
The Awkward Age Part 8

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Mrs. Brookenham continued to a.s.sist a little in the preparations for tea. "Why not say at once, Jane"--and her tone, in its appeal, was almost infantine--"that you've come at last to placing even poor Nanda, for Aggie's wonderful purpose, in the same impossible cla.s.s?"

The d.u.c.h.ess took her time, but at last she accepted her duty. "Well, if you will have it. You know my ideas. If it isn't my notion of the way to bring up a girl to give her up, in extreme youth, to an intimacy with a young married woman who's both unhappy and silly, whose conversation has absolutely no limits, who says everything that comes into her head and talks to the poor child about G.o.d only knows what--if I should never dream of such an arrangement for my niece I can almost as little face the prospect of throwing her MUCH, don't you see? with any young person exposed to such an a.s.sociation. It would be in the natural order certainly"--in spite of which natural order the d.u.c.h.ess made the point with but moderate emphasis--"that, since dear Edward is my cousin, Aggie should see at least as much of Nanda as of any other girl of their age.

But what will you have? I must recognise the predicament I'm placed in by the more and more extraordinary development of English manners.

Many things have altered, goodness knows, since I was Aggie's age, but nothing's so different as what you all do with your girls. It's all a muddle, a compromise, a monstrosity, like everything else you produce; there's nothing in it that goes on all-fours. _I_ see but one consistent way, which is our fine old foreign way and which makes--in the upper cla.s.ses, mind you, for it's with them only I'm concerned--des femmes bien gracieuses. I allude to the immemorial custom of my husband's race, which was good enough for his mother and his mother's mother, for Aggie's own, for his other sisters, for toutes ces dames. It would have been good enough for my child, as I call her--my dear husband called her HIS--if, not losing her parents, she had remained in her own country.

She would have been brought up there under an anxious eye--that's the great point; privately, carefully, tenderly, and with what she was NOT to learn--till the proper time--looked after quite as much as the rest. I can only go on with her in that spirit and make of her, under Providence, what I consider any young person of her condition, of her name, of her particular traditions, should be. Voila, ma chere. Should you put it to me whether I think you're surrounding Nanda with any such security as that--well, I shouldn't be able to help it if I offended you by an honest answer. What it comes to, simply stated, is that really she must choose between Aggie and Tishy. I'm afraid I should shock you were I to tell you what I should think of myself for packing MY child, all alone, off for a week with Mrs. Grendon."

Mrs. Brookenham, who had many talents, had none perhaps that she oftener found useful than that of listening with the appearance of being fairly hypnotised. It was the way she listened to her housekeeper at their regular morning conference, and if the rejoinder ensuing upon it frequently appeared to have nothing to do with her manner this was a puzzle for her interlocutor alone. "Oh of course I know your theory, dear Jane, and I dare say it's very charming and old-fashioned and, if you like, aristocratic, in a frowsy foolish old way--though even upon that, at the same time, there would be something too to be said. But I can only congratulate you on finding it more workable than there can be any question of MY finding it. If you're all armed for the sacrifices you speak of I simply am not. I don't think I'm quite a monster, but I don't pretend to be a saint. I'm an English wife and an English mother--I live in the mixed English world. My daughter, at any rate, is just my daughter, I thank my stars, and one of a good English bunch: she's not the unique niece of my dead Italian husband, nor doubtless either, in spite of her excellent birth, of a lineage, like Aggie's, so very tremendous. I've my life to lead and she's a part of it. Sugar?"

she wound up on a still softer note as she handed the cup of tea.

"Never! Well, with ME" said the d.u.c.h.ess with spirit, "she would be all."

"'All' is soon said! Life is composed of many things," Mrs. Brookenham gently rang out--"of such mingled intertwisted strands!" Then still with the silver bell, "Don't you really think Tishy nice?" she asked.

"I think little girls should live with little girls and young femmes du monde so immensely initiated should--well," said the d.u.c.h.ess with a toss of her head, "let them alone. What do they want of them 'at all at all'?"

"Well, my dear, if Tishy strikes you as 'initiated' all one can ask is 'Initiated into what?' I should as soon think of applying such a term to a little shivering shorn lamb. Is it your theory," Mrs. Brookenham pursued, "that our unfortunate unmarried daughters are to have no intelligent friends?"

"Unfortunate indeed," cried the d.u.c.h.ess, "precisely BECAUSE they're unmarried, and unmarried, if you don't mind my saying so, a good deal because they're unmarriageable. Men, after all, the nice ones--by which I mean the possible ones--are not on the lookout for little brides whose usual a.s.sociates are so up to snuff. It's not their idea that the girls they marry shall already have been pitchforked--by talk and contacts and visits and newspapers and by the way the poor creatures rush about and all the extraordinary things they do--quite into EVERYTHING. A girl's most intelligent friend is her mother--or the relative acting as such.

Perhaps you consider that Tishy takes your place!"

Mrs. Brookenham waited so long to say what she considered that before she next spoke the question appeared to have dropped. Then she only replied as if suddenly remembering her manners: "Won't you eat something?" She indicated a particular plate. "One of the nice little round ones?" The d.u.c.h.ess appropriated a nice little round one and her hostess presently went on: "There's one thing I mustn't forget--don't let us eat them ALL. I believe they're what Lord Petherton really comes for."

The d.u.c.h.ess finished her mouthful imperturbably before she took this up.

"Does he come so often?"

Mrs. Brookenham might have been, for judicious candour, the Muse of History. "I don't know what he calls it; but he said yesterday that he'd come today. I've had tea earlier for you," she went on with her most melancholy kindness--"and he's always late. But we mustn't, between us, lick the platter clean."

The d.u.c.h.ess entered very sufficiently into her companion's tone. "Oh I don't feel at all obliged to consider him, for he has not of late particularly put himself out for me. He has not been to see me since I don't know when, and the last time he did come he brought Mr. Mitchett."

"Here it was the other way round. It was Mr. Mitchett, the other year, who first brought Lord Petherton."

"And who," asked the d.u.c.h.ess, "had first brought Mr. Mitchett?"

Mrs. Brookenham, meeting her friend's eyes, looked for an instant as if trying to recall. "I give it up. I muddle beginnings."

"That doesn't matter if you only MAKE them," the d.u.c.h.ess smiled.

"No, does it?" To which Mrs. Brookenham added: "Did he bring Mr.

Mitchett for Aggie?"

"If he did they'll have been disappointed. Neither of them has seen, in my house, the tip of her nose." The d.u.c.h.ess announced it with a pomp of pride.

"Ah but with your ideas that doesn't prevent."

"Prevent what?"

"Why what I suppose you call the pourparlers."

"For Aggie's hand? My dear," said the d.u.c.h.ess, "I'm glad you do me the justice of feeling that I'm a person to take time by the forelock. It was not, as you seem to remember, with the sight of Mr. Mitchett that the question of Aggie's hand began to occupy me. I should be ashamed of myself if it weren't constantly before me and if I hadn't my feelers out in more quarters than one. But I've not so much as thought of Mr. Mitchett--who, rich as he may be, is the son of a shoemaker and superlatively hideous--for a reason I don't at all mind telling you.

Don't be outraged if I say that I've for a long time hoped you yourself would find the right use for him." She paused--at present with a momentary failure of a.s.surance, from which she rallied, however, to proceed with a burst of earnestness that was fairly n.o.ble. "Forgive me if I just tell you once for all how it strikes me, I'm stupefied at your not seeming to recognise either your interest or your duty. Oh I know you want to, but you appear to me--in your perfect good faith of course--utterly at sea. They're one and the same thing, don't you make out? your interest and your duty. Why isn't it convincingly plain to you that the thing to do with Nanda is just to marry her--and to marry her soon? That's the great thing--do it while you CAN. If you don't want her downstairs--at which, let me say, I don't in the least wonder--your remedy is to take the right alternative. Don't send her to Tishy--"

"Send her to Mr. Mitchett?" Mrs. Brookenham unresentfully quavered. Her colour, during her visitor's address had distinctly risen, but there was no irritation in her voice. "How do you know, Jane, that I don't want her downstairs?"

The d.u.c.h.ess looked at her with an audacity confirmed by the absence from her face of everything but the plaintive. "There you are, with your eternal English false positions! J'aime, moi, les situations nettes--je rien comprends pas d'autres. It wouldn't be to your honour--to that of your delicacy--that with your impossible house you SHOULD wish to plant your girl in your drawing-room. But such a way of keeping her out of it as throwing her into a worse--!"

"Well, Jane, you do say things to me!" Mrs. Brookenham blandly broke in. She had sunk back into her chair; her hands, in her lap pressed themselves together and her wan smile brought a tear into each of her eyes by the very effort to be brighter. It might have been guessed of her that she hated to seem to care, but that she had other dislikes too.

"If one were to take up, you know, some of the things you say--!" And she positively sighed for the wealth of amus.e.m.e.nt at them of which her tears were the sign. Her friend could quite match her indifference.

"Well, my child, TAKE them up; if you were to do that with them candidly, one by one, you would do really very much what I should like to bring you to. Do you see?" Mrs. Brookenham's failure to repudiate the vision appeared to suffice, and her visitor cheerfully took a further jump. "As much of Tishy as she wants--AFTER. But not before."

"After what?"

"Well--say after Mr. Mitchett. Mr. Mitchett won't take her after Mrs.


"And what are your grounds for a.s.suming that he'll take her at all?"

Then as the d.u.c.h.ess hung fire a moment: "Have you got it by chance from Lord Petherton?"

The eyes of the two women met for a little on this, and there might have been a consequence of it in the manner of what came. "I've got it from not being a fool. Men, I repeat, like the girls they marry--"

"Oh I already know your old song! The way they like the girls they DON'T marry seems to be," Mrs. Brookenham mused, "what more immediately concerns us. You had better wait till you HAVE made Aggie's fortune perhaps--to be so sure of the working of your system. Pardon me, darling, if I don't take you for an example until you've a little more successfully become one. I know what the sort of men worth speaking of are not looking for. They ARE looking for smart safe sensible English girls."

The d.u.c.h.ess glanced at the clock. "What's Mr. Vanderbank looking for?"

Her companion appeared to oblige her by anxiously thinking. "Oh, HE, I'm afraid, poor dear--for nothing at all!"

The d.u.c.h.ess had taken off a glove to appease her appet.i.te, and now, drawing it on, she smoothed it down. "I think he has his ideas."

"The same as yours?"

"Well, more like them than like yours."

"Ah perhaps then--for he and I," said Mrs. Brookenham, "don't agree, I feel, on two things in the world. So you think poor Mitchy," she went on, "who's the son of a shoemaker and who might be the grandson of a gra.s.shopper, good enough for my child."

The d.u.c.h.ess appreciated for a moment the superior fit of her glove. "I look facts in the face. It's exactly what I'm doing for Aggie." Then she grew easy to extravagance. "What are you giving her?"

But Mrs. Brookenham took without wincing whatever, as between a masterful relative and an exposed frivolity, might have been the sting of it. "That you must ask Edward. I haven't the least idea."

"There you are again--the virtuous English mother! I've got Aggie's little fortune in an old stocking and I count it over every night. If you've no old stocking for Nanda there are worse fates than shoemakers and gra.s.shoppers. Even WITH one, you know, I don't at all say that I should sniff at poor Mitchy. We must take what we can get and I shall be the first to take it. You can't have everything for ninepence." And the d.u.c.h.ess got up--shining, however, with a confessed light of fantasy.

"Speak to him, my dear--speak to him!"

"Do you mean offer him my child?"

She laughed at the intonation. "There you are once more--vous autres! If you're shocked at the idea you place drolement your delicacy. I'd offer mine to the son of a chimney-sweep if the princ.i.p.al guarantees were there. Nanda's charming--you don't do her justice. I don't say Mr.

Mitchett's either beautiful or n.o.ble, and he certainly hasn't as much distinction as would cover the point of a pin. He doesn't mind moreover what he says--the lengths he sometimes goes to!--but that," added the d.u.c.h.ess with decision, "is no doubt much a matter of how he finds you'll take it. And after marriage what does it signify? He has forty thousand a year, an excellent idea of how to take care of it and a good disposition."

Mrs. Brookenham sat still; she only looked up at her friend. "Is it by Lord Petherton that you know of his excellent idea?"

The d.u.c.h.ess showed she was challenged, but also that she made allowances. "I go by my impression. But Lord Petherton HAS spoken for him."

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The Awkward Age Part 8 summary

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