
The Maker of Opportunities Part 3

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He had chosen wisely. At Cairo, where he had been sent to fill a temporary vacancy caused by the death of the consul general and subsequent illness of his deputy, he found himself suddenly in charge of the consular office in the fullest press of business, with diplomatic functions requiring both ingenuity and discretion.

After all, it was very simple. The business of a consulate was child's play, and the usual phases in the life of a diplomat were to be requisitely met by the usages of gentility--a quality Burnett discovered was not too amply possessed by those political gentlemen who sat abroad in the posts of honor to represent the great republic.

He thought that if he could get a post, however small, with plenary powers, he would be happy. But, alas! He had been away from home so long that he didn't even know whether his senator was dead or alive, and when he reached Washington, a month or so after the inauguration, he realized how small were his chances for preferment.

The President and Secretary of State were besieged daily by powerful politicians, and one by one the posts coveted, even the smallest of them, were taken by frock-coated, soft-hatted, flowing-tied gentlemen, whom he had noticed lounging and chewing tobacco in the Willard Hotel lobby. It was apparently with such persons that power took preferment.

His roseate dreams vanished. Ross Burnett was a mere State Department drudge again at twelve hundred a year!

He told Crabb that he had spoken to the chief of the diplomatic bureau in despair.

"Isn't there any way, Crowthers?" he had asked. "Can't a fellow ever get any higher?"

"If he had a pull, he might--but a consular clerk----" The shake of Crowthers' head was eloquent.

"Isn't there anything a fellow--even a consular clerk--could do to win promotion in this service?" he continued.

Crowthers had looked at him quizzically.

"Yes, there's one thing. If you could do that, you might ask the Secretary for anything you wanted."

"And that----"

"Get the text of the treaty between Germany and China from Baron Arnim."

Crowthers had chuckled. Crabb chuckled, too. He thought it a very good joke. Baron Arnim had been the special envoy of Germany to China, accredited to the court of the Eastern potentate with the special mission of formulating a new and secret treaty between these monarchs.

He was now returning home carrying a copy of this doc.u.ment in his baggage.

Burnett had laughed. It _was_ a good joke.

"You'd better send me out again," Burnett had said, hopelessly.

"Anything from Arakan to Zanzibar will do for me."

Crabb listened to the story with renewed marks of appreciation.

"So you've been out and doing in the world, after all?" he said, languidly, "while we--_eheu jam satis!_--have glutted ourselves with the stale and unprofitable. How I envy you!"

Burnett smoked silently. It was very easy to envy from the comfortable vantage ground of a hundred and fifty thousand a year.

"Why, man, if you knew how sick of it all I am," sighed Crabb, "you'd thank your stars for the lucky dispensation that took you out of it.

Ra.s.selas was right. I've been pursuing the phantoms of hope for thirty years, and I'm still hopeless. There have been a few bright spots"--Crabb smiled at his cigar ash--"a very few, and far between."

"Bored as ever, Crabb?"

"Immitigably. To live in the thick of things and see nothing but the pale drabs and grays. No red anywhere. Oh, for a pa.s.sion that would burn and sear--love, hate, fear! I'm forever courting them all. And here I am still cool, colorless and unscarred. Only once"--his gray eyes lit up marvelously--"only once did I learn the true relation of life to death, Burnett; only once. That was when the _Blue Wing_ struggled six days in a hurricane with Hatteras under her lee. It was glorious. They may talk of love and hate as they will; fear, I tell you, is the t.i.tan of pa.s.sions."

Burnett was surprised at this unmasking.

"You should try big game," he said, carelessly.

"I have," said the other; "both beasts and men--and here I am in flannels and a red tie! I've skinned the one and been skinned by the other--to what end?"

"You've bought experience."

"Cheap at any cost. You can't buy fear. Love comes in varieties at the market values. Hate can be bought for a song; but fear, genuine and amazing, is priceless--a gem which only opportunity can provide; and how seldom opportunity knocks at any man's door!"

"Crabb the original--the esoteric!"

"Yes. The same. The very same. And you, how different! How sober and rounded!"

There was a silence, contemplative, retrospective on both their parts.

Crabb broke it.

"Tell me, old man," he said, "about your position. Isn't there any chance?"

Burnett smiled a little bitterly.

"I'm a consular clerk at twelve hundred a year during good behavior.

When I've said that, I've said it all."

"But your future?"

"I'm not in line of promotion."

"Impossible! Politics?"

"Exactly. I've no pull to speak of."

"But your service?"

"I've been paid for that."

"Isn't there any other way?"

"Oh, yes," Burnett laughed, "that treaty. I happened to know something about it when I was out there. It has to do with neutrality, trade ports and coaling stations; but just what, the devil only knows, and his deputy, Baron Arnim, won't tell. Arnim is now in Washington, ostensibly sight-seeing, but really to confer with Von Schlichter, the amba.s.sador there, about it. You see, we've got rather more closely into the Eastern question than we really like, and a knowledge of Germany's att.i.tude is immensely important to us."

"Pray go on," drawled Crabb.

"That's all there is. The rest was a joke. Crowthers wants me to get the text of that treaty from Baron Arnim's dispatch-box."

"Entertaining!" said Crabb, with clouding brow. And then, after a pause, with all the seriousness in the world: "And aren't you going to?"

Burnett turned to look at him in surprise.


"Get it. The treaty."

"The treaty! From Baron Arnim! You don't know much of diplomacy, Crabb."

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