
The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 40

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Iom = _Somewhat_, _some quant.i.ty_, _a little_, _some_ (par. 156).

Examples.--_La vetero estas iom pli varma_ = The weather is somewhat (a little) warmer. _Jen estas cigaroj, cu vi deziras iom?_ = Here are cigars, do you want some?

Iomete = _A very little_, _in a very slight degree_, _at all_.

Example.--_Gi estis iomete pli granda, ol kulo_ = It was slightly larger than a gnat.

Intence = _Intentionally_, _on purpose_.

Ja = _In fact_, _indeed_.

Examples.--_Li ja alvenos morgau_ = He in fact will arrive to-morrow. _Ja_ may be used to express the emphatic English use of "do," "did," as:--_Mi ja volas, ke li estu tie ci_ = I do wish he were here (par. 217).

Jam = _Already_, _as yet_, _by now_, _now_.

Examples.--_Vi jam diris tion_ = You said (have said) that already.

_Cu vi jam trovis vian horlogon?_ = Have you _as yet_ found your watch? _Mi gin ankorau ne sercis_ = I have _not yet_ looked for it. _La knabo jam ne ridas_ = The boy does not laugh _now_ (no longer laughs).

N.B.--Compare _jam_ with _ankorau_. Jam shows that the circ.u.mstances are changed; _ankorau_, that there is no change. Ex.:--_La infano jam dormas_ = The child is _now_ sleeping (it was not sleeping before). _La infano ankorau dormas_ = The child is _still_ sleeping.

Jen = _Behold_, _here_. Jene = _As follows_.

Examples.--_Jen estas tio, kion vi bezonas_ = Here is what (that which) you want. _Jen estas la libroj_ = Here are the books.

Jes = _Yes_, _it is so_ (par. 63). Jese = _Affirmatively_.

Examples.--_Jes, vi estas prava_ = Yes, you are right. _Mi vin certigas, ke jes_ = I a.s.sure you that it is so.

Ju pli ... des pli = _The more ... the more_ (par. 112).

Example.--_Ju pli mi lin konas, des pli mi lin amas_ = The more I know him, the more I love him.

Ju pli ... des malpli = _The more ... the less._

Example.--_Ju pli mi lin vidas, des malpli li placas al mi_ = The more I see him, the less he pleases me.

Ju malpli ... des malpli = _The less ... the less_.

Example.--_Ju malpli mi dormas, des malpli mi sentas la bezonon dormi_ = The less I sleep, the less I feel the need (to sleep) of sleeping.

Ju malpli ... des pli = _The less ... the more_.

Example.--_Ju malpli mi trinkas, des pli mi mangas_ = The less I drink, the more I eat.

Jus = _Just_, _at the_ (_past_) _moment_, _just now_.

Examples.--_Mi jus vidis sin_ = I have just seen her. _Mi jus diris al vi lian nomon_ = I have just told you his name. _Lia jusa parolo_ = The speech he has just made.

Kase or sekrete = _In secret_.

Kelkafoje or kelkfoje = _Sometimes_. Iafoje = _At times_.

Multfoje = _Many times_.

Kia ajn = _Whatever_ (_kind of_) (par. 145).

Example.--_Mi acetos de vi tiun libron, kia ajn gi estos_ = I will buy from you that book whatever it may (shall) be.

Kial = _Why_, _wherefore_ (par. 150).

Example.--_Kial vi silentis?_ = Why were you silent?

Kiam = _When_, _at what time_ (par. 151).

Example.--_Kiam li alvenos?_ = When will he arrive?

Kiam ajn = _Whenever_, _whensoever_ (par. 145).

Example.--_Sendu lin al mi, kiam ajn li venos_ = Send him to me whenever he comes (shall come).

Kie = _Where_, _in what place_ (par. 152).

Examples.--_Kie kreskas tiuj floroj?_ = Where do those flowers grow?

_Diru al mi, kie li estas_ = Tell me where he is. _Kien_ (accusative) = Whither. _Kien vi iras?_ = Whither (_or_, where) are you going? _De kie li venis?_ = Whence did he come?

Kie ajn = _Wherever_, _wheresoever_ (par. 145).

Examples.--_Kie ajn li estas, li estas satata_ = Wherever he is, he is liked. _Kien ajn_ = Whithersoever. _Oni lin estimus, kien ajn li irus_ = He would be esteemed whithersoever he went (should go). _De kie ajn gi venis, gi estas tre bela katido_ = Whencesoever (from wherever) it came, it is a very fine kitten.

Kiel = _How_, _in what manner_, _like_ (in comparison = _... as_).

Examples.--_Kiel vi fartas?_ = How do you do? (how are you, _or_, fare you?) _Mi havas ian ideon kiel gin fari_ = I have some idea how to do it. _Tiel longe kiel_ = As long as. _Se vi estus kiel mi_ = If you were (should be) like me. _Kiel eble plej bone_ = As well as possible (as possibly, most well). _Kiel bona vi estas!_ = How good you are! (par. 153).

Kiel ajn = _However_, _in whatever manner_ (par. 145).

Example.--_Kiel ajn vi gin faros, faru gin bone_ = In whatever way you (will) do it, do it well.

Kiom = _How much_, _as much as_, _as far as_ (par. 156).

Examples.--_Kiom kostas tio?_ = How much does that cost? _Kiom mi scias_ = As far as I know. _Kiom li povos_ = As much as he can (will be able).

Kiom ajn = _However_ (_many_) _much_, _whatever quant.i.ty_.

Examples.--_Mi gin acetos, kiom ajn gi kostos_ = I shall buy it, however much it may (will) cost. _Kiom ajn da teo estas tie, tiom suficas_ = Whatever quant.i.ty of tea is there, it (that quant.i.ty) is sufficient (par. 145).

Kompare = _Comparatively_, _in comparison_.

Kompate = _Compa.s.sionately_, _mercifully_. Senkompate = _Pitilessly_.

Kompreneble = _Of course_.

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 40 summary

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