
The Grammar of English Grammars Part 244

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"My hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, centre in you."--_Greenleaf or Sanborn cor._ "This mood implies possibility or liberty, will or obligation."--_Ingersoll cor._ "Substance is divided into _body_ and _spirit_, into _extended_ and _thinking_."--_Brightland cor._ "These consonants, [_d_ and _t_,] like _p_ and _b, f_ and _v, k_ and hard _g_, and _s_ and _z_, are letters of the same organ."--_J. Walker cor._ "Neither fig nor twist, pigtail nor Cavendish, _has_ pa.s.sed my lips since; nor ever shall again."--_Cultivator cor._ "The words _whoever_ or _whosoever, whichever_ or _whichsoever_, and _whatever_ or _whatsoever_, are called Compound Relative p.r.o.nouns."--_Day cor._ "Adjectives signifying profit or disprofit, likeness or unlikeness, govern the dative."--_Bullions cor._


"Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me."--_Psalm_ xxiii 4. "Depart, ye wicked."--_J. W. Wright cor._ "He saith unto his mother. Woman, behold thy son!"--_John_, xix, 26. "Thou, G.o.d, seest me."--_Bullions cor._ "John, write me a letter. Henry, go home."--_O. B. Peirce cor., twice_. "Now, G.

Brown, let us reason together."--_Id._ "_Mr._ Smith, _you_ say, on page 11th, '_The_ objective case denotes the object'"--_Id._ "Gentlemen, will you always speak as you mean?"--_Id._ "John, I sold my books to William, for his brothers."--_Id._ "Walter, and Seth, I will take my things, and leave yours."--_Id._ "Henry, Julia and Jane left their umbrella, and took yours."--_Id._ "John, harness the horses, and go to the mine for some coal."--_Id._ "William, run to the store, for a few pounds of tea."--_Id._ "The king being dead, the parliament was dissolved."--_Chandler cor._

"Cease, fond Nature, cease thy strife, And let me languish into life."

--_Pope, Brit. Poets_, vi, 317.

"Forbear, great man, in arms renown'd, forbear."

--_Hiley's Gram._, p. 127.

"Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!

Each prayer accepted, and each wish resign'd."

--_Pope, Brit. Poets_, vi, 335.


"We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice," &c.--_Const.i.t. of U. S._ "The Lord, the covenant G.o.d of his people, requires it."--_A. S. Mag. cor._ "He, as a patriot, deserves praise."--_Hallock cor._ "Thomson, the watchmaker and jeweller from London, was of the party."--_Bullions cor._ "Every body knows that the person here spoken of by the name of '_the Conqueror_,' is William, duke of Normandy."--_L. Mur. cor._ "The words _myself, thyself, himself, herself, itself_, and their plurals, _ourselves, yourselves_, and _themselves_, are called Compound Personal p.r.o.nouns."--_Day cor._

"For who, to dumb forgetfulness a prey, This pleasing, anxious being e'er resign'd, Left the warm precincts of the cheerful day Nor cast one longing, ling'ring look behind?"--GRAY: _Mur. Seq._


"Smith & _Williams's_ store; Nicholas the emperor's army."--_Day cor._ "He was named _William the Conqueror._"--_Id._ "John the Baptist was beheaded."--_Id._ "Alexander the coppersmith did me _much evil_."--_2 Tim._, iv, 14. "A nominative in immediate apposition: as, 'The boy _Henry_ speaks.'"--_Smart cor._ "A noun objective can be in apposition with some other; as, 'I teach the boy _Henry_.'"--_Id._


"But he found me, not singing at my work, ruddy with health, vivid with cheerfulness; but pale," &c.--DR. JOHNSON: _Murray's Sequel_, p. 4. "I looked up, and beheld an inclosure, beautiful as the gardens of paradise, but of a small extent."--HAWKESWORTH: _ib._, p. 20. "_A_ is an article, indefinite, and belongs to '_book_.'"--_Bullions cor._ "The first expresses the rapid movement of a troop of horse over the plain, eager for the combat."--_Id._ "He [, the Indian chieftain, King Philip,] was a patriot, attached to his native soil; a prince, true to his subjects, and indignant of their wrongs; a soldier, daring in battle, firm in adversity, patient of fatigue, of hunger, of every variety of bodily suffering, and ready to perish in the cause he had espoused."--_W. Irving_.

"For thee, who, mindful of th' unhonour'd dead, Dost in these lines their artless tale relate."

--GRAY: _Mur. Seq._, p. 258.

"Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest; Some Cromwell, guiltless of his country's blood."

--GRAY: _Enf. Sp._, p. 245.

"Idle after dinner [,] in his chair, Sat a farmer, ruddy, fat, and fair."

--_Murray's Gram._, p. 257.


"When an attribute becomes a t.i.tle, or is emphatically applied to a name, it follows it: as, Charles the Great; Henry the First; Lewis the Gross."--_Webster cor._ "Feed me with food convenient for me."--_Prov._, x.x.x, 8. "The words and phrases necessary to exemplify every principle progressively laid down, will be found strictly and exclusively adapted to the ill.u.s.tration of the principles to which they are referred."--_Ingersoll cor._ "The Infinitive _Mood_ is that form of the verb which expresses _being or action_ unlimited by person or number."--_Day cor._ "A man diligent in his business, prospers."--_Frost cor._

"_Oh_ wretched state! oh bosom black as death!"

--SHAK.: _Enfield_, p. 368.


"The Singular denotes _one_; the Plural, _more_ than one."--_Bullions and Lennie cor._ "The _Comma_ represents the shortest pause; the _Semicolon_, a pause longer than the comma; the _Colon_, longer than the semicolon; and the _Period_, longer than the colon."--_Hiley cor._ "The Comma represents the shortest pause; the Semicolon, a pause double that of the Comma; the Colon, double that of the semicolon; and the Period, double that of the colon."--_L. Murray's Gram._, p. 266. "WHO is applied only to persons; WHICH, to animals and things; WHAT, to things only; and THAT, to persons, animals, and things."--_Day cor._ "_A_ or _an_ is used before the singular number only; _the_, before either singular or plural."--_Bullions cor._ "Homer was the greater genius; Virgil, the better artist."--_Day cor._; also _Pope_. "Words are formed of syllables; syllables, of letters."--_St.

Quentin cor._ "The conjugation of an active verb is styled the ACTIVE VOICE; and that of a pa.s.sive verb, the Pa.s.sIVE VOICE."--_Frost cor._; also _Smith: L. Murray's Gram._, p. 77. "The possessive is sometimes called the _genitive_ case; and the objective, the _accusative_."--_L. Murray cor._ "Benevolence is allied to few vices; selfishness, to fewer virtues."--_Kames cor._ "Orthography treats of Letters; Etymology, of words; Syntax, of Sentences; and Prosody, of Versification."--_Hart cor._

"Earth praises conquerors for shedding blood; Heaven, those that love their foes, and do them good."--_Waller_.


"His business is, to observe the agreement or disagreement of words."--_Bullions cor._ "It is a mark of distinction, to be made a member of this society."--_Farnum cor._ "To distinguish the conjugations, let the pupil observe the following rules."--_Day cor._ "He was now sent for, to preach before the Parliament."--_E. Williams cor._ "It is inc.u.mbent on the young, to love and honour their parents."--_Bullions cor._ "It is the business of every man, to prepare for death."--_Id._ "It argued the sincerest candor, to make such an acknowledgement."--_Id._ "The proper way is, to complete the construction of the first member, and leave that of the second _elliptical_."--_Id._ "ENEMY is a name. It is a term of distinction, given to a certain person, to show the character in which he is represented."--_Peirce cor._ "The object of this is, to preserve the soft _sounds_ of _c_ and _g_."--_Hart cor._ "The design of grammar is, to facilitate the reading, writing, and speaking of a language."--_Barrett cor._ "Four kinds of type are used in the following pages, to indicate the portions that are considered more or less elementary."--_Hart cor._


"The chancellor, being attached to the king, secured his crown."--_Murray's Grammar_, p. 66. "The officer, having received his orders, proceeded to execute them."--_Day cor._ "Thus used, it is in the present tense."--_Bullions, E. Gr._, 2d Ed., p. 35. "The imperfect tense has three distinct forms, corresponding to those of the present tense."--_Bullions cor._ "Every possessive case is governed by some noun, denoting the thing possessed."--_Id._ "The word _that_, used as a conjunction, is [generally]

preceded by a comma."--_Hiley's Gram._, p. 114. "His narrative, being composed upon _so_ good authority, deserves credit."--_Cooper cor._ "The hen, being in her nest, was killed and eaten there by the eagle."--_Murray cor._ "p.r.o.nouns, being used _in stead_ of nouns, are subject to the same modifications."--_Sanborn cor._ "When placed at the beginning of words, they are consonants."--_Hallock cor._ "Man, starting from his couch, shall sleep no more."--_Young._ "_His_ and _her_, followed by a noun, are possessive p.r.o.nouns; not followed by a noun, they are personal p.r.o.nouns."--_Bullions cor._

"He, with viny crown advancing, First to the lively pipe his hand address'd."--_Collins_.


"But when they convey the idea of many acting individually, or separately, they are of the plural number."--_Day cor._ "Two or more singular antecedents connected by _and_, [when they happen to introduce more than one verb and more than one p.r.o.noun,] require verbs and p.r.o.nouns of the plural number."--_Id._ "Words ending in _y_ preceded by a consonant change _y_ into _i_, when a termination is added."--_N. Butler cor._ "A noun used without an article to limit it, is generally taken in its widest sense."--_Ingersoll cor._ "Two nouns meaning the same person or thing, frequently come together."--_Bucke cor._ "Each one must give an account to G.o.d for the use, or abuse, of the talents committed to him."--_Cooper cor._ "Two vowels united in one sound, form a diphthong."--_Frost cor._ "Three vowels united in one sound, form a triphthong."--_Id._ "Any word joined to an adverb, is a secondary adverb."--_Barrett cor._ "The person spoken _to_, is put in the _Second_ person; the person spoken _of_, in the _Third_ person."--_Cutler cor._ "A man devoted to his business, prospers."--_Frost cor._


"So, in indirect questions; as, 'Tell me _when_ he will come.'"--_Butler cor._ "Now, when the verb tells what one person or thing does to _an other, it_ is transitive."--_Bullions cor._ "Agreeably to your request, I send this letter."--_Id._ "There seems, therefore, to be no good reason for giving them a different cla.s.sification."--_Id._ "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant-man seeking good pearls."--_Scott's Bible, Smith's, and Bruce's_. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea."--_Same._ "_Cease_, however, is used as a transitive verb by our best writers."--_Webster cor._ "Time admits of three natural divisions; namely, Present, Past, and Future."--_Day cor._ "There are three kinds of comparison; namely, Regular, Irregular, and Adverbial"--_Id._ "There are five personal p.r.o.nouns; namely, _I, thou, he, she_, and _it_."--_Id._ "Nouns have three cases: viz., the Nominative, _the_ Possessive, and _the_ Objective."--_Bullions cor._ "Hence, in studying Grammar, we have to study words."--_Frazee cor._ "Participles, like verbs, relate to nouns and p.r.o.nouns."--_Miller cor._ "The time of the participle, like that of the infinitive, is estimated from the time of the leading verb."--_Bullions cor._

"The dumb shall sing, the lame his crutch forego, And leap exulting, like the bounding roe."--_Pope._


"But he said, Nay; lest, while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them."--_Scott's Bible et al._ "Their intentions were good: but, wanting prudence, they missed the mark at which they aimed."--_L. Mur.

cor._ "The verb _be_ often separates the name from its attribute; as, '_War_ is expensive.'"--_Webster cor._ "_Either_ and _or_ denote an alternative; as, 'I will take _either_ road at your pleasure.'"--_Id._ "_Either_ is also a subst.i.tute for a name; as, '_Either_ of the roads is good.'"--_Id._ "But, alas! I fear the consequence."--_Day cor._ "Or, if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?"--_Luke_, xi, 11. "Or, if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?"--ALGER'S BIBLE: _Luke, xi, 12_. "The infinitive sometimes performs the office of a nominative case; as, 'To enjoy is to obey.'--POPE."--_Cutler cor._ "The plural is commonly formed by adding _s_ to the singular; as, _book_, books."--_Bullions, P. Lessons_, p. 16. "As, 'I _were_ to blame, if I did it.'"--_Smart cor._

"Or, if it be thy will and pleasure, Direct my plough to find a treasure."


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