
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 80

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In making use of the following list of Adverbs, Adjectives, Conjunctions, Prepositions, and adverbial and prepositional expressions, if the student has any doubt as to the correct Esperanto words he should select when more than one is given, he will generally find them explained (with examples) in the Alphabetical Lists of Adverbs, Prepositions, and Conjunctions at pages 166, 180, and 219.


A, per = _en; por,_ as:--_Kvar fojojn en tago_ = Four times a day. _Tri funtojn en monato_ = Three pounds per month. _Drapo po ses frankoj por metro_ = Cloth at six francs a (per) metre.

About = _cirkau; pri; pli-malpli; proksimume._ Above = _super; supre; pli ol._ Above all = _precipe; antau cio._ Absolutely = _absolute._ Accidentally = _okaze; akcidente._ According ... _as = lau tio ... ke._ According to = _lau; konforme al (je); depende de._ According to circ.u.mstances = _lauokaze; laucirkonstance._ Accordingly = _laue; tial; sekve._ Across = _trans; laularge._ Actually = _efektive; fakte; ja; reale._ Adieu = _adiau._ Afar = _malproksime; malproksime de._ After = _post; post kiam; poste._ After a time = _post kelka tempo._ After all = _malgrau cio._ After consideration = _konsiderinte; post pripenso._ After some time = _post kelke da tempo, iom poste._ Afterwards = _poste._ Again = _ree; denove; ankorau unu fojon; bis._ Again and again = _foje kaj ree; refoje; multfoje, ripete._ Against = _kontrau._ Agreed that = _konsente ke._ All, all of it = _ciom._ All at once = _subite._ All right = _tute prave; cio bona; konsent.i.te; bone._ All sorts of = _ciuspecaj (adj.)._ All that = _cio tio._ All the better = _tiom pli bone._ All the same = _tute egale._ All this = _cio ci tio; cio ci._ All together = _ciuj kune; ciuj samtempe._ All ways (in every way) = _ciel._ Almost = _preskau._ Almost always = _preskau ciam._ Along = _laulonge de; lau; apud; flanke de._ Along the river, road, etc. = _lau la rivero, vojo, k.c._ Along with = _kune kun._ Alongside = _flanke de; laulonge de._ Already = _jam; antaue._ Also = _ankau._ Although = _kvankam._ Altogether = _tute; kune; samtempe._ Always = _ciam; ciufoje; sencese; konstante._ Amid, amidst = _meze de._ Among, amongst = _inter; el._ Amongst other things = _interalie; inter aliaj aferoj._ And = _kaj._ And so forth (so on) = _k.t.p. (kaj tiel plu); k.c. (kaj ceteraj)._ Anew = _denove._ Annually = _ciujare._ Any = _ia, iu_ (some); _(k)ia ajn, (k)iu ajn; cia; iom; iom da._ Any more = _ankorau pli; pli multe; ankorau iom da._ Any time, at = _(k)iam ajn; iam_ (at some time).

Anybody, anyone = _(k)iu ajn; iu_ (someone); _ciu._ Anybody's, anyone's = _(k)ies ajn; ies_ (somebody's), _cies._ Anyhow = _(k)iel ajn; iel_ (somehow); _ciel_ (in every way).

Anyone (someone) else = _(k)iu ajn alia; iu alia; ciu alia._ Anything (something) else = _io (ajn) alia; cio alia; ankorau io; alio ajn._ Anywhere = _(k)ie ajn; ie_ (somewhere); _cie_ (everywhere).

Apart from = _krom; ekster._ Approximately = _cirkaue; proksimume; pli-malpli._ Around = _cirkau._ As = _kiel; same kiel; car; pro tio, ke._ As (time) = _kiam; dum._ As ... as = _tiel ... kiel._ As a whole = _entute; sume._ As also = _kiel ankau._ As early as possible = _kiel eble plej frue._ As far as = _gis; kiom._ As far as possible = _laueble._ As far as I know (remember) = _kiom mi scias (memoras)._ As far back (as long) as two years ago = _jam antau du jaroj._ As for = _pri; rilate al; koncerne._ As for example = _kiel ekzemple._ As follows = _jene._ As if = _kvazau; kiel se._ As it was (happened) = _kiel okazis._ As long as = _tiel longe, kiel; se nur._ As many (much) = _tiom._ As regards = _pri; koncerne; rilate al._ As ... so = _same ... kiel; kiel ... tiel._ As soon as = _tuj kiam._ As soon as possible = _kiel eble plej baldau._ As though = _kvazau._ As to = _pri; rilate al._ As well as = _kiel ankau; same kiel; kune kun; tiel bone, kiel._ As yet = _gis nun; ankorau._ Aside = _aparte; flanke._ At = _ce; je; apud; lau; sur; po,_ etc., according to sense.

At a distance = _malproksime; en malproksimo._ At a gallop = _galope._ At a run = _kure; kurante._ At all = _tute, iomete._ At all events = _kio ajn okazos; en cia okazo._ At all times = _ciam; ciufoje._ At any rate = _ciaokaze; almenau._ At any time = _iam ajn; iatempe_ (sometime); _en ciu horo._ At first = _unue; komence; en la komenco; en la unua tempo; unuafoje; unuan fojon._ At first sight = _unuavide._ At hand = _apud; apude; sub la mano; proksime._ At home = _hejme; dome,_ as:--_Mi estas hejme_ = I am at home; or, _mi estas dome,_ or, _en la domo._ At last, at length = _fine; en la fino._ At least = _almenau; malpleje; plej malmulte._ At most = _plej multe; pleje._ At once = _tuj; samtempe._ At option = _lauvole; lau elekto; lau (via) bontrovo; lau deziro._ At our house = _ce ni; en nia domo; hejme._ At present = _nun; nune; nuntempe._ At some distance = _en kelka malproksim-o-eco._ At that = _ce tio._ At that time = _tiam; en tiu tempo._ At the distance of = _en la inters.p.a.co de._ At the earliest = _plej frue_.

At the latest = _plej malfrue_.

At the least = _plej malmulte_.

At the moment = _jus; en la momento_.

At the most = _plej multe_.

At the outset = _en la unua tempo; komence_.

At the rate of = _po_.

At the same time = _samtempe_.

At the side of = _apud; flanke de_.

At this = _ce tio (ci)_.

At times = _iafoje; kelkafoje_.

At what time = _kiam; je kioma horo_.

At will = _lauvole; lauplace; laudezire; lau bontrovo_.

Athwart = _laularge_.

Away = _malproksime; for_.

Away from = _for de; malproksime de_.


Backwards = _malantau-e-en_.

Backwards and forwards = _tien kaj reen; tien-reen_.

Because = _car; tial, ke; pro tio, ke; tial, car_.

Because of = _pro; kauze de_.

Before = _antau; antau ol; antaue; pli frue, ol_.

Before everything = _antau cio_.

Before long = _baldau; post ne longatempe; post ne longe_.

Behind = _post; malantau; malantaue_.

Behold! = _jen!_ Below = _sub; sube; malsupre de_.

Beneath = _sub; sube_.

Beside = _apud; flanke de; laulonge de_.

Besides = _ekster; krom; krom tio; krome; cetere_.

Betimes = _frue; frutempe_.

Between, betwixt = _inter_.

Beyond = _trans_ (across); _preter_ (past).

Beyond measure = _supermezure_.

Both = _ambau; la du_.

Both ... and = _kaj ... kaj; tiel ... kiel_.

Broadways = _laularge_.

But = _sed; krom; nur_ (only); _tamen_.

But then = _sed ... do; sed tiuokaze; sed tiam_.

By = _per; de; lau; po; apud; preter; apude_, etc., according to sense.

By and by = _baldau; tre baldau; iom poste_.

By all means = _per ciu rimedo; ciel; certege; kompreneble_.

By chance = _okaze_.

By consent = _konsente_.

By day = _tage; en la tago_.

By degrees = _grade; laugrade; iom post iom_.

By express = _rapidire; per ekspreso; eksprese_.

By half = _poduone_.

By heart = _parkere_.

By means of = _per; per helpo de_.

By night = _nokte; en la nokto_.

By no means = _neniel; tute ne; per nenia rimedo_.

By no other means = _neniel alie ol; per neniu alia rimedo_.

By reason of = _pro; kauze de_.

By some means, somehow = _iel; per ia rimedo, iarimede_.

By the day = _lautage_.

By the hour = _lauh.o.r.e_.

By the month = _laumonate_.

By the side of = _apud; flanke de; lau; laulonge de_.

By the way = _okaze; parenteze; rilate al tio; pasante (mi volus diri)_.

By the week = _lausemajne_.

By the year = _laujare_.

By this means = _per ci tio; per ci tiu rimedo; ci tiel_.

By this time = _jam; nun; jam nun_.

By twos and threes = _du-triope_.

By way of = _en la celo de_.


Careful of = _zorga pri_.

Close by = _apud; apude; proksime_.

Close to = _apud; proksime de_.

Compared with = _kompare kun_.

Concerning = _pri; koncerne; rilate al_.

Consequently = _do; sekve; tial_.

Consistently = _konsekvence_.


Daily = _ciutage_.

Day after (by) day = _tagon post tago_.

Day after to-morrow = _postmorgau_.

Day before yesterday = _antauhierau_.

Direct = _rekte; senpere_.

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 80 summary

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