
The Last Riders: Winter's Touch Part 4

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What if he told her their marriage was over?

Winter shook her head. Her husband had just told her last night how much he loved her. But if he did, why had he told Sasha he would get rid of her? Maybe he was just telling her he loved her when he really didn't mean it. Was their marriage just a sham, and she had been too stupid to realize it?

She should go home and talk to him, but the thought of what he would say terrified her. He wouldn't have time to talk to her right now, anyway. He had that meeting scheduled this morning.

She needed time to think. She loved her husband, but the doubts kept creeping up. Her marriage might not be as perfect as she believed.

A fight in one of the cla.s.srooms kept her busy in the morning, talking to the students and notifying the parents. That afternoon, she had started to answer emails, when Viper called.

She stared down at her cell phone, not answering. A minute later, his text came in.

The meeting went well this morning. Tell you about it tonight.

Winter took a minute before responding. I'll be late. I'm going to stop to see my aunt before coming home.

All right. I'll tell Cash. He can follow you to Aunt Shay's. Then you can call when you get ready to leave, and he can come back, he replied.

That works. I'll see you tonight.

Love you, he sent.

Winter didn't answer his text, putting her phone back down on the desk.

She answered her emails, trying not to fall asleep. When she finished, she closed her computer down, thankful it was the end of the day. She talked to the students as they left, and after the building was empty, she was finally free to leave.

Cash followed her to her aunt's home, waiting until her aunt opened the door before driving off.

"Winter, it's good to see you." Her aunt's kind face had Winter wanting to break into tears.

"You lost weight, Aunt Shay," she scolded, hugging her frail body close.

Her aunt stepped back, letting her inside. She limped along beside Winter as they made their way into her formal living room.

The house was huge. Shay could have found a smaller home, but she clung to the one she and her husband had bought and raised their daughter in. Both were now gone, including her granddaughter. Other than Winter, Shay only had a great-grandson left.

"Is something wrong? You usually stop by to see me on Sat.u.r.days."

"Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to see you. I hope that's okay."

Beth checked on her once a day. She used to come just three days a week, but Winter hired her to work the whole week instead. Winter spent every Sat.u.r.day afternoon with her, and Holly would bring her great-grandson, Logan, on Sundays. That way, she had someone with her every day.

"Of course. I'm always happy to see you."

"Have you eaten today?"

"Yes, Beth made me some soup." She smiled at Winter's concern.

"Which I bet you didn't eat."

Her aunt grimaced. "I ate a little. My appet.i.te isn't what it used to be."

"How about some chicken and dumplings?"

Aunt Shay's face lit up. "I wouldn't want to bother you."

"It won't be a bother. I can put it on the stove, and we can talk while it cooks."

"I knew you were my favorite niece for a reason."

"I'm your only niece." Winter brushed a kiss on her pale cheek before she went into the kitchen.

Beth kept her aunt's freezer stocked. Winter knew her favorite was chicken dumplings and made it for her every month, freezing it so Aunt Shay could have it when she wanted some.

Taking out one of the freezer bags, she saw last month's supply hadn't been touched. She had been so occupied with her marriage that she hadn't noticed her aunt was slipping away.

Briskly, she made them both a salad then heated some pre-made mashed potatoes as she reheated the chicken and dumplings. She then returned to the living room and watched Shay's favorite game show until their dinner was ready.

Winter set the table outside with the food and plates before calling her aunt. "Dinner's ready."

Shay came outside, taking a chair across from her. "I love sitting outside in the sun."

"I know," Winter said, as she made her a small plate.

As they ate, her aunt bragged about how big Logan was growing.

"How's Holly doing?" Winter asked.

"Putting up with Greer. I don't know how she tolerates that man."

"Everyone in town agrees with you."

Greer Porter didn't have any friends. He had a habit of becoming involved with women who only used him for s.e.x or the pot he boasted about growing.

"Greer is a terrible influence on my great-grandson. I told Holly that she and Logan should move in with me, but Dustin wants him to stay with him."

As much as she disliked Greer, he was a good uncle, and Dustin couldn't be faulted as a father. The Porters might be weed farmers, but they loved Logan, and they had saved the Last Riders more than once.

"Are you getting lonely here by yourself?"

Aunt Shay picked at her food. "A little, but it helps that Beth comes by every day. So does Holly."

"I wished you would move closer to me. Viper offered to build you a small cottage behind the clubhouse."

"I'm too old and grumpy to live next door to a houseful of men."

"It's not only men. You met all the female members. You would be right next door to me and Beth and her children," Winter encouraged. "And you're the least grumpy woman I know."

Aunt Shay looked away, saying, "I'll think about it."

It was always the same answer, but Winter thought she saw indecision in her eyes this time.

"It would be hard to leave your home behind, especially with all the memories it holds, but you can make new memories," Winter encouraged.

"They all are good."

The sadness that was apparent had Winter coming to a sudden decision. "How about we finish dinner and then watch your favorite movie, Pride and Prejudice?"

"That would be great. Are you sure your husband won't mind?"

"Viper won't mind at all," she a.s.sured her, looking down at her own uneaten plate of food. According to Sasha's text, Viper wanted to get rid of her, anyway.

Her aunt's face brightened, as she said, "Except, instead of the older version, I want to watch the new one."

"Which one?"

"The one with the zombies. I've been too afraid to watch it by myself."

"Sure. I'll even stay the night to make sure you don't have nightmares."

"No, no. I couldn't ask-"

"I insist. I don't have to work tomorrow. It'll be like when I was little and I came to spend the night."

Shay smiled. "I remember. Okay, then, if you don't mind?"

"It was my suggestion, so of course I don't mind."

Winter was happy when Aunt Shay began eating her food, talking about Ton, Viper's father, and how he was planting a garden and had promised to give her the first tomatoes when they grew big enough. Then Winter carried the dishes inside when they finished eating.

"I'm going to get showered and change into a nightgown. We can watch the movie on my bed. I even have an extra nightgown you can wear," her aunt offered.

"I'll do the dishes and be right in. Do you need any help?"

"No, I'll be fine. I won't be long."

"All right. Just yell if you need anything."

"I will," her aunt said, as she walked toward her room.

Winter loaded the dishwasher then called Viper.

"Hey. You ready?" Viper answered. "I'll be there in a minute-"

"Not yet. I decided to spend the night with Aunt Shay. She's lonely, and I want to spend some time with her." She was taking the coward's way out, but she needed the night away from him to ready herself for his answers about Sasha's texts.

"Is she sick?" His concern only increased her guilt.

"No, I think she's just feeling lonely. She wants to watch the zombie version of Pride and Prejudice, but she's been too afraid to watch it by herself."

"I bet Diamond's been visiting her." Viper's laughter sounded across the line, making her wish she could reach out and touch him.

"I think Beth was the culprit this time."

Viper sighed. "I guess I can spare you for a night. I have some contracts to look over before I email them to Moon. That'll keep me busy tonight." Viper was silently telling her that he wouldn't stay downstairs for the Friday night party. "I saw you left your briefcase. I tried to call to see if you needed it. I could have it brought to you."

"I don't need it."

"Pretty girl, is something wrong? Rider said he thought you didn't look good this morning."

"Just tired. You kept me up late last night." Her voice sounded hollow to her own ears.

"Let me finish up my paperwork, and I'll come and watch the movie with you."

"Don't. Aunt Shay will fall asleep during the movie, and I'll just go to bed. I'm tired, Viper." Winter struggled to keep the heartbreak at bay long enough to finish their conversation. "We can talk tomorrow. Aunt Shay is in the shower. I need to go check on her. Good night." She hung up before he could say anything else.

She would deal with Viper and Sasha's texts tomorrow. Tonight, she was going to enjoy her time with Aunt Shay.

When Winter went into her aunt's bedroom, which was on the first floor since Aunt Shay couldn't manage the stairs, Shay was just getting in bed.

"I'll only be a minute," Winter said, before using her bathroom to change into the nightgown her aunt had lent her. Then she climbed into bed with her.

Starting the movie, she was surprised by how gory it was and how her aunt was engrossed in it, while Winter had to turn away during the most gruesome scenes.

Winter dropped her head to her aunt's shoulder, mumbling, "I've missed this."

"Me, too," Aunt Shay agreed, not taking her attention away from the television set.

Despite what she had said to Viper, Aunt Shay wasn't the first to fall asleep.


"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Winter asked. Cash was waiting outside, but her aunt's sorrowful expression had her hesitating to leave. She had stalled, waiting to leave until after dinner, before going home to confront Viper.

"I'm sure. You need to get home to that good-looking husband of yours."

Winter nodded. "Aunt Shay, promise me you'll think about taking Viper up on his offer. I'd feel better if you were closer, in case you needed me. I know you and Beth have grown close, and she does a great job of taking care of you, but I'll help out more if you want me to."

"Darling, I know that. I told you when I first hired Beth that I like my independence. I don't like to be a bother."

Winter blinked back tears, not wanting to upset her. "You couldn't be a bother if you tried. I'll stop by to see you after church tomorrow." She hugged her goodbye before going outside and getting into her car. She was going to have to talk to Beth. Together, maybe they could convince her to live closer.

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The Last Riders: Winter's Touch Part 4 summary

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