
The 100 Best Volunteer Vacations to Enrich Your Life Part 28

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While the labor that volunteers provide is valuable, that's not their only contribution to Tasiriki. The fees that volunteers pay provide a small income to many people in the village that would otherwise not have one. These fees also pay for the project manager, the turtle guides that work with the volunteers on the beach, and the local women who take care of the bungalows and cook for the volunteers. In addition to the income the project provides, it has increased the villagers' interest in learning more about their turtles neighbors and ensuring they are still here for future generations.

As a volunteer on this GVI project, you'll walk the beaches, count nests, and conduct nesting surveys. Depending on the time of year, your job may vary. In September and October, for example, you'll conduct reef surveys, clear forest track, or mark out marine conservation areas. During November through March, you'll likely spend evenings at the nesting beach (expect an hour-long hike from the village), where you'll collect data and help the vulnerable one-inch hatchlings make it safely to the sea. Other jobs might be teaching at the village school, working in the gardens, collecting dried coral, or a.s.sisting with meals.

You'll be welcomed with open arms by the Tasiriki community, who will ply you with meals from their gardens, teach you to weave, and throw grand galas in your honor. You'll likely be given your own nickname. One volunteer was called Leiwia (it means "good woman") and another was called Leisalewia ("woman who comes from across the sea"). The Tasiriki String Band, that plays at the goodbye party, has even been known to write a song about about each individual volunteer.

There's nothing fancy about the two-bed bush bungalows where you'll stay. There are two bucket flush toilets and two huts for bucket showers. The newest addition is a dining hall/common room that provides the volunteers with a spot to gather for meals as well as a place to relax on rainy days. A four-week volunteer stint, including meals and accommodations, runs $2,320.


Global Vision International, 252 Newbury Street, Number 4, Boston, MA 02116, 888-653-6028, www.gvi.co.usa.com.

volunteer organizations.

This listing of volunteer organizations is divided into two sections. The first section contains a list of organizations-both nonprofits and businesses, including all of those listed in this book plus additional ones-that offer a wide range of international volunteer opportunities. For example, they go to South Africa to save sharks, to Poland to save orphans, and to Vietnam to save habitat. The second section divides the vacations into themes, so if you know you love animals, you can find something to do with, say, chimps or elephants; if you prefer to spend your time banging nails, you can focus on construction; or if you'd rather work with children, there are specific options for doing that as well.


This first section is devoted to volunteer outfits whose sole mission-their expertise, if you will-is to find worthy causes and projects and recruit volunteers to work on them. Most of them have been doing this for some time. They're good at handling logistics, answering questions, and quelling fears that volunteers might have about malaria or being met at the airport. Some of these organizations house volunteers with host families, all of whom have been carefully screened. Others have built their own apartments, staffed by an in-country team. For this handling of details-usually including meals and everything else you'll need while there-these organizations charge volunteers to, well, volunteer. But you can rest easy, knowing you're going with pros.

A Broader View, 1001 Dell Lane Suite B, Wyncote, PA 19095, 866-423-3258 or 215-780-1845, www.abroaderview.org Airline Amba.s.sadors International, 418 California Ave., Moss Beach, CA 94038, 866-264-3586, www.airlineamb.org; see p. 52.

Amba.s.sadors for Children, 40 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204, 866-338-3468 or 317-536-0250, www.amba.s.sadorsforchildren.org; see p. 58.

CADIP (Canadian Alliance for Development Initiatives and Projects), 907950 Drake St., Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2B9, Canada, 604-628-7400, www.cadip.org; see p. 49.

Catholic Network of Volunteer Service, 6930 Carroll Ave., Suite 820, Takoma Park, MD 20912, 800-543-5046 or 301-270-0900, www.cnvs.org.

Center for Cultural Interchange, c/o Greenheart, 712 N. Wells St., 4th fl., Chicago, IL 60657, 888-227-6231 or 312-944-2544, www.greenhearttravel.org; see pp. 70 and 160.

Changing Worlds, 11 Doctors Lane, Chaldon, Surrey CR3 5AE, England, 44 1883 340 960, www.changingworlds.co.uk; see p. 138.

Cosmic Volunteers, 3502 Scotts Lane, Sherman Properties, Suite 3147, Mailbox E-14, Philadelphia, PA 19129, 888-813-0248 or 215-609-4196, www.cosmicvolunteers.org.

Cross-Cultural Solutions, 2 Clinton Place, New Roch.e.l.le, NY 10801, 800-380-4777, www.crossculturalsolutions.org; see p. 121.

Earthwatch, 3 Clock Tower Place, Suite 100, Box 75, Maynard, MA 01754, 800-776-0188 or 978-461-0081, www.earthwatch.org; see pp. 46, 118, and 265.

Ecovolunteer, Great Canadian Travel Company, Ltd., 158 Fort St., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1C9, Canada, 800-661-3830, www.ecovolunteer.org; see pp. 76, 129, and 195.

Gap Year for Grown Ups, Zurich House, 1 Meadow Rd., Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2YG, England, 44 1892 701 881, www.gapyearforgrownups.co.uk; see p. 221.

GeoVisions International, 63 Whitfield St., Guilford, CT 06437, 877-949-9998 or 203-453-5838, www.geovisions.org.

Global Citizens Network, 130 N. Howell St., Saint Paul, MN 55104, 800-644-9292 or 651-644-0960, www.globalcitizens.org.

Global Crossroad, 415 E. Airport Fwy., Ste. 365, Irving, TX 75062, 866-387-7816 or 972-252-4191, www.globalcrossroad.com; see p. 219.

Global Exchange, 2017 Mission St., 2nd Fl., San Francisco, CA 94110, 415-255-7296 or 800-497-1994, www.globalexchange.org; see p. 61.

Global Village, Habitat for Humanity International, Box 369, Americus, GA 31709, 800-422-4828, ext. 7530, www.habitat.org/gv; see p. 267.

Global Vision International, 252 Newbury St., No. 4, Boston, MA 02116, 888-653-6028, www.gviusa.com; see pp. 146, 166, and 270.

Global Volunteer Network Ltd., Box 30-968, Lower Hutt, New Zealand, 64 4 569 9080, www.volunteer.org.nz; U.S. contact: 800-963-1198; see p. 253.

Global Volunteers, 375 E. Little Canada Rd., St. Paul, MN 55117, 800-487-1074 or 651-407-6100, www.globalvolunteers.org; see p. 41.

Globe Aware, 6500 E. Mockingbird Ln., Suite 104, Dallas, TX 75214, 877-588-4562, www.globeaware.com; see pp. 64 and 127.

Greenforce USA, 530 Fulham Rd., London SW6 SNR, England, 44 20 7384 3343, www.greenforce.org; see p. 192.

Inst.i.tute for Field Research Expeditions, 8500 N. Stemmons Fwy. #5030 K, Dallas, TX 75247, 800-675-2504, www.ifrevolunteers.org.

i-to-i North America, 458 Wheeler St., Seattle, WA 98109, 800-985-4864, www.i-to-i.com; see p. 79.

Projects Abroad Inc., 347 W. 36th St., Ste. 903, New York, NY 10018, 888-839-3535, www.projects-abroad.org; see pp. 82, 144, and 168.

ProWorld, Box 21121, Billings, MT 59104, 877-733-7378 or 406-245-7348, www.myproworld.org.

Service Civil International, 5505 Walnut Level Rd., Crozet, VA22932, 434-336-3545, www.sci-ivs.org.

Travellers Worldwide, Ste. 2A, Caravelle House, 17/19 Goring Road, Worthing, West Suss.e.x BN12 4AP, England, 44 1903 502 595, www.travellersworldwide.com; see pp. 163 and 200.

United Planet, 11 Arlington St., Boston, MA 02116, 800-292-2316 or 617-267-7763, www.unitedplanet.org; see p. 140.

Volunteer Adventures, 915 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, 80246, 866-574-8606, www.volunteeradventures.com.

Volunteers for Peace, 1034 Tiffany Rd., Belmont, VT05730, 802-259-2759, www.vfp.org; see p. 217.

World Endeavors, 3015 E. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55406, 866-802-9678 or 612-729-3400, www.worldendeavors.com.

WorldTeach, c/o Center for International Development, Harvard University, Box 122, 79 John F. Kennedy St., Cambridge, MA 02138, 800-483-2240 or 617-495-5527, www.worldteach.org; see p. 262.


Here we've broken out the volunteer vacations by theme, to help you find something that touches you personally. Maybe you have a medical background, or teaching, or like to bang nails into wood. Whatever your pa.s.sion, you'll find something here that will help you do a little something to change the world.


Global Exchange, 2017 Mission St., 2nd Fl., San Francisco, CA 94110, 415-255-7296 or 800-497-1994, www.globalexchange.org; see p. 61.

International Society for Ecology and Culture, P.O. Box 9475, Berkeley, CA 94709, 510-548-4915, www.isec.org. uk; see p. 225.

Sanan Village, c/o CADIP, 907950 Drake St., Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2B9, Canada, 604-628-7400, www.cadip.org; see p. 229.

The Tandana Foundation, 2933 Lower Bellbrook Rd., Spring Valley, OH 45370, www.tandanafoundation.org; see p. 170.

Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms Italia, www.wwoof.org. Each country has its own address and website which can be accessed from the international website; see p. 131.

Zaytoun, 33 Carronade Ct., Eden Grove, London N7 8EP, England, 44 845 345 4887, www.zaytoun.org; see p. 155.


Amanzi Travel Ltd., No. 4 College Road, Westbury on Trym, Bristol, BS9 3EJ, England, 44 117 904 1924, www.amanzitravel.co.uk; see p. 176.

Caretta Research Project, P.O. Box 9841, Savannah, GA 31412, 912-447-8655, www.carettaresearchproject.org; see p. 26.

Ecovolunteer, c/o Great Canadian Travel Company, 158 Fort St., Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1C9, Canada, 800-661-3830, www.ecovolunteer.org; see pp. 76, 129, and 195.

ElephantHuman Relations Aid, P.O. Box 2146, Swakopmund, Namibia, 264 64 402 501; U.S. contact: c/o Doreen Niggles, P.O. Box 272, Wainscott, NY 11975, www.desertelephant.org; see p. 173.

Esther Honey Foundation, 2010 Ash Lane SE, Jefferson, OR 97352, www.estherhoney.org. Prefers to be contacted by e-mail at ; see p. 259.

Gap Year for Grown Ups, Zurich House, 1 Meadow Rd., Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2YG, England, 44 1892 701 881, www.gapyearforgrownups.co.uk; see p. 221.

Global Vision International, 252 Newbury St., No. 4, Boston, MA 02116, 888-653-6028, www.gviusa.com; see pp. 146 and 270.

Global Volunteers, 375 E. Little Canada Rd., St. Paul, MN 55117, 800-487-1074, www.globalvolunteers.org; see p. 41.

The Great Orangutan Project, Studio 6, 8 High St., Harpenden, Herts AL5 2TB, England, 44 845 371 3070, www.orangutanproject.com; see p. 240.

Greenforce, 530 Fulham Rd., London SW6 5NR, England, 44 20 7384 3343, www.greenforce.org; see p. 191.

Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust, 28 Main St., Tobermory, Isle of Mull, PA75 6NU, Scotland, 44 1688 302 620, www.whaledolphintrust.co.uk; see p. 116.

h.e.l.lenic Wildlife Hospital, Box 57, Island of Aegina, Greece 18010, 30 229 7031338, www.ekpazp.gr; see p. 96.

Jane Goodall Inst.i.tute, c/o Global Vision International, 252 Newbury St., No. 4, Boston, MA 02116, 888-653-6028, www.gvi.co.uk; see p. 187.

Shiripuno Research Center, Yanez Pinzon N25-106 y Av. Colon, Quito, Ecuador, 593 2 255 7749, www.ecuadorvolunteer.org; see p. 73.

Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society, 38 Auburn Side, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka, 94 1 12714710, www.slwcs.org; U.S. contact: 127 Kingsland St., Nutley, NJ 07110, 973-667-0576; see p. 204.

Tasmanian Devil Appeal, c/o University of Tasmania School of Zoology, 134 Macquarie St., G.P.O. Box 44, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia, 61 3 6233 2006, www.ta.s.siedevil.com.au/help.html; see p. 246.

Tembeza Kenya, 301 E. 88th St., Ste. 12, New York, NY 10128, 646-216-9912, www.tembezakenya.com; see p. 193.


APARE, 25 Blvd. Paul Pons, 84800 L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France, 33 4 90 85 51 15, www.apare-gec.org; see p. 98.

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, 23390 Rd. K, Cortez, CO 81321, 800-422-8975 or 970-565-8975, www.crowcanyon.org; see p. 12.

Ecomuseum de Cap de Cavalleria, Apartado 68, 07740, Es Mercadal, Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, 34 971 359999, www.ecomuseodecavalleria.com; see p. 104.

International Palestinian Youth League and Alternative Information Center, c/o Volunteers for Peace, 1034 Tiffany Rd., Belmont, VT 05730, 802-259-2759, www.vfp.org; see p. 142.

Mount Vernon Ladies' a.s.sociation, P.O. Box 110, Mount Vernon, VA, 22121 (mailing address); 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, VA 22121, 703-799-6314, www.mountvernon.org; see p. 18.

Pa.s.sport in Time, Box 15728, Rio Rancho, NM 87174, 800-281-9176 or 505-896-0734, www.pa.s.sportintime.com; see p. 39.


Forest People's Project, 1c Fosseway Business Centre, Stratford Road, Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 9NQ, England, 44 1608 652893, www.forestpeoples.org; see p. 184.

The Gudran Project, Tolombat El Max St., El Max, Alexandria, Egypt, 20 1011 70800, www.gudran.com; see p. 149.

Pioneer Playhouse, 840 Stanford Rd., Danville, KY 40422, 859-236-2747, www.pioneerplayhouse.com; see p. 24.

Resource Development International, U.S. contact: P.O. Box 9144, Louisville, KY 40209, www.rdic.org; see p. 233.

Travellers Worldwide, Ste. 2A, Caravelle House, 17119 Goring Rd., Worthing, West Suss.e.x BN12 4AP, England, 44 1903 502 595, www.travellersworldwide.com; see pp. 163 and 200.

Wild Films, www.wildsingapore.com; see p. 208.

Worldwide FriendsVeraldarvinir, Einarsnes 56, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland, 354 55 25 214, www.wf.is; see p. 108.


Center for Cultural Interchange, c/o Greenheart, 712 N. Wells St., 4th fl., Chicago, IL 60657, 888-227-6231 or 312-944-2544, www.greenhearttravel.org; see p. 160.

Forest People's Project, 1c Fosseway Business Centre, Stratford Road, Moreton-in-Marsh GL56 9NQ, England, 44 1608 652893, www.forestpeoples.org; see p. 184.

Partnership in Enterprise, 347 W. 36th St., Ste. 903, New York, NY 10018, 888-839-3535, www.projects-abroad.org; see p. 144.

Via's Bali Service-Learning Program, 965 Mission St., Ste. 751, San Francisco, CA 94103, 415-904-8033, www.viaprograms.org; see p. 238.


Alpine Fund, Box 583192, Minneapolis, MN 55458; Ahunbaeva 119A #502, Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, 966 312 47 16 35, www.alpinefund.org; see p. 124.

Amba.s.sadors for Children, 40 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204, 866-338-3468 or 317-536-0250, www.amba.s.sadorsforchildren.org; see p. 58.

Changing Worlds, 11 Doctors Lane, Chaldon, Surrey CR3 5AE, England, 44 1883 340 960, www.changingworlds.co.uk; see p. 138.

Cross-Cultural Solutions, 2 Clinton Pl., New Roch.e.l.le, NY 10801, 800-380-4777 or 914-632-0022, www.crossculturalsolutions.org; see p. 121.

Jane Goodall Inst.i.tute, c/o Global Vision International, 252 Newbury St., No. 4, Boston, MA 02116, 888-653-6028, www.gvi.co.uk; see p. 187.

Projects Abroad, 347 W. 36th St., Ste. 903, New York, NY 10018, 888-839-3535, www.projects-abroad.org; see p. 168.

Travellers Worldwide, Ste. 2A, Caravelle House, 1719 Goring Rd., Worthing, West Suss.e.x BN12 4AP, England, 44 190 350 2595, www.travellersworldwide.com; see pp. 163 and 200.

United Planet, 11 Arlington St., Boston, MA 02116, 800-292-2316 or 617-267-7763, www.unitedplanet.org; see p. 140.

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The 100 Best Volunteer Vacations to Enrich Your Life Part 28 summary

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