
The Divinity Code To Understand Your Dreams And Visions Part 46

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Also see Planets.

(1) Mars is the Roman G.o.d of war.

Marshmallow: (1) Without substance (not solid); (2) Sweet and pleasurable; (3) People-pleasing messages.

Also see Rock and Sand.

(1) Heb. 5:14; (2) 2 Tim. 4:3; (3) Gal. 1:10.

Mascot: (1) Represents the team, organization, or company a.s.sociated with it. (1) Num. 2:2-3.

Mashed Potatoes: (1) Baby food.

(1) Rom. 14:2; Heb. 5:14.

Mask: (1) Hypocrisy; (2) Falsehood/deception; (3) Hiding; (4) Two-faced.

Also see Costume Hire.

(1) Matt. 23:27; (2) Gen. 38:14-16; Prov.14:13; (3) Ps. 10:11; (4) Gal. 2:11-12.

Mast: (1) Upright; (2) Mighty person; (3) Sail; (4) Strength; (5) Drunk; (6) Speaks of being led by the Spirit (in contrast to chimney stacks); (7) Prophet (lookout or watchman).

Also see Rowing, Sail, and Ship.

(1-2) Ezek. 27:5 (See Cedar); (3-4) Isa. 33:23; (5) Prov. 23:34; (6) John 3:8; (7) 2 Kings 2:15; Ps. 74:9; Isa. 30:10.

Mathematics: (1) Finances; (2) Income.

(1-2) 1 Kings 10:14; Luke 16:4-8.

Material: See Fabric.

Maze: (1) Trying to find the heart of G.o.d (maze in a house); (2) Trying to find one's way through a situation that is not straightforward (has many turns); (3) Feeling lost because the path ahead looks complicated; (4) Need for a consistent series of G.o.dly decisions; (5) Need to walk closer with G.o.d to make it through.

Also see Lost.

(1) 1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22; (2) Exod. 18:20; 33:13a; (3) Matt. 10:39; 16:25; (4) Josh. 24:15; Luke 3:4-5; (5) Isa. 40:22 (He can see your way forward); Exod. 33:14-15; Ps. 37:5; Prov. 20:24; Jer. 10:23.

Meal: (1) a.s.similating the Word; (2) Feeding on Christ; (3) Fellowship; (4) Intimate sharing; (5) Trust; (6) Provision; (7) Favor; (8) Healing; (9) Covenant.

Also see Cup, Meat, Milk, and Table.

(1) Heb. 5:12-14; 1 Cor. 3:1-3; (2) John 6:53-58; (3-5) Gen. 18:6-17; John 13:1b-2a; (6) Dan. 1:5a; (7) Ruth 2:14; (8) 2 Kings 4:41; 1 Cor. 11:24-25 (cf. Num. 21:8-9 & 1 Pet. 2:24); (9) Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:24-25.

Measure/ing: (1) Faith; (2) Growing in G.o.d; (3) Duration or time (i.e. days or years); (4) Decision; (5) Distance; (6) Precision; (7) Judgment; (8) Reciprocity (as you use or do, so G.o.d measures to you); (9) Gauge of heart receptivity (hearing).

Also see Length, Tape Measure, Time, and Weighing.

(1) Rom. 12:3; (2) Eph. 4:13; (3) Ps. 39:4; (4) Deut. 21:2; (5) Josh. 3:4; (6) Job 28:25; Isa. 40:12; (7) Isa. 65:7; Dan. 5:27; Matt. 7:1-2; (8) Luke 6:38; (9) Mark 4:24.

Measure/ing (Different Measures): (1) Moral dishonesty.

(1) Prov. 20:10.

Measure/ing (Immeasurable): (1) G.o.d; (2) G.o.d's love; (3) The Holy Spirit; (4) Mult.i.tudes; (5) Multiplication; (6) Heaven; (7) Blessing; (8) Miracles; (9) Abundant/ce/ly; (10) Eternity.

(1) 2 Chron. 1:1; Rom. 11:33; 1 Tim. 1:17; (2) Eph. 3:18-19; (3) John 3:34; (4) Jer. 3:23; (5) Hos. 1:10a; (6) Gen. 49:26; Jer. 31:37; (7) Mal. 3:10; (8) Mark 6:51; 7:37; 10:26; (9) 2 Cor. 11:23; 12:7; Gal. 1:13; (10) Matt. 25:46.

Measure/ing (Increasing and Diminishing Measure): (1) Increasing = blessing; (2) Decreasing = judgment.

(1-2) Hag. 2:16-19.

Measure/ing (Precise Measurement): (1) Rightly dividing the Word (diligent study); (2) A precise set of measures may be a confirmation of a future event.

(1) 2 Tim. 2:15; (2) Ezek. 40:2ff; Zech. 2:1-5.

Measure/ing (Same Measurement): (1) Balance; (2) Harmony; (3) Dividing. (1) 1 Kings 6:25; (2) 1 Kings 7:37; (3) Heb. 4:12.

Measuring Self Against Others: (1) Comparing; (2) Foolishness.

(1-2) 2 Cor. 10:12.

Meat: (1) The Word of G.o.d; (2) Solid Bible teaching; (3) Doing the will of G.o.d.

(1) Job 12:11 (KJV), 34:3 (KJV); 1 Cor. 3:2; Heb. 5:12. (2) Heb. 5:14; (3) John 4:34 (KJV).

Meat Clever: (1) Word of G.o.d.

(1) Heb. 4:12.

Mechanic: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) An angel; (3) Jesus Christ; (4) G.o.d; (5) Spiritual tune-up; (6) Helper correcting or helping your ministry; (7) Healer (evangelist); (8) One who maintains and repairs.

Also see Automobile, Engine, Motor, and Oil.

(1) John 14:16, 26; (2) Dan. 10:11; Heb.1:13a-14; (3) John 1:33 (The Holy Spirit also being symbolized by oil); (4) Ps. 51:10; (5) Acts 18:25-26; (6) Exod. 18:14; (7) Luke 4:18; (8) Isa. 58:12.

Mechanical: (1) Human-driven; (2) Works; (3) Strength of humanity.

(1-3) 2 Chron. 26:15-16.

Medal: (1) Honor; (2) Glory; (3) Rewards.

(1-2) Exod. 15:1; Ps. 8:5; 2 Cor. 2:14; Heb. 2:7; (3) Rev. 22:12.

Medicine: (1) Healing; (2) Prayer; (3) The Blood of Jesus; (4) The Word of G.o.d; (5) Holy Spirit joy; (6) Anointing oil; (7) Leaves (from Christ, the Tree of Life).

Also see Doctor, Healed, Hospital, and Nurse.

(1-2) James 5:14-15; (3) Isa. 53:5; John 6:53; (4) Prov. 4:20-22; (5) Prov. 17:22; (6) Jer. 46:11; James 5:14-15; (7) Ezek. 47:12b; Rev. 22:2.

Megaphone: (1) Make widely known; (2) Loud/ly.

(1) Matt. 10:27.

Memento: (1) Reminder; (2) Trophy (self-glory).

(1-2) 1 Sam. 17:54; (2) 1 Sam. 15:9, 12.

Men: See Man.

Mentor: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) In need of a mentor.

(1) John 16:7, 13; 1 John 2:27; (2) 1 Kings 19:21.

Mentally Disabled Person/s: (1) Innocent child of G.o.d; (2) Evil spirit (aggressive and intimidating).

Also see Disability.

(1) 1 Cor. 1:27; (2) Mark 5:5, 15; Acts 19:16.

Message: (1) Word from G.o.d; (2) Letter; (3) Dream.

(1) 1 John 1:5; 3:11; (2) 2 Sam. 11:14; (3) Num. 12:6; Jer. 23:28; Matt. 2:13.

Messy: (1) Speaks of the works of people; (2) Not of G.o.d; (3) Busyness.

(1-2) 1 Cor. 14:33; (3) Mark 2:2, 4; Acts 6:1.

Metal: (1) Represents the strength of the natural human (human-made); (2) Strong; (3) Earthly treasure; (4) p.r.o.ne to rust; (5) Valued by the world; (6) Trade or commerce; (7) Money.

Also see Lead.

(1) Josh. 17:16, 18; (2) Dan. 2:40; (3-4) Matt. 6:19; (5-7) Ezek. 27:12; Matt. 22:19-21; 25:16.

Meteor: (1) Message from Heaven; (2) Revival (meteor shower); (3) Judgment. Also see Asteroid.

(1) Deut. 4:36; Isa. 55:10-11; Also consider that Christ (The Word of G.o.d) is our Rock from Heaven; (2) Ps. 72:6-7; (3) Isa. 30:30; Ezek. 38:22.

Meter: (1) Power supply; (2) a.s.sessing the anointing; (3) Heart (like a parking meter); (4) Opportune time.

(1-2) Mark 5:30; Luke 6:19; 8:46; (3) Neh. 7:5; (4) Esther 4:14; Dan. 2:21.

Meter Man: (1) Measuring the strength of the Spirit/power of G.o.d.

(1) Acts 8:18-19; 1 Cor. 2:4.

Microphone: (1) Opportunity to speak or sing; (2) Speaking platform; (3) Amplifying the message.

(1-3) Matt. 10:27; Luke 12:3.

Microscope: (1) Nit-picking; (2) Under examination (detailed inspection); (3) Detail; (4) Science; (5) Biological, bacterial, or viral situation.

(1) Matt. 7:2-6; 23:24; (2) Ps. 26:2; Luke 23:14; Acts 22:24; 1 Cor. 11:28; 2 Cor. 13:5; (3) Heb. 4:15; 9:5; James 2:10; (4) The microscope is an accepted symbol for science; (5) Matt. 24:7; Luke 21:11.

Microwave Oven: (1) Heart; (2) Cooking on the inside; (3) Quick work; (4) Convenience; (5) Penetrating; (6) Sudden boil-over.

(1) Hos. 7:6; (2) Ps. 39:3; Jer. 20:9b; (3) Isa. 43:19; (4) Gen. 25:29-34 (consider the cost of convenience); (5) Luke 2:35; (6) 1 Sam. 18:8.

Middle: See Center.

Midnight: (1) The darkest hour; (2) Death; (3) Deliverance; (4) A turning of the situation; (5) End of the second watch; (6) Time to ask, seek, and knock; (7) Decision time; (8) The end of time.

(1) Ps. 119:62 (giving thanks at the darkest hour); Acts 16:25; (2) Exod. 11:4-5; 12:29; (3) Judg. 16:3; Acts 16:25-26; (4) Ruth 3:8; Matt. 25:6; (5) Mark 13:35; (6) Luke 11:5, 8-10; (7) Acts 16:25-26; 27:27; (8) Exod. 12:29 (judgment); Matt. 25:6-12.

Midwife: (1) The Holy Spirit; (2) An angel; (3) Intercessor; (4) a.s.sistant or guide to help birth the promises of G.o.d.

(1) Rom. 8:22, 26; (2) Ps. 34:7; (3) Rom. 8:22, 26; (4) Gen. 35:17-18 (Here it is interesting to note the birth of Benjamin, meaning "son of my right hand", who is a type of Christ); Exod. 1:15-21; (cf. Gen. 50:24 & Acts 7:19-25).

Milk: (1) G.o.d's Word for young believers; (2) Foundational Bible teaching; (3) Immature Christian.

(1) 1 Pet. 2:2; (2-3) 1 Cor. 3:1-2; Heb. 5:12-14.

Milliped e: (1) Annoyance; (2) Pest.

Also see Worm.

(1-2) Mark 10:41.

Mill/stone: (1) Judgment; (2) Place of humbling.

Also see Flour.

(1) Matt. 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2; Rev. 18:21; (2) Acts 8:33 (cf. Isa. 53:5 & Phil. 2:8).

Mirror: (1) The Word of G.o.d; (2) The human heart; (3) Vanity; (4) Focus on self; (5) Deception (as in "smoke and mirrors"); (6) On reflection; (7) Past (looking behind you).

Also see Broken Mirror.

(1) 1 Cor. 13:12; James 1:23-24; (2) Prov. 27:19; (3-4) 2 Sam. 14:25-26; (5) Prov. 12:17, 20; 14:8, 25; 26:26; (6) Luke 15:17; John 14:9 (Jesus is in one sense a "reflection" of the Father); (7) Gen. 19:26 (looking back can paralyze you); Josh. 8:20 (looking back may disempower you); Phil. 3:13.

Mirror: (Broken Mirror): (1) Broken heart; (2) Broken focus/vision; (3) Letting go of the promises of G.o.d.

Also see Mirror.

(1) Prov. 27:19; 20:5 (the heart is a body of water that reflects); (2) Prov. 29:18; Lam. 2:9; Hab. 2:2; (3) Hab. 2:2; Matt. 14:29-30.

Miscarriage: (1) Lost promise; (2) Aborting the promise of G.o.d; (3) Promise robbed; (4) Death of a new ministry; (5) Judgment; (6) Curse; (7) Injustice; (8) Lacking spiritual strength.

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