. trivialis, Michx. (LOW BUSH-BLACKBERRY.) _Shrubby, proc.u.mbent_, bristly and p.r.i.c.kly; _leaves evergreen, coriaceous, nearly glabrous_; leaflets 3 (or pedately 5), ovate-oblong or lanceolate, sharply serrate; peduncles 1--3-flowered; petals large.--Sandy soil, Va. to Fla., west to Mo. and Tex.

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The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States Part 55 summary

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