The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Tain Bo Cualnge -
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[2-2] Eg. 93.
It was then too that he came upon the Fir Crandce ('the men of Crannach') [3]from whom cometh Crannach in Murthemne;[3] to wit, the two Artinne and the two sons of Lecc, the two sons of Durcride, the two sons of Gabul, and Drucht and Delt and Dathen, Tae and Tualang and Turscur, and Torc Glaisse and Gla.s.s and Gla.s.sne, which are the same as the twenty men of Fochard.
Cuchulain surprised them as they were pitching [] camp in advance of all others--[4]ten cup-bearers and ten men-of-arms they were[4]--so that they fell by his hand.
[3-3] Eg. 93.
[4-4] LU. and YBL. 1348.
Then it was that Buide ('the Yellow') son of Ban Blai ('the White') from [5]Sliab Culinn ('Hollymount'),[5] the country of Ailill and Medb, and belonging to the special followers of [6]Ailill and[6] Medb, met Cuchulain.
Four and twenty[a] warriors [7]was their strength.[7] A [8]blue[8] mantle enwrapping each man, the Brown Bull of Cualnge plunging and careering before them after he had been brought from Glenn na Samaisce ('Heifers'
Glen') to Sliab Culinn, and fifty of his heifers with him. [9]Cuchulain advances to meet them.[9] "Whence bring ye the drove, [10]ye men?"[10]
Cuchulain asks. "From yonder mountain," Buide answers. [11]"Where are its herdsmen?" Cuchulain asks. "One is here where we found him," the warrior answers. Cuchulain made three leaps after them, seeking to speak [W.2031.]
with them, as far as the ford. Then it was he spoke to the leader[11], "What is thine own name?" said Cuchulain. "One that neither loves thee nor fears thee," Buide made answer; "Buide son of Ban Blai am I, from the country of Ailill and Medb." [1]"Wella-day, O Buide," cried Cuchulain; "haste to the ford below that we exchange a couple of throws with each other." They came to the ford and exchanged a couple of throws there.[1]
"Lo, here for thee this short spear," said Cuchulain, and he casts the spear at him. It struck the shield over his belly, so that it shattered three ribs in his farther side after piercing his heart in his bosom. And Buide son of Ban Blai fell [2]on the ford.[2] So that thence is Ath Buidi ('Athboy') in Crich Roiss ('the land of Ross').
[5-5] LU. and YBL. 1318.
[6-6] Stowe.
[a] 'Sixty' is the number in LU. and YBL.; 'eight' in Eg. 93.
[7-7] Stowe and LU. and YBL. 1319.
[8-8] Eg. 93.
[9-9] LU. and YBL. 1320.
[10-10] Eg. 93.
[11-11] LU. and YBL. 1322-1325.
[1-1] Eg. 93.
[2-2] LU. and YBL 1328.
For as long or as short a s.p.a.ce as [3]these bold champions and battle-warriors[3] were engaged in this work of exchanging their two short spears--for it was not in a moment they had accomplished it--the Brown Bull of Cualnge was carried away in quick course and career [4]by the eight great men[4] to the camp [5]of the men of Erin[5] as swiftly as any beeve can be brought to a camp. [6]They opined then it would not be hard to deal with Cuchulain if only his spear were got from him.[6] From this accordingly came the greatest shame and grief and madness that was brought on Cuchulain on that hosting.
[3-3] Eg. 93.
[4-4] Eg. 93.
[5-5] Eg. 93.
[6-6] LU. and YBL. 1330-1331.
As regards Medb: every ford [7]and every hill[7] whereon she stopped, Ath Medba ('Medb's Ford') [8]and Dindgna Medba ('Medb's Hill')[8] is its name. Every place wherein she pitched her tent, Pupall Medba ('Medb's Tent') is its name. Every spot she rested her horselash, Bili Medba ('Medb's Tree') is its name.
[7-7] LU. and YBL 1353.
[8-8] LU. and YBL 1354.
On this circuit Medb [9]turned back from the north after [W.2047.] she had remained a fortnight laying waste the province[9] [1]and plundering the land of the Picts and of Cualnge and the land of Conall son of Amargin,[1]
and having offered battle [2]one night[2] to Findmor ('the Fair-large') wife of Celtchar [3]son of Uthechar[3] at the gate of Dun Sobairche; and she slew Findmor and laid waste Dun Sobairche; [5]and, after taking Dun Sobairche from her, she brought fifty of [4]her[4] women into the province of Dalriada.[5] [6]Then she had them hanged and crucified. Whence cometh Mas na Righna ('Queen's b.u.t.tock') as the name of the hill, from their hanging.[6]
[9-9] LU. and YBL 1348-1349.
[1-1] Eg. 93.
[2-2] Eg. 93.
[3-3] Stowe.
[4-4] Eg. 93.
[5-5] LU. and YBL. 1351-1352.
[6-6] Eg. 33.
Then came the warriors of four of the five grand provinces of Erin at the end of a long fortnight[a] to camp and station [7]at Fochard,[7] together with Medb and Ailill and the company that were bringing the bull.
[a] Omitting _ar mis_ (LL.), which is not found in the other MSS.
[7-7] LU. and YBL. 1355.
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[W.2054.] And the bull's cowherd would not allow them [1]to carry off[1]
the Brown Bull of Cualnge, so that they urged on the bull, beating shafts on shields, till they drove him into a narrow gap, and the herd trampled the cowherd's body thirty feet into the ground, so that they made fragments and shreds of his body. Forgemen was the neatherd's name. [2]And this is the name of the hill, Forgemen.[2] This then is the Death of Forgemen on the Cattle-prey of Cualnge. [3]Now there was no peril to them that night so long as a man was got to ward off Cuchulain from them on the ford.[3]
[1-1] Stowe.
[2-2] LU. and YBL. 1359.
[3-3] LU. and YBL. 1360-1361.
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