
The Indomitable Master of Elixirs Chapter 309 - Burial (2)

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Chapter 309: Burial (2)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the Kingdom of the Sacred Dragon, any n.o.ble family would have an ancestral grave for burying family members. Even though some n.o.ble families are not in the capital city, there was a common rule that all of them needed to abide by.

All the terminators of the large n.o.ble families need to be buried in the graveyard outside of the capital city. Even though the ancestral graves were not in that graveyard, they also had to be buried there. This was the honour that the Emperor bestowed upon on the terminator, so that after they were buried, they could still enjoy the most prosperous area of the Kingdom of the Sacred Dragon.

Because Ji family had stayed in the capital city for so long, there was a special resting room for the Ji family, so Ji Yun’s corpse also did not have to suffer the pain of moving.

It was still early morning and the graveyard was empty. Ji Fengyan got off the horse carriage and looked at the endless graveyard. All the people buried there were either n.o.ble or rich, and even ordinary officials could not be buried here after death. Only the people who had significant achievement to the kingdom could enter, whereas the few n.o.ble families also had an area because of the past credits of the other terminators.

Liu Huo followed Ji Fengyan down the horse carriage. Ji family people were already in front and none of them turned around to look.

Ji Fengyan felt that it was trouble free. She scanned the graveyard.

The graveyard of the capital city was so huge that it made people unable to tell the boundary of it and the decorations were also exquisite. There were streams that were flowing throughout the graveyard, green onion trees that were interspersed in the gra.s.s and an entire land of different flowers moving with the wind.

The Emperor had followed his promise to give those heroes who had died in battlefield a place to be buried in peace.

The white stone railing had an incredibly realistic carving of a dragon’s claw. The neatly arranged gra.s.s patches divided the graveyard into different sections and one could see rows of white tombstones. The name and the achievement of a dead person would be written on those tombstones.

As the preparations for burial was troublesome, and the people from Ji family still needed to open up the graveyard, Ji Fengyan made use of the time to walk around with Liu Huo in the graveyard.

“This is a terminator’s tombstone?” Ji Fengyan’s steps stopped in front of a tombstone. She had noticed that most of the tombstones were built using white stones, but there was one that was light grey, making it extremely obvious.

The tombstone that was in front of Ji Fengyan was the light grey one. On the tombstone, only was there the name of the dead carved on it; there was also a huge dragon carved on the top. Under the claws of the dragon, there were clearly the word—terminator—carved out .

Liu Huo’s eyes glanced at the tombstone, but he did not say anything.

Ji Fengyan bowed at that tombstone and also looked at what words were carved behind it.

The words that were behind the tombstone had recorded the grave owner’s spectacular battle achievements while he was alive. He had pa.s.sed away over 10 years ago and was born in a n.o.ble family with the ident.i.ty of the terminator. After he had led the army to battle for countless years, he eventually died in the hands of the Demon Clan.

It was just that…

Ji Fengyan had never heard of the n.o.ble family that the grave owner came from.

“Miss, what are you looking at?” Linghe saw that Ji Fengyan was dazed at the side and asked after adjusting his emotions.

“This Brother was also a terminator?” Ji Fengyan looked up at Linghe.

Linghe saw the tombstone and nodded.

“The tombstone of a terminator differed from an ordinary person, so it was easy to distinguish them.”

But Ji Fengyan said, “But I have never heard of the Long family that’s been written on it.”

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The Indomitable Master of Elixirs Chapter 309 - Burial (2) summary

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