
The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882 Part 6

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So with many Christians, they reverse the order of things as laid down in the Bible. They make Christ to come before Anti-Christ, and Anti-Christ to come before the Jews and Ten Lost Tribes are gathered together again and settled after their first estate in Palestine. The Millerites could neither have deceived themselves nor others had they taken knowledge of the relation of things. The Jews and Lost Tribes had not been gathered together then, the temple had not been built in Jerusalem, as described in the last chapter of Ezekiel, neither had Anti-Christ appeared. But such was the folly of men then, and not less now than then. Four-fifths of the prophecies of the Bible refer to the history of Judah and Israel in their own land, their captivity and return in the latter day. Still men take one-fifth and confuse themselves and everybody else. They have brought the prophets and prophecy into bad repute by ignorantly or wilfully interpreting the same.

We freely avow now that the prophecy fulfilling at present is the finding of the Lost Ten Tribes, then their union with the Jews, then their restoration to Palestine, then after being settled there for some time, the Jews, as Jews, having built their new temple, and having established the Mosaic temple service again, and the Lost Tribes as Christians, then and there we may look for Anti-Christ-not before. Not for the sake of boasting, and yet without fear, we freely invite ministers or laymen anywhere to disprove these facts, and to such we will respond cheerfully if asked for farther proof. The Lost Tribes, we believe, are come to light, and may be found in the Saxon race chiefly as represented in this country and Great Britain. If this be so, then we may look for the preparatory signs in Providence and nations, and thank Heaven, these are at hand and in accord with the Divine Word.

In Nebuchadnezzar's metallic image we saw Rome symbolised by the legs, composed of iron and clay. We saw, also, that the little stone cut out of the mountain began its destructive a.s.sault on the image, by striking the feet; these it would first break, so Rome politically has disappeared. The ten toes, however, symbolised ten kings or kingdoms that were to arise in the latter day, or at the time of the end. These ten kingdoms are also symbolised in Daniel's dream by ten horns that came out of the head of the nondescript animal that stood for Rome. It is out of one of these ten horns that another little horn grows, having eyes like a man and a mouth speaking great things-that is, Anti-Christ. It is at once plain, then, that ere Anti-Christ can appear, these ten kingdoms must be formed. How, when, and where will these ten kingdoms be formed?

The clay part of Rome is still alive, and is designated by Daniel, and by John in Revelation, under the name of beast; and here you need to be careful, for the word beast is sometimes given to Anti-Christ, so as not to confound it with the word beast when it stands for the Romish Church.

They will be formed out of Spain, Italy, France, and part of Austria.

Edom, Moab, and the sons of Ammon in Austria, are to be free-that is, the Poles, Magyars, and Hungarians. The setting up of these ten kingdoms will begin in France by a revolution.

By the doctrine of infallibility, these countries are claimed by Rome, and wedded to her, and this doctrine of infallibility makes a divorce impossible. Rome waits only her time to reclaim her supposed own. And this doctrine of infallibility will make it a holy war, hence good and true Catholics everywhere will be obliged to sustain the same by their money, or presence, or prayers. This, to many of our Catholic friends, will sound strange. But this they know, if such an emergency ever does arise-they cannot well fight against the infallible Church-between commands and duties, they will readily prefer the Pope and Church to king and country.

The Jesuits are now, and have long been, preparing for such an event: they expect it. By their plottings and intrigues they will again, as many times before, involve the Church in war. They are busy sowing the seeds of discord. In past time both the Church itself and nations have banished these crafty fellows from their pale and country. The United States alone, of the nations of the earth, is the only one that has not so done. But even among us they are plotting and manuvring to such an extent that it will not be long before America will be tested and tried on this same subject.

Among the preparatory signs of the coming of Anti-Christ we have Communism, which is destined to spread. In Europe it will unsettle every throne but one-that is, Israel, England. We fear that neither the Church nor State comprehend the terrible power that is thus quietly organising in this and other lands. It is this uprising of the Communists and intriguing of the Jesuits in our own land, that will call General Grant once more to the front, as we pointed out to you months ago. The recent European Congress resulted in patching up a temporary peace between Russia, England, and Turkey. A place will be provided for the Duke of Edinburgh, who, having married the Czar's daughter, will enable the two Powers to agree. He may not be the first prince, still he and his seed are to find a kingdom in that place. Russia will be willing for England to have Constantinople, and exercise a provisional protectorate over Turkey, with a view of strengthening his daughter's chances. England will thus come peaceably in possession of Palestine.

Germany, being tied to both the Russian and English thrones by blood and marriage, will also freely consent. Besides, Germany is going to pa.s.s through a severe trial. The old Emperor will soon die, and also Bismarck, then a new prince will advise the new king, new counsel, and new blood, near and on the throne. Germany will become a prey to internal strife, fanned by the discontented Catholics of the Empire, that number some 15,000,000, and weakened by the Communistic elements. Not much longer can Germany bear the strain of her immense army and enormous taxes in consequence.

Russia also will have all she can do to stay the desire for reform, and the claims of the Nihilists or Communists. Thus will Providence prepare His people's way back to Palestine.

If G.o.d promises once He does so fifty times, that He will restore Israel and Judah to their own land. To this one thing all Providence is concentrating, and this is the key that unseals prophecy and Providence.

"And I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return, and will build them as at the first" (Jer. x.x.xiii. 7). They will form a free province, electing their own rulers and governors. They will be quite democratic, doing away with all t.i.tles, being the children of the Lord. "And the n.o.bles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them" (Jer. x.x.x. 21); or, as stated by Isaiah, chap, i, verse 26, "And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning; afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city." Thus they will be a free province, managing their own affairs under the patronage and protection of England. Now it is this freedom that will open the door and prepare the way for Anti-Christ. He will be elected governor because of his supposed superiority in manners, science, and benevolence. He will appear as a lamb at first, according to John, but once in power his true character will appear. He will be a great scientist, and in the eyes and faith of the mult.i.tude He will be able to work miracles-to bring, scientifically, fire down from heaven. So clever will he be that he will deceive some of the very elect.

Before his election he will have been a man of great power and influence.

Once in power he will contrive to centre all power and interests in himself. He will pander to the Communists-to the Romish Church-to the scientific infidels of the day. In this feature he will draw heavily upon the Germans, and create quite a sympathy in England and this country. "For some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white even to the time of the end" (Dan. xi.


The Scriptures having pointed out the special features of his character, we see that many of these features are already in the world. This is Anti-Christ. This is the spirit of Anti-Christ. And when G.o.d withdraws His restraining power, Anti-Christ will embody all these forces and characteristics in himself. And all men having these features, will sympathise with him, and aid him. G.o.d alone is now keeping back and down this spirit of Anti-Christ until His own chosen time. "And now ye know what withholdeth, that he might be revealed in his time; for the mystery of iniquity doth already work, only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way (that is, till G.o.d withdraws Himself), and then shall that wicked be revealed."

Anti-Christ means one opposed to Christ. Also it means one opposed to Christ, and yet desires to be Christ-who wishes to be received as Christ.

And when the time comes, he will be received by many. The Jews will be looking for, and expecting the coming of, their Messiah, hence many of these will be deceived. Many radical Adventists and Millenarians will accept him, because they are in haste in their expectations: many of these will follow him. Indeed, the whole world seems ripe to furnish him a quota. But who will he be? Answer: He will be a French Jew, who will intermarry into the Bonaparte family. His t.i.tle will be Napoleon I. of Palestine. This word Napoleon, resolved into Greek equivalents, is equal to Apollyon, and as a number stands for 666. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six" (Rev.

viii. 18).

Christ, when warning the Jews of Anti-Christ, said, "I am come in My Father's name, and ye receive Me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive." Here, and in other discourses, we have to content ourselves at many points with mere statements, for to defend every point would take too long a time, and would not suit our purpose.

It is our desire in all these discourses to incite you to study, to teach you to examine for yourselves; to prepare you against being unduly led away by Adventism, Communism, or Infidelity; to give you an interest in Providence and history. Do you ask if any will be led away by such a false pretender? We answer, Yes-unless humanity undergoes some radical change. Take a few instances:-

Our Shaker friends believed in Mother Ann Lee. This woman in 1770, while living in Manchester, England, pretended to have a special revelation from Heaven, making known unto her that she was the female side of Christ-as Jesus was the revelation of the male side. As Eve was taken out of Adam, the female principle separated from the male, so she was separated from Christ. This, and much that is curious, do these sincere, honest, and industrious people believe.

Take another example, nearer home, and of which some of you are cognizant, having known the pretender and many of his duped followers.

We refer to Matthias, the prophet of Westchester County. This pretended lord began his labours in Albany, N.Y., in 1830. First he taught himself to be G.o.d's high priest, then the Saviour, then he claimed to be G.o.d. On being asked where he was from, he would answer: "I am a traveller, and my legal residence is Zion Hill, Westchester County, New York State. I am a Jewish teacher and priest of the Most High G.o.d, saying and doing all that I do, under oath, by virtue of my having subscribed to all the covenants that G.o.d hath made with man from the beginning up to this time. I am chief high priest of the Jews of the Order of Melchizedec, being the last chosen of the twelve apostles, and the first in the resurrection which is at the end of 2,300 years from the birth of Mahommed, which terminates in 1830. I am now denouncing judgment on the Gentiles, and that judgment is to be executed in this age."

He appeared in fine pontifical robes, with a rule six feet long in his right hand; with this he was to measure off G.o.d's holy city. In his left hand he had a two-edged sword. Underneath his pontifical robe he had a rich olive broadcloth cloak, lined and faced with silk and velvet; besides, he wore a brown frock coat, with several stars on each breast, with a splendid gold star on the left. His belt was of white cloth, fastened by a golden clasp, and surmounted with an eagle. He wore a c.o.c.ked hat of black beaver, trimmed with green, the rear angle being surmounted by the golden symbol of glory.

He moved from Albany to New York, and here succeeded most wonderfully, winning over some of the finest families of Fifth Avenue, and the richest and best merchants of this city. His followers furnished him with plenty of money, carriages, a mansion in the city, and one in the country.

Finally he was accused and detected of the worst crimes, and at last was sent to Sing Sing. While in jail he issued the following proclamation: "As I live, there shall be no more sowing in the earth until I, the twelfth and last of the apostles, am delivered out of the house of bondage." For fear of this proclamation many of the farmers refused to sow, and they set to work to deliver him, and succeeded. He left the jail, and may be living yet to read what we now state to you.

It is really wonderful how easily men are deceived in religious matters.

Let us study the Word, ask G.o.d's guidance in knowing and doing His will.

Time is gone. I have said but little, much more might be said. In my next discourse I will introduce you to two old men who will visit Anti-Christ.




"And I will give power unto My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three-score days, clothed in sackcloth."-Rev. ii. 3.

We will all agree that the person and work of Anti-Christ are yet in the future. For while Anti-Christ is ruling in Jerusalem, and battling with the saints of the Most High, having conquered and plucked up by the roots three of the ten-horned kingdoms by his victories and cunning craft, and his alliance with the beast or the Church of Rome, he will become proud, blasphemous, and arrogant, and will at once try to force the people to worship the beast. He will claim to be the promised Jewish Messiah. He will enter the new Jewish Temple and actually sit enthroned as G.o.d incarnated, commanding the people to worship him. He will be so received by the Jews, some of the Israelites and the Romish Church, by the Communists and scientific infidels, and by "such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries," men of understanding shall fall; indeed, Christianity will seem to be about destroyed.

Russia will aid by her influence his pretensions with a secret purpose to take the spoils and gain her long-desired object, Jerusalem and Palestine. England will stand aloof for a time, waiting an opportunity to interfere. Then will be a time to try men's faith-to test the Church.

England and America will stand alone as representing freedom and religious liberty. "And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall arise and deceive many; and because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold; but he that shall endure unto the end shall be saved."

This is the time when Communism, infidelity, and Romish Jesuitism will combine against G.o.d and liberty, and, thank heaven, this is the time appointed when they all will be destroyed. Then the kingdoms of this world will be given to the saints of the Most High. The struggle will be fierce, long, and terrible, but victory will be on the Lord's side.

In the very midst of these awful times there will appear two famous persons as witnesses for Jesus: one who will specially appear to the Jews, the other to Israel, and both testify for G.o.d and Jesus. These two witnesses will turn the tide of battle, confront Anti-Christ and his host, and give to the world new views of G.o.d and Providence.

These two old men, or witnesses, will be endowed with miraculous power to bring fire down from heaven, or turn the water streams into blood, and smite the earth with all manner of plagues, as often as they will. Their presence and power will cast a gloom o'er the nations of the earth, and Anti-Christ and his allies. They will finally be slain in the streets of Jerusalem. At the time of their death a great feast will be held to commemorate the victories of Anti-Christ, and to inaugurate the setting up of an image of him in the temple. So in the city there will be peoples, kindreds, and tongues of many nations. And they will see the dead bodies of the two witnesses lying exposed and unburied in the streets for three days and a-half, for Anti-Christ will not suffer them to be buried. On the wings of the wind, by the telegraph and by signals, the news of their death will spread rapidly abroad to all the nations of the earth. Infidelity, and Communism, and the Jesuits will be emboldened. Feasting and rejoicing will be the order of the day. "And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another, because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt upon the earth." That will be the merry wake for you-a wake that will suddenly end, and that too, before the corpses are buried.

The victories will be cut short and the rejoicing checked.

The spirit of life from G.o.d shall enter into the two exposed and corrupting bodies, and they shall stand upon their feet to defy Anti-Christ and his host, and laugh at the pains of death. Great fear will fall upon them who saw the dead so raised. This time the telegraphs will be m.u.f.fled, and the news is kept back from the nations as much as possible; but astonishment ends not here, for over the destroying and now idolatrous city of Jerusalem hangs a peculiar cloud, and voices peal as thunder through the air, to call the attention of the mult.i.tudes. And when every eye is skyward, the cloud moves and opens, as a chariot of fire and glory, and rising in majesty and composure up above roofs, temples, and pinnacles, will be seen the two witnesses of Christ; they enter in and are borne heavenward. "And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies beheld them." Then, while the mult.i.tude are wrapt in wonder and all amazement, the pinnacles sway to and fro, the houses rock, the earth trembles, the walls of the city fall, and Olivet cleaves in twain. Then Anti-Christ is slain with many of his followers, and the remnant fear unto repentance. "And the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand, and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the G.o.d of heaven. And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign for ever and ever."

These are some of the wonders yet to come. Then how say some that Anti-Christ has already been? The witnesses have not yet appeared: they have not yet wrought their miracles. The Lost Ten Tribes and the scattered Jews have not yet been gathered from all countries whither the Lord G.o.d hath scattered them, and placed in their own land, to go out no more, to be plucked up no more. Jerusalem is yet being trodden under foot, the land is comparatively desolate, no temple yet adorns the city, nor priest, nor Levite, attend at the altar. Pshaw! upon the Biblical interpreters of this day, who wilfully or ignorantly careen through the line of prophecies, despising the order established by G.o.d. They are like the girl with her novel, who cannot wait to read through the book, and take events in their order, but she turns to the last leaf to find the destiny of her hero. So men, borne by pa.s.sion and choice, skip by several of the prophecies, and harp everlastingly on the last-the coming of the blessed Jesus-"He whom the heavens must receive until the times of rest.i.tution of all things, which G.o.d hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began" (Acts iii. 21). The world is not yet ready for Christ; it is yet too much upside down, too much confused.

But G.o.d is in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. It does not now look like G.o.d; so G.o.d and Christ, Providence and the Church, must work on till the house is in order for His return. "_Hon dei ouranon men dexasthai archri chronon apokataseos panton_," whom, indeed, heaven must retain until the time of restoration of all things. If things are not now restored or reconciled, or in order, why, then, Christ cannot come.

He will not come to put them in order; this He has left for and with the Church to do, and has promised to be with His Church to the end.

A few Sunday evenings ago, a brother kindly asked me where the Church would be while Anti-Christ was reigning. I simply said anywhere and everywhere, wherever it happened to be. He thought the Church would be taken away by Christ; he referred me to several pa.s.sages. I said, Come next Sunday evening, as those pa.s.sages will be partly considered in my next sermon. He replied that he might be taken up by that time. All right, I said, then we will excuse you. Now, in the name of common sense, why have men, and why do men, down through the centuries, and now, entertain such views? Because every Bible reader must see that there are many prophecies that must be fulfilled before Christ can come-one of which is the appearance of the two witnesses of the text. They will be specially sent and commissioned to testify for Christ, as against Anti-Christ.

Let us now ascertain who these two witnesses are, or are to be. I find on examining the subject all manner of views set forth. And, as is often the case in studying a subject of this kind, I find few that agree-so much so, that at last I found relief in turning from what men said and thought to what G.o.d in His Holy Word had written and said.

First. They are two men. Second. They are sent to Jerusalem which, because of the wickedness of the city at the time of their visit, will be called Sodom and Egypt; but, lest we should mistake the place from these names, John adds: "Where also our Lord was crucified." So Isaiah i. 10 says: "Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our G.o.d, ye people of Gomorrah." This fixes safely the place.

Besides, the place is pointed out from the fact that they oppose Anti-Christ, who at that time we know will be at Jerusalem. Third. They are sent. You ask where they are sent from? The answer is, From heaven, from standing before the G.o.d of the whole earth. Fourth. Who sends them? We answer, Jesus-because the Book of the Revelation is "the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which G.o.d gave unto John." Fifth. What were they sent for? In the first place they were to be special witnesses for Jesus, for He calls them His two witnesses. In the second place, they were to prophesy, to be prophets in the fullest sense, to forecast the future, to interpret past and present; to work miracles; to a.s.sume control in directing State affairs. Sixth. It is worth your careful notice to note that they are not const.i.tuted witnesses by being sent; they are sent because they are witnesses. They are not then to be endowed with miraculous power; "these have power" in the present tense.

These facts, if nicely considered, will at once suggest the persons.

Whoever they are, they must have gone from earth to heaven with their bodies, two persons who have escaped death, for their death takes place in Jerusalem. They must have been prophets before they left earth for heaven the first time. And in the third place, they must at some time and place have been special witnesses for Christ. In fact, they are two anointed ones, or, in other words, they are two persons who have been set apart and prepared for the very visit spoken of in the text.

Daniel, when speaking of them, and the visit spoken of in the text, calls one "the Ancient of Days;" the other one was "like the Son of Man." He represents these two persons as sitting in judgment on Anti-Christ, and the seven horns, or kingdoms. "And the ten horns that were in his head and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows (this is Anti-Christ). I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High, and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom" (Dan. vii.


Many interpret "the Ancient of Days" and the "one like the Son of Man" to be Christ. They stagger not at the fact that there are two persons, and that they are introduced one to another, and that the Ancient of Days seems to be the greatest. It is nothing to such interpreters that there are two persons; these they make one. The one looking like the Son of Man they make out to be the Son of G.o.d, although Daniel says he only looked like Him. The judgment spoken of by Daniel they make out to be the general judgment, when, in fact, Daniel tells on what and where they sat in judgment-namely, at Jerusalem. About Anti-Christ-and that Anti-Christ is soon destroyed after this-and "as concerning the rest of the beasts (that is, the seven horns), they had their dominion taken away; yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time." The vision and scene of the whole chapter belongs to this world, and the kingdom of the saints here spoken of is as much material and political as the other. The difference is, the rulers and people are Christians, they are called saints.

Every throne should be double-kinged; that is G.o.d's purpose, that is Heaven's plan. Christ wants no earthly throne excepting that way. As the Creator is Lord of lords and King of kings, so Christ after His resurrection a.s.sumed His Father's place, and stands to us as G.o.d to the Jews of old. All power was given to Him in heaven and in earth, therefore, He, Christ, has long since begun His reign, and He must continue to reign until He hath put all enemies under His feet. When David was king over Israel and Judah, so was G.o.d. We repeat, every throne should be double-kinged.

To this end will come these two witnesses. Who will they be? We answer, Moses and Elijah: these are the two brave old men now living and waiting to fulfil their mission. For hundreds of years they have been anointed.

Moses is "the Ancient of Days;" the "one like the Son of Man" is Elijah the Tishbite. This interpretation chimes in with the Divine Word, without twisting and distorting to make both ends meet.

We said these two were to be human: so they are. They being sent from heaven, we said they must have pa.s.sed by death with their bodies; so they did. They were to be prophets; so they are, two of the grandest prophets of all. They were to have power over fire and water; so they had when they lived on earth. The b.l.o.o.d.y stream of the Nile gives witness for Moses. The parched land and time of drought speaks of Elijah in Ahab's time. They both called fire down on them who sought to hurt them. They were to be special witnesses of Christ; so they were on the Mount of Transfiguration. These two olive trees stood one on each side of the golden candlestick, Jesus; Peter, James, and John, testify to having seen Moses and Elijah. These two old veterans know Christ well, hence they will be sent to testify for Him against Anti-Christ. Moses is a Jew. He will appeal unto the Jews, who will be found in the new temple, performing according to the old Mosaic law. He will change and lead his people from Anti-Christ to Christ. Elijah is an Israelite. He will specially bear testimony to the Israelite, his long-lost, but then restored, brethren.

More next Sunday evening on these two Christian heroes.

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The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882 Part 6 summary

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