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_Fable_, how may be defined --What the term denotes in the Scriptures
_Fall short of, make bold with_, &c., how the adjective in such phrases is to be explained in parsing
_False identification_, (under synt. of SAME CASES,) Note exposing the error of
_Falsities_ in sentences, Crit. N. directed against
_Feel_, its construc. with the infin.
_Few_ and _many_, form and construc. of. _Fewer_, see _Little_
FIGURES, treated --_Figure_, in gram., what --_Figures_, distinctive names of some; frequent occurrence of those of rhetoric --_Figure of words_, signif. of the term --_Figure of words_, Rules for --suggestions additional to do.
--unsettled and variable usage in that which relates to --_Figure of orthog._, what; what the _figures of_ do.
--_Figure of etymol._, what --_Figures of etymol._, the, named and defined --_Figure of synt._, what --_Figures of synt._, the, named and defined --_Figure of rhet._, what --_Figures of rhet._, why certain are called _tropes_ --on what mostly founded --the, named and defined --affect the agreem. of p.r.o.nouns with their antecedents --_Figures_, how many BROWN deems it needful to define and ill.u.s.trate --_Figures_, definitions of sundry, in the lang. of authors, _corrected_, KEY. _Figures_, Arabic, in what cases _pointed_ by some
_Final f, l_, or _s_, in spelling; other finals than, in do.
--_ck_ or _c_, use of --_ll_, to what confined --_e_ of a primitive, when omitted; when retained --_y_ of a prim. word before a terminat., how managed --_ise_ or _ize_, which termination to be taken --_Finals_, what letters may a.s.sume the position of; what may not, and why
_Finite_ verbs, _agreem. of, with subjects_, a principle of Univ. Gram.
--Rules concerning --_Fin. verb_ understood, punct. of _First words_, initial capital to --faulty practice of grammarians with respect to
_Foot, poetic_, see _Poetic Feet_
_Foreign_ words or idioms, unnecessary use of, in opposition to purity
_For_, with _all_, as equivalent to _although_ --_For as much as_, &c., having the nature of conjunctions --_For that_ --_For_, with perf. part., ("FOR _lost_") --with _ever_ --before TO _and infin._ --as introducing its object before an infin.. _For_, conj., _because_, from Sax.; anc. expressed _for that_
_Forever_, or _for ever_, its cla.s.s
_Former_ and _latter_, nature and applic. of _Forms of letters_, in type or character --_Forms_ OF VERBS, a knowledge of THE TRUE, nothing more important in gram. than _Forsooth_, signif. and use of
_Friends_, the Society of; their employment, in familiar discourse, of the sing. p.r.o.n. of the second pers.
--generally neglect to compound their numeral names of the months and days --their misemployment of _thee_ for _thou_ --their manner of speaking, different from the solemn style --examples of their manner of forming the verb with the p.r.o.n. _thou_; their simplificat. of the verb
_From_, derivation of, from Sax.
--_From forth, from out_, construc. of, explained --_Off from_, examp. of the use of
_Full_, in permanent compounds, how written; in temporary do., do.
--compounds in, (_spoonful, handful_, &c.,) how pluralized
_Future, contingency_, how best expressed
_Future tense_, FIRST, how formed, and what expresses --SECOND, do., do., and how varied
_Futurity_, often denoted by the infin., ("_The world_ TO COME")
G, its name and plur.
--its sounds --when silent --_Gh_, sounds of, and silence
_Gardiner, W._, his new a.n.a.lysis of the Eng. alphab., noticed
_Genders_, term defined --_Genders_, the diff., named and defined --on what founded, and to what belong --_Gender_, inconsistent views of, as given by many of the grammarians; WELLS and MURR. criticised --confounded with _s.e.x_ by some writers; others otherwise confuse the matter --_Common gender_, of the old grammarians, the term objectionable with respect to Eng.
--_Gender_, how in many instances determined --figuratively ascribed, how indicated --denoted by _he_ and _she_ prefixed to nouns --denied by MURR. _et al_. to p.r.o.nouns of the first and second persons --of p.r.o.n., the _preference_ of, when joint antecedents are of different genders
_General_ truths and customary actions, to be expressed by the indic. pres.
_Generic_ names, sense and construc. of
"_Genitives, double_," discovered by our grammarians, the true explanation of all such
_Gentile names_, nature and construc. of
_German language_, form of its type --use of the comma less freq. in, than in Eng.
_Gerund_, Lat., explanation of --what form of an Eng. participle corresponds to --"Gerund in English," how becomes "a substantive," according to DR.
ADAM _et al._, _Gerundives_, what
_Giving, paying, procuring_, &c., verbs of, with ellips. of _to_ or _for_ before the objective of the person
GOVERNMENT, of words, defined --to what parts of speech has respect --the rules of, whether to be applied to the governing or the governed words --do., how many in the best Lat. grammars; usual faults in the distribution of these --_Governments_ in Eng. synt. how many --false, examples of, cited from grammarians
_Grecism_, literal, in Eng., ("_Before Abraham was_, I AM") comp.
GRAMMAR, defined --An English Grammar, what professes to be --ENGLISH GRAMMAR, what in itself; what knowledge implies --when worthy to be named a science --_Grammar_, how to be taught, and its principles how made known --the true principles of, in whose possession --_a rule of_, what --_Grammar_, how divided; its parts, of what severally treat --what it requires --rightly learned, what ability it confers --what many vain pretenders to, have shown by their works --on questions of, the practice of authors should have more weight than the dogmatism of grammarians. _Grammars of different languages_, how far must needs differ; strictures on those of PROF. BULL., _A grammar designed for English_, the chief end of. _Grammatical doctrine_, the truth of, in what consists
_Granting, supposing_, &c., see _Admitting_
_Grave accent_, as opposed to _acute_ --as preserving the vocality of _e_
_Greek_ alphabet, characters of, shown and named
_Guillemets_, or _quotation points_, what words they distinguish --how applied to a quotation within a quotation --not used in our common Bibles; the defect in what measure relieved
H, its name and plur. numb.
--its sound --in what words silent --in what positions do.
--_an_ used formerly before all words beginning with
_Hand_, or _index_, use of
_Handwriting_, script letters in
_Harmonical pauses_, see _Pauses_