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There are three Ways of surprizing in Fencing: The first is the Situation of the Guard, taking his Time: The second, is doing an Action to disorder the Enemy, in order to hit him, at that Time, where he is open; and the third is when the Opponent attacks you, either by Feints, Engagements, or Lunges, you take him upon the Time. Tho' these three Sorts of Surprize require a certain Point of Swiftness, the first needs the most, having no other Support; but the two others have the Advantage of having disorder'd the Enemy.
Although Time, Swiftness, and the other Qualities are absolutely necessary in Fencing, without their just Concurrence they are useless.
In order to acquire which, the Wrist must be easy by Practice, that you may hit where you see Light.
_Of Measure_.
Time, Swiftness, and Justness, without the Knowledge of Measure, would be in vain, Thrusts from afar being of no Use, and from near, dangerous; and the other Motions shou'd also be at a certain Distance, in order not only to be ready for the Time, but also to take Advantage of the Disorder of the Enemy. The Measure is taken from you to the Enemy, and from the Enemy to you: The first is easier known, as well because it is naturally so, as by the Custom of your Lunge, which being, in regard of yourself, always the same, makes it easier by Practice: The Measure from the Enemy to you is difficult, from the Difference in Persons whose Stature, Activity, or Swords, are not always alike; and tho' the Height shou'd be the same, the Arms, Thighs and Legs are not proportionable; besides there are big Men that have short Arms, and little Men that have long Arms. It is likewise so in regard to the Clift; some being longer in the Fork than others; and though two Men shou'd in that Particular be alike, if one of them has shorter Legs than the other, he will reach farther, because his Thighs are longer, and in the Lunge, only one of the Legs contributes to it's Length, the other making a Line almost perpendicular, whereas the two Thighs making a strait Line, contribute equally to the Extention.
The Difference in Suppleness, also makes a Difference in the Extention; a Man who has the Freedom of his Shoulders and Hips, going farther than one that has them constrain'd. It may also happen that two Men of like Proportion and Freedom of Parts, may not have an equal Extention, by their being taught differently; some Masters teaching to keep the Body upright, the Wrist raised, or too much on one Side, and the Left-foot first; whereas the Body shou'd lean a little forward, without raising or carrying the Hand to one Side, farther than to keep the Body covered, and the Left-foot shou'd lye down on the Edge; this Situation gives a greater Length than the other.
The different Lengths of Swords sometimes make it difficult to know the Measure, and makes it impossible to fix it by Rule, as several Masters have pretended: Some of them say that the Measure is just, when the Points cross each other a Foot; others, with as little Reason, wou'd have the Middle of your Blade touch the Point of the Adversary's; but what gives a true Knowledge of the Measure is frequent Exercise, accompanied with a good Judgment, pushing often _Quart_ and _Tierce_ with different Foils, and being pushed at by different Persons.
The Extention is taken from the Left-foot, which is the Centre, to the b.u.t.ton of the Foil.
I did design, in this Place, to treat of Time, and of a regular Way of pushing in Lessons, from the Beginning to the End of one Year, according to the Disposition of Scholars; but after I had finished it, I thought that my Fellow-Brethren would perhaps take it ill that I should prescribe Lessons to their Scholars, by which, instead of gaining their good Opinion, I might incur the Accusation of being more busy than knowing.
_Of the Necessity of some Qualities in a Master_.
In order to teach well, it's necessary to have a perfect Idea of the Means which conduce from the Beginning to the End of the Matter proposed, I mean to it's Perfection, or to what comes nearest it, if our Age has not as yet arrived to it.
In Fencing, as well as in other Exercises, there should be Judgment and Knowledge how to act and how to Teach: The first is the Effect of a long and good Theory; the second, of a good Theory, long Practice, and a good Disposition; and the third, besides the Theory and Practice, is the Effect of a good Genius, or of a particular Talent.
Qualities which shou'd be always united; so that the Genius may be capable of teaching properly to different Persons, the Application of the Rules which are acquired by Experience.
It is as necessary in this Art that a Master's Motions shou'd be regular, and that he shou'd hold the Foil properly in his Hand, as it is for a Writing Master to draw the Example well that he would have copied; so that the Scholar of the one, or of the other, may learn a better Motion, or a finer Character. It is also proper that when a Scholar commits a Fault, the Master shou'd shame him by imitating it, the seeing the Fault making a greater Impression than the hearing of it.
A Master in his Lesson shou'd give a Time to the Scholar to make him push, in order to teach him to take the Enemy's Time. He shou'd likewise sometimes beat back his Body, and parry him from time to time, that he may accustom him to be firm on his Legs, to oppose his Sword well, and to recover well: It is good sometimes to let him make several Thrusts following, and then remaining firm all of a sudden, to shew him, that he shou'd always be ready to thrust when an Opportunity offers, and to retain himself when it does not offer.
In order to make him take the Time well, and to form his Parade and Rispost properly, the Time that the Master gives must have a Regard to Rule, and sometimes to the Disorder of an unskilful Enemy, that he may be equally fortifyed for both; and to form his Parade and Rispost the Master must push in the Manner the most like to an a.s.sault.
Though most Masters give Lessons with shorter and stiffer Foils than are used in a.s.saulting or playing loose, I esteem it better always to use the same Foils that they may not be deceived in an a.s.sault.
A Master's Play shou'd be neat, subtle agreeable, and useful, as fit for Combat as for the School.
The Art of Fencing being to make the most of a good or bad Disposition, when 'tis good 'tis capable of being made perfectly dexterous, and when bad, the Defect of Nature is to be repaired by Art.
By saying that 'tis no hard Matter to perfect such Men as are naturally of a very good Disposition, is meant the bringing them to a certain Point which they could almost arrive to of themselves, by Practice and Speculation; but it is well known that it is the Business of a good Master to make his Scholar perfectly dexterous, and tho' he may have a good Disposition and long Exercise, if he is not well instructed, he cannot become dexterous, even tho' he shou'd execute with Agility, being incapable of acquiring a Good without knowing and practising it.
A good Disposition is seldom to be met with, for there is generally a Mixture of bad Parts with the good. Some have a supple, light and vigorous Body, and with these Qualities a heavy or ill adjusted Hand; and others that have as good a Disposition as is desirable, have a narrow Genius, fearing to undertake any thing, or are hot and inconsiderate, which shews that it is only be a perfect Accord of the Parts and Understanding that a Man can be perfectly dexterous.
In short an able Master does not only shew the Fault, and whence it proceeds, but also the Danger to which it exposes, and the Means to leave it. A Master whose Play is regular, or who has the best Foundation, may properly be said to be a good Master.
CHAP. x.x.x.
_Rules for pushing and parrying at the Wall, and for making an a.s.sault._
Though 'tis absolutely necessary to begin by way of Lesson, and to continue in it a long Time, in order that Practice growing to a Habit, may give Liberty to the Parts to form themselves: nevertheless however well you may take your Lessons, some other Means are necessary to make an a.s.sault well, than those which the Master gives at his _Plastron_: This Rule must be supported by pushing and parrying at the Wall, and in the Manner I am going to lay down.
When you have laboured a certain Time at Lessons, you must push at a Cushion which is fixed against the Wall for that Purpose, observing the Guard, and the Measure or Extention of the Thrust; and that the Hand display itself in _Quart_, not only according to the Rule, but first, adjusting and supporting the Thrust, and that all the Parts be placed in the most advantageous Situation for the Thrust and Recovery, which shou'd be very regularly observed.
After having lunged for some Days on the Cushion, to fix the Wrist and Body a little, you must push at a Scholar, who Being placed at the Wall will parry your Thrusts; you shou'd be in Measure, and to see if it be just, you must lunge in _Quart_, placing the b.u.t.ton softly on the Body, at the same time taking off your Hat, having taken the Measure you must recover in Guard, and place yourself on the Outside of his Sword in order to disengage and push _Quart_, being more careful of pushing justly than hitting; he that parrys shou'd from time to time drop his Foil, which will shew whether he that pushes follows the Blade or the Line of the Body; having remain'd some Time upon the Lunge to form the Support of the Wrist and the Posture of the Body you recover to Guard.
When you lunge pretty well in _Quart_, you may disengage and push _Tierce_, and when the Thrust is pushed and parryed, you may recover and push _Seconde_ under.
When you have pushed for some Time in this Manner, you may practise to parry, putting yourself for that Purpose to the Wall, which furnishes a better Parade than at large, where you are used to draw back the Body which weakens it, whereas here you cannot, which makes the Parade stronger, having no Dependence but on the Foil; you shou'd chuse a Scholar that pushes the most regularly, it being difficult without that, that a Beginner shou'd learn to parry justly.
Most young Beginners endeavour to hit at any Rate, instead of practising what would be beneficial to them, but instead of deceiving others they deceive themselves, by practising less how to form themselves and push according to Rule, than how to spoil their Bodies, and destroy the Solidity of the Principles: Some use themselves to push with the Wrist only, without the Foot, which is dangerous, by reason of the too great Measure; others with as little Reason, and as much Danger, place themselves without binding the Blade, and thrust under the Wrist; in the one the Situation of the Guard is good for nothing, and in the other there is no Defence if the Adversary thrusts at that time: Others deceive by making a Time or Motion when they are placed, but the pushing at the Wall requires only the Justness and Swiftness of the Thrust; others put themselves very near baulking the Measure, which may be done four Ways, tho' the Left-foot may be in it's proper Place, and kept firm in the Thrust; the first is done by marking or bringing forward the Point of the Left-foot, keeping it a little in, then advancing the Heel, which gives more Measure; secondly, by keeping back the Body on a Lunge, you deceive the Measure and hit by abandoning it forward, which gives it a greater Extention, thirdly, by raising or carrying the Wrist too high, or too much to one Side, which shortning the Thrust, makes it believed that you are out of Reach, but according to the Rule and Line you are too much in Reach; fourthly, some take Measure by holding the Thumb on the Body of the Guard, and when they have a mind to hit they hold it on the Middle of the Handle, with the Pommel in the Hand, which also gives a greater Length.
When you have for some time used yourself to push and parry at the Wall, according to the Rules that I have laid down, you must, (tho' 'tis not the Rule of Schools, especially when you push with Strangers,) you must I say, when you push with a Scholar of your own Master, push and parry a Thrust alternately, disengaging, and then do the same Feinting, and sometime after you shou'd make the other Thrusts, telling one another your design, which makes you execute and parry them by Rule, especially if you reflect on the Motions and Postures of the Lunges and Parades.
Being a little formed to this method, you may, being warned of the Thrust, parry it, telling the Adversary where you intend your Riposte, which puts him in a condition to avoid it, and gives him room to redouble after his Parade, either strait or by a Feint, at which you are not surprised, expecting by being forewarned the Thrust he is to make, which puts you easily on your Defence and Offence: by this manner of Exercise, you may not only improve faster, but with more art, the Eye and Parts being insensibly disposed to follow the Rule, whereas without this Method, the difference that there is between a lesson of a.s.saulting a Man who forewarns you, helps you, and lets you hit him, and another who endeavours to defend himself and hit you, is, that except the Practice of Lessons be very well taught by long exercise, you fall into a Disorder which is often owing to the want of Art more than to any Defect in Nature. The taking a Lesson well, and the Manner of Pushing and Parrying which I have just described, may be attained to by Practice only, but some other things are necessary to make an a.s.sault well; for besides the Turn of the Body, the Lightness, Suppleness and Vigour which compose the exteriour Part, you must be stout and prudent, qualities so essential, that without them you cannot act with a good Grace, nor to the purpose. If you are apprehensive, besides, that you don't push home, or justly, fear making you keep back your Thrust, or follow the Blade, the least Motion of the Enemy disorders you, and puts you out of a Condition to hit him, and to avoid his Thrusts. Without Prudence, you cannot take the advantage of the situation, motions designs of the enemy, which changing very often, according to his Capacity and to the Measure, demonstrates that an ill concerted Enterprise exposes more to Danger than it procures Advantage: in order to turn this Quality to an advantage, you are to observe the Enemy's _fort_ and _feeble_, whether he attack or defend; if he attack it will be either by plain Thrusts strait, or disengaged, or by Feints or Engagements, which may be opposed by Time, or Ripostes: if he keeps on his Defence, it is either to take the Time or to Riposte. In case of the first; you shou'd, by half Thrusts, oblige him to push in order to take a Counter to his Time, and if he sticks to his Parade you must serve in what Manner, in order to disorder him by Feints, and push where he gives Light.
It would fill a whole Volume to describe the Thrusts that may be made, according to the Difference of Persons, as well to surprise as to avoid being surprised; besides the many Repet.i.tions wou'd be extremely puzzling, for which Reason, I have, instead of them, laid down the following Advices, which contain chiefly, what I cou'd not otherwise have communicated without a long Treatise.
Don't put yourself in Guard within the Reach of the Enemy.
Make no wry Faces, or Motions that are disagreeable to the Sight.
Be not affected, negligent, nor stiff.
Don't flatter yourself in your Lessons, and still less in a.s.saults.
Be not angry at receiving a Thrust, but take care to avoid it.
Be not vain at the Thrusts you give, nor shew Contempt when you receive them.
Do not endeavour to give many Thrusts, running the Risque of receiving one.
Don't think yourself expert, but that you may become so.
When you present the Foils, give the Choice without pressing.
If you are much inferiour, make no long a.s.saults.