
The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882 Part 1

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The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882.

by Joseph Wild.


The following Discourses are presented to the public in book form, agreeable to the request of numerous friends. I have selected twenty from one hundred and thirty which I have given to my own congregation during the past three years. I have tried to have them lean one against another, to the end that the argument might be continuous and somewhat complete. The reader will remember, however, that the vast subject of which they treat, cannot be fairly and completely presented in such a volume as this. Also, it should be borne in mind that the language, style, and structure, are sermonic. Pulpit literature, in these things, is peculiar and distinctively characteristic.

When I first entered the ministry, I made up my mind that I would try and thoroughly understand the Scriptures. I soon found that a large portion was of a prophetic nature. I set to work according to the usual method, but to my sorrow I soon discovered that the method and rules in general use for Scripture exegesis, among what they called orthodox authors, were very defective and unsatisfactory. The fact was forced upon me that the true method, or key of interpretation, was not in use. I was always persuaded that the Bible was a unit, and that the principles contained in such a unit were beautifully related; and because of such a faith, I wondered more and more as I grew older why we had not a better key of interpretation. Men spiritualised at random, without any kind of rule, except their own fancy. In this manner they expounded the material history of the Old Testament. The whole arrangement was a Babel.

I had faintly discerned that the Scriptures made a distinction between the House of Israel and the House of Judah, and that the prophecies belonging to one could not, in fairness, be applied to the other; and that some prophecies applied to both. It always seemed strange to me, that the people which G.o.d said He had chosen for Himself, should not be known. The Jews were always known, but where was "Israel, His inheritance?" Again, I could see no point in the Lord swearing so positively about David's seed and throne lasting to the end of time.

Taking them in a typical sense, they were about the poorest types that could have been selected, because of the shortness of their existence, according to the general mode of interpretation. Just at this point of my experience I came across a book, ent.i.tled "Our Israelitish Origin," by the late John Wilson, the reading of which confirmed me in my convictions, and aided me to a better knowledge of the good Book of Providence.

After some twenty years of experience, I began to teach the principles of interpretation embodied in these discourses. Some three years ago I began to give a series of sermons on the Ten Lost Tribes. I soon found my own congregation, as well as the public, were interested and profited with the same, as was manifest from the large and constant attendance thereon. By personal interviews and letters, I have been gratified to learn that many have been savingly and truly converted to G.o.d through these Discourses. Especially has this been the case with those who were infidel in faith and action towards G.o.d and His Word. I have received hundreds of letters thanking me that the key of interpretation presented had made the Bible an interesting and easily understood book. The interest created gave rise to numerous requests for copies of my sermons.

The notice by the public press now and again intensified the interest and increased the demand. To meet this desire I made arrangements with the editor and proprietor of a weekly paper called the _Champion_ to publish my evening Discourses. At once the arrangement was found to be profitable to him, agreeable to me and admirably suited to the public.

So for more than a year the _Champion_ has been my faithful messenger on this line, and will continue to be. It is a weekly paper, published at 132, Na.s.sau Street, New York; price one dollar per year. I am not personally interested more than this. With its politics and other matter I have nothing to do; but for the sermonic matter I hold myself responsible. I feel free to express my pleasure in the wonderful increase of its circulation. I am glad it goes all over the States, the Dominion of Canada, and is in goodly demand in Great Britain.

After I had been preaching on this subject for some time, I made, fortunately, the acquaintance of a name-sake of mine, Mr. Joseph Wild, of Bay Ridge, near Brooklyn. On this subject I found him remarkably well posted. He had lots of books, pamphlets, papers, and maps on the matter, any or all of which he gave me liberty to use. Through him my attention was called to the valuable writings of our English brethren on this point, Edward Hine, Rev. Mr. Glover, M.A., Rev. Mr. Grimaldi, M.A., Philo-Israel, and a host of others, whose writings have helped me very much. Our English friends have now a vast store of this kind of literature; while, so far as I know, we have no home production. This is one reason I feel satisfied in sending forth this volume.

For years I have been greatly interested in Pyramidology, in the teachings of the Great Pyramid at Gizeh in Egypt. Twenty years ago I had confidence to lecture frequently on the subject, and a few years since it was in my mind to publish a small work on it. The necessity of such work was wisely and competently taken out of my hands, however, by the appearance of a book ent.i.tled, "The Stone Miracle," by Rev. Dr. Seiss, of Philadelphia. This is a book admirably suited to beginners on this line of study. And if one wants to go further and be specially informed on Pyramidology, why let them get "Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid," a work by Professor Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer-Royal of Scotland. To this man G.o.d has given a fine mind and a large heart for a special place and work. But what pleases me above all, is that this Pyramid, being the _Lord's Pillar_, and _His Witness_, should so finely tally with the Scriptures and Providence; that the teachings of this monument are in harmony with the principles of interpretation, as applied to the prophecies in these Discourses.

By several small engravings I have sought to aid the mind of the reader through the eye. In the Royal Arms of England there is considerable of history; the position of the lions, unicorn, crown, and indeed all connected with it is significantly expressive. In these things, the accidental grouping, so far as man was concerned, were as much under Divine supervision as the blundering of the Jews in the crucifying of Jesus. So, Divinely considered, they Divinely reveal. We know not the mind of our fathers in the matter of selecting and composing the items that make up the great seal, but we know the mind of Providence.

The plate of the ragged old stone, called Jacob's pillow, is not very distinct, but it is the best we could do. As it is, it will aid the reader in forming a better idea. The stone in shape is an oblong square, about 32 inches long, 13 broad, and 11 inches deep. At each end is an iron ring, much worn and rusted. It is a bluish steel-like colour, mixed with some veins of red. It has been in its present resting place 583 years.

The main idea I wish to convey in this book, is that G.o.d is conducting His Providence through His ancient chosen people, Israel, whom I believe are found in the Saxon race. And His throne on earth, through which flow the purposes of Providence, is David's throne, which I believe to be at present the English throne. Queen Victoria (and G.o.d bless her) I believe to be of David's seed. The United States fulfils the _role_ of the Tribe of Mana.s.seh. Therefore, to understand the prophecies, Providence, and the present movement of nations, as well as the future lot and destiny of each, we must read the Scriptures in this light. G.o.d has made the children of Israel and throne of David His executive, in time, on earth.

They are His executive for civilisation, evangelisation, order, and conquest. Through them G.o.d will conquer the world to an universal peace.

As Moses was to G.o.d, so is Israel. Moses being a Divine executor, was to the people a G.o.d-so is Israel to all mankind. Spiritual Israel will come through literal Israel.

I have expressed myself freely, and shall cheerfully grant reviewers, critics, and readers, the same privilege. I send forth this book with a pure desire that it may do good. Amen, so mote it be.


Brooklyn, May 1st, 1879.



"We have a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation."-2 Peter i. 19, 20.

I am about to give you a few Discourses on Prophecy, and in doing so I desire, in the first place, to point out to you a few very important distinctions included in the prophecies. Suppose the Bible to be a great palace, with its royalty, royal children, servants, and subjects. You desire to go through it and view it intelligently, and to understand all about its inhabitants and laws of government; now to do so, you must have keys, and you must learn who is who, their place, authority, and work.

If not so qualified, you could not pa.s.s from room to room, and you might confound the King with some servant, and visitors might be mistaken for the children of the household. Thus your ideas would be considerably mixed; you would be guilty of talking about the King, when you really meant some servant, and of prophesying for the royal children in the name of the visitors. The years would come and go, but events would not happen as you had prophesied. Each generation would take your report and follow in your footsteps, thus confusion and disappointment would keep pace with the pa.s.sing generations.

What is here made a matter of supposition, has been a solemn fact on the line of human experience. Men have studied the Bible and Providence in this ignorant and confused way. Theologians have thrown aside all restraints, and well-defined limitations and distinctions of the Bible in their a.s.sumed liberty of expounding and spiritualising the same. No matter to them that there is a G.o.d-revealed distinction between Judah and Israel, Mana.s.seh and Ephraim, Samaritans and Gentiles, and the throne of David and the throne of the heathen. Writers and speakers are guilty of using the words Judah and Israel in a synonymous sense, though the words stand for different people, history, and prophecies, soon after the descendants of Jacob settled in Palestine. To aid you in seeing this historical confusion and folly, let me call your attention to them separately.


What does this word stand for in the Bible? In the _first_ place it is the name of the fourth son of Jacob. In the _second_ place it was the name of his direct descendants or Tribe. In the _third_ place it became the name of the portion of the country occupied by this Tribe in the Promised Land. In the _fourth_ place it became the name of a kingdom and government; this fourth name included the Tribe of Benjamin and their territory. In the _fifth_ place it became the name of the whole country of Palestine, and is now often so used. To-day this word stands for those we call Jews, who, as they allow among themselves, represent and only include Judah and Levi.

On the death of Solomon the country and Tribes finally separated into two Houses, kingdoms, and governments. Nine Tribes went with Jeroboam, and three with Rehoboam-namely, Judah, Levi, and Benjamin. The nine-tribed House was called Israel, the three-tribed House Judah. This separation was about 975 B.C. (1 Kings xii.). From that day to this these two Houses have never been united; but they are to be, as scores of statements to that effect are in the good Book (Hosea i. 11). About 580 B.C. the House of Judah was taken captive into Babylon, remaining 70 years, then they returned to their own land and remained till the year of our Lord 70, when Jerusalem was destroyed and they were scattered.

Prophecies referring to the Jews are numerous and in striking contrast to those that refer to Israel. 1. The Jews were to be a scattered people.

2. A specially persecuted people. 3. To be without a nationality. 4. To be without government. 5. Not to be owners of landed property, though they will have money, until toward the latter days. 6. They were to be a proverb. 7. They were to be few in number. 8. They are to retain a special type of features. 9. They were to be repeatedly robbed. 10.

They were to reject Christ. 11. To retain the Mosaic service till returned to their own land. 12. They are to keep their name, and many such distinctions, none of which should be applied to Israel. All these things have been and are fulfilled, or fulfilling, and though men are wonderfully given to spiritualising, few, if any, venture to spiritualise Judah's curses. Men and ministers calling themselves Gentiles, are rude enough to spiritualise the blessings of Judah, and stealing them, apply them to themselves.


1. A name given to Jacob after wrestling with the Angel. 2. A term applied sometimes to all the descendants of Jacob. 3. In a spiritual sense, those who believe in Christ. 4. A name that covered and included the nine Tribes which went with Jeroboam and formed the kingdom of Israel. They remained a distinct kingdom, and till now a nationality.

From 975 to 725 B.C. they had some 19 kings. They were finally carried captive into a.s.syria by Shalmanezer (2 Kings xvii.). From that captivity they have never returned; as a body they never can, only representatives, as stated in Jer. iii. 14, "One of a city, and two of a family."

Now prophecy points out that it was Israel that was to be lost for a while, and come to light in the latter day. They are known in the Scriptures in contradistinction from others by such terms as the following: "_All Israel_," "_All the House of Israel wholly_," "_The House of Israel_," "_Men of Israel_," and G.o.d calls them His "_Servants_, _Witnesses_, _Chosen People_, _Inheritance_, and _Seed_." The lot, course, and providential portion of this people are very marked from any other, especially from the Jew, with whom they are so often confounded.

The history of the two peoples have been wide apart and as different as they well could be.

1. They were to be _lost_. 2. They were to be _divorced_ from the Mosaic law. 3. They were to lose their _name_. 4. They were to lose their _language_. 5. They were to _possess_ the isles of the sea, coasts of the earth, waste and desolate places, to inherit the portion of the Gentiles, their seed, land, and cities. 6. They are to be great and successful _colonisers_. 7. Before them other people are to _die out_.

8. They are to be a _head_ nation. 9. To be a _company_ of nations. 10.

To be _great_ in war on land or sea. 11. To be _lenders_ of money. 12.

To have a _monarchy_. 13. To be _keepers_ of the Sabbath. 14. To have David's _throne_ and seed ruling over them. 15. They are to _possess_ Palestine, and invite their brethren of Judah to return. And thus I might repeat some sixty positive marks and distinctions setting forth Israel; and yet men wilfully persist in confounding them with the Jews, or looking for this great and favoured people of the Lord among the lowest of human kind, Indians, Africans, and so on.


The Samaritans were not Jews or Israelites, strictly speaking. They of course became Jewish in their customs and worship. Originally they were a.s.syrians. When the nine Tribes were carried captive, they were brought and put in their place. "And the King of a.s.syria brought men from Babylon and from Cuthah, and from Ava, and from Hamath, and from Sepharvaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria, instead of the children of Israel" (2 Kings xvii. 24). The Jews and the Samaritans never wholly mixed; one was always distasteful to the other. They never were taken captive, and to this day they live in and about Mount Scychar, numbering between three and four hundreds.


The Tribe of Benjamin has a singular and special place in the history of Israel and Judah. Neither the Old or New Testament can be well understood unless one understands the place of this Tribe in Providence.

They were always counted one of the Ten Tribes, and reckoned with them in the prophetic visions. They were only loaned to Judah about 800 years.

Read 1 Kings xi. They were to be a light for David in Jerusalem. G.o.d, foreseeing that the Jews would reject Christ, kept back this one Tribe to be in readiness to receive Him, and so they did. At the destruction of Jerusalem they escaped, and after centuries of wanderings turn up as the proud and haughty Normans. Finally they unite with the other Tribes under William the Conqueror. A proper insight into the work and mission of Benjamin will greatly aid one in interpreting the New Testament. He was set apart as a missionary Tribe, and at once set to work to spread the Gospel of Jesus. Most of the disciples were Benjaminites. Then, after 800 years of fellowship with Judah, they were cut loose and sent after their brethren of the House of Israel. It was needful that the Lion and the Unicorn should unite.


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