
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 61

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(3). The names of receptacles commonly used for certain articles.

Examples.--_Teo_ = tea, _teujo_ = a tea-caddy or canister (a teapot is a vessel in which tea is made, not kept, therefore _tekruco_ = a teapot, from _kruco_ = a vessel for fluids). _Mono_ = money, _monujo_ = a purse. _Papero_ = paper, _paperujo_ = a portfolio.

_Sukero_ = sugar, _sukerujo_ = a sugar-basin. _Karto_ = a card, _kartujo_ = a card-case. _Abelo_ = a bee, _abelujo_ = a, beehive.

_Mustardo_ = mustard, _mustardujo_ = mustard-pot.

(_d_). The difference in meaning of these three suffixes is shown in the following examples:--

For instance, _cigaro_ = a cigar, _cigarejo_ = a cigar depot; but if we wish to distinguish the kind of depot, viz., store, shop, etc., we add the word required. If it be a store, we add _tenejo_ = a storehouse, as:--_Cigartenejo_ = a cigar storehouse or depot. If a shop, we add _vendejo_ = a market, or place where things are sold, as:--_Cigarvendejo_ = a cigar shop, or we might say also _cigarbutiko_. _Cigaringo_ = a cigar holder or mouthpiece, which holds one cigar. _Cigarujo_ = a cigar case or box, which contains several cigars. _Pomo_ = an apple, _pomejo_ (or, _pomarbejo_) = an apple orchard, _pomujo_, _pomarbo_ = an apple-tree.

279. Suffix -ID-. (Ex. 25.)

_-ID-_ denotes the young of, offspring, descendant. Used as a root, ido = _offspring_, _descendant_; idaro = _issue_, _posterity_.

Examples.--_Kato_ = a cat, _katido_ = a kitten. _Bovo_ = an ox, or a general term for the animal, hence _bovido_ = a calf; if we wished to say a cow's calf, we make _bovo_ feminine, viz., _bovino_ = a cow, _bovinido_ = a cow's calf of either s.e.x. A cow calf we should call _bovidino_, and a bull calf, to determine it exactly, would be _virbovido_, viz., a male calf. It is important that suffixes should follow in their natural order (see order of suffixes, par. 46).

_Safo_ = a sheep, _safido_ = a lamb. _Cervo_ = a stag, _cervido_ = a fawn. _Hundo_ = a dog, _hundido_ = a puppy. _Cevalo_ = a horse, _cevalido_ = a foal. _Koko_ = a c.o.c.k, _kokido_ = a chicken, _kokideto_ = a chick, a tiny chicken. _Birdo_ = a bird, _birdido_ = a fledgeling, a young bird. _Izraelo_ = Israel, _izraelido_ = an Israelite. _Napoleono_ = Napoleon, _napoleonido_ = a descendant of Napoleon. _Rego_ = a king, _regido_ = a prince, king's son.

280. Suffixes -IG- and -IG-. (Ex. 28.)

(_a_). These two are the most important and most widely used of all the suffixes. They form an infinity of words, especially verbs. Used as roots, (1). Igi = _to make_, _to cause_, as:--Igu sin veni al nia dancado = _Make her come to our dance._ Li p.e.n.i.s igi sian amikon tusi la aferon = _He tried to make his friend broach the subject_ (_touch upon the matter_). (2). Igi = _to become_ (_to be made_, _to get_), as La vetero igas pli varma = _The weather is getting_ (_becoming_) _warmer_. Li baldau igos maljunulo = _He will soon become an old man._

(_b_). Used as suffixes:--

(1). _-IG-_ denotes (like the English suffix -fy) to make, to cause (to get), to render, as ruga = _red_, rugigi = _to make red_, _to redden_, and from this verb is formed rugigo = _the action of reddening_, rugiga = _reddening_ (adj.).

(2). _-IG-_ denotes to become, to get (in the sense of to become).

Note the following difference in meaning of ruga with this suffix and with _-IG-_ in the preceding paragraph; rugigi = _to become or get red_, _to blush_; rugigo = _the action of getting red_, _a blush_; rugiga = _blushing_ (adj.).

(_c_). The above instances are words derived from an adjective, but the suffixes can be applied to almost any part of speech, as the following examples will show:--

(_d_). From adjectives.

Examples.--_Bona_ = good, _bonigi_ = to make or render good, _bonigi_ = to become good. _Plibonigi_ = to make better, to improve, _plibonigi_ = to become better, to improve, _plibonigo_ = the act of making better, improvement (made), _plibonigo_ = the state of becoming better, improvement (experienced). _Laca_ = tired, fatigued, _lacigi_ = to tire (active), _lacigi_ = to get tired, _lacigo_ = the act of tiring others, _lacigo_ = the state of growing tired. _Preta_ = ready, _pretigi_ = to make ready, _pretigi_ = to get (become) ready. From all these verbs nouns, adjectives, and adverbs can be formed.

(_e_). From nouns.

Examples.--_Fianco_ = a fiance (man), _fiancigi_ = to betroth, to affiance, _fiancigi_ = to become betrothed, to be engaged, _fiancigo_ = betrothal, engagement, _fianciga_ = betrothing, _fiancige_ = by betrothal. These words speak of the betrothal of a man, but in case of a woman we add the feminine suffix, as:--_fiancino_, _fiancinigi_, _fiancinigi_, _fiancinigo_, etc., etc.

(_f_). From verbs.

Examples.--_Morti_ = to die, _mortigi_ = to cause to die, to kill, _mortigi_ = to die out, to expire (become dead), _mortigo_ = killing (murder), _mortiga_ = deadly, _mortiganto_ = a murderer, _mortige_ = mortally. _Sinmortigo_ = suicide, _sinmortigi_ = to commit suicide.

_Sidi_ = to be sitting, to sit, _sidigi_ = to cause to sit, _sidigi_ = to sit down, to seat oneself, _sidigo_ = the act of causing to sit, seating, _sidigo_ = the act of sitting down, or of seating oneself, as:--_Li kondukis la rigardontojn al iliaj sidejoj, sed la sidigo de tiom da gesinjoroj estis tasko malfacila, car la sidigo de ec unu sinjorino bezonas iom da tempo, kvankam ne tiom, kiom la sidigo de hundo, kiu ofte turnadas sin multfoje antau ol sidigi_ = He conducted the (about to be) spectators to their seats, but the seating of so many ladies and gentlemen was a difficult task, since the sitting down of even one lady needs some little time, although not so much as the sitting down of a dog, which often continues turning itself round many times before seating itself. _Sciigi_ = to cause (_someone_) to know, _or_, to make (_something_) known. _Mi sciigis la h.o.m.on pri la novajo_, or, _Mi sciigis la novajon al la h.o.m.o_ = I caused the man to know (_or_, I informed the man, _or_, I made the news known to the man). _Sciigi_ = to become informed, to learn. _Mi sciigis pri la novajo_ = I learnt the news.

(_g_). Verbs formed by _-IGI_ are transitive (par. 161), but those by _-IGI_ are intransitive, and therefore have no pa.s.sive voice (par.

162); with verbs in _-IGI_, therefore, we cannot use the pa.s.sive participles, _-ATA_, etc., but only the active forms _-ANTA_, etc., as:--Li estis fariginta (or, li farigis) maljunulo, antau ol mi lin konis = _He had become an old man before I knew him._

(_h_). Intransitive verbs.--Some verbs, such as cesi = _to cease_, dauri = _to continue_, pasi = _to pa.s.s_, are neuter or intransitive.

Examples.--_La pluvo cesas fali_ (or, _cesigas_) = The rain ceases to fall (or, comes to an end). _La pafado dauris kelkan tempon_ = The shooting continued some time. _La tempo pasas_ = Time pa.s.ses.

In English these verbs are used both transitively and intransitively, but if we wish to give them a transitive signification in Esperanto we must add the suffix _-IGI_.

Examples.--_Cesigu tion! vi surdigas min per via bruo!_ = Cease that, you deafen me with your noise! _Daurigu vian rakonton_ = Continue your narrative. _Pasigu al mi la karafon_ = Pa.s.s me the decanter (see par. 237 (_i_)).

(_i_). Transitive verbs.--On the contrary, fini = _to finish_, and komenci = _to commence_, are transitive, and therefore do not require the addition of -_IG_ to make them transitive.

Examples.--_Finu vian laboron_ = Finish your work. _Ni komencis nian vojagon je la dua horo_ = We commenced our journey at 2 o'clock.

But if we wish to give an intransitive sense to these verbs we may use the suffix -_IGI_.

Examples.--_Lia laboro finigas_ = His work finishes. _La jaro finigos post kelkaj tagoj_ = The year will end in a few days. _La vojago komencigis je la tria horo_ = The journey commenced at 3 o'clock (see par. 237 (_i_)).

(_j_). Numerals, prepositions, prefixes, and suffixes.--Joined to these, -_IG_- and -_IG_- serve to form numerous words.

Examples.--_Unuigi_ = to unify, _unuigo_ = union, _unuigi_ = to unite together, to be combined, _unuigo_ = union (undergone).

_Duobligi_ = to double, _duobligi_ = to become double. _Aligi al_ = to attribute to, _aligi_ = to join (oneself) to, to adhere, _aligo_ = adhesion. _Eksigi_ = to dismiss, _eksigi_ = to become ex-, to resign (a position). _Disigi_ = to separate, _disigi_ = to separate mutually, _disigo_ = act of separating, disjunction, _disigo_ = disunion, schism. _Kunigi_ = to connect, _kunigi_ = to join together, to coalesce, _kunigo_ = connection, _kunigo_ = junction.

_Forigi_ = to do away with, _forigi_ = to withdraw.

281. Suffix -IL-. (Ex. 29.)

-_IL_- denotes the tool, instrument, or means by which something is done. As a root, ilo = _a tool, an instrument, an implement, a means of_.

Examples.--_Kombi_ = to comb, _kombilo_ = a comb. _Razi_ = to shave, _razilo_ = a razor. _Tranci_ = to cut, _trancilo_ = a knive. _Haki_ = to hack, to chop, _hakilo_ = an axe, a hatchet, a chopper. _Kudri_ = to sew, _kudrilo_ = a needle. _Tondi_ = to shear, to clip, _tondilo_ = shears, scissors. _Presi_ = to print, _presilo_ = a printing press. _Fermenti_ = to ferment, _fermentilo_ = yeast, leaven (a means of fermenting). _Batali_ = to fight, _batalilo_ = a weapon.

_Armi_ = to arm, _armiloj_ = arms, _armilejo_ = an a.r.s.enal (a place for arms, see -_EJ_-, 278).

282. Suffix -IN-. (Ex. 25.)

-_IN_- denotes the feminine gender. As a root, ino = _a female_, ina = _female_.

Examples.--_Frato_ = a brother, _fratino_ = a sister. _Patro_ = a father, _patrino_ = a mother. _Kuzo_ = a male cousin, _kuzino_ = a female cousin. _Avo_ = grandfather, _avino_ = grandmother. _Nepo_ = a grandson, _nepino_ = a granddaughter. _Onklo_ = an uncle, _onklino_ = an aunt. _Nevo_ = a nephew, _nevino_ = a niece. _Patra_ = paternal, _patrina_ = maternal, _patrineco_ = maternity. _Frata_ = brotherly, fraternal, _fratina_ = sisterly. _Cevalo_ = a horse, _cevalino_ = a mare, _cevalido_ = a colt, _cevalidino_ = a filly. _Safo_ = a sheep, _safino_ = a ewe. _Hundo_ = a dog, _hundino_ = a b.i.t.c.h.

_Bovo_ = an ox, _bovino_ = a cow.

283. MOSTO. (Ex. 23.)

(_a_). This is not a suffix, since it does not form part of a word.

It is a word used by itself or added after a t.i.tle to denote respect.

Via mosto is a higher expression of respect than sinjoro = _sir_.

(_b_). No special rule has been laid down for the use of mosto, but the usual practice is to make the t.i.tle an adjective and add mosto.

(_c_). In speaking to persons bearing t.i.tles by birth or profession it would be well to address them by their full t.i.tle first, as shown below, and afterwards use the expression via mosto to represent "Your Majesty," "Your Royal Highness," "Your Grace," "Your Lordship,"

"Your Ladyship," "Your Honour," "Your Worship," "Your Excellency,"

"Your Eminence," "Your Highness," etc. The suffix -_IN_ is hardly ever added.


Emperor = Via imperiestra mosto = _Your Imperial Majesty_.

King = Via rega mosto = _Your Majesty_.

Queen = Via regina mosto = _Your Majesty_.

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