
The Book Of Lost Tales: Part I Part 23

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Uol Kvion Kvion was changed from Mikmi (p. 198). The name is not in QL under the root KUVU 'bend, bow', which has derivatives k 'crescent Moon', kn 'crescent, bow'. GL gives c 'bow, crescent; the waxing or waning Moon', and also 'Cuvonweg: l Cuvonweg (="Q." l Kmion), the Moonking'. Under l the Qenya equivalent is however Uol, and here it is said that the name l is usually in the phrase l a Rinthilios; while Rinthilios is glossed 'the orbed Moon, name of the Moon-elf' (rinc 'circular', noun 'disc' rin- 'revolve, return').

r The root URU/USU in QL has derivatives uru 'fire', rin 'blazing hot', uruvoit 'fiery', urva 'like fire', urwa 'on fire', r 'the Sun' (with other forms ri, rinki, Urwen), rion 'a name of Fionw', urna 'oven', usta-, urya- 'burn' (transitive and intransitive). The Gnomish form is Aur (aurost 'dawn'), and also a poetic word Uril. See Fionw-rion, Urwen.

Urwen, Urwendi In the earlier tales in this book the form is Urwen, becoming Urwendi in the Tale of the Sun and Moon. The original entry in GL was 'Urwendi and Urwin (Q. Urwen) the maiden of the Sun-ship', but this was later changed to read 'Urwedhin and Urwin (Q. Urwendi)'. In QL (see r) Urwen appears as a name of the Sun. In the Valar name-list the Sun-maiden is also called rinki, and this also appears in QL as a name of the Sun.

The element -wen is given in QL under root GWENE: wen and wendi 'maid, girl', -wen feminine patronymic, like masculine -ion, wendel 'maidenhood' (see Wendelin). In GL the forms were much changed and confused. The words given have stems in gwin-, gwen-, gweth, with meanings 'woman', 'girl', etc.; the root seems to have been changed from gweni- to gwedhe-, with reference both to Qenya meril (see Meril-i-Turinqi) and Qenya wendi.

Utumna In QL the root of Utumna ('lower regions of gloom and darkness in the North, Melko's first dwelling') is not given, but cf. the word tumna 'deep, profound, dark or hidden' cited under Tombo. In Gnomish the forms are Udum and Uduvna; Belcha (Melko) is called Uduvrin.

vanimor See Vna.

Vai The root VAYA 'enfold' in QL yields Vai 'the Outer Ocean', Vaimo or Vailimo 'Ulmo as Ruler of Vai', vaima 'robe', vain 'sheath', vainol 'quiver', vaita- 'to wrap', Vaitya 'the outermost airs beyond the world', etc. In Gnomish the form is Bai, with related words Baithon 'the outer airs', baith 'garment', baidha 'to clothe', bain 'clad (Q. vaina)'.

Vailimo See Vai. In Gnomish the form is Belmoth (< bailmoth);="" there="" is="" also="" a="" poetic="" name="" bairos.="" ulmo="" is="" also="" called="" in="" gnomish="" i="" chorweg="" a="" vai,="" i.e.="" 'the="" old="" one="" of="" vai'="" (hr="" 'old,="" ancient="" (only="" of="" things="" still="" existing)',="" hortha-="" 'grow="" old',="" horoth="" 'old="" age',="" hs="" 'old="" age',="" a="" name="" of="" fuil).="" for="" -weg="" see="">

Vaitya See Vai.

Valahru (Marginal addition in the text against Valatru, p. 180.) Not in the dictionaries, but probably to be a.s.sociated with QL root HERE 'rule, have power': heru- 'to rule', heru 'lord', heri 'lady', her 'lordship'.

Valar In QL 'Valar or Vali' is derived from root VALA, with masc. singular Valon or Valmo and fem. singular Valis or Vald; other words are valin, valimo 'happy', vald- 'blessedness, happiness'.

The Gnomish words are complicated and curious. As first written, there was Ban 'a G.o.d, one of the great Valar', plural Banin, and 'Dor' Vanion=Dor Banion=Gwalien (or Valinor)'. All this was struck out. Elsewhere in GL is given the root GWAL 'fortune, happiness': Gwala 'one of the G.o.ds, including their divine folk and children, hence often used of one of the lesser folk as opposed to Ban' Gwalon and Gwalthi corresponding to Qenya Valon, Valsi; gwalt 'good luck-any providential occurrence or thought: "the luck of the Valar", i walt ne Vanion (Q. valto)' and other abstract words, as gwalweth 'fortune, happiness'. Of the later interpretation of Valar there is thus no suggestion. See further under Vna.

Valatru See Valar, Meril-i-Turinqi.

Valinor In QL two forms are given, Valinor and Valinr (the latter also occurs in the text, p. 182), both glossed 'Asgard' (i.e. the City of the G.o.ds in Norse mythology). For the Gnomish names (Gwalien, etc.) see Valar.

nr is found in QL under the root N 'become, be born', and is glossed 'native land, nation, family, country', also -nor, 'the form in compounds'. Other words are nosta- 'give birth', nosta 'birth, birthday', nostal 'species, kind', noss 'kin, people' (as in Aulenoss). The Gnomish form is dr: see Dor Faidwen.

Valmar See Valar, Eldamar.

Vna A derivative of QL root VANA, together with van 'fair', vaness 'beauty', vanima 'proper, right, fair', vanimo 'monster' (-= 'not'), etc. Here also are given Vanar and Vani= Valar, Vali, with the note: 'cf. Gnomish Ban-'. See Valar.

Vna's name in Gnomish was Gwn or Gwani (changed later to Gwann or Gwannuin); gwant, gwandra 'beautiful', gwanthi 'beauty'.

Vna-Laisi See Vna, Tri-Laisi.

Vansamrin This name replaced Samrien's road in the text (p. 222).

See Qalvanda, Samrien.

Varda In QL the name is given with vard- 'rule, govern', vardar 'king', varni 'queen'. In Gnomish Varda was called Bridhil (and Timbridhil, see Tinwetri), which is cognate with Qenya vard-.

V QL gives V 'name of Fantur' under root VEHE, but without meaning ascribed or other derivatives. The form in GL is Gw, changed to Gw: 'name of the hall of Bandoth, Q. V'. See Mandos, Vefntur.

Vefntur In GL the Vala himself is called Bandoth Gw (changed to Bannoth Gw), Gwefantur (changed to Gwifanthor), and Gwivannoth.

Vene Kemen See Glorvent, Kemi.

Vilna In QL the root VILI (without meaning given) has derivatives Vilna (changed later to Vilya) '(lower) air', Vilmar 'dwelling of Manw-the upper airs (but not ilu)', vilin 'airy, breezy', vl 'gentle breeze'. The words 'but not ilu' refer to the definition of ilu in the sense of ilw, the middle air among the stars (see ilw). Manw's dwelling Vilmar is not named elsewhere.

The Gnomish names for the lowest air were Gwilfa or F; the latter is said to be of unknown etymology. The corresponding Qenya names are given in GL as F and Favilna, and these appear in QL under a root f.a.gA without translation, merely as equivalents of Vilna. Other Gnomish words are gwil- 'sail, float, fly', gwilith 'breeze', gwilbrin 'b.u.t.terfly': these correspond to words in QL under a root GWILI, wili- 'sail, float, fly', wilin 'bird', wilwarin 'b.u.t.terfly'. Another name of Manweg as Lord of the Winds, Famfir, is given in GL.

Voronw See Bronweg.

Vorotemnar For voro 'ever' see Bronweg. Temnar must be from root TEME 'tie', of which no derivative words are listed in QL.

Wendelin This is not in QL, but GL gives Gwendeling (changed later to Gwedhiling) as the Gnomish name corresponding to Qenya Wendelin; 'Queen of the Woodland Elves, mother of Tinviel' (the only occurrence of the name Tinviel in the dictionaries). The name must be related to Qenya wen 'maid, girl' and the Gnomish forms given under Urwen.

Wingildi See Wingilot.

Wingilot Under the root GWINGI/GWIGI in QL are wing 'foam, spindrift', wingilot 'foamflower, Erendel's boat', and wingild- 'nymph' (cf. Wingildi). For the element -lot see Lindelos.

GL has the entry: 'Gwingalos or Gwingli=Lothwinga or Foamflower, the name of Erendel's (Ioringli's) boat' also lothwing 'foamflower', gwing 'wavecrest, foam', and gwingil 'foam-maiden (mermaid, one of the attendants of Uinen)'.

Wirilm See Gwerlum.

Wiruin See Gwerlum.

Yavanna In QL this name is given under the root YAVA, together with yavin 'bears fruit', yva 'fruit', yvan 'harvest, autumn'. The Gnomish form is Ifon, Ivon, 'especially in the combinations Ivon Belaurin, Ivon Cmir, Ivon i Vladorwen' see Kemi, Palrien.


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an if, 64, 140, 149, 155, 165, 180, 182, 189, 197, 208 arra.s.sed covered with arras (rich figured tapestry), 17 astonied stunned, astonished, 116, 185 bason formerly a common spelling of basin, 164 etc.

bent open place covered with gra.s.s, 34 brakes thickets, 106 charger large dish, 191 clamant clamorous, noisy, 43 clomb old past tense of climb, 122 constellate formed into a constellation, 195 cools coolnesses, 74 corbel basket, 186 covetice (inordinate) desire, 117; covetousness, 1467 eld old age, 59, 219, 228 fain gladly, 45, 150; disposed, desirous, 195; fain of well-pleased with, 117, 208 fane temple, 39, 43 fey 37. The old senses were 'fated, approaching death; presaging death'. It seems very unlikely that the later sense 'possessing or displaying magical, fairylike, or unearthly qualities' (O.E.D. Supplement) was intended.

flittermice bats, 40 go move, in the phrase all the creatures that go 219 houseleek a fleshy plant that grows on the walls and roofs of houses, 95 inaureoled surrounded with a halo, 204 (the word is only recorded in the O.E.D. in a poem by Francis Thompson, 1897).

jacinth blue, 34 lampads 35. The word is only recorded in the O.E.D. (first used by Coleridge) of the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne of G.o.d in the Book of Revelation, iv. 5.

lets upon gives on to, opens on to, 210 lief gladly, willingly, 163; liever more gladly, more willingly, rather, 105, 163 l.u.s.tihead vigour, 99 meed requital, 105 minished reduced, diminished, 150, 208 or...or either...or, 127, 192, 214 or yet apparently means 'already', 166 ousel blackbird, 47 (now spelt ouzel, in Ring-ouzel and other bird-names).

pleasance 'A pleasure-ground, usually attached to a mansion; sometimes a secluded part of a garden, but more often a separate enclosure laid out with shady walks, trees and shrubs...' (O.E.D.) This sense is present in pleasa(u)nces 74, 116, but in rest and pleasance 69 the sense is 'enjoyment, pleasure' in nor did he have lack of pleasance 65 either meaning may be intended, but I think probably the former.

pled old past tense of plead, 167 plenilune the time of full moon, 205 (see Letters p. 310).

p.r.i.c.ks (spurs his horse), rides fast, 114. Orom p.r.i.c.ks over the plain echoes the first line of The Faerie Queene, A Gentle Knight was p.r.i.c.king on the plaine.

recked troubled, cared, 179 rede counsel, advice, 141, 182, 217; plan, 180; redes counsels, 117 rondured (in golden-rondured) 35. Rondure 'circle, rounded form' rondured is not recorded.

ruth matter of sorrow, calamity, 185; distress, grief, 191; remorse, 194; in the greatest ruth was that to [the Valar] thereafter 209 the sense is unclear: 'matter of sorrow or regret', or possibly 'harm, ill'.

saps deep diggings, 104 sate old past tense of sit, 58, 105, 153, 181, 190, 194 seamews seagulls, 124 selenites inhabitants of the Moon, 205 shallop 192. This word had precise applications to particular kinds of boat, but here apparently means 'open boat propelled by oars and sail'.

share 34, 38. share = ploughshare, but used here of the blade of a scythe.

sledge-blows blows as of a sledge, a large heavy hammer, 78 sprent past participle of the lost verb sprenge 'sprinkle, scatter', 192 sprite(s) spirit(s), 71, 74, 95, 115, 191 suaded persuaded, 69, 163.

trillups 108, trillaping 109. This word is not recorded in any dictionary available to me.

umbraged (in wide-umbraged) 34, 38. Umbraged 'shaded, shadowed', but here in the sense 'shadowing', 'casting a shade'.

web(s) woven fabric, 58, 73, 95 (also used in senses 'webbed feet' 127, 'cobwebs' 77, etc.) whickering 205 (whickering sparks). The verb whicker meant to laugh or t.i.tter, or of a horse to whinny, but the O.E.D. cites a line from Masefield the wall-top gra.s.ses whickered in the breeze, and the 1920 Supplement to the Dictionary gives a meaning 'to make a hurtling sound', with a single citation where the word is used of a thunderbolt whickering through the sky. In the 1962 version of The Man in the Moon the word flickering occurs in this verse.

whitethorn hawthorn, 76.

wildered perplexed, bewildered, 1634, 178, 231 wrack devastation, ruin, 177 (cf. (w)rack and ruin).


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