
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 86

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Rarely = _malofte_.

Rather = _plivole; prefere; iom_.

Readily = _volonte; preteme; facile_.

Recently = _antau nelonge; frese_.

Regarding, respecting, re = _pri; rilate al_.

Relative to = _rilate al; pri_.

Rest, the (those remaining) = _la ceteraj_.

Right through = _trae; tute tra; tra la tuta_.

Round = _cirkau; ronde_.

Round about = _cirkaue; cirkauen_.


Save, saving = _krom_.

Save one = _krom unu_.

Scarcely = _apenau_.

Secondly = _due_.

Seeing that = _tial, ke; vidante, ke; konsiderinte, ke_.

Seldom = _malofte_.

Self, selves = _mem; si; sin_.

Several = _diversaj; kelkaj_.

Several times = _kelkajn fojojn; diversfoje_.

Short time, a = _mallongatempe_.

Short time afterwards, a = _baldau poste_.

Short time ago, a = _antau nelonge_.

Shortly = _mallonge; baldau; lakone; abrupte_.

Shortly afterwards = _iom poste; baldau poste_.

Since = _car; tial, ke; pro tio, ke; de; de la tempo, kiam; de kiam; de tiam; de tiu tempo_.

Since then = _de tiu tempo; de tiam; de post_.

Spite of = _malgrau_.

So = _tial; do; tiel; tiamaniere_.

So and so = _tia kaj tia_; Mr. So-and-so = S-ro Ajnulo.

So as to = _por ke; tiel, ke; tiamaniere, ke_.

So far as = _gis_. So far, so good = _gis tie, bone_.

So many (much) = _tiom_.

So many (much) that = _tiom, ke_.

So much so = _tiel; tiom_.

So much so that = _tiel, ke; tiom, ke_.

So much the better = _des pli bone; tiom pli bone_.

So much the more = _tiom pli_.

So much the worse = _des pli malbone; tiom pli malbone_.

So that = _por ke; tiamaniere, ke; tiel, ke_.

So to say = _tiel diri_.

Some = _iom; kelke; kelke da; kelkaj; unuj; iuj; iaj_.

Some days ago = _antau kelkaj tagoj_.

Some manner, in = _iel_.

Some of = _iom da; kelke da_.

Some one's = _ies_.

Some ... or other = _ia_.

Some other = _ia alia; iu alia_.

Some quant.i.ty = _iom_.

Some time, at = _iatempe; iam_.

Some time ago = _antau kelka tempo_.

Some way, in = _iel_.

Somebody, some one = _iu_.

Somebody else = _iu alia_.

Somebody's = _ies_.

Somehow = _iel; iamaniere_.

Something = _io_.

Something else = _io alia; alio_.

Something of that kind = _io tiuspeca; io tia_.

Some time, at = _iam_.

Sometimes = _kelkafoje_.

Sometimes ... at other times = _jen ... jen_.

Somewhat = _iom_.

Somewhat later = _iom poste_.

Somewhere = _ie_.

Soon = _baldau_.

Soon afterwards = _baldau poste_.

Sooner or later = _pli-malpli baldau; nepre_.

Sooner than = _pli frue, ol_ (time); _plivole ol_ (rather than).

Specially = _aparte; precipe; speciale_.

Still = _ankorau; ankorau nun_.

Still, if = _tamen, se_.

Subsequently = _plue; poste_.

Such = _tia; tiaj_.

Such (a one), the like = _tiela; tielaj_.

Such a one's = _ties_.

Such and such = _tia kaj tia; tiu kaj tiu_.

Such as = _tia, kia_.

Such being the case = _en tiu okazo_.

Such that = _tia, ke_.

Suddenly = _subite_.

Suffice it to say = _suficas diri_.

Suppose, supposing that = _supoze, ke; ni supozu, ke_.

Surely = _certe; nepre_.


Taking into consideration that = _konsiderante, ke; ne forgesante, ke_.

Than = _ol_.

Thanks to (your advice) = _dank' al (via konsilo)_.

That (conj.) = _ke_.

That is = _(t.e.) tio estas; or, nome_.

That is the reason = _jen kial; jen (estas) la kauzo; tio estas la kauzo_.

That is why = _tio estas, kial; jen kial_.

That one's = _ties_.

The day after (following), the next day = _la morgauan (proksiman, sekvantan, postan) tagon_.

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 86 summary

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